1,497 research outputs found

    New bounds on the signed total domination number of graphs

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    In this paper, we study the signed total domination number in graphs and present new sharp lower and upper bounds for this parameter. For example by making use of the classic theorem of Turan, we present a sharp lower bound on this parameter for graphs with no complete graph of order r+1 as a subgraph. Also, we prove that n-2(s-s') is an upper bound on the signed total domination number of any tree of order n with s support vertices and s' support vertives of degree two. Moreover, we characterize all trees attainig this bound.Comment: This paper contains 11 pages and one figur

    On the Signed 22-independence Number of Graphs

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    In this paper, we study the signed 2-independence number in graphs and give new sharp upper and lower bounds on the signed 2-independence number of a graph by a simple uniform approach. In this way, we can improve and generalize some known results in this area

    Drawing a pandemic vulnerabilities' map: The SoNAR-global Vulnerabilities Assessment digital and its output

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    This paper describes the process, advantages and limitations of a qualitative methodology for defining and analyzing vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Implemented in Italy in two sites (Rome and outside Rome, in some small-medium sized municipalities in Latium) in 2021, this investigation employed a mixed digital research tool that was also used simultaneously in four other European countries. Its digital nature encompasses both processes of data collection. Among the most salient is that the pandemic catalyzed new vulnerabilities in addition to exacerbating old ones, particularly economic. Many of the vulnerabilities detected, in fact, are linked to previous situations, such as the uncertainties of labor markets, having in COVID-19 to the greatest negative effects on the most precarious workers (non-regular, part-time, and seasonal). The consequences of the pandemic are also reflected in other forms of vulnerability that appear less obvious, having exacerbated social isolation, not only out of fear of contagion, but because of the psychological challenges posed by containment measures themselves. These measures created not mere discomfort, but behavioral changes characterized by anxiety, fearfulness, and disorientation. More generally, this investigation reveals the strong influence of social determinants throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, creating new forms of vulnerability, as the effects of social, economic, and biological risk factors were compounded, in particular, among already marginalized populations

    Предварительный расчет толщины обечайки шестигранного контейнера для утилизации среднеактивных ядерных отходов

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    AbstractLet α∈(0,1) and let G=(VG,EG) be a graph. According to Dunbar et al. [α-Domination, Discrete Math. 211 (2000) 11–26], a set D⊆VG is an α-dominating set of G if |NG(u)∩D|⩾αdG(u) for all u∈VG⧹D. Similarly, we define a set D⊆VG to be an α-independent set of G if |NG(u)∩D|⩽αdG(u) for all u∈D. The α-domination number γα(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of an α-dominating set of G and the α-independent α-domination number iα(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of an α-dominating set of G that is also α-independent. A graph G is α-domination perfect if γα(H)=iα(H) for all induced subgraphs H of G.We characterize the α-domination perfect trees in terms of their minimally forbidden induced subtrees. For α∈(0,12] there is exactly one such tree whereas for α∈(12,1) there are infinitely many

    Differential Immune-Reactivity and Subcellular Distribution Reveal the Multifunctional Character of Profilin in Pollen as Major Effect of Sequences Polymorphism

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    Trabajo presentado al Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society and Soil Science Society of America, celebrado en Cincinnati (USA) del 21 al 24 de octubre de 2012.Profilin, one of the major allergen (Ole e 2) of olive (Olea europaea L.) pollen, are broadly distributed actin-monomer-binding proteins (ABP). They display a major regulatory role in actin cytoskeleton dynamics, driving cell morphogenesis, sexual reproduction, and translating signals into cellular responses to different environmental stresses. Plants exhibit multiple profilin isoforms w ith distinctive biochemical properties, and differentially regulated. How ever, it is still an open question w hether these profilin isoforms, generated by multiple gene sequence polymorphism, are functionally different, as well as the role of that polymorphism in pollen allergy. Particularly, in differential epitopes generation, profilin isoforms sensitization and cross-reactivity among cultivars, and even among species. In the present study, w e have used mature pollen from olive, birch, hazel, timothy-grass, and maize, in addition to olive germinating pollen and seeds, w ith the aim to analyze the immune-reactivity and subcellular localization of profilin by using polyclonal and specific isoforms antibodies against olive and maize profilins. The results show ed immune-reactivity differences betw een the five species analyzed, betw een olive cultivars, as w ell as between reproductive and vegetative profilins. Furthermore, the existence of different profilin isoforms w as revealed along pollen germination stages. A differential subcellular distribution of profilin isoforms w as found in olive pollen. They w ere localized in the nucleus, pollen aperture regions, pollen and tube w alls and pollen tip, in addition to a general cytoplasmic distribution, in comparison to controls. Data suggest that profilin family might contain numerous functionally distinctive isoforms, spatial-temporal differentially expressed and regulated during vegetative development, pollen maturation and pollen tube grow th. Furthermore, differential immune-reactivity revealed in the study might point out the involvement of common shared and specific epitopes, generated by sequence polymorphism, in differential olive pollen cultivar sensitization of allergenic patients, and cross-reaction to pollen from different species.This study was supported by the following European Regional Development Fund cofinanced grants: MCINN BFU 2004-00601/BFI, BFU 2008-00629, BFU2011-22779, CICE (Junta de Andalucía) P2010-CVI15767, P2010-AGR6274, P2011-CVI-7487, P2011-CVI-7487, and by the coordinated project Spain/Germany MEC HA2004-0094.Peer reviewe

    Effects of pallidal deep brain stimulation and levodopa treatment on reaction-time performance in Parkinson's disease

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    Basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits play an important role in movement preparation and execution. Tracer, single-cell, and lesion studies in monkeys suggest the existence of topologically segregated motor and nonmotor basal ganglia cortical circuits. In this study we used deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventrolateral globus pallidus internus (GPi) in patients with Parkinson's disease to elucidate the function of the GPi in human sensorimotor behavior. This question was investigated by comparing the influence of DBS on patients' performance in various reaction-time tasks that differed with respect to cognitive but not motor requirements. As a main result, DBS improved performance on the different tasks independently of the complexity of the involved cognitive processing functions. Furthermore, the observed effects did not depend on the modality of the processed information. These results suggest that the functional state of the posteroventrolateral GPi selectively affects the motor stage in simple sensorimotor acts, because this stage was the only stage involved in all investigated tasks. In addition to DBS, we manipulated the levodopa medication state of the PD patients. In contrast to DBS, levodopa effects on reaction times were less consistent. Levodopa improved reaction times in choice reaction tasks significantly, while affecting reaction times in a simple reaction task to a lesser extent. Error analysis revealed that the medication-dependent reaction-time improvement in the choice reaction tasks was accompanied by an increase in errors, suggesting a shift of the speed-accuracy criteria of the patients. A similar pattern of results was not observed for the DBS effects. Taken together, our data are in agreement with recent findings in monkeys that indicate a topological organization of the GPi in which motor functions are localized in posterolateral regions apart from cognitive regions. Furthermore, our data show a way to uncover the subcortical-cortical circuitry serving human sensorimotor behavior