2,811 research outputs found

    La revisión y aprobación romana de los Estatutos del Cabildo de la Catedral elaborados en el Tercer Concilio Provincial Mexicano (1585) y su aceptación en la edición príncipe de 1622

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    ResumenSiguiendo las indicaciones del Concilio de Trento, los prelados participantes en el Tercer Concilio Provincial Mexicano (1585) aprovecharon la ocasión para elaborar unos Estatutos del cabildo de la catedral. Al igual que los decretos del concilio, los Estatutos fueron enviados a Roma para su revisión y aprobación. La Congregación del concilio, después de la revisión, envío una carta a México en la que daba su aprobación, aunque señalaba algunas correcciones que se debían introducir tanto en los decretos como en los Estatutos. En el presente artículo se repasa brevemente el contenido de los Estatutos, se analizan las indicaciones que hicieron los curiales romanos, y se comprueba si efectivamente las correcciones fueron aceptadas y, por tanto, incluidas en la edición príncipe de los documentos conciliares de 1622.AbstractThe bishops who participate in the Third Mexican Provincial Council (1585), following the instructions of the Council of Trent, took the chance to develop new Statutes for the cathedral chapter. Like the decrees of the Provincial Council, the Statutes were sent to Rome for review and approval. The Congregation of the Council, after review, sent a letter to Mexico where they gave their approval, but noted some corrections to be introduced in both the statutes and decrees. In this paper are analyzed the content of the Statute and the indications made by the Roman Curia. Also is checked if the corrections were accepted and, therefore, included in the first edition of the conciliar documents, published in 1622

    Role of extracellular vesicles in retinitis pigmentosa

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), an inherited degenerative retinal disease, is associated with progressive photoreceptor degeneration, which leads eventually to blindness. To date, the precise mechanisms leading to cell death remain unknown and no adequate treatment is available. Poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) over activity is involved in photoreceptor degeneration and, in mice models, its pharmacological inhibition protects the retina. Additionally, retinal cell survival depends of adequate reception and processing of the information and appropriate cellular communication. Initially, the extracellular vesicles (EVs) were recognized as a mechanism for discharging useless cellular components. Growing evidence has elucidated their roles in cell–cell communication by carrying nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids that can, in turn, regulate behavior of target cells. Nevertheless, the role of EVs in blinding diseases, such a RP, is far from being understood. The present project aims to investigate the EVs implication in retinal degeneration, including their release and cargo, their influence in neighboring cells, and the relationship with PARP activity in the retina. Rd1 and Rd10 mice - two well-known animal model for RP, which hold a mutation in the beta subunit of the phosphodiesterase 6 gene (PDE6) – helped advanced the understanding of the retinal degeneration. Section from rd1 and rd10 mice and organotypic retinal explants from rd10 were used to investigate cellular communication by EVs. CD9 and CD81 tetraspanins were studied to investigate EVs activity at tissue level by immunostaining. Inhibition of PARP activity was performed using Olaparib. Immunohistochemistry was carried out to evaluate PARylated proteins and immunostaining was performed to determinate rhodopsin (rho) expression, Müller glia cell activity, and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels after olaparib treatment. Also, inmunofluorescence was used to study EVs and their colocalization with cilia in rd10 retinae after PARP inhibition. EVs were isolated using ultrafiltration and size exclusion chromatography or a commercial isolation kit, depending on downstream applications. Nanosight analysis, electron microscope, Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACs), dot blot, and proteomics were used to characterize the EVs. Moreover, rd10 retinas were treated with EV from wt and vice-versa. Inmunostaining assays against CD9, CD81, rho, and IBA-1 (microglia marker) were carried out after EVs treatments. TUNEL assay was used to evaluate cell viability, thickness, and row photoreceptor number in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) after Olaparib and EVs treatments. EVs release changes with the age in wt mice and also under retinal degeneration in rd1 and rd10 in different retinal layers. PARP inhibition by Olaparib rescues photoreceptors and also modify the EVs release and cargo in rd10 mice. The EVs release was increased in rd10 retinae and the protein cargo was modified under retinal degeneration. Moreover, EVs from rd10 retinae had the ability to damage wt retinas and something similar was produced after treated rd10 retinae with EVs from wt. This data strongly suggests the implication of EVs in retina development and degeneration.Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) es una enfermedad hereditaria de la retina que produce degeneración progresiva de los fotorreceptores, generando ceguera. Hasta la fecha, los mecanismos precisos que conducen a la muerte celular son desconocidos y no existe un tratamiento adecuado. La sobreactividad de la Poli ADP-ribosa polimerasa (PARP) se encuentra implicada en la degeneración de los fotorreceptores y, en modelos animales, se ha observado que inhibición de PARP protege la retina. Además, la supervivencia celular de la retina depende de una adecuada recepción y procesamiento de la información y de una apropiada comunicación celular. Inicialmente, las vesículas extracelulares (VEs) fueron descritas como un mecanismo para eliminar componentes celulares inútiles. La creciente evidencia ha aclarado su papel en la comunicación celular, transportando ácidos nucleicos, proteínas y lípidos que pueden, a su vez, regular el comportamiento de las células diana. Sin embargo, el papel de las VEs en las enfermedades que cursan con ceguera ceguera, como la RP, está lejos de ser entendido. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo investigar la implicación de las VEs en la degeneración de la retina, incluida su liberación y carga, su influencia en las células vecinas y la relación con la actividad de PARP. Los ratones Rd1 y Rd10, dos modelos animales de RP, que contienen una mutación en la subunidad beta del gen de la fosfodiesterasa 6 (PDE6), han sido de gran ayuda para entender como degenera la retina en la RP. Cortes de ratones rd1 y rd10 y cultivos organotípicos de retina de ratones rd10 se usaron para investigar la comunicación celular mediante VEs. Se estudió a expresión de las tetraspaninas CD9 y CD81 para investigar la actividad de las VEs a nivel retiniano. Para inhibir la actividad de PARP se realizó usando Olaparib. La inmunohistoquímica se llevó a cabo para evaluar las proteínas PARiladas y la inmunotinción se empleó para determinar la expresión de rodopsina (rho), la actividad de las células de Müller y el nivel de guanosín monofosfato cíclico (GMPc) después del tratamiento con olaparib. Además, se utilizó inmunofluorescencia para estudiar las VEs y su colocalización con cilios en retinas rd10, tras la inhibición de PARP. Las VEs fueron aisladas mediante ultrafiltración y cromatografía de exclusión por tamaño o con un kit de aislamiento comercial, dependiendo de las aplicaciones posteriores. Para caracterizar las VEs se utilizó la técnica Nanosight, microscopía electrónica, citometría de flujo (FACs), dot blot y proteómica. Además, las retinas rd10 se trataron con VEs de wt y viceversa. La inmunotinción frente a CD9, CD81, rho e IBA-1 (marcador de microglia) se llevó a cabo después de los tratamientos con VEs. El ensayo TUNEL se utilizó para evaluar la viabilidad celular, el grosor y el número de fotorreceptores en la capa nuclear externa después de los tratamientos con Olaparib y VEs. La liberación de VEs cambia con la edad en ratones wt y también bajo degeneración retiniana en rd1 y rd10 en diferentes capas retinianas. La inhibición de PARP por Olaparib rescata fotorreceptores y también modifica la liberación y carga de las VEs en ratones rd10. La liberación de VEs aumentó en las retinas rd10 y el cargo proteico se modificó con la degeneración de la retina. Además, las VEs de las retinas rd10 presentaron la capacidad de dañar las retinas wt y se produjo algo similar después de que las retinas rd10 fueran tratadas con las VEs de wt. Estos datos sugieren la implicación de las VEs en el desarrollo y la degeneración de la retina.MedicinaCiencias de la Salu

    Tolerancia, pluralismo, derechos

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    Cost index (CI) and take-off mass (TOM) estimation using machine learning algorithms

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    The Cost Index (CI) and Take-off Mass (TOM) are two parameters that are very important in order to study the preferences on airlines operation. In the same way, these two parameters would allow to predict ground-based trajectories accurately. Nowadays, unfortunately, this information is not shared by the airlines, because this information is confidential as they help to define market strategies of the airline. The objective of this final degree project is to develop and evaluate an algorithm able to estimate CI and TOM from data of a flight trajectory, that could be collected by a conventional antenna (i.e. radar data or ADS-B), by using Machine Learning algorithms. The algorithm should be trained with data from the PEP (Performance Program Airbus). The data will be shaped by thousands of trajectories generated with different ranges of distances, TOM, CI and atmospheric conditions in order to establish the input training data for Machine Learning. Once the algorithm has been generated, to ensure its robustness, it will be tested with data containing noise where the influence of the parameters in the prediction would be evaluated. Finally, it will be validated with new aircraft trajectories from PEP. The ultimate goal of the final degree project is to check and perform the study with real flight data. To realize this, radar data will be obtained from the DDR2 platform of Eurocontrol. With some flights trajectories, we will study the values of CI and TOM used by several airlines with the Machine Learning algorithm previously trained. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that for CI the most relevant input variable is the Mach Number because it is the most visible evidence given to the time-fuel cost relation. On the other hand, TOM is more related to the distance of the flight and flight levels (FL). When the prediction algorithm is applied to real cases flights, we observed that low-cost airlines and flag carriers use different strategies of CI. Even so, a single airline usually use the same CI for most of their routes, wasting the opportunity to optimize the costs of the route and all the advantages offered by the CI

    Evaluation of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) gels as drug delivery systems at different pH values

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    Studies of dynamic and equilibrium swelling, structural characterisation and solute transport in swollen poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) gels (pHEMA) cross-linked with tripropyleneglycol diacrylate (TPGDA) were done for a wide range of TPGDA concentrations. The influence of the pH on these pHEMA properties was evaluated. In swelling studies it was found that in changing the pH from 6.5 to 12.0, a large increase in swelling occurred, from approximately 48 to 55%, for the lowest concentration of TPGDA (1 mol%), and from 40 to 80% for the highest concentration (10mol%). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were made after the equilibrium swelling of the gels at different pH values, to explain these results. The advantage of using these gels as controlled drug delivery systems is illustrated using salicylic acid (SA) as a model drug. The loading and the release of the SA were made at different pH values and the results obtained showed that it is possible to modulate the hydrogel performance by controlling an external factor, the pH at which the drug loading and release were performed.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T7W-3YMW350-4/1/bd1b81f7d9f216abf72881a42ad0163

    Rethinking Asset Pricing with Quantile Factor Models

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    Traditional empirical asset pricing focuses on the average cases. We propose a new approach to analyze the cross-section of the returns. We test the predictive power of market-beta, size, book-to-market ratio, profitability, investment, momentum, and liquidity, across the whole conditional distribution of market returns. Our results indicate that the relevant characteristics to explain the winners tail, the losers tail and the center of the distribution, in a given period, differ. Indeed, some characteristics can be discarded from our specification if our main interest is to model expected extreme losses (such as traditional momentum), and some others should be kept even if they do not seem particularly significant for the average scenario, because they become significant at the tails (such as size). Book-to-market is mainly a left tail factor, in the sense that it explains to a greater extent the losers tail than either the center or the tail of the winners. On the contrary, liquidity and investment are right-tail factors, because they explain in greater proportion the winners tail than the rest of the distribution. Market beta is relevant throughout the whole cross-section, but affect winners and losers in diametrically opposite ways (the effect is positive on the right tail and negative on the left tail). We show that the practice of adding characteristics to our pricing equation should be clearly informed by our particular interests regarding the cross-sectional distribution of the returns, that is, whether we are more interested in a certain fragment of the distribution than in other parts. Our results emphasize the need to consider carefully what factors to include in the pricing equation, which depends on the dynamics that one wants to understand and even on one attitude towards risk. In short, not all factors serve all purpose


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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Moretó Alvarado, Laia[cat] Haima és un concepte procedent de l’antic noruec que fa referència a la casa, no només com a edifici, sinó també al seu entorn, tot el que aquesta alberga, la gent que hi conviu i les sensacions que s´hi produeixen. Aquest concepte és representat mitjançant una cadira que s’envola en l’aire mentre arrela les seves llargues potes a la terra. Haima és una obra escultòrica que s’engloba dins del projecte Neònomada, un projecte que tracta la fragilitat de la llar i les migracions constants. Aquesta última peça ens parla del fet de trobar un lloc al món i fer-hi arrels, establir-s’hi. Aquesta escultura, obre un diàleg entre els termes asseure’s i assentar-se, amb la descontextualització d’un objecte quotidià que fa de representant de la llar.[eng] Haima is a concept from the old Norwegian that refers to the home, not only as a building, also to its surroundings, all that it houses, the people that live there and the sensations that produce it. This concept is represented by a chair that is growing in the air at the same time as it raises its long legs on the floor. Haima is a sculptural work that is part of the Neonòmada project, a project that addresses the fragility of the home and constant migrations. This last piece tells us about finding a place in the world and rooted, settling there. This sculpture opens up a dialogue between the terms sitting down and settling there, with the uncontextualization of an everyday object that acts as a representative of the home

    El estrés oxidativo generado por etanol activa una respuesta inflamatoria en el epitelio pigmentario de la retina

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    [ES] El epitelio pigmentario de la retina (EPR) es el tejido implicado en la supervivencia y función de los fotorreceptores y de la coroides. Estudios previos ¿in vivo¿ e ¿in vitro¿ han demostrado que el estrés oxidativo inducido por consumo de alcohol genera especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS), activando vías de señalización celular como son la inflamación, muerte celular o autofagia en otros tejidos. En este trabajo se estudiará en condiciones ¿in vitro¿ la respuesta de las células ARPE-19, modelo celular de RPE, a la exposición crónica de etanol (EtOH). Para ello se estudiará la viabilidad celular, generación de ROS, expresión génica y proteica de marcadores de estrés oxidativo e inflamación, así como la integridad de las uniones intercelulares (Tight Junctions, TJ).[EN] The Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) is a tissue involved in the survival and function of photoreceptors and choroid. Previous studies ¿in vivo¿ and ¿in vitro¿ have shown that oxidative stress is induced by ethanol (EtOH), it generates Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) activating cellular signalling pathways such as, inflammation, cell death or autophagy in other tissues. We are going to study ¿in vitro¿ ARPE-19 cells response, a cellular model of RPE, at the chronic exposure to EtOH. Therefore, cell viability, ROS generation, gene and protein expression of oxidative stress and inflammation markers, and the tight junction (TJ) integrity in these cells will be investigated.Vidal Gil, L. (2016). El estrés oxidativo generado por etanol activa una respuesta inflamatoria en el epitelio pigmentario de la retina. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/146812TFG