2,303 research outputs found

    Combining the conservation of biodiversity with the provision of ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure planning. Critical features arising from a case study in the metropolitan area of Rome

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    A large number of green infrastructure (GI) projects have recently been proposed, planned and implemented in European cities following the adoption of the GI strategy by the EU Commission in 2013. Although this policy tool is closely related to biodiversity conservation targets, some doubts have arisen as regards the ability of current urban GI to provide beneficial effects not only for human societies but also for the ecological systems that host them. The aim of this work is to review the features that should be considered critical when searching for solutions that simultaneously support biodiversity and guarantee the provision of ecosystem services (ES) in urban areas. Starting from a case study in the metropolitan area of Rome, we highlight the role of urban trees and forests as proxies for overall biodiversity and as main ecosystem service providers. We look beyond the individual functional features of plant species and vegetation communities to promote the biogeographic representativity, ecological coherence and landscape connectivity of new or restored GI elements

    Role of the small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoprotein (SIBLING), bone sialoprotein (BSP) in bone development and remodeling.

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    14 pagesInternational audienceMembers of the “small, integrin binding ligand, N-linked glycoprotein” (SIBLING) family, which have both mineral binding and cell binding (integrins) abilities, appear as potent regulators of bone mineralisation and remodeling. Among these, osteopontin (OPN) and bone sialoprotein (BSP) are highly expressed in early bone. Gene knockout of OPN results in increased mineralisation and a resorption defect making mutant mice unable to respond to such challenges as hindlimb unloading. We recently published the phenotype of mice with a knockout of BSP (BSP-/-). We showed that BSP-/- mice are smaller than the wild type counterpart, with a lower bone-formation rate but a higher trabecular volume at 4 month, due to impaired resorption. Lack of BSP results in slower bone repair in a cortical defect model, but does not prevent bone loss due to unloading, in contrast to OPN knockout. These results highlight the specificity of BSP roles in the bone context, as well as the nonredundancy of function of SIBLING family members in skeletal biology

    Inner ear ossification and mineralization kinetics in human embryonic development - microtomographic and histomorphological study.

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    Little is known about middle and inner ear development during the second and third parts of human fetal life. Using ultra-high resolution Microcomputed Tomography coupled with bone histology, we performed the first quantitative middle and inner ear ossification/mineralization evaluation of fetuses between 17 and 39 weeks of gestational age. We show distinct ossification paces between ossicles, with a belated development of the stapes. A complete cochlear bony covering is observed within the time-frame of the onset of hearing, whereas distinct time courses of ossification for semicircular canal envelopes are observed in relation to the start of vestibular functions. The study evidences a spatio-temporal relationship between middle and inner ear structure development and the onset of hearing and balance, critical senses for the fetal adaptation to birth

    Causality estimates among brain cortical areas by Partial Directed Coherence: simulations and application to real data

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    The problem of the definition and evaluation of brain connectivity has become a central one in neuroscience during the latest years, as a way to understand the organization and interaction of cortical areas during the execution of cognitive or motor tasks. Among various methods established during the years, the Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) is a frequency-domain approach to this problem, based on a multivariate autoregressive modeling of time series and on the concept of Granger causality. In this paper we propose the use of the PDC method on cortical signals estimated from high resolution EEG recordings, a non invasive method which exhibits a higher spatial resolution than conventional cerebral electromagnetic measures. The principle contributions of this work are the results of a simulation study, testing the performances of PDC, and a statistical analysis (via the ANOVA, analysis of variance) of the influence of different levels of Signal to Noise Ratio and temporal length, as they have been systematically imposed on simulated signals. An application to high resolution EEG recordings during a foot movement is also presented

    Biochemical and molecular characterization of olive β-glucosidase in seven olive varieties during the ripening process: the role of β-glucosidase in determining the phenolic content of virgin olive oil.

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    Virgin olive oil (VOO) is one of the essential components of the Mediterranean diet, which includes a series of cultural habits, especially alimentary, shared to a greater or lesser extent, by all countries lapped by Mediterranean Sea. VOO is enriched with bioactive compounds which are related to its unique organoleptic characteristics, and also to its antioxidant properties, which have been associated to with the reduction of risk to suffer cardiovascular diseases and to a protective effect against cancer. The most important bioactive components in VOO are phenolics compounds [2].The phenolic composition of VOO is closely related to the content of phenolic glycosides initially present in the olive tissue. In parallel, some studies indicate that there is a positive correlation between the activity levels of β-glucosidase in the olive fruit and the final content of phenolic compounds in VOO. This enzyme plays a key role hydrolyzing phenolic profile of VOO. In consequence, its biochemical and molecular characterization is of great interest from a biotechnological point of view [1, 2].In this study, seven olive varieties (Abou-Kanani, Dokkar, Klon-14, Menya, Picual, Piñonera y Shengeh) with different phenolic contents have been selected in the World Olive Germplasm Bank. The phenolic profiles of fruits harvested at different ripening stages and their oils have been analyzed by HPLC and at the same time β-glucosidase activity has been measured in olive fruits at different ripening stages. The methods for β-glucosidase extraction and activity assessment have been optimized. Spectrophotometric activity assays have been carried out with the synthetic substrate p-nitrophenyl galactoside (p-NPG) using a calculated molar extinction coefficient (ε=552,8 M-1cm-1) for the p-nitrophenyl liberated in the reaction medium. The results obtained show that olive varieties with the highest content of phenolic glycosides in the fruit such as Piñonera, Dokkar or Menya, also have the largest β-glucosidase activity levels, which usually decrease ripening process. These results will be completed with the pertinent studies of gene expression [3]

    3D micro-computed tomography of trabecular and cortical bone architecture with application to a rat model of immobilisation osteoporosis

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    Bone mass and microarchitecture are the main determinants of bone strength. Three-dimensional micro-computed tomogrpahy has the potential to examine complete bones of small laboratory animals with very high resolution in a non-invasive way. In the presented work, the proximal part of the tibiae of hindlimb unloaded and control rats were measured with 3D MicroCT, and the secondary spongiosa of the scanned region was evaluated using direct evaluation techniques that do not require model assumptions. For determination of the complete bone status, the cortex of the tibiae was evaluated and characterised by its thickness. It is shown that with the proposed anatomically conforming volume of interest (VOI), up to an eight-fold volume increase can be evaluated compared to cubic or spherical VOIs. A pronounced trabecular bone loss of −50% is seen after 23 days of tail suspension. With the new evaluation techniques, it is shown that most of this bone loss is caused by the thinning of trabeculae, and to a lesser extent by a decrease in their number. What changes most radically is the structure type: the remaining bone is more rod-like than the control group's bone. Cortical bone decreases less than trabecular bone, with only −18% after 23 day

    An unknown hotspot of plant diversity in the heart of the Central Apennine. Flora and vegetation outline of Mt. Pozzoni-St. Rufo valley (Cittareale, Rieti)

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    Surprisingly enough, Italy still has some botanically unexplored areas; among these there are some territories between Lazio, Umbria and Abruzzo not included in any protected area. The study area, ranging for 340 ha, includes the mountainous area of Mt. Pozzoni-Mt. Prato-St. Rufo valley, which forms the upper part of the river Velino basin, located in the territory of the municipality of Cittareale (Rieti, Lazio), at an elevation from 1150 to 1903 m a.s.l. The substrate is mainly made of marly limestone of the MesoCenozoic Umbria-Marche sedimentary succession. The climate is Temperate and comprises vegetation belts from the montane to sub-alpine. Land cover is dominated by pastures and deciduous forests, with only a few hay meadows. 794 entities have been detected: 16% are considered rare or very rare for the regional territory with several floristic novelties for the regional flora, 6% of the total was found to be endemic to Italy and only eight taxa were aliens. Four taxa are new for the regional flora of Lazio: Arum cylindraceum, Alopecurus pratensis subsp. pratensis, Hieracium bupleuroides and Trinia glauca subsp. glauca. Forest vegetation is represented by beech forests, while dry grasslands are the most widespread vegetation type. The greatest phytocoenotic diversity was found within the secondary pastures. Particularly interesting is the plant community with Iris marsica, which suggests that limestone mountain ledges can represent a primary habitat for this endemic species of the Central Apennine. The presence of several habitats listed in the EU Habitat Directive indicates how the lack of detailed territorial knowledge can lead to the non-designation of conservation sites in areas of high naturalistic value. These findings showed that botanical explorations in territories which are still not known could contribute significantly to the identification of areas of high interest in conserving plant diversity

    Dry Grasslands Database of Central Italy

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    We stored original and published phytosociological relevés of semi-natural dry grasslands sampled in different mountain ranges in central Italy (Apennines and anti-Apennines ranges). A total of 762 relevés were stored in a TURBOVEG database. The data spans from 1982 to present. The database has a geographical special focus on the Tyrrhenian district of central Italy and it has been designed to order improve the synecological and syntaxonomical knowledge of dry grasslands. The surveyed grasslands are pastures, characterized by different substrata (calcareous, marly-calcareous, arenaceous substrata) and macroclimatic types (Mediterranean, Submediterranean and Temperate). In physiognomic terms the majority of relevés are dominated by Bromus erectus, while a few are characterized by the dominance of Brachypodium rupestre. In syntaxonomical terms the relevés represent communities that belong to Festuco-Brometea syntaxa. A reference check-list of taxa was set up mostly following Conti et al. (2005), including several largely adopted synonymous to facilitate the correct input of relevé data. The ecological database is linked to the vascular species list, following Ellenberg indicator values modified for the Italian flora and including life forms or chorotypes. The database contains useful information to test several ecological hypotheses and to perform wide-scale vegetation classification. Furthermore it facilitates the use of vegetation-plot data for biodiversity and habitat monitoring and for land use/cover changes evaluation. This report describes the available content in the Dry Grasslands Database of Central Italy (GIVD ID EU-IT-004)