21 research outputs found

    Environmental education in teacher’s academic formation

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    A questão ambiental vem sendo considerada cada vez mais urgente para a sociedade. Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a importância da Educação Ambiental (EA) na formação acadêmica do professor, uma vez que esse tem papel fundamental como agente de transformação social. Segundo documentos legais, tais como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental, o meio ambiente é um tema transversal e deve ser tratado de forma interdisciplinar, abrangendo questõesde ordem política, econômica, histórica além de ecológica. A dificuldade de se trabalhar desta forma vem da fragmentação do saber e das ciências. Assim os docentes encontram dificuldades na elaboração de projetos em EA, já que foram formados dentro da visão fragmentada do conhecimento e a EA não fez parte da sua vida acadêmica. Por essas razões, há a necessidade de se investir em cursos de formação inicial ou continuada que forneçam aos professores, atuais e futuros, subsídios para que possam trabalhar e praticarem a educação ambiental.Palavras-chave: Educação Ambiental. Meio Ambiente. Formação deprofessores. Universidades.Environmental education in teacher’s academic formationAbstractEnvironmental issues have been considered increasingly urgent for society. The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the Environmental Education (EE) in teacher’s academic formation, since they have afundamental role as agents of social transformation. According to legal documents, the environment is a transversal theme and should be treatedin an interdisciplinary way, covering political, economic, historical as well as ecological issues. The difficulty of working this way comes from the fragmentation of knowledge and science. Thus, teachers have difficulties in developing EE projects since they have graduated under the fragmented view of knowledge and EE was not part of their academic lives. For these reasons, there is the necessity of investing in initial and continued training courses that provide teachers and prospective teachers subsidies so they canwork and be environmental educators.This study investigated how teachers and students use the Facebook socialKeywords: Environmental Education. Environment. Teacher’s Formation. Universities.Environmental issues have been considered increasingly urgent for society. The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the Environmental Education (EE) in teacher’s academic formation, since they have a fundamental role as agents of social  transformation. According to legal documents, the environment is a transversal theme  and should be treated in an interdisciplinary way, covering political, economic,  historical as well as ecological issues. The difficulty of working this way comes from the fragmentation of knowledge and science. Thus, teachers have difficulties in developing EE projects since they have graduated under the fragmented view of knowledge and EE was not part of their academic lives. For these reasons, there is the necessity of investing in initial and continued training courses that provide teachers and prospective teachers subsidies so they can work and be environmental educators. This study investigated how teachers and students use the Facebook social

    Environmental education in teacher’s academic formation

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    A questão ambiental vem sendo considerada cada vez mais urgente para a sociedade. Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a importância da Educação Ambiental (EA) na formação acadêmica do professor, uma vez que esse tem papel fundamental como agente de transformação social. Segundo documentos legais, tais como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental, o meio ambiente é um tema transversal e deve ser tratado de forma interdisciplinar, abrangendo questõesde ordem política, econômica, histórica além de ecológica. A dificuldade de se trabalhar desta forma vem da fragmentação do saber e das ciências. Assim os docentes encontram dificuldades na elaboração de projetos em EA, já que foram formados dentro da visão fragmentada do conhecimento e a EA não fez parte da sua vida acadêmica. Por essas razões, há a necessidade de se investir em cursos de formação inicial ou continuada que forneçam aos professores, atuais e futuros, subsídios para que possam trabalhar e praticarem a educação ambiental.Palavras-chave: Educação Ambiental. Meio Ambiente. Formação deprofessores. Universidades.Environmental education in teacher’s academic formationAbstractEnvironmental issues have been considered increasingly urgent for society. The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the Environmental Education (EE) in teacher’s academic formation, since they have afundamental role as agents of social transformation. According to legal documents, the environment is a transversal theme and should be treatedin an interdisciplinary way, covering political, economic, historical as well as ecological issues. The difficulty of working this way comes from the fragmentation of knowledge and science. Thus, teachers have difficulties in developing EE projects since they have graduated under the fragmented view of knowledge and EE was not part of their academic lives. For these reasons, there is the necessity of investing in initial and continued training courses that provide teachers and prospective teachers subsidies so they canwork and be environmental educators.This study investigated how teachers and students use the Facebook socialKeywords: Environmental Education. Environment. Teacher’s Formation. Universities.Environmental issues have been considered increasingly urgent for society. The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the Environmental Education (EE) in teacher’s academic formation, since they have a fundamental role as agents of social  transformation. According to legal documents, the environment is a transversal theme  and should be treated in an interdisciplinary way, covering political, economic,  historical as well as ecological issues. The difficulty of working this way comes from the fragmentation of knowledge and science. Thus, teachers have difficulties in developing EE projects since they have graduated under the fragmented view of knowledge and EE was not part of their academic lives. For these reasons, there is the necessity of investing in initial and continued training courses that provide teachers and prospective teachers subsidies so they can work and be environmental educators. This study investigated how teachers and students use the Facebook social

    A Educação Ambiental: Conceitos e Abordagens pelos Alunos de Licenciatura da Universidade Federal Fluminense

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    Modern society and its way of life resulted in an environmental crisis, and environmental education emerges as one of the tools to contribute to build a new model of society. As proposed in the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN), the environment is a crosscutting theme and, therefore, Environmental Education must be present in all learning spaces. This work intends to make a critical assessment of the perceptions and theoretical concepts and practices of environmental education by undergraduate students in Biology, Physical Education, Physics, Geography, History, Literature, Mathematics, Pedagogy and Chemistry Education from Fluminense Federal University. The responses of these students to a semi-open questionnaire were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In the statements, naturalistic and anthropocentric views predominated. A contextualized view of the environment was more evident in the courses of Biology and Geography, which were considered to produce the most suitable professionals as environmental educators. Students from other courses feel very distant from environmental issues.The analyzed students showed ignorance, fragmentation and lack of discussion on environmental education. Thus, it is necessary to insert lectures on environmental education in all the undergraduate courses of Fluminense Federal University.A crise ambiental é um reflexo da sociedade moderna. Nesse contexto, a Educação Ambiental surge como uma ferramenta para contribuir com a construção de um novo modelo de sociedade. Conforme proposto nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, o meio ambiente é um tema transversal e, consequentemente, a Educação Ambiental deve estar presente em todos os espaços educativos. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma avaliação crítica das percepções e concepções teóricas e práticas da Educação Ambiental pelos alunos das licenciaturas em Biologia, Educação Física, Física, Geografia, História, Letras, Matemática, Pedagogia e Química da Universidade Federal Fluminense. As respostas desses alunos a um questionário semiaberto foram analisadas qualitativa e quantitativamente. Nos depoimentos, a visão naturalista, seguida pela visão antropocêntrica, foi predominante. A visão contextualizada de meio ambiente esteve mais presente nos cursos de Biologia e Geografia, que formam os profissionais considerados mais aptos para atuar como educadores ambientais. Os alunos dos demais cursos se sentem muito distantes dos temas ambientais. Percebeu-se o desconhecimento, a fragmentação e a falta de discussão sobre a Educação Ambiental nesse universo de licenciandos. Dessa forma, faz se necessária a inserção de uma disciplina de Educação Ambiental em todos os cursos de licenciatura da Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Different evaluation methods of Canchim cattle temperament

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    Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the temperament of Canchim calves using different methods, to compare these methods, and to determine the most suitable for commercial use. The temperament of 1,831 calves was evaluated at 15 days after weaning by visually analyzing movement, tension, breathing, vocalizing, and kicking. Measurements were taken at 10 and 20 s after the calf entered the scale. The reactivity score was determined electronically, and flight speed was measured after the calf left the scale. The results of the principal component analysis showed that the first component explained 40.27% of total variation. Positive correlations were found for tension at 10 and 20 s, movement at 10 and 20 s, and reactivity score, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.60 to 0.88. Temperament and reactivity scores presented moderate correlations of 0.25 and 0.35, respectively, with flight speed. However, kicking had no correlation with any variable. No differences were observed for reactivity measured at 10 or 20 s. The visual evaluations of movement and tension or of reactivity through an electronic device can be used for temperament evaluation of Canchim calves

    III Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica

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    Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUniversidade de Pernambuco Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais Faculdade de MedicinaFaculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio PretoFundação Universitária de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul Instituto de CardiologiaRede Labs D'OrUniversidade Federal FluminenseUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Faculdade de Ciencias MédicasInstituto Dante Pazzanese de CardiologiaSanta Casa de MisericórdiaUniversidade de Pernambuco Pronto Socorro Cardiológico de PernambucoHospital Pró CardíacoHospital de MessejanaPontifícia Universidade Católica do ParanáUniversidade Federal de Goiás Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão PretoReal e Benemerita Sociedade de Beneficência PortuguesaFaculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas GeraisUNIFESP, EPMSciEL