9 research outputs found
Avaliação da eficácia de taboa (Typha domingensis Pers.) e batata-de-purga [Operculina hamiltonii (G. Don) D.F. Austin & Staples] in natura sobre nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos, naturalmente infectados, em clima semi-árido Evaluation of the effectiveness of "taboa" (Typha domingensis Pers.) and "batata-de-purga" [Operculina hamiltonii (G. Don) D.F. Austin & Staples] in natura on gastrointestinal nematodes of goats, naturally infected, in the semi-arid region
Avaliou-se a eficácia da Typha domingensis (taboa) e da Operculina hamiltonii (batata-de-purga) in natura sobre nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos, naturalmente infectados, em clima semi-árido. Foram utilizados 30 caprinos da raça Moxotó, e o rizoma da taboa e a raiz da batata-de-purga, avaliados através da fitoquímica. As fezes foram coletadas nos dias zero, sete e 25, após, o tratamento da contagem de OPG. Os animais foram distribuídos inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições. Grupo I tratado com Moxidectina 0,2% em dose única de 0,5 mg Kg-1; o Grupo II tratado com Taboa na dose (10 g 20 Kg-1 peso vivo); Grupo III com batata-de-purga na dose de 9 g 20 Kg-1 p.v.; Grupo IV tratado com taboa 10 g 20 Kg-1 p.v. associada a batata 9 g 20 Kg-1 p.v. durante três dias consecutivos, todos administrados oralmente e o Grupo V como grupo controle. Os grupos tratados apresentaram redução no número médio de OPG aos 7 e 25 dias pós-tratamento, quando comparado com o grupo controle no respectivo período, sendo a batata-de-purga com maior redução aos 7 e a taboa aos 25 dias. A maior eficácia foi da batata-de-purga de 84% e 70%, nos dias 7 e 25 pós-tratamento. Verificou-se que a batata-de-purga foi eficaz no controle de nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos no clima semi-árido e que a taboa associada com a batata tem potencial para serem utilizadas em programas alternativos de controle parasitário.<br>The effectiveness of Typha domingensis ("taboa") and Operculina hamiltonii ("batata-de-purga") in natura was evaluated on gastrointestinal nematodes of goats, naturally infected, in the semi-arid region. Thirty Moxotó goats were used, and the rhizome of "taboa" and the root of "batata-de-purga" were analyzed through phytochemistry. Feces were collected on days zero, seven and 25 after the treatment for FECs. The distribution of animals was completely at random, with five treatments and six replicates. Group I was treated with Moxidectin 0.2% in a single dose of 0.5 mg kg-1; Group II was treated with "taboa" at the dose of 10 g 20 Kg-1 body weight; Group III was treated with "batata-de-purga" at the dose of 9 g 20 Kg-1 b.w.; Group IV was treated with "taboa" at 10 g 20 Kg-1 b.w. associated with "batata-de-purga" at 9 g 20 Kg-1 b.w. during three consecutive days. All treatments were orally administered and Group V was used as control. Treated groups showed a reduction in the average number of FECs at seven and 25 days post-treatment when compared to the control group in the respective period; "batata de purga" had a greater reduction at seven days, while "taboa" showed a more pronounced reduction at 25 days. The highest effectiveness was observed for "batata de purga": 84% and 70% at seven and 25 days post treatment. "Batata-de-purga" was effective in controlling gastrointestinal nematodes of goats in the semi-arid climate and "taboa" associated with "batata de purga" have the potential to be used in alternative programs for parasite control
Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in domestic cats from the Brazilian semi-arid: seroprevalence and risk factors
In the present study we aimed to establish the seroprevalence of T. gondii and N. caninum in stray and domiciled cats from the municipality of Patos, Paraíba state, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 201 animals: 132 domiciled cats and 69 stray cats. An epidemiological questionnaire was conducted with all cat owners. Indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was performed at cut-offs of 1:16 and 1:50 for T. gondii and N. caninum, respectively. Overall prevalence of seroreagent cats for T. gondii was 43.8%. We found a prevalence of 47.7% in domiciled cats and 36.2% in stray cats. Antibody titers ranged from 1:16 (cut-off) to 1:8192; 1:128 was the most frequent titer. No statistical difference was observed between domiciled cats and stray cats. Correlation was verified between seroreagent for T. gondii and age and hunting habit (P<0.05). No animals tested seroreagent for N. caninum. It was possible to conclude that there is high prevalence of cat seroreagent for T. gondii and that N. caninum is not present in cats from the area studied
Control measures recommended for goat gastrointestinal nematode infections after analysis of infection dynamics in the semiarid region of brazil. [Medidas de controle recomendadas para as infecções por nematódeos gastrintestinais de caprinos após análise da dinâmica das infecções no semiárido do brasil].
ABSTRACT:This study aimed to determine control measures for gastrointestinal nematodes in goats in the northeastern semiarid after analyzing the dynamics of gastrointestinal helminths during the drought, the evolution of the parasitic load after the first rains and the differences in susceptibility between goats of different categories and ages. Five farms were studied from March 2013 to January 2015. Feces were collected from all goats every month, for fecal egg counts (FECs). No treatment was required on any farm during the dry period. In 2013, with annual rainfall of 265-533 mm, treatments were not necessary during the rainy season. However, in 2014, with rainfall of 604-778 mm, treatments were necessary 60-90 days, after the first rains. On three farms, gastrointestinal nematodes showed multiple anthelmintic resistance. The FECs from lactating goats were significantly higher than from dry and young goats. In conclusion, in the Brazilian semi-arid region (Caatinga biome), it is generally unnecessary to treat grazing goats during the dry season. In the rainy season, the parasite load increases 2-3 months after the first rains. In both, the dry and the rainy season, farmers should monitor their herds by means of FEC or another criterion (anemia or submandibular edema), to determine the need to treatRESUMO:Este trabalho objetivou determinar medidas de controle de nematódeos gastrintestinais de caprinos no semiárido nordestino após análise da dinâmica das infecções helmínticas durante a seca, a evolução da carga parasitária após as primeiras chuvas e as diferenças de susceptibilidade entre caprinos de distintas categorias e idades. Em cinco propriedades, de março de 2013 a janeiro de 2015, foram coletadas, mensalmente, fezes de todos os caprinos para contagem de ovos. Em nenhuma propriedade foi necessário vermifugar durante os períodos de seca. Em 2013, com precipitações de 265-533 mm anuais, não foi necessário vermifugar durante o período de chuva. No entanto, em 2014, com precipitações de 604-778 mm, foi necessário vermifugar 60-90 dias após as primeiras chuvas em três propriedades. Nessas três propriedades foi encontrada multirresistência aos anti-helmínticos. Foi constatado que o OPG das cabras lactantes foi significativamente maior do que o OPG das cabras secas e dos cabritos. Em conclusão, na região semiárida, geralmente, não é necessário o tratamento das cabras pastejando na caatinga durante a estação seca. Na estação chuvosa, a carga parasitária aumenta 2-3 meses após as primeiras chuvas. Tanto na seca quanto nas chuvas, o produtor deve monitorar o rebanho mediante OPG ou por outros critérios (anemia, edema submandibular) para determinar a necessidade de vermifugação