1,319 research outputs found

    “ Secado de rodajas de piña (ananas comosus) previamente deshidratadas en soluciones osmóticas de sacarosa agua-etanol”

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    The advantages of vegetal products and dry fruits are widely known, since when reducing its humidity content, diminishes the microbiological activity remarkably and enzymatic, in addition, the costs of storage and transport diminish. The present work had by objective to obtain pineallpne ?lices (Ananas comosus) dry, smooth cayena variety; using combined processes of osmótica dehydration and drying; sac~arose and ethanol were used like osmodeshidratantes. The next composition of the fresh pineallpne slices with humidity, total proteins, fat, ashes, fiber and carbohydrates of; 87.67 %, 0,14 %, 0,12 %, 0,30 %, 0,39 % and 11,38 % respectively; the ascórbico acid content was of 26,85 mg/1 OOg. Previously to the osmótica dehydration pineallpne slices of 1 ~m of thickness was verified that they are in optima! conditions of freshness, retired the heart, soon they submerged in osmóticas solutions of different concentrations from (water-ethanol-saccharose) and two times of dehydrated (3 and 6 hours). In the drying of pineapple slices the influence of the concentration of the osmóticas solutions was studied (water-ethanol-saccharose) and the temperatures (40, 50 and 60 ºC) through kinetic and the speeds of drying, with sp~ed of 1,0 air of mis. The level of acceptance of the end item was .established by means of sensorial analysis for which a pBCA with semitrained panelistas was used. The kinetic enes of drying as opposed to show the influence of the temperature the osmodeshidratantes, since as the saccharose in the solution is increased, the humidity diminishes, and when increasing the ethanol in the solution the speed of drying increases. By means of these experiments it was determined that the temperature of 40 ºC is not recommendable, being the very slow drying, giving rise to the proliferation of microorganisms, Biochemical and enzyrnatic reactions, harming to the product as far as the final appearance. The temperature of 60 ºC had a behavior in opposition to the one of 40 ºC, because the speed of drying was fast, with the deficiency of which pineallpne slices (Ananas comosus), without osmótico treatrnent and those that they were dehydrated in waterethanol-saccharose solutions (33-33-33) and (34-16-50) they underw~nt abrupt changes in the surface, such as encostramientos and crystallization, settling down that the optima! conditions of drying, were those that were obtained to 50 intermediate temperature of ºC. Of the 16 treatments those that obtained the highest points as far as dried to 50 ºC and dehydrated acceptability were pineapple slices osmóticamente in water-saccharose solutions (50-50), (60-40), without treatment, as well as •pineapple slices dehydrated in water-ethanol-saccharose solutions (34-16-50), being pineapple slices dehydrated with solutions (water-ethanol) those that had minor acceptability degree according to the sensorial analysis.Son ampliamente conocidas las ventajas de Jos productos vegetales y frutas secas, ya que al reducir su contenido de humedad, disminuye notablemente la actividad microbiológica y enzimáti_ca, además, disminuyen los costos de almacenamiento y transporte. El presente trabajo, tuvo por objetivo obtener, rodajas de piña (Ananas comosus) seca, variedad cayena lisa; utilizando procesos combinados de deshidratación osmótica y secado; fueron utilizados como osmodeshidratantes sacarosa y etanol. La composición proximal de la piña fresca con humedad, proteínas, grasa, cenizas, fibra y carbohidratos totales de; 87.67 %, 0.14 %, 0.12 %, 0.30 %, 0.39 % y 11.38 % respectivamente; el contenido de ácido ascórbico fue de 26.85 mg/100g. Previamente a la deshidratación osmótica se verificó que las rodajas de piña de 1 cm de espesor; estén en condiciones óptimas de frescura, se les retiró el corazón, luego se sumergieron en soluciones osmóticas de diferentes concentraciones de (aguaetanol-sacarosa) y dos tiempos de deshidratado (3 y 6 horas). En el secado de rodajas dé piña fue estudiada la influencia de la concentración de las soluciones osmóticas (agua-etanol-sacarosa) y la temperatura (40, 50 y 60 ºC) a través de las ,Ginéticas y velocidades de secado, con velocidad de aire de 1.0 mis. El nivel de aceptación del producto final fue establecido mediante análisis sensorial para lo que se utilizó un DBCA con panelistas semientrenados. Las cinéticas de secado muestran la influencia de los osmodeshidratantes, a medida que se incrementó la sacarosa en la solución, la humedad disminuyó, y al aumentar el etanol en la solución la velocidad de secado aumentó. Mediante estos experimentos se determinó que no es recomendable Ja temperatura de 40 º C por ser el secado muy lento, dando lugar a la proliferación de microorganismos, reacciones bioquímicas y enzimáticas, perjudicando al producto en cuanto a la apariencia final. La temperatura de 60 ºC tuvo un comportamiento contrario al de 40 ºC, aumentando la velocidad de secado, sin embargo las rodajas de piña -(Ananas comosus), sin tratamiento osmótico y las que fueron deshid~atadas en soluciones de agua-etanol-sacarosa (33-33-33) gr/1 OOgr solución y (34-16-SO) gr/1 OOgr presentaron encostramientos y cristalización; estableciéndose que la temperatura óptima de secado fue de 50 ºC. De los 16 tratamientos los que obtuvieron los puntajes más altos en cuanto a aceptabilidad fueron las rodajas de piña secadas a 50 ºC y deshidratadas osmóticamente en soluciones de agua-sacarosa (50-50) gr/100gr solución, (60-40) gr/1 OOgr solución, sin tratamiento, así como las rodajas de piña deshidratadas en soluciones agua-etanol-sacarosa (34-16-50) gr/100gr solución; siendo las rodajas de piña deshidratadas con soluciones (agua-etanol) las que tuvieron menor grado de aceptabilidad según el análisis sensorial.Tesi

    Encapsulation of gold nanostructures and oil-in-water nanocarriers in microgels with biomedical potential

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    Indexación: Scopus.Funding: This research was funded by FONDECYT 1161450, 1150744, 11130494 and 1170929, FONDEQUIP EQM160157, EQM170111, CONICYT-FONDAP 15130011, and CONICYT PhD Scholarship 21141137.Here we report the incorporation of gold nanostructures (nanospheres or nanorods, functionalized with carboxylate-end PEG) and curcumin oil-in-water (O/W) nanoemulsions (CurNem) into alginate microgels using the dripping technique. While gold nanostructures are promising nanomaterials for photothermal therapy applications, CurNem possess important pharmacological activities as reported here. In this sense, we evaluated the effect of CurNem on cell viability of both cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines (AGS and HEK293T, respectively), demonstrating preferential toxicity in cancer cells and safety for the non-cancerous cells. After incorporating gold nanostructures and CurNem together into the microgels, microstructures with diameters of 220 and 540 µm were obtained. When stimulating microgels with a laser, the plasmon effect promoted a significant rise in the temperature of the medium; the temperature increase was higher for those containing gold nanorods (11–12 ◦ C) than nanospheres (1–2 ◦ C). Interestingly, the incorporation of both nanosystems in the microgels maintains the photothermal properties of the gold nanostructures unmodified and retains with high efficiency the curcumin nanocarriers. We conclude that these results will be of interest to design hydrogel formulations with therapeutic applications. © 2018 by the authors.https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/23/5/120

    Nonlinear Aharonov-Bohm scattering by optical vortices

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    We study linear and nonlinear wave scattering by an optical vortex in a self-defocusing nonlinear Kerr medium. In the linear case, we find a splitting of a plane-wave front at the vortex proportional to its circulation, similar to what occurs in the scattered wave of electrons for the Aharonov-Bohm effect. For larger wave amplitudes, we study analytically and numerically the scattering of a dark-soliton stripe (a nonlinear analog of a small-amplitude wavepacket) by a vortex and observe a significant asymmetry of the scattered wave. Subsequently, a wavefront splitting of the scattered wave develops into transverse modulational instability, ``unzipping'' the stripe into trains of vortices with opposite charges.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Proteomic approach in the search of new cardiovascular biomarkers

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    Proteomic approach in the search of new cardiovascular biomarkers With the increasing incidence of cardiovascular diseases worldwide, specifically atherosclerosis and heart failure, the search for novel biomarkers remains a priority. As opposed to complex diagnostic techniques that may not be suitable to be applied to the wider population, biomarkers are useful for population screening. The search for novel biomarkers is based on knowledge of the molecular and cellular processes that take place in the development of a specific disease. Atherosclerosis and heart failure are characterized by a long period of silent disease progression, allowing early diagnosis and the potential of early therapeutic intervention. The use of the so-called proteomic techniques allows not only protein identification but partial characterization, which includes expression and also post-translational modification of these proteins. This allows for the discovery of previously unknown proteins involved in cardiovascular diseases, including some that may be suitable to be used as biomarkers. However, to approach this issue, we have to overcome difficulties such as tissue heterogeneity (vessel wall or myocardium) and the lack of fresh human samples. We discuss the proteomic study of human plaques, secreted proteins by pathologic and normal vessel wall, and left ventricular hypertrophy as potential sources of new biologic markers of cardiovascular disease

    Imagine beyond: recent breakthroughs and next challenges in mammary gland biology and breast cancer research

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    On 8 December 2022 the organizing committee of the European Network for Breast Development and Cancer labs (ENBDC) held its fifth annual Think Tank meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Here, we embraced the opportunity to look back to identify the most prominent breakthroughs of the past ten years and to reflect on the main challenges that lie ahead for our field in the years to come. The outcomes of these discussions are presented in this position paper, in the hope that it will serve as a summary of the current state of affairs in mammary gland biology and breast cancer research for early career researchers and other newcomers in the field, and as inspiration for scientists and clinicians to move the field forward