60 research outputs found

    L’impronta del doppio: il movimento immobile

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    L’attimo temporale rende la realtà dell’impronta materia della scansione ritmica, rappresentazione della forma, disegno del gesto. L’impronta ù forma di un movimento congelato. L'articolo affronta uno studio sulla percezione del movimento nell'ambito della rappresentazione

    MieczysƂaw Szczuka. Interpretazioni grafiche

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    Questo studio riguarda l’analisi di un progetto di MieczysƂaw Szczuka, figura di spicco dell’avanguardia polacca. Come molti dei costruttivisti polacchi, Szczuka concepiva il suo lavoro non soltanto come mezzo di visualizzazione della traccia grafica, ma anche come ulteriore possibilità per affrontare la questione dell’esperienza visiva dal punto di vista teorico-compositivo.il progetto oggetto di studio ù stato pubblicato per la prima volta nella rivista “Blok”, nel 1925 e costituisce una sorta di manifesto dell’architettura polacca moderna che definisce la configurazione della nuova cultura olistica, quale fulcro di propagazione e di fusione tra architettura, arte e musica. Il ri-disegno costituisce un momento di riflessione e interpretazione delle geometrie e degli spazi, mentre l’occhio traccia percorsi ordinati e organici e il disegno costruisce nuove questioni.This study deals with the analysis of one project of MieczysƂaw Szczuka, leading figure in the Polish avant-garde. As many of others Polish constructivists, Szczuka conceived his works not only as a means of graphic sign visualization, but also as different chance to deal with the issue of the visual experience from the theoretical and compositional point of view. The project here analyzed was published for the first time in the journal Blok, in 1925 and constitutes a sort of modern Polish architecture manifesto that defines the configuration of the new holistic culture, as the fulcrum of propagation and fusion between architecture and art. The re-drawing represents a time of reflection and interpretation of the geometries and spaces, while the eye tracks ordered and organic paths and the drawings delimit new issues. Keywords: Representation, graphic analysis, MieczysƂaw Szczuka, unbuilt, history of architecture

    Eileen Gray: lo spirito plastico di un disegno sfuggente

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    The article offers a study about the artistic and eccentric personality of Eileen Gray, the Irish designer and architect. An independent, elusive, secretive figure, that with her creative instinct absorbed the French capital becoming soon, between 1910 and 1920, one of the leading exponents of the new revolutionary theories on design and architecture. Her thoughts took shape through drawings and models with which assumed full control of the material used and her notes, strictly in French, supported the rigor and the harmony of her projects, which made it possible to define her one of the pioneers of the Modern Movement

    CityFutures: Architettura, Design, Tecnologia per il futuro della cittĂ 

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    During CityFutures 2009, organized in Milan on 4-5 February by the Italian Society of Architectural Technology (SITdA) and MADE Expo, is discussed in relation to the planning of urban spaces and the ability to adapt in support of social development. The 21st century seems to have become the generation of the review, following the awareness on the hyperbolic growth of waste of natural resources, which has began with the industrial revolution and the threat of global warming and led to the establishment of a worldwide environmental movement. The summary of the topics, discussed during the conference by scholars, involving in research on the regeneration of urban land and infrastructure, is published in Volume 'CityFutures - Architecture Design Technology for the Future of Cities'

    Nel cyberspazio. Visioni urbane delle giga-cittĂ 

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    L’autrice riflette sulle immagini delle giga-città, o smart cities, attualmente in fase di costruzione in aree completamente desertiche dell’India, dell’Africa, del Nuovo Messico, della Cina e degli Emirati Arabi, che strutturano i propri spazi con codici della rappresentazione rapportati alla dimensione del cyberspazio. Il disegno urbano di queste città digitali si caratterizza per gli avveniristici volumi architettonici, per le sperimentazioni tecnologiche e per la lettura attraverso layer delle piattaforme virtuali e delle infrastrutture trasparenti.The author reflects on the images of giga-cities, or smart cities, currently under construction in completely desert areas in India, Africa, New Mexico, China and the UAE which structure their spaces with representation codes relative to the size of the cyberspace. The urban design of these digital cities is characterized by the futuristic architectural volumes, for technological experimentation and reading through layers of virtual platforms and transparent infrastructure

    La 5th IABR di Rotterdam: How do we go about making city?

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    The projects shown during the 5th IABR (International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam) "Making City", hold in Rotterdam in 2012, have treated the topic linked to the development of some specific contests, through the individuation of many factors which influence the urban planning, as global tendencies, cooperation and smart connections: these are necessary strategies to define a Smart City. They are connected not only to the infrastructures and to digital connections, but also to the business, understanding of technology, users for urban planning and control of features from which depends the success of future cities. From the integration’s ability of Architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture with other matters, are emerging new opportunities to create this "Smart City model" and to the new social developments. This article summarizes researches and projects presented during the 5th IABR: Making City in the section "Smart Cities - Parallel Cases II"

    Dalle utopie urbane ai paesaggi virtuali

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    Le utopie di spazi urbani mai realizzati, a volte sono riproposte tramite molteplici re-interpretazioni progettuali; in tal modo spesso il progetto urbano prende le mosse da mondi iper-reali, all’interno di un spazio-tipo che permette la definizione di un nuovo luogo, collocato in un tempo indeterminato, quasi come fosse un mondo ludico che stimola e costituisce parte integrante dell’immaginazione. L’articolo propone un approfondimento sull’evoluzione storica del concetto di città ideale, fino ad arrivare alle utopie visionarie degli anni ’70, per concludere con i paesaggi astratti dei disegni di Franco Purini e le molteplici dimensioni del ciber-spazio.The utopian abstraction about urban spaces both never realized and sometimes repeated through design reinterpretations often start from iperreal worlds, within a model space that allows to define a new place set into an indeterminate time, as if it was a toy world that stimulates and forms an important part of imagination. The paper deals with the historical evolution of the ideal city concept, to visionary utopias of the 70s, to finish with per abstract landscapes of Franco Purini’s drawings and multiple dimensions of cyberspace

    Chapter La cittĂ  della Duplice Visione. Venezia nelle immagini di Raimund Abraham, 1978

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences


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    La ricerca intende proporre una strategia urbana e tecnologica costituita da elementi smart che sviluppino una capacitĂ  di progettazione tecnologica integrata su scala urbana ed edilizia, sovrapponendo al disegno della cittĂ  smart contemporanea quella della valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale attraverso le nuove Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione (TIC). Attraverso la schedatura di alcune esperienze smart di appendici che raccolgono le strategie urbane di recupero piĂč significative e di un glossario finale con i termini ricorrenti nel settore, la Dottoranda propone un punto di vista del modello Smart City che si lega al tema della valorizzazione urbana fornendo a pianificatori, tecnologi e studiosi numerosi riferimenti nell’ambito della pianificazione ex-novo (sia in ambito nazionale sia internazionale) e del recupero degli spazi urbani, delle piazze e dei luoghi attraverso reti smart che inglobano i sistemi tecnologici digitali nella tecnologia tradizionale. Attraverso un approccio comparativo fra i due casi studio (Malaga e Malta) e l’approfondimento delle esperienze europee analizzate nella ricerca, la ricerca fornisce gli asset per una configurazione Smart Heritage nei contesti urbani Euro-Mediterranei, individuando nel caso studio di Agrigento una possibile definizione di patrimonio intelligente all’interno del processo tecnologico in evoluzione. Infatti, nonostante le numerose esperienze portate avanti in tale ambito, il tema del patrimonio culturale, all’interno del modello smart, assume un ruolo marginale rispetto a quello delle tecnologie virtuali che definiscono queste nuove cittĂ . In questa direzione l’attivitĂ  di ricerca dottorale ha rintracciato i nuovi principi smart per la definizione di un patrimonio intelligente, o Smart Heritage, che tiene conto della compresenza del patrimonio culturale all’interno delle cittĂ  intelligenti del futuro.The research aims to investigate, within the technological process in evolution, the relationship between the contemporary global atopic city and that historic one, with the objective to recognize Smart Heritage strategies for the regeneration of urban contexts. In this direction the targets of a new “urban technology” have been identified targeting to improve the quality and sustainability in buildings, the use of new forms of virtual infrastructure and low energy consumption, through the involvement of users in the definition smart spaces. These new technologies (those virtual ones for building automation and physical ones in green buildings) are characterized by fostering a flexible and reversible assembly and integration processes with smart materials that make up new systems for advanced management. The idea of a smart regeneration of cultural heritage facilitates the construction of intelligent urban spaces, through the overlapping of two kinds of realities: that of the virtual infrastructure (ICTs), which provides citizens with a relevant role in the rethinking of the city; that of the inherited city, which is represented by the consolidated urban spaces in which the social gathering can take place. The experiences presented in the research have showed different types of testing on new cultural contents that play a crucial role in the development of the information society, fostering investments in infrastructure, broadband, digital technologies and telecommunications

    Graphic Interpretation Eileen Gray and Charlotte Perriand

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    The article deals with the study of two projects of Eileen Gray, an architect who had turned her perception of reality into formal delicacy and Charlotte Perriand, who was able to promote the emphasis of collective and rational living. The article proposes the “graphic re-interpretation” or redrawing of some unbuilt Eileen Gray and Charlotte Perriand’s projects designed in response to the social problems arising in 1936. Their projects of minimum temporary houses are a manifesto through which they investigates other principles of the Modern Movement with the variety of composition of small spaces in relation to the inside well-being at the human scale. The redrawing practice, shown in this article as methodological training to enrich knowledge about the historiography of these two pioneers of Modern Movement allows improving existing data of modern architecture and especially about unbuilt projects here deepened and explicated through new and unpublished drawings
