48 research outputs found

    Results, rights and effectiveness : complementarities, tensions and emerging alternative responses

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    In spite of alleged complementarities between human rights and results and their programming approaches (HRBA and RBM), a number of criticisms have arisen on how the concept of results-based management can even undermine progress on human rights. This is the case especially if the potential explanations for the tensions are ignored. This puzzle is a point of my departure in exploring the relationship between human rights and result based management. The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute to the discussions and understanding of the relationship between human rights, results and effectiveness agendas and their theoretical and operational interplay. The aim is especially to highlight the complementarities between the agendas, but also address the limitations and tensions but also the ‘better fit’ solutions between the two approaches. My main method was an appraisal of theoretical and empirical literature. An important finding is, that there is no inherent conflict between rights and results initiatives, but that tensions arise rather when the narrow, technical interpretation of results management is adopted to transformative work. The mainstream results-based management assumes that change occurs in a linear fashion where a set of activities results in outputs, outcomes and ultimately impact. However, the transformative vision of both human rights and rights-based agendas in development described in this thesis, establishes a much more complex causal chain and therefore collides with some basics assumptions behind the traditional RBM assumptions. However, findings indicate that RBM can be used for a variety of practices, including by complexity theory and social change theory. But in order to work, RBM needs to occur in accordance with the particularities and nature of the activity to be implemented. Theories of change – a central tool of RBM models – are considered as a good tool to reframe the results artefacts and communicate the assumptions and particularities behind change of each sector involved in development cooperation. In conclusion chapter I propose alternatives to the most problematic assumptions behind RBM models and offering different assumptions behind social change from human rights perspective

    The Virgin Mary across Cultures

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    This book examines women’s relationship to the Virgin Mary in two different cultural and religious contexts, and compares how these relationships have been analyzed and explained on a theological and a sociological level. The figure of the Virgin Mary is a divisive one in our modern culture. To some, she appears to be a symbol of religious oppression, while to others, she is a constant comfort and even an inspiration towards empowerment. Drawing on the author’s own ethnographic research among Catholic Costa Rican women and Orthodox Finnish women, this study relates their experiences with Mary to the folklore and popular religion materials present in each culture. The book combines not only different social and religious frameworks but also takes a critical look at ways in which feminists have (mis)interpreted the meaning of Mary for women. It therefore combines theological and ethnographic methods in order to create a feminist Marian theology that is particularly attentive to women’s lived religious practices and theological thinking. This study provides a unique ethnographically informed insight into women’s religious interactions with Mary. As such, it will be of great interest to those researching in religious studies and theology, gender studies, Latin American studies, anthropology of religion, and folklore studies


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    Uskonnontutkimus ja globaali todellisuus

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    MistÀ tahansa asiasta globaalissa kontekstissa puhuminen voi vaikuttaa suuruudenhullulta ja mahdottomalta. Kaikki ihmiskunnan suuret haasteet ovat kuitenkin mitÀ suurimmassa mÀÀrin globaaleja. Vaikka niihin tulee löytÀÀ paikallisia ratkaisuja, ilmiöiden ymmÀrtÀminen vaatii laajempaa perspektiiviÀ, kansainvÀlistÀ yhteistyötÀ ja monitieteistÀ tutkimusta. Koska uskonto liittyy jollakin tavoin useimpiin yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin, kriittiselle, analyyttiselle ja uskontoa monitahoisesti eri kulttuureissa ja yhteiskunnissa tarkastelevalle uskonnontutkimukselle on suuri tarve

    Contextual Theology and Normativity

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