Formula for the future - indemnity for the Yugoslav victims of the Nazi persecution


Rad prati i analizira problem obeštećenja žrtava nacističkih progona. Taj problem predstavljao je jedno od najtežih pitanja, koja su opterećivala bilateralne odnose između SR Nemačke i Jugoslavije, istovremeno sprečavajući njihovu potpunu normalizaciju. U radu je prikazan tok rešavanja ovog pitanja, ali i promene u stavu koje su postepeno evoluirale u stavu obe države prema ovom problemu.The renewal of diplomatic relations with West Germany in 1968 did not mean their instant normalization. Although the two countries managed to quickly resolve many disputable questions that stood in the way of the bilateral relations, the indemnity of the victims of the Nazi persecutions remained on the agenda for more than eleven years. This article showed how both sides approached the solutions to this problem, and also the evolution of their attitudes. According to their interest, both countries were changing their ideological approach, taking a more pragmatic attitude. This led to the Brioni agreement between Tito and Willy Brandt, which eventually solved the indemnity of the victims of nazi persecution. However, Broz had never explained the real nature of the agreement to the people of Yugoslavia, thus making a basis for building a political myth. Having removed this question from the agenda, primarily owing to the ability of Kanzler Brandt, the two countries could build their bilateral relations undisturbedly

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