67 research outputs found

    Improvement of Agricultural Management: Functional Comparative Approach

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    Розробка системи контролінгу в управлінні молочними кластерами

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    The present research focuses on the development of mathematical procedures for controlling the regional management over product clusters. In order to improve mathematical support for the strategic controlling, we modified the rating assessment by applying business, technological, and social indicators of a dairy sector, due to which it becomes possible to run a quantitative external analysis of efficiency of the regional management. Mathematical procedures of operational controlling allowed us to identify the reserves of internal environment in the activities of regional clusters of the dairy sector. The first option of controlling is formalized by the model of finding the shortest paths to spread innovations from the regional leaders of dairy clusters. The second reserve of controlling is based on modeling the optimal cost-cutting by the criterion of maximal increase in profitability under conditions of using own feed crops. The third reserve of controlling was confirmed by the rank statistical tests related to improving productivity due to the effect of large-scale production of milk. Article contains results of practical approbation of the proposed system of mathematical procedures for controlling regional management over dairy clusters.Рассмотрена проблема контроллинга в молочном секторе с применением математических методов. Предложена ранговая оценка эффективности регионального менеджмента молочных кластеров. Разработаны математические модели его усовершенствования посредством наискорейшего распространения инноваций, оптимального сокращения затратной составляющей и обоснования зависимости продуктивности от масштабов производства. Выполнена апробация приведенного комплекса средств стратегического и оперативного контроллингаРозглянуто проблему контролінгу в молочному секторі з застосуванням математичних методів. Запропоновано рангову оцінку ефективності регіонального менеджменту молочних кластерів. Розроблено математичні моделі його вдосконалення шляхом найшвидшого поширення інновацій, оптимального скорочення витратної складової та обґрунтування залежності продуктивності від масштабів виробництва. Здійснено апробацію наведеного комплексу засобів стратегічного та оперативного контролінг

    Models on providing food security: case of Ukraine

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    Providing food security is a top issue of agricultural economics in a global scale. Although Ukraine helps other countries become more food secure through its exports of wheat, corn, barley, and sunflower, low per capita income levels create challenges for Ukrainians to keep their diet nutrition balance in animal food basket. The research objective supposed applying mathematical apparatus to support solving this problem. The offered consumption optimization model has been developed to ensure inelastic customers’ food preferences by animal products subject to income and calories constraints. The proposed econometric models have been designed to project broiler, pork, eggs, milk, and beef productions. Complex implementation of the set mathematical models maintained the tool to analyze scenarios by expected export/import and demands for grain and oilseed crops used for feed in animal husbandry. The results of this research provide state authorities, livestock and poultry producers, Ukrainian consumers and other interested parties with management guidance focused on developing animal husbandry in the presence of income, as well as animal product price variability


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    The importance of researching the information component of innovative capital support is due to the formation of the knowledge economy and the need to increase the competitiveness of domestic agrarian enterprises. Innovative renewal of the capital of agrarian enterprises is a key to improving the efficiency of their work: increasing production and sales, reducing production costs, and increasing productivity. At the same time, the problem of the influence of the information component of innovation on capital remains open, which is a reserve for increasing the efficiency of its use and allows us to develop approaches to ensure the profitability growth of agrarian enterprises. Separate aspects of the use of innovations in the agrarian sector of the economy were considered by J. Sayer, K. G. Cassman, H. van Es, J. Woodard, G. Ye. Pavlova, and others. The aim of this article is to research interconnections that arise between the information component of innovation and types of the capital of an enterprise, taking into account agrarian specificity. Methodology. During the research and writing of the article, methods were used: monographic, abstract-logical, mathematical statistics, observation. Results. Any innovation is dual in nature, including the material foundation and the information component. Innovation on the impact on economic processes of enterprises appropriately divided into production (technical, technological, chemical, biological, and managerial) and sales (product and marketing). According to the results of the research, the scheme of the influence of types of innovation on the types of the capital of agrarian enterprises was developed. Empirical studies have shown that the information component of production innovation is methodical and instructional documentation, warranty contract obligations, production licenses, patents, plant and animal breed rights, databases and electronic services of an innovator with their offers, automated information management systems of the enterprise, staff training programs. The information component of sales innovation are the certificates of products quality, brands and trademarks, the standards of the quality of products of the importing countries, characteristics of target market segments, automated customer databases, licensing agreements for the sale of product, data on monitoring of the sectoral markets, pre-contracted deliveries of products, tools e-commerce, etc. Conclusions. The information component of various types of innovation that are inherent in agrarian production is considered. Relationships between types of capital and innovation are explored. The specificity of the use of the information component of innovation in the sectoral section is analysed on the example of grain production and pig farming. The scheme of complex innovative support of enterprise capital is offered. The information component of innovation is detailed. It is recommended to use the information component in full, taking into account the sector specificity of agrarian enterprises

    Interaction between health insurance, household income, and public health financing in Ukraine

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    The most significant problems in financing the public health system in Ukraine are the permanent deficit of public spending on medicine and the shallow development of the voluntary health insurance market. The aim of study is the search of optimal interactions between stakeholders in the system of relations “state – insurance companies – households” in the context of voluntary health insurance. The study hypothesizes that households can become more active participants in health insurance only if their average monthly income reaches a certain threshold level. It is calculated based on the results of simulation games using the Brown-Robinson iterative method. According to the simulation results, this threshold level is only 7% higher than the actual value of the average monthly income of Ukrainian households during the analysis. At the same time, under this condition, the state in Ukraine will be able to transfer part of the financial burden of compensating healthcare costs to insurance companies. According to the calculations made with the help of the game theory toolkit, with the maximization of insurance payments to the population under health insurance contracts, the burden on public health financing in Ukraine could be reduced by 67.7%. The paper was conducted on the data of the ten most potent insurance companies of Ukraine as of 2021 (it is they who accumulate the lion’s share of household insurance premiums), that is, before the start of a full-scale war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The obtained results can be used both by insurance companies during the management of insurance premiums and payments and at the level of state management of costs in the field of public health. AcknowledgmentThis study was undertaken as a part of the research projects granted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: “Socio-economic recovery after COVID-19: modeling the implications for macroeconomic stability, national security and local community resilience” (registration number 0122U000778); “The impact of COVID-19 on the transformation of the system of medical and social security of population: economic, financial-budgetary, institutional-political determinants” (0122U000781)

    Determining the effect of plasmochemically activated aqueous solutions on the bioactivation process of sea buckthorn seeds

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    The studies revealed the regularities of obtaining bioactivated sea buckthorn seeds using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions during germination. Sea buckthorn seeds were chosen as the research object. Plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions were used to activate the germination process. This made it possible to solve the problem of processing waste from the production of sea buckthorn oil, and also contributed to obtaining a high-quality component of food products. Experimental studies have proven the effectiveness of using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions as effective intensifiers and disinfectants for the process of bioactivation of sea buckthorn seeds. It is shown that their use intensifies the germination of sea buckthorn seeds, contributes to a more active accumulation of biologically valuable components in the seeds. Plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions with a peroxide concentration of 300–700 mg/l were used. An increase in the geometric parameters of seeds, namely length by 8.5–14.9 % and width by 3.7–14.8 %, was recorded. The germination energy increased by 5–13 % and germination capacity by 5–14 %. The composition of sea buckthorn seeds, both derived raw material and bioactivated, was investigated. Studies have shown that bioactivated seeds contain an increased amount of highly valuable substances. The protein content increased by 4 % compared to sea buckthorn seeds and by 1.7 % compared to the control. The lipid content increased by 2 and 1.1 %. An increase in the content of vitamins was noted: B1, B2, C, A, E, R. The amount of amino acids increased by 9–13 % compared to the control, and compared to the original raw material – by 1.5–3.5 times. In addition, plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions effectively disinfected the raw material. The presented technology can be used in the food processing industr

    Effect of platelet-rich fibrin matrix in complex with artificial material Nubiplant on expression of chondrogenic marker genes and morphogenesis of the nucleus pulposus cells of intervertebral discs in rats

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    The purpose was to study the barrier and biological properties of platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), an artificial biopolymer Nubiplant, and a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant by assessing the viability and morphological characteristics of nucleus pulposus (NP) cells in rats, as well as the expression level of chondrogenic marker genes during cell cultivation in the presence of these matrices.Materials and methods. PRFM was obtained from platelet-rich plasma using a SiO2 coagulation activator. A suspension of nucleus pulposus cells was obtained from the caudal spine of rats. Cultivation was carried out in the presence of one of three matrices — PRFM, Nubiplant, or their mixture for 3, 7, and 14 days under standard culture conditions in an EC-160 incubator (Nüve, Turkey). Observation of the living culture was carried out in the area bordering with the matrix within one field of view using an inverted microscope (Nicon TS100, Japan). The expression of chondrogenic marker genes in the cell culture of the NP was determined by the method of PCR with reverse transcription.Results. The study of the viability and morphological characteristics of NP cells during their cultivation for 3, 7, and 14 days in the presence of PRFM, PRFM / Nubiplant, or Nubiplant showed a decrease in the content of living cells in control samples; in cultures with PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant, the number of living cells significantly exceeded the control values, aggregation of cells was observed in the area bordering with the matrices from the side of the application. None of the experimental samples showed the outflow of cells to the opposite side of the matrix after 14 days of cultivation; thus, PRFM, Nubiplant, and their mixture can perform barrier functions to keep the cell population in a certain location. Expression of the COL II, ACAN, GPC3, ANXA3, PTN, MGP, and VIM genes by the NP cells during cultivation for 3 and 7 days in the presence of PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant increased as compared to the control samples.Conclusions. The use of PRFM, Nubiplant, or a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant during the cultivation of NP cells demonstrated the absence of cell outflow to the opposite side of the studied matrices during the study period (14 days). The use of PRFM, Nubiplant, or a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant promoted the formation of cell colonies with chondrocyte-like morphology in the zone bordering with the matrices and maintained cell viability throughout the study period. PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant contributed to the maintenance of the expression of chondrogenic genes in the NP cells in the zone bordering the matrices. The results obtained indicate the positive effect of the matrix based on platelet-rich fibrin on the NP cells and its barrier functions, which is promising for the use of PRMF for preventing the formation of cicatricial adhesion

    Мотиваційні механізми дематеріалізаційних та енергоефективних змін національної економіки

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    У колективній монографії розроблено теоретико-методологічні засади мотиваційних механізмів дематеріалізаційних й енергоефективних змін національної економіки. Удосконалено теоретичні засади дематеріалізації і зростання енергоефективності виробництва та споживання. Розроблено підходи до оцінки рівня та ефектів дематеріалізаційних й енергоефективних перетворень. Сформовано багаторівневі мотиваційні механізми, систему мотиваційних стратегій та інструментарій управління дематеріалізацією і зростанням енергоефективності. Розроблено організаційно-інституційну основу реалізації мотиваційних механізмів, науково обґрунтовано напрями їх імплементації в економіці України. Для фахівців з питань управління дематеріалізаційними та ресурсозберігаючими трансформаціями в економіці, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів природоохоронних та економічних спеціальностей.В коллективной монографии разработаны теоретико-методологические основы мотивационных механизмов дематериализационных и энергоэффективных изменений национальной экономики. Усовершенствованы теоретические основы дематериализации и рост энергоэффективности производства и потребления. Разработаны подходы к оценке уровня и эффектов дематериализационных и энергоэффективных преобразований. Сформированы многоуровневые мотивационные механизмы, система мотивационных стратегий и инструментарий управления дематериализацией и ростом энергоэффективности. Разработаны организационно-институциональные основы реализации мотивационных механизмов, научно обоснованы направления их имплементации в экономике Украины. Для специалистов по управлению дематериализационными и ресурсосберегающими трансформациями в экономике, преподавателей, аспирантов, студентов природоохранных и экономических специальностей

    Економіка підприємства

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    У підручнику розглянуто сучасні актуальні процеси розвитку підприємств: правові засади власності, інтелектуальний капітал, мережеві структури, конкурентну політику, трансформацію та реструктуризацію підприємств; проаналізовано інструментарій, що забезпечує порівнянну вартісну оцінку витрат і результатів діяльності; приділено увагу питанням пошуку і реалізації найбільш ефективних напрямів розвитку підприємства в умовах невизначеності. Для викладачів і студентів економічних спеціальностей, для тих, хто вивчає економічні дисципліни на неекономічних спеціальностях, для фахівців і керівників підприємств.В учебнике рассмотрены современные актуальные процессы развития предприятий: правовые основы собственности, интеллектуальный капитал, сетевые структуры, конкурентную политику, трансформацию и реструктуризацию предприятий; проанализированы инструментарий, обеспечивающий сравнимую стоимостную оценку затрат и результатов деятельности; уделено внимание вопросам поиска и реализации наиболее эффективных направлений развития предприятия в условиях неопределенности. Для преподавателей и студентов экономических специальностей, для тех, кто изучает экономические дисциплины на неэкономических специальностях, для специалистов и руководителей предприятий.The textbook considers the modern current processes of enterprise development: legal principles of ownership, intellectual capital, network structures, competition policy, transformation and restructuring of enterprises; comparable cost-benefit analysis; the book focuses on the search and implementation of the most significant areas of enterprise development in conditions of uncertainty. For teachers and students of economic specialties, those who study economic disciplines in non-economic specialties, for professionals and business leaders