169 research outputs found

    Anatomical features of the palatal root canal in maxillary first molars and their influence on endodontic procedure

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    Introduction: More detailed acquaintance with specialist endodontic literature and treating complicated endodontic cases have revealed that the palatal root canal in maxillary first molars has different features from generally accepted simplicity. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the number, orientation and shape of the curvature of the palatal root canal in maxillary first molars, characteristics that may have great influence on the procedure and outcome of endodontic therapy. Materials and methods: Material consisted of 100 left and 100 right extracted human first maxillary molars. Extended access cavity was prepared, and canal orifices were detected using an endodontic probe. K-flex file no 15 or 20 was then introduced into the palatal root canal until the tip appeared at the apical foramen. The tooth was radiographed from buccal-oral (clinical) and mesial-distal (proximal) aspect under standardized conditions. On magnified images, the number and character of canal, orientation and shape of the curvature were determined. Results: One palatal root canal was found in each of 200 teeth. From the clinical projection, 60% of the palatal canals appeared curved and from the proximal 93.5% (p<0.05). Out of 120 curved canals from the clinical aspect, 66.7% were oriented distally and 33.3% mesially. From the proximal projection, of 187 curved canals 68,4% were oriented buccally, and 31,6% palatally. From the clinical projection, 49.2% were C-shaped, and 32.5 % with the J-shaped curvature. Only 18.3% of the palatal canals were with the S-shaped curvature (p<0.05). Conclusions: Upon presented results, practitioners may predict with high significance the character, orientation and curvature shape of the palatal root canal in maxillary first molars in the buccal-oral dimension which is not visible on clinical radiographs and, therefore, perform more successful endodontic treatment

    Sepsis Syndrome in Croatian Intensive Care Units: Piloting a National Comparative Clinical Database

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    Aim: To assess the incidence of sepsis in selected intensive care units (ICUs) in Croatia, isolates from blood cultures, and sepsis outcomes and to compare the results with those from other European countries. Methods: In the pilot phase of the national comparative clinical database project, we included 24 ICUs ā€“ general, specialized, neonatal, pediatric, and adult ā€“ 18 from university hospitals, three from county hospitals, and four from city hospitals. By retrospective chart review, trained data collectors abstracted the data on the case mix, management strategies, and outcomes in patients consecutively admitted to ICUs. Central validation for incomplete, illogical, or inconsistent values is regularly performed to improve accurateness. Results: Of 5293 patients treated in 24 ICUs from November 1, 2004, to October 31, 2005, 456 (8.6%) were treated for sepsis syndrome or severe sepsis. The most common isolates from positive blood cultures were Esherichia coli (11.6%), Pseudomonas species (9.9%), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (9.3%). With the mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score of 10.0 and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score of 2.4, the overall mortality for sepsis syndrome, severe sepsis, and septic shock was 29%, 35%, and 34%, respectively. When compared to university hospitals and county hospitals, city hospitals with the smallest gravitating population had significantly lower APACHE II and SOFA scores, but significantly higher mortality. Conclusions: Overall mortality of patients with sepsis syndrome in Croatian ICUs was high, but outcomes of their treatment were comparable with those in other European countries. Better education in triage and treatment strategies is needed, including better implementation of Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines

    Formula for the future - indemnity for the Yugoslav victims of the Nazi persecution

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    Rad prati i analizira problem obeÅ”tećenja žrtava nacističkih progona. Taj problem predstavljao je jedno od najtežih pitanja, koja su opterećivala bilateralne odnose između SR Nemačke i Jugoslavije, istovremeno sprečavajući njihovu potpunu normalizaciju. U radu je prikazan tok reÅ”avanja ovog pitanja, ali i promene u stavu koje su postepeno evoluirale u stavu obe države prema ovom problemu.The renewal of diplomatic relations with West Germany in 1968 did not mean their instant normalization. Although the two countries managed to quickly resolve many disputable questions that stood in the way of the bilateral relations, the indemnity of the victims of the Nazi persecutions remained on the agenda for more than eleven years. This article showed how both sides approached the solutions to this problem, and also the evolution of their attitudes. According to their interest, both countries were changing their ideological approach, taking a more pragmatic attitude. This led to the Brioni agreement between Tito and Willy Brandt, which eventually solved the indemnity of the victims of nazi persecution. However, Broz had never explained the real nature of the agreement to the people of Yugoslavia, thus making a basis for building a political myth. Having removed this question from the agenda, primarily owing to the ability of Kanzler Brandt, the two countries could build their bilateral relations undisturbedly

    EkoloÅ”ko-socijalno-tržiÅ”na ekonomija (Dragomir Sundać i Marko Å undov)

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    Die jugoslawischen Fabriken guten Geschmacks

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    Anhand verschiedener PrimƤrquellen, darunter unverƶffentlichter jugoslawischer Archivdokumente und der KochbĆ¼cher, neuer SekundƤrliteratur und insbesondere einer Reihe von Oral-History-Interviews werden im Beitrag die seit den 1960er Jahren entstandenen und sich wandelnden ReprƤsentationen der jugoslawischen KĆ¼che in Berlin untersucht. Der erste Teil der Arbeit widmet sich den KochbĆ¼chern als Quellen fĆ¼r die Analyse von ReprƤsentationen. Im zweiten Teil werden vor allem anhand von Oral-History-Interviews die Entstehung und Entwicklung der jugoslawischen KĆ¼che in Berlin sowie die damit verbundenen Prozesse rekonstruiert. Kernthese der Arbeit ist, dass es die jugoslawischen Arbeitsmigranten waren, die ein einzigartiges Produkt kreierten, nƤmlich die "jugoslawische KĆ¼che"

    Bond Strength of Newer Dentine Adhesive Systems

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    Uvođenje novih dentin-adhezivnih sistema u stomatoloÅ”ku praksu, raznolikost rezultata ispitivanja njihovih najvažnijih osobina u stranoj i nedostatak podataka u domaćoj stručnoj literaturi, nameće potrebu za sprovođenjem sopstvenih istraživanja ovih sistema naučno priznatim metodima, kako bi se praktičarima omogućio i olakÅ”ao realan izbor. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi snaga adhezije karakterističnih predstavnika dentin-bonding sistema za tretirani dentin humanih zuba, neposredno nakon zavrÅ”ene svetlosne polimerizacije kompatibilnog kompožitnog materijala. U in vitro uslovima merena je otpornost na smicanje i istezanje sledećih dentin-adheziva: Triptona, Gluma-e, Scotchbond-2 i Dentin Protectora. Kontrolni materijal je bio glas-jonomer cement za podloge, Vitrabond. KoriŔćeni su ekstrahovani premolari obe vilice. Aplikacija adhezivnog sistema rađena je i sa okluzalne i sa bukalne preparisane strane krunice ovih zuba. Rezultati su pokazali da: a) vrednosti otpornosti na smicanje kreću se od 2,01ā€”3,92 MP a, a između testiranih sistema nema značajne razlike; b) otpornost na istezanje kreće se od 13,7ā€”26,84 MPa; najveću vrednost poseduje Scotchbond-2, neÅ”to manju Gluma, a statistički značajno manje vrednosti pokazali su Tripton i Dentin Protector; c) strana krunice zuba nije imala značajnog uticaja na merene vrednosti, osim Å”to je otpornost na smicanje za Gluma-sistem bila statistički značajno veća na bukalnoj nego na okluzalnoj strani zuba; d) dentin adhezivi, koji svojim kiselim komponentama rastvaraju i čiste razmazani sloj sa povrÅ”ine dentina, imaju bolju adhezivnu moć od dentin-bondinga koji ovaj detritusni sloj ostavljaju na preparisanom dentinu.Introduction of new dentine bonding agents in a practice of ientistry, variety of results on their crucial characteristics in foreign iterature and lack of information in our literature led to a necessity o conduct own scientific research on dentine adhesives in order to acilitate the choice of available products. The purpose of this study was to estimate the adhesive strentgth >/ different dentine bonding agents to a treated human dentine imnediatelly after light curing of a compatible composite material. Shear and tensile bond strength of Tripton, Gluma, Scotchbond- \u27 and Dentin Protector was measured. Control material was glass-io- omer base-cement Vitrabond. Human extracted premolars from >oth jaws were prepared to a flat surface from either occlusal or uccal aspect, and materials were applied, respectively. The results showed: a) values of shear bond strength ranged rom 2,01ā€”3,92 MPa with no statistical differences between tested ystems; b) tensile bond strength varied from 13,7ā€”26ā€”84 MPa; te highest value showed Scotchbond-2, following by Gluma, but Ignificantly lower values showed Tripton and Dentin Protector; c) te aspect of prepared tooth crown had no significant effect on bond length with the exception o f shear bond strength for Gluma-system, ā€™hen applied on buccal surface showed significantly higher values lan applied occlusally; d) dentine-bonding agents which dissolve near layer with acid components and remove it from prepared entine surface showed stronger adhesion than agents which leave lis debris on a dentin surface

    Phishing schemes - typology and analysis in Serbian cyber space

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe various factors for understanding criminal behaviour involved in phishing and to provide advice in the areas of security, criminal procedure, and victimology. Design/methodology/approach: The project combined several qualitative and quantitative techniques such as interviews and surveys, as well as content analysis. Findings: Several categories of subjects were identified: those who are aware of some scientific achievements in this field and who feel increasingly apprehensive about the disclosure of private information; those who are not prepared to readily incorporate scientific progress in similar fields; the third category includes staff members who do not embrace all new measures in the fight against this type of cybercrime. The participants could also be categorized on the basis of their inclination to recognize new forms and types of phishing: some are aware of new forms and can recognize them as soon as they emerge locally; others cannot do so. Research limitations/implications: To allow findings to be generalized, future research should include measures that could specify additional means to be used by members of a wider representative group, such as tools, materials, educational and course modules, implemented during training. Practical implications: This research represents a useful source of information for method implication in combating phishing schemes, and for detecting new emerging forms and types of cybercrime promptly, as well as new social engineering methods to facilitate it. Originality/value: This paper should be of particular interest to forensic specialists, in the analysis of crime scene behaviour and of methods phishers use in luring their victims

    Modeliranje i regulacija elemenata pogona vozila s izraženim učincima trenja

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    U radu se razmatra problematika modeliranja, eksperimentalne identifikacije i unaprjeđenja kvalitete regulacije dvaju karakterističnih elemenata pogona vozila s izraženim učincima trenja: autoguma na ledenoj podlozi i uljna lamelna spojka aktivnog diferencijala s elektromehaničkim aktuatorskim sustavom. Dinamika autogume razmatra se s ciljem utvrđivanja fizikalne podloge za uočeni učinak povećanja potencijala trenja u uvjetima nagle promjene pogonskog momenta (dinamički potencijal trenja) i istraživanja mogućnosti primjene navedenog učinka u svrhu poboljÅ”anja sustava regulacije vuče vozila. Uljna lamelna spojka aktivnog diferencijala razmatra se s ciljem stjecanja uvida u dinamičko ponaÅ”anje cjelokupnog sustava, objaÅ”njenja fizikalne podloge učinka sporog odziva momenta spojke pri malim relativnim brzinama i istraživanja naprednijeg koncepta upravljanja momentom spojke. Metodologija i rezultati prikazani u ovom istraživanju primjenjivi su na druge elemente vozila poput suhih spojki, kočnica, sustava skretanja, kotača pružnih vozila, te općenito na razne mehatroničke sustave. Dinamički potencijal trenja autogume detaljno se analizira temeljem eksperimentalnih rezultata dobivenih koriÅ”tenjem eksperimentalnog električnog vozila na skliskim podlogama. Pokazuje se kako je utjecaj raznih radnih parametara, poput vremena porasta primijenjenog momenta i brzine vozila zapravo posljedica karakteristične rotacijske kinematike gume i utjecaja vremena kontakta elemenata nagazne povrÅ”ine gume (tzv. vlakana) i podloge na potencijal trenja. Temeljem ovog saznanja, LuGre vlaknasti model trenja gume proÅ”iren je prostorno raspodijeljenim fizikalnim modelom vremena mirovanja vlakana i eksperimentalno određenom ovisnosnoŔću potencijala trenja i vremena mirovanja vlakna. Rezultati eksperimentalne provjere pokazuju kako razvijeni model točno opisuje dinamiku trenja gume u Å”irokom opsegu radnih uvjeta. Konačno, predlaže se i eksperimentalno provjerava koncept regulacije vuče koji koristi dinamički potencijal trenja za svladavanje sila otpora vožnje na uzbrdici prekrivenoj ledom, koje su veće od statičkog potencijala trenja gume. U drugom dijelu rada, postavlja se viÅ”efizikalni model spojke koji uključuje dinamiku aktuatora (razvijanje normalne sile spojke), dinamiku razvijanja momenta spojke, toplinsku dinamiku i viÅ”efunkcionalnu karakteristiku trenja. Analiziraju se razni načini modeliranja elemenata s trenjem i predlažu pragmatična pojednostavljenja modela s ciljem povećanja računalne učinkovitosti. Parametri modela određuju se eksperimentalnim putem primjenom razvijenih postava. Rezultati eksperimentalne provjere modela ukazuju na visok stupanj točnosti modela. Analiza rezultata pokazuje kako učinci trenja aktuatorskog mehanizma i trenja spojke imaju značajan utjecaj na dinamiku sustava i kako uobičajeni koncept upravljanja momentom spojke putem regulacije struje aktuatora ima značajne nedostatke. Temeljem eksperimentalno utvrđene jednoznačne eksperimentalne ovisnosti normalne sile spojke i pozicije motora aktuatora predložen je i eksperimentalno provjeren koncept upravljanja momentom spojke u krugu regulacije pozicije aktuatora, koji pokazuje visoku statičku i dinamičku točnost upravljanja

    Miroslav Jovanović in memoriam

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    What kind of mo(ve)ment is Fridays for Future? Motivation, success perception and climate action framing in Fridays for Future Croatia

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    Fridays for Future climate protests, which began as individual actions, soon morphed into a powerful global youth movement, with millions participating in Global Climate Strikes in 2019. In this study, we conducted 19 semi-structured interviews with the organizers and participants of the Fridays for Future Croatia movement and we aimed to examine the main characteristics of these protests in the context of new social movements theory and contemporary movements research, as well as in the specific national context. Challenging the suitability of the new social movements theory to adequately explain the Fridays for Future movement, we found many connections with contemporary social movements: participants are a new generation of first-time activists; social media use is crucial and qualitatively different; the organisational structure is completely loosened; and the issues encompass environmental protection and political economy, urging the transformation of both individual and social identities and socio-economic systems
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