1,965 research outputs found

    Thermally fluctuating superconductors in two dimensions

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    We describe the different regimes of finite temperature dynamics in the vicinity of a zero temperature superconductor to insulator quantum phase transition in two dimensions. New results are obtained for a low temperature phase-only hydrodynamics, and for the intermediate temperature quantum-critical region. In the latter case, we obtain a universal relationship between the frequency-dependence of the conductivity and the value of the d.c. resistance.Comment: Presentation completely revised; 4 pages, 2 figure

    Low temperature vortex liquid in La2xSrxCuO4\rm La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4

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    In the cuprates, the lightly-doped region is of major interest because superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, and the pseudogap state \cite{Timusk,Lee,Anderson} come together near a critical doping value xcx_c. These states are deeply influenced by phase fluctuations \cite{Emery} which lead to a vortex-liquid state that surrounds the superconducting region \cite{WangPRB01,WangPRB06}. However, many questions \cite{Doniach,Fisher,FisherLee,Tesanovic,Sachdev} related to the nature of the transition and vortex-liquid state at very low tempera- tures TT remain open because the diamagnetic signal is difficult to resolve in this region. Here, we report torque magnetometry results on La2xSrxCuO4\rm La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (LSCO) which show that superconductivity is lost at xcx_c by quantum phase fluctuations. We find that, in a magnetic field HH, the vortex solid-to-liquid transition occurs at field HmH_m much lower than the depairing field Hc2H_{c2}. The vortex liquid exists in the large field interval HmHc2H_m \ll H_{c2}, even in the limit TT\to0. The resulting phase diagram reveals the large fraction of the xx-HH plane occupied by the quantum vortex liquid.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Nature Physic

    Single and two-particle energy gaps across the disorder-driven superconductor-insulator transition

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    The competition between superconductivity and localization raises profound questions in condensed matter physics. In spite of decades of research, the mechanism of the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) and the nature of the insulator are not understood. We use quantum Monte Carlo simulations that treat, on an equal footing, inhomogeneous amplitude variations and phase fluctuations, a major advance over previous theories. We gain new microscopic insights and make testable predictions for local spectroscopic probes. The energy gap in the density of states survives across the transition, but coherence peaks exist only in the superconductor. A characteristic pseudogap persists above the critical disorder and critical temperature, in contrast to conventional theories. Surprisingly, the insulator has a two-particle gap scale that vanishes at the SIT, despite a robust single-particle gap.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures (plus supplement with 4 pages, 5 figures

    Criticality in correlated quantum matter

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    At quantum critical points (QCP) \cite{Pfeuty:1971,Young:1975,Hertz:1976,Chakravarty:1989,Millis:1993,Chubukov:1 994,Coleman:2005} there are quantum fluctuations on all length scales, from microscopic to macroscopic lengths, which, remarkably, can be observed at finite temperatures, the regime to which all experiments are necessarily confined. A fundamental question is how high in temperature can the effects of quantum criticality persist? That is, can physical observables be described in terms of universal scaling functions originating from the QCPs? Here we answer these questions by examining exact solutions of models of correlated systems and find that the temperature can be surprisingly high. As a powerful illustration of quantum criticality, we predict that the zero temperature superfluid density, ρs(0)\rho_{s}(0), and the transition temperature, TcT_{c}, of the cuprates are related by Tcρs(0)yT_{c}\propto\rho_{s}(0)^y, where the exponent yy is different at the two edges of the superconducting dome, signifying the respective QCPs. This relationship can be tested in high quality crystals.Comment: Final accepted version not including minor stylistic correction

    Dose-dense adjuvant chemotherapy for primary breast cancer

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    Adjuvant chemotherapy has been proven to reduce significantly the risk for relapse and death in women with operable breast cancer. Nevertheless, the prognosis for patients presenting with extensive axillary lymph node involvement remains suboptimal. In an attempt to improve on the efficacy of existing chemotherapy, a phase III intergroup trial led by the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB 97-41) was designed, which tested a mathematical model of tumor growth based on the Norton–Simon hypothesis. This hypothesis, developed about 3 decades ago, and the kinetic model derived from it, created the basis of the concepts of dose density and sequential therapy, both of which were tested in CALGB 97-41. This large prospective randomized trial demonstrated that shortening the time interval between each chemotherapy cycle while maintaining the same dose size resulted in significant improvements in disease-free and overall survival in patients with node-positive breast carcinoma. This finding is highly relevant and has immediate implications for clinical practice

    Quantum critical behaviour in the superfluid density of strongly underdoped ultrathin cuprate films

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    A central issue in the physics of high temperature superconductors is to understand superconductivity within a single copper-oxide layer or bilayer, the fundamental structural unit in the cuprates, and how it is lost with underdoping. As mobile holes are removed from the CuO_2 planes, the transition temperature T_C and superfluid density n_S decrease in a surprisingly correlated fashion in crystals and thick films. We seek to elucidate the intrinsic physics of bilayers in the strongly underdoped regime, near the critical doping level where superconductivity disappears. We report measurements of n_S(T) in films of Y_{1-x}Ca_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} as thin as two copper-oxide bilayers with T_C's as low as 3 K. In addition to seeing the two-dimensional (2D) Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinski transition at T_C, we observe a remarkable scaling of T_C with n_S(0) that demonstrates that the disappearance of superconductivity with underdoping is due to quantum fluctuations near a T = 0 2D quantum critical point.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figur

    A Dominant Language Constellations case-study on language use and the affective domain

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    Globalisation, international mobility, and new technologies make current multilingualism qualitatively different to not only mono- and bi-lingualism but also to any of its historical incarnations. As a new linguistic dispensation (Aronin & Singleton, 2008, 2012; Aronin, 2015), current multilingualism is understood to be complex, suffusive, liminal, and super-diverse; four essential properties which necessitate alternative foci in multilingual research. From this view, multilinguals are the ‘glue’ that binds cultures and societies, it is therefore essential to focus on their socioculturally-situated multilingual practices if we are to better understand the protagonists of this considerable social responsibility. In this regard, two concepts of profound interest are multilinguality (Aronin & Ó Laoire, 2004) and, its expression/realisation in concrete time-frames and socio-cultural contexts, dominant language constellations (DLC - Aronin, 2006; 2016). With this in mind, the current study examines the individual DLC of a Moroccan immigrant living in the Valencian Community in Spain. In line with earlier research calling for more varied self-report data (Todeva & Cenoz, 2009; Canagarajah & Wurr, 2011; Gorter & Cenoz, 2011), the study uses semi-structured interviews to investigate relationships between the DLC and the affective domain; specifically, attitudes, emotion, and identity. The resulting qualitative data explores the following questions: How does a multilingual speaker use their DLC to navigate specific sociolinguistic contexts? What influence does the DLC have on the expression of identity and emotions in concrete daily situations? What role does the DLC play in the formation of language attitudes? Moreover, these issues are framed within an acculturation context to articulate what Canagarajah and Wurr (2011) call ‘voices from the periphery’. While accepting that a case-study limits any attempt at generalisation, it is hoped that this research focus may contribute by providing another small piece to the overall puzzle of multilingual practices realised in concrete social and cultural contexts

    Brief evidence-based interventions for universal child health services: a restricted evidence assessment of the literature

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    Background Universal child health services (UCHS) provide an important pragmatic platform for the delivery of universal and targeted interventions to support families and optimize child health outcomes. We aimed to identify brief, evidence-based interventions for common health and developmental problems that could be potentially implemented in UCHS. Methods A restricted evidence assessment (REA) of electronic databases and grey literature was undertaken covering January 2006 to August 2019. Studies were eligible if (i) outcomes related to one or more of four areas: child social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB), infant sleep, home learning environment or parent mental health, (ii) a comparison group was used, (iii) universal or targeted intervention were delivered in non-tertiary settings, (iv) interventions did not last more than 4 sessions, and (v) children were aged between 2 weeks postpartum and 5 years at baseline. Results Seventeen studies met the eligibility criteria. Of these, three interventions could possibly be implemented at scale within UCHS platforms: (1) a universal child behavioural intervention which did not affect its primary outcome of infant sleep but improved parental mental health, (2) a universal screening programme which improved maternal mental health, and (3) a targeted child behavioural intervention which improved parent-reported infant sleep problems and parental mental health. Key lessons learnt include: (1) Interventions should impart the maximal amount of information within an initial session with future sessions reinforcing key messages, (2) Interventions should see the family as a holistic unit by considering the needs of parents with an emphasis on identification, triage and referral, and (3) Brief interventions may be more acceptable for stigmatized topics, but still entail considerable barriers that deter the most vulnerable. Conclusions Delivery and evaluation of brief evidence-based interventions from a UCHS could lead to improved maternal and child health outcomes through a more responsive and equitable service. We recommend three interventions that meet our criteria of “best bet” interventions