95 research outputs found

    Study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial to improve dietary diversity and physical fitness among older people who live at home (the “ALAPAGE study”)

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    Background : Diet and physical activity are key components of healthy aging. Current interventions that promote healthy eating and physical activity among the elderly have limitations and evidence of French interventions’ effectiveness is lacking. We aim to assess (i) the effectiveness of a combined diet/physical activity intervention (the “ALAPAGE” program) on older peoples’ eating behaviors, physical activity and fitness levels, quality of life, and feelings of loneliness; (ii) the intervention’s process and (iii) its cost effectiveness. Methods : We performed a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial with two parallel arms (2:1 ratio) among people ≥60 years old who live at home in southeastern France. A cluster consists of 10 people participating in a “workshop” (i.e., a collective intervention conducted at a local organization). We aim to include 45 workshops randomized into two groups: the intervention group (including 30 workshops) in the ALAPAGE program; and the waiting-list control group (including 15 workshops). Participants (expected total sample size: 450) will be recruited through both local organizations’ usual practices and an innovative active recruitment strategy that targets hard-to-reach people. We developed the ALAPAGE program based on existing workshops, combining a participatory and a theory-based approach. It includes a 7-week period with weekly collective sessions supported by a dietician and/or an adapted physical activity professional, followed by a 12-week period of post-session activities without professional supervision. Primary outcomes are dietary diversity (calculated using two 24-hour diet recalls and one Food Frequency Questionnaire) and lower-limb muscle strength (assessed by the 30-second chair stand test from the Senior Fitness Test battery). Secondary outcomes include consumption frequencies of main food groups and water/hot drinks, other physical fitness measures, overall level of physical activity, quality of life, and feelings of loneliness. Outcomes are assessed before the intervention, at 6 weeks and 3 months later. The process evaluation assesses the fidelity, dose, and reach of the intervention as its causal mechanisms (quantitative and qualitative data). Discussion : This study aims to improve healthy aging while limiting social inequalities. We developed and evaluated the ALAPAGE program in partnership with major healthy aging organizations, providing a unique opportunity to expand its reach

    « Bronzes grecs et romains, recherches récentes » — Hommage à Claude Rolley

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    Philologue, archéologue, historien, spécialiste des bronzes, Claude Rolley, disparu en 2007, occupa une place originale parmi les spécialistes du monde méditerranéen antique. Marqué par la découverte du cratère de Vix (en 1953) qu’il ne cessa d’étudier tout au long de sa carrière, il sut croiser recherches et approches sur les périodes à la fois classique et proto-historique, de la Laconie à la Bourgogne jusqu’à la Grande Grèce. Les bronzes, de toutes dimensions ou origines, dont il tint la chronique pendant près de 25 ans dans la Revue archéologique, étaient pour lui une source de réflexion multiple : stylistique, technique – il prenait en compte aussi bien les questions d’assemblage ou de fonte que la composition chimique des objets –, ou culturelle – ses travaux ont apporté des éclairages décisifs sur la formation des ateliers et la circulation des objets d’un centre de production à l’autre. À l’initiative de plusieurs de ses disciples, un colloque lui a rendu hommage (INHA, 16-17 juin 2009) : les textes qui suivent en sont le fruit

    Comment les émotions sont-elles impliquées chez les élèves stigmatisés en situation de menace du stéréotype ?

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    This introduction report to the research proposes to focus in a school setting, on the phenomenon of stereotype threat, phenomenon whose effects typically reduce the performance of the member individuals of social groups stigmatized when making evaluative tests revealing the stereotype of the group. The stereotype retained in this report is the one of the reputation of inferiority of the girls in the field of the mathematics. Beyond test the effect of the threat of the stereotype on girls' performance in math, we wished on the one hand to examine the emotions activated in situation of threat of the stereotype with the general hypothesis that these emotions would be different depending on whether girls adhere or not to the stereotype weighing on their group. On the other hand, we wished to test the implication of these emotions on the pupils' performance. Sixty four pupils of 5th year of primary school participated in this study and executed the tests of mathematics according to an instruction putting forward the stereotype of inferiority of the girls in mathematics (instruction of stereotype threat) or not (condition controls). To measure the emotions activated by this threatening situation, a self-reported questionnaire was subjected to the pupils and this before the execution of the math test. Our results did not allow us to put in evidence the effect classically observed by the stereotype threat on the performance of the girls at the math test. These last ones obtain, in an unexpected way, better results to the test than all the other participants. In the same way, no emergence of fear or anger was able to be put in evidence. Nevertheless, the results reveal a lesser emotion of guilt among girls in the diagnostic condition. All these results is analyzed by the theory of the role model of success (Marx and Roman, on 2002). Indeed, the presence of a feminine model against stereotypic (teacher-female experimenter) seems to have allowed the girls in diagnostic condition to protect their performance during the evaluative test. This model besides also explains the absence of fear and anger, as well as the slightest emergence of guilty of the girls in diagnostic condition, by inducing a new cognitive interpretation of the threatening situation.Ce mémoire d'initiation à la recherche propose de s'intéresser, dans un cadre scolaire, au phénomène de menace du stéréotype, phénomène dont les effets réduisent classiquement les performances des individus membres de groupes sociaux stigmatisés lors de tâches évaluatives rendant saillant le stéréotype du groupe. Le stéréotype retenu dans ce mémoire est celui de la réputation d'infériorité des filles dans le domaine des mathématiques. Au-delà de tester l'effet de la menace du stéréotype sur la performance de filles en mathématiques, nous souhaitions d'une part examiner les émotions déclenchées en situation de menace du stéréotype avec l'hypothèse générale que ces émotions seraient différentes selon que les filles adhèrent ou non au stéréotype pesant sur leur groupe. D'autre part, nous souhaitions tester l'implication de ces émotions sur la performance de ces élèves. Soixante-quatre élèves de CM2 ont participé à cette étude et exécuté des tests de mathématiques selon une consigne rendant saillant le stéréotype d'infériorité des filles en mathématiques (consigne de menace du stéréotype) ou non (condition contrôle). Afin de mesurer les émotions déclenchées par cette situation menaçante, un questionnaire auto-rapporté a été soumis aux élèves, et ce avant l'exécution du test de mathématiques. Nos résultats ne nous ont pas permis de mettre en évidence l'effet classiquement observé de la menace du stéréotype sur la performance des filles au test de mathématiques. Ces dernières obtiennent en effet, de manière inattendue, de meilleurs résultats au test que l'ensemble des autres participants. De la même façon, aucune émergence de peur ou de colère n'a pu être mise en évidence. Néanmoins, les résultats révèlent un moindre ressenti de culpabilité chez les filles en condition diagnostique. L'ensemble de ces résultats est analysé sous le jour de la théorie du modèle de réussite (Marx & Roman, 2002). En effet, la présence d'un modèle féminin contre -stéréotypique (enseignante-expérimentatrice) semble avoir permis aux filles en condition diagnostique de préserver leur performance lors du test. Ce modèle par ailleurs explique également l'absence de peur et de colère, ainsi que la moindre émergence de culpabilité chez les filles en condition diagnostique, en induisant une nouvelle interprétation cognitive de la situation menaçante

    L'enseignement du français en Russie : état des lieux et perspectives

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    Roos Hélène, Verger Jean-Marie. L'enseignement du français en Russie : état des lieux et perspectives. In: Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études francaises, 2000, n°52. pp. 23-30

    Opinions of general practitioners about psychotherapy and their relationships with mental health professionals in the management of major depression: A qualitative survey.

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    French general practitioners (GPs) refer their patients with major depression to psychiatrists or for psychotherapy at particularly low rates.This qualitative study aims to explore general practitioners' (GP) opinions about psychotherapy, their relationships with mental health professionals, their perceptions of their role and that of psychiatrists in treating depression, and the relations between these factors and the GPs' strategies for managing depression.In 2011, in-depth interviews based on a semi-structured interview guide were conducted with 32 GPs practicing in southeastern France. Verbatim transcripts were examined by analyzing their thematic content.We identified three profiles of physicians according to their opinions and practices about treatment strategies for depression: pro-pharmacological treatment, pro-psychotherapy and those with mixed practices. Most participants considered their relationships with psychiatrists unsatisfactory, would like more and better collaboration with them and shared the same concept of management in general practice. This concept was based both on the values and principles of practice shared by GPs and on their strong differentiation of their management practices from those of psychiatrists.Several attitudes and values common to GPs might contribute to their low rate of referrals for psychotherapy in France: strong occupational identity, substantial variations in GPs' attitudes and practices regarding depression treatment strategies, representations sometimes unfavorable toward psychiatrists. Actions to develop a common culture and improve cooperation between GPs and psychiatrists are essential. They include systems of collaborative care and the development of interdisciplinary training common to GPs and psychiatrists practicing in the same area

    Expanding and intensifying rice production consequences on agrobiodiversity management and diet quality. A situated transdisciplinary gendered analysis in Senegal Middle Valley River

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    After the extensive droughts of the mid70s in the Sahel, the construction of the Diama and Manantali dams materialized the will of the Senegalese State to develop the Senegal River Valley region. From 2010 the government accelerated the pace to economically valorize these investments by implementing an ambitious national program of rice self-sufficiency. However, that rapid irrigated rice expansion added to the drought and pushed back the natural floods, endangering the traditional culture system of flood recession in the main riverbed, the Waalo. But the traditional flood recession cropping system is low in inputs: not as labour-intensive as rice (direct planting) and rich in biodiversity, in particular for sorghum. The DIVA project, was conducted in Guédé-Chantier and 2 surrounding villages (Podor Department) and was carried out within the Halpulaar society, the majority in the middle valley. It aimed to comprehensively describe the consequences of these transformations for the agricultural, social, gender and nutritional dimensions. Considering that the convergence of academically distinguished research objects could be better achieved by associating research with various actors involved in local life, thanks to the mediation of the NGO Enda Pronat local peoples, the experimentation in the reality of transdisciplinary was also a scientific objective of the study discussed in this paper. So we applied a gendered transdisciplinary approach to consider three interconnected dimensions: social and family logics, agricultural management of biodiversity and diet quality. Results show that women's initiatives to improve and diversify their diet in response to rice pressure, essentially consisted of organic or non-organic collective irrigated gardeners, established with the help of NGOs but without any technical or financial support from the public policies. Nevertheless, we assessed that the current diet quality of the women was of concern, with an overconsumption of cereals (white rice) to the detriment of other plant-based foods and animal products. Simulations of the dietary changes that have occurred over the past 45 years showed that the diet quality has deteriorated with a significant decrease of nutrient intakes such as thiamin, vitamins B-6 and B-12, iron, potassium and zinc. We conclude that the rice intensification is increasing pressure on the flood recession system, which, by disappearing, increases food and environmental problems. Facing these deteriorations, the management of local agricultural biodiversity initiated by women is diverse and localized but limited and not so far supported by any governmental policy
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