261 research outputs found

    Oral contraceptive use and salivary C-erbB-2, CEA and CA15-3 in healthy women : a case-control study

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    Objectives: Oral contraceptives (OCP) are highly effective, safe and widely used. Higher exposure to endogenous and exogenous estrogens is generally thought to increase the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine if oral contraceptive use affected the expression of CA 15-3, CEA and C-erb B-2 in the saliva of healthy women. Study design: The participants consisted of 87 healthy women (43 controls and 44 using oral contraceptives) ranging in age from 20 to 54 years. The volunteers participated by giving one ? time stimulated whole saliva samples. Then the samples were analysed for CA 15-3, CEA and C-erb B-2 concentrations. Results: The student t-test was used to compare group means for variables with comparable variability. The mean of C-erb B-2, CEA, and CA 15-3 concentrations (in the case and control groups) was (1.93, 1.70), (34.46, 31.62) and (12.58, 16.19) respectively. These differences were not statistically significant. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the levels of the cancer biomarkers C-erb B-2, CEA and CA 15-3 were not affected by increased levels of estrogens in the body

    Conditional Cube Key Recovery Attack on Round-Reduced Xoodyak

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    Since the announcement of the NIST call for a new lightweight cryptographic standard, a lot of schemes have been proposed in response. Xoodyak is one of these schemes and is among the finalists of the NIST competition with a sponge structure very similar to the Keccak hash function – the winner of the SHA3 NIST competition. In this paper with conditional cube attack technique, we fully recover the key of Xoodyak reduced to 6 and 7 rounds with time complexity resp. 2^{42.58} and 2^{76.003} in the nonce-reusing scenario. In our attack setting, we import the cube variables in the absorbing associated data phase, which has higher degree of freedom in comparison to data absorption phase. We use MILP tool for finding enough cube variables to perform the conditional key recovery attack. The 6-round attack is practical and has been implemented. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposed attack on 7-round Xoodyak


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    This study investigates the palaeoecology of fossil perissodactyls (equids) from the late Miocene of Maragheh, northwestern Iran. We used dental micro- and mesowear techniques to draw robust inferences about fossil equid paleoenvironment. Mesowear and microwear analyses were applied to the upper molars of three species of hipparionine horses. For this purpose, we investigated samples from three fossiliferous localities: Rohanion, Azim, and Cizdahaban. Six fossil specimens were analyzed for enamel meso- and microwear and results were compared to an extensive database of extant ungulates. Results indicated overlap of the Maragheh hipparions with the dietary signal of extant grazers and grass-dominated mixed feeders. This is consistent with the supposed vegetational habitat proposed by previous mesowear studies. The different species of hipparions from Maragheh had similar diets and were consuming a mixture of plants but with a preference for grasses.  These results are consistent with paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the late Miocene dominated by open grassland areas among more wooded settings

    The effect of early tranexamic acid on bleeding, blood product consumption, mortality and length of hospital stay in trauma cases with hemorrhagic shock: a randomized clinical trial

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    Introduction: Because no medication has been approved for coagulation support in trauma, the current study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of intravenous injection of Tranexamic acid (TXA) in patients with acute traumatic bleeding. Methods:  In the current randomized controlled clinical trial, 68 patients with acute bleeding and hemorrhagic shock presentation due to blunt trauma of the abdomen, pelvis, and thorax, randomly assigned into two groups of TXA and placebo. Results :There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of Systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, Base excess, serum hemoglobin changes, bleeding volume, the incidence of thrombotic events, and the number of deaths (p>0.05). But Systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, base excess, and serum hemoglobin, changed significantly within each group over time(p<0.05). The median time for the length of hospital stay among the TXA group was lower than the Placebo group (6 days versus 10 days, p: 0.004). Also, there was a significant difference between the two groups about the median of pack cell, Platelet consumption, and bleeding Volume (p<0.05). Conclusion  The use of TXA is associated with lower use of blood production and reduced length of hospital stay, however, thrombotic events incidence and mortality rates between the TXA and placebo groups were not different

    Fifty Years of Research on Camelids and the Contribution of Genetics and Genomics: A Scientometrics Evaluation

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    The population and importance of camels in human life have improved in recent years. As genetics and genomics are becoming a more comprehensive section of life sciences, studying genetic/genomic aspects of the camelid nutrition, milk production, reproduction, immunity, disease and racing ability has become common in recent years. This study was conducted based on text mining and scientometrics techniques. To employ relevant information from Web of Science (WoS), a search strategy was developed to retrieve the “genetics or genomics” and words/phrases related to “camelids”. The statistical population of this study included 3830 publications over a period of 50 years (1971–2020). A total of 3830 publications were retrieved that included 3269 research articles (85.35% of the publications) and 224 review articles (5.85% of the publications). The most frequent subject groups were “Veterinary Sciences” including 862 publications. In total, articles on camelid genomics were published in 1345 journals. Moreover, 127 countries contributed to these 3830 publications, with the USA being the leading country both in number of publications and international collaboration. During the 1971–2010 time period, the phrases “MERS-CoV” and “coronavirus” did not exist in the literature at all, while in the last decade, with 140 and 63 times (5.36% and 2.41%, respectively), they were the most frequent keywords. In general, the most important topics studied from the perspective of camelid genomics have been population genetics and pathogens and their diagnosis, as well as camelid immunity. Future studies should pay special attention to the specificity of camelid genomics for hosting the coronavirus. Furthermore, the special structure of humoral immunity in camels makes this section attractive in immunogenetics research
