892 research outputs found

    The technical efficiency of Public Libraries in the Czech Republic

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    The purpose of this article is to define and evaluate the development of the aggregated technical efficiency of public libraries in the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2014. To simulate technical efficiency, the Data Envelopment Analysis Model (The BCC model) was chosen. To evaluate the production units (the unit of the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2014 and its production is given by the sum of real homogenous units, i.e. the public libraries operating in a given area and in a given time), two input variables (the recalculated number of employees and the library collection) and two output variables (the number of registered readers and the number of loans) were analysed. Two basic models were simulated – the M1 model oriented to inputs and the M2 model oriented to outputs. Correlation between the input and output variables was researched using Pearson’s coefficient. Within the range of the M1 and M2 basic models, partial models were simulated. All of the basic and partial models identically showed eight efficient periods of public libraries in the Czech Republic (1995, 1997, 1999–2000, 2002–2005). Public libraries were, according to the chosen variables, inefficient in the remaining 16 observed years

    The efficiency and public transport accessibility of indirect state administration in the Czech Republic

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    This paper examines the efficiency and public transport accessibility of indirect (devolved) state administration performed by municipalities with extended powers (hereinafter MEPs) in the Czech Republic. Our aim is to evaluate the efficiency of the revenues made by municipalities with extended powers, through performing powers delegated to them by the state administration, and those municipalities' public transport accessibility as of 31 December, 2014. The rate of efficiency is tested on an output-oriented Free Disposable Hull model. One input variable is selected - the operating expenses of the municipal offices recalculated per inhabitant of the municipality's administrative district - and two output variables are selected: contribution to the performance of state administration, recalculated per inhabitant of the municipality's administrative district, and revenues from administrative fees per inhabitant of the municipality's administrative district. The municipality's offices' transport accessibility is evaluated via network analysis using ArcGIS software. The article investigates the hypothesis that public administration deconcentration practices logically result in higher security costs and therefore inefficiency. The results reveal that only 66 of the country's 205 MEPs are efficient and that operating expenses and state contributions for the performance of state administrative tasks play a significant role in these results. Efficiency is less significantly influenced by administrative fee revenues. Public transport accessibility is analyzed for two time intervals - 6: 00 to 8: 00 am and 1: 00 to 2: 00 pm - on Tuesdays. The degree of accessibility is defined using a six-point scale of accessibility. The results show that the best accessibility is in the morning hours, when the offices are accessible for 68.8% of the population aged 15+ in the Czech Republic; the worst accessibility is in the afternoon hours when only 2% of the population aged 15+ can access the offices.Web of Science16215613

    High standard detached house

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    Bakalářská práce řeší projekt samostatně stojícího nadstandardního rodinného domu s garáží pro 2 vozidla. Celkové půdorysné rozměry jsou 26 m x 10,6 m. Objekt je osazen do svažitého terénu, jsou proto umožněny vstupy do objektu v 1NP u terasy navazující na původní terén i 2NP. Rodinný dům je navržen pro bydlení čtyřčlenné rodiny. Objekt je dvoupodlažní, nepodsklepený s dvouplášťovou pultovou střechou. Obvodové zdivo je navrženo z keramických tvárnic Porotherm 30 PROFI a je zateplen kontaktním zateplovacím systémem s tepelnou izolací z minerální vaty, střešní konstrukce je tvořena dřevěným vazníkem.This bachelor's work deal with study of high standard deteached house with the double garage. House is two – storey high with shed roof with prevailing dimentions 26 m x 10,6 m. Around the house is designed teracce follow up to garden. Entries to the house are from the teracce on first floor and from path on second floor. Supporting walls are made prom Porotherm 30 PROFI, extermal walls are extamal thermal contact insulation system.

    Network Diagrams as a Means of Comparing Spelling Systems

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    The purpose of the paper is to explore the possibilities of using network diagrams as a means of analysing spelling systems of early Middle English texts. The diagrams are available in a recently constructed electronic tool based on the Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English (LAEME), which means that their applicability to actual analyses has not yet been properly assessed. The tool can visualise connections between letters and digraphs which are used interchangeably or the correspondences between two letters (digraphs) found in two different texts. The paper draws on a comparison of the texts in two selected manuscripts available in LAEME (Lambeth 487 and Trinity B.14.52). The study focuses mainly on the differences, similarities and connections between the individual spelling systems. The results show, which tasks are relatively easy to perform using the diagrams and what are the chief drawbacks of the proposed method

    Die tschechische germanistische Linguistik : ein besonderer Weg in besonderen Situationen

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    In der Studie wird die Entwicklung der tschechischen germanistischen Linguistik von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart skizziert. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass sie nach dem Jahre 1989 an ihre besten Traditionen im Bereich der diachronen Forschung angeknüpft und gleichzeitig ihr Forschungsspektrum im Rahmen der Untersuchungen der Gegenwartssprache wesentlich erweitert hat, so dass eine breite Forschungsbasis geschaffen worden ist, die eine außergewöhnliche Chance für die Zukunft darstellt

    Monitoring of changes of drinking water quality during accumulation and distribution

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    Teoretická část práce poskytuje informace o pitné vodě a požadavcích na její kvalitu, změnách jakosti vody při distribuci a akumulaci vody způsobené desinfekcí vody, dobíháním chemických procesů, korozí materiálů potrubí, tvorbou inkrustací a biofilmů, nitrifikací amoniakálního dusíku, sedimenty v potrubí, vyluhováním škodlivých látek do vody a možnostech omezení těchto změn. Pozornost byla věnována ukazatelům jakosti vody, jejichž přítomnost může indikovat změny ve vodovodní síti. V experimentální části práce jsou sledovány změny jakosti pitné vody při její distribuci na základě vybraných ukazatelů jakosti vody. Konkrétně se jedná o chemickou spotřebu kyslíku, koncentraci železa, manganu, amonných iontů, dusitanů, dusičnanů, chloroformu a chloru. K pravidelnému sledování byly vybrány vhodné lokality v rámci brněnské vodovodní sítě; pro dokreslení situace byly odebrány vzorky vody z distribuční sítě úpravny vody Švařec, Vír, Štítary a Mostiště. U vybraných metod analytického stanovení výše zmíněných ukazatelů jakosti vody jsou prezentovány jejich charakteristiky. Získané poznatky o jakosti vody jsou uvedeny v tabelární a grafické podobě.Theoretical part of the diploma thesis purveys information on drinking water and quality requirements, changes of drinking water quality during distribution and accumulation caused by disinfection, chemical processes, corrosion of constructional materials, incrusting solids, biofilms, nitrification of ammonia nitrogen, sediments in pipelines, elution of harmful matter. Attention was given to drinking water quality indicators which are associated with changes in drinking water distribution systems. In experimental part are studied changes of drinking water quality during distribution on the basis of selected drinking water quality indicators. There is specifically chemical oxygen demand, concentration of iron, manganese, ammonia ions, nitrites, nitrates, chloroform and chlorine. For periodical monitoring were selected suitable locality within the framework of Brno distribution system; for illustration were taken water samples from distribution systems of drinking water treatment plants Švařec, Vír, Štítary and Mostiště. For selected methods of analytical determination of above mentioned drinking water quality indicators are presented their characteristics. Obtained information on drinking water quality is mentioned in tabular and graphical form.

    Testing a New Spelling Database Created from The Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English

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    This paper presents a new tool designed to facilitate linguistic analyses of texts from the early Middle English period, focusing primarily on spelling and its variation. The core of the application is a database which maps correspondences between segments of the numerous spelling variants available in the Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English (LAEME). The interface is suitable for analyses of spelling systems of individual texts and their comparison, as well as analyses with a wider scope such as spelling variants potentially associated with a specific sound change etc. The article is based on a short sample study designed to test various features of the tool. The goal of the study is to describe the distribution of equivalents of h, ȝ across multiple copies of three short lyrics. A basic description of the tool is complemented with practical examples of its use taken from the study. The article also relates the results of the study to previous findings in order to check for potential errors in the database, and to assess its advantages or disadvantages in comparison with more traditional research methods.&nbsp

    Deutsch als Sprache der spätmittelalterlich-frühneuzeitlichen Medizin : Inhaltsverzeichnis und Register als Orientierungshilfen in spätmittelalterlichen medizinischen Handschriften

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    Im späten Mittelalter setzt sich die deutsche Sprache immer stärker als Sprache der Medizin durch. Auch wenn deutschsprachige heilkundliche Werke jener Zeit vorrangig für Praktiker ohne akademische Ausbildung bestimmt waren und als Anweisungstexte gebraucht wurden, kann man darin schon Register und Inhaltsverzeichnisse finden, also solche Orientierungsmittel, die in der modernen Zeit zum festen Bestandteil von Fachtexten wurden. Diese Mittel der Textoptimierung unterscheiden sich zwar von den heutigen noch stark, nichtsdestoweniger zeugen sie davon, dass die Autoren deutscher medizinischer Werke ihre Adressaten vor Augen hatten und bemüht waren, ihnen die Rezeption des Fachwissens zu erleichtern

    Mobile Interpreter for iPhone

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    Tato práce se zabývá detekcí textu v obraze. Popisuje nalezení oblastí MSER, zjištění které z nich jsou písmena pomocí SVM klasifikátoru a spojení nalezených písmen do slov. Dále práce ukazuje použití detekce textu v aplikaci Mobilní tlumočník , která z fotografie získává text a překládá ho do mateřského jazyka. Pro práci s obrazem je použita knihovna OpenCV, OCR provádí knihovna Tesseract. V závěru práce je popis implementace prototypu aplikace a jsou uvedeny dosažené výsledky při detekci textu.This bachelor thesis deals with detection of text in an image. It describes searching for MSER areas, finding which of those areas are letters by using SVM classifier and connecting the letters into words. This work shows the usage of text detection in the application Mobile Interpreter , which extracts text from a picture and translates the text into a home language. The application uses OpenCV library for image processing and Tesseract library for OCR functionality. This thesis describes implementation of a prototype of the application and presents the results of the text detection.

    Production Process Optimization of Pressure Sensors in BD Sensors s.r.o. Company

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na zefektivnění výrobního procesu tlakových senzorů ve společnosti BD SENSORS s.r.o. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy a metody z oblasti průmyslového inženýrství, následně je provedena analýza současného stavu části podniku. Na základě zjištěných poznatků jsou navržena řešení sloužící k odstranění nedostatků.This thesis is focused on optimization of pressure sensor production efficiency in company BD SENSORS s.r.o. Theoretical part covers the basic terms, methods from the field of industrial engineering. Next part explores the analysis of the current state of a part of the company. Finally based on the discovered findings there are proposed corrective and preventive actions.