266 research outputs found

    Abordagem em Saúde Pública da Associação do Conhecimento, condição Periodontal e Controle Glicêmico de Pacientes Diabéticos Tipo 2

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    Introdução: O controle da periodontite auxilia a prevenção e o controle do diabetes mellitus (DM), e a compreensão dessa relação tem potencial de provocar mudanças na política de saúde. Objetivo: Verificar, em pacientes diabéticos, hábitos de higiene bucal; encaminhamento, assiduidade e histórico de atendimento odontológico; características clínicas bucais auto-observadas que possam estar relacionadas com a manifestação de periodontite; controle glicêmico do DM e sua relação com a periodontite; conhecimento sobre a doença periodontal (DP) e sua interação com o DM. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa epidemiológica analítica transversal, com 288 pacientes portadores de DM tipo 2 de ambos os sexos, não fumantes, com idade ≥18 anos e com pelo menos um dente. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado validado para a coleta dos dados. Num segundo momento, foram selecionados, do total da amostra, apenas os 216 pacientes que possuíam exames de sangue recentes com hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c). O controle adequado do DM foi considerado com HbA1c ≤7%. Realizou-se análise estatística descritiva e regressões logísticas simples e múltipla. Resultados: Para a população estudada, mais de 90% dos pacientes relataram escovar os dentes duas vezes ao dia ou mais; mais de 60% informaram ter visitado um dentista no último ano; aproximadamente 80% já realizaram tratamento para DP; a taxa de encaminhamento médico para tratamento odontológico foi entre 13 e 15%; e mais ou menos metade dos pacientes apresentava periodontite. Pacientes com maior escolaridade, que utilizam fio dental diariamente, com periodontite e que receberam tratamento para essa doença apresentaram mais chances de ter recebido informações sobre o que é DP (p2). Pacientes com maior escolaridade e com mais tempo de diagnóstico do DM apresentaram maior chance de ter recebido explicação sobre a relação entre DP e DM (p2). Dentre os 216 pacientes que possuíam exame de sangue com taxa de HbA1c, 59,72% estavam com o DM controlado. Não foi observada associação significante (p=0,603) entre controle de HbA1c e presença de periodontite. Com referência aos pacientes com periodontite, também não foi encontrada associação entre controlar a HbA1c, ter sido informado sobre DP (p=0,921) e conhecer a sua relação com o DM (p=0,650). Conclusão: Os pacientes diabéticos deste estudo apresentaram hábitos adequados de higiene bucal, frequência de atendimento e tratamento odontológico, e a menor parte da amostra recebeu encaminhamento médico para o dentista. Foi observada relação entre conhecimento sobre DP e escolaridade, saúde bucal e tratamento odontológico. Não foi encontrada relação entre periodontite e controle glicêmico do DM

    Soil, Plant and Cattle Nutrient Dynamics on Pastures of the Western Amazon of Brazil

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    Cattle production on Brachiaria pastures is a primary use of cleared forestland in the western Brazilian Amazon. About 6.8 million hectares in the States of Acre and Rondônia have been deforested, where 75% of land is now grazed (IBGE, 1998). The principal pasture species are B. brizantha and B. decumbens with the latter in decline from spittlebug susceptibility (Deois incompleta; Gonçalves et al., 1996). The general pattern of pasture establishment in the Amazon basin includes felling and burning forest biomass, planting annual crops for one to three years (especially on small farms), and then seeding to grasses. The conversion of tropical forest to pasture, the effects of that process on soil properties, and pasture degradation outcomes have been studied in the eastern Amazon region ( Serrao et al., 1978; Reiners et al., 1994; Sanchez and Salinas, 1981; Buschbacher et al., 1987; Moraes et al., 1996) but not in the remote western region. Most findings showed an initial increase in soil cation concentrations with pasture establishment, except P, which declined to nearly undetectable amounts; and losses in pasture productivity after about five years with little management and poorly matched grasses (Serrao et al., 1978). The extent to which this outcome is due to poor management practices (e.g., inappropriate grass species) is unknown, and few studies in the region have examined the impacts of stocking rates, soil-plant nutrient relationships and burning frequencies on pasture degradation. Strategies that account for the cycling of major nutrients are needed to improve management of grasses and grass-legume associations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis that low-input pasture use of land with Brachiaria spp. effectively sustains cattle production in the western Brazilian Amazon without deteriorating soil nutrient stocks . Three pasture land cover types (B. decumbens, B. brizantha and a grass association with Pueraria phaseoloides) were compared to primary forest and crops (maize and rice). Temporal (i.e., time post-deforestation) effects on the physical and chemical properties of soils and forages were evaluated. The nutrient pools in soil, plants and cattle herds and nutrients extracted in animal products were approximated to help understand the essential management to enhance cattle productivity and to avoid land degradation

    Selecting new Brachiaria humidicola hybrids for Western Brazilian Amazon.

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    Brachiaria humidicola is a perennial and stoloniferous forage grass, with excellent adaptation to infertile soils and waterlogging. Producers in northern Brazil have become interested in this species, especially after the degradation of large areas of lowly permeable soils sown with B. brizantha cv. Marandu, which is highly intoler-ant of soil waterlogging (Andrade and Valentim 2006). However, since only 3 cultivars of B. humidicola are registered in Brazil (Mapa 2013), there is a need to de-velop new cultivars adapted to the range of environ-mental conditions experienced. Recently, Embrapa Beef Cattle obtained intraspecific hybrids of B. humidicola that need to be evaluated agronomically, aiming at sub-sequent grazing trials and future releases. The objective of this study was to evaluate and select apomictic and sexual hybrids of B. humidicola under the environmental conditions of the state of Acre, in western Brazilian Amazon.Publicado também nos Anais do 22º INTERNATIONAL GRASSLAND CONGRESS, Sidney, 2013

    Selecting New \u3cem\u3eBrachiaria humidicola\u3c/em\u3e Hybrids for Western Brazilian Amazon

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    Brachiaria humidicola is a perennial and stoloniferous forage grass, with excellent adaptation to infertile soils and waterlogging. Producers in northern Brazil have become interested in this species, especially after the degradation of large areas of lowly permeable soils sown with B. brizantha cv. Marandu, which is highly intolerant of soil waterlogging (Andrade and Valentim 2006). However, since only 3 cultivars of B. humidicola are registered in Brazil (Mapa 2013), there is a need to develop new cultivars adapted to the range of environmental conditions experienced. Recently, Embrapa Beef Cattle obtained intraspecific hybrids of B. humidicola that need to be evaluated agronomically, aiming at subsequent grazing trials and future releases. The objective of this study was to evaluate and select apomictic and sexual hybrids of B. humidicola in the environmental conditions of the state of Acre, in western Brazilian Amazon

    Nutrient status of cattle grazing systems in the western brazilian Amazon.

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    Low-input cultivated pastures to feed cattle have dominated land use after forest clearing for decades in the western Brazilian Amazon. This study was undertaken to help understand the inherent nutrient supply dynamics underwriting cattle performance on three farms in the state of Acre. We assessed soil chemical and physical properties associated over time with different land uses following forest clearing. This information permitted specifying a conceptual model of nutrient stocks and flows under the observed grazing system, which produced insights about the dynamics of soil nutrient degradation. Above ground forage mass, topsoil nutrient concentrations and soil bulk density were measured. Land covers were Brachiaria spp. grasses, a grass-Pueraria phaseoloides mix, cropland and forest. Most soil nutrient parameters initially decreased after clearing, gradually recovering over time with grass-only pastures; however, 20 yr-old pastures had 20% less forage mass. Most pasture system nutrients on these farms resided in topsoil and roots, where large stocks of mature forage supported soil fertility with recycled nutrients from litter. Estimates of partial topsoil nutrient balances were negative. This suggested that corresponding nutrient stocks and the accumulation of forage mass were probably maintained primarily through the sum of inflows from cattle excreta, the subsoil, soil organic matter, and litter mineralization with scant input of commercial fertilizer. Therefore, herd management to increase animal system productivity via higher stocking rates on vegetatively younger forage requires monitoring of nutrient stocks and flows and fertilization that assures replenishment of the nutrients extracted. Otherwise, rapid depletion of soil nutrient stocks will lead to system degradation and failure

    Ecosystem services from converted land: the importance of tree cover in Amazonian pastures.

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    Deforestation is responsible for a substantial fraction of global carbon emissions and changes in surface energy budgets that affect climate. Deforestation losses include wildlife and human habitat, and myriad forest products on which rural and urban societies depend for food, fiber, fuel, fresh water, medicine, and recreation. Ecosystem services gained in the transition from forests to pasture and croplands, however, are often ignored in assessments of the impact of land cover change. The role of converted lands in tropical areas in terms of carbon uptake and storage is largely unknown. Pastures represent the fastest-growing form of converted land use in the tropics, even in some areas of rapid urban expansion. Tree biomass stored in these areas spans a broad range, depending on tree cover. Trees in pasture increase carbon storage, provide shade for cattle, and increase productivity of forage material. As a result, increasing fractional tree cover can provide benefits land managers as well as important ecosystem services such as reducing conversion pressure on forests adjacent to pastures. This study presents an estimation of fractional tree cover in pasture in a dynamic region on the verge of large-scale land use change. An appropriate sampling interval is established for similar studies, one that balances the need for independent samples of sufficient number to characterize a pasture in terms of fractional tree cover. This information represents a useful policy tool for government organizations and NGOs interested in encouraging ecosystem services on converted lands. Using high spatial resolution Rio Branco, Brazil. A semivariogram and devolving spatial resolution are employed to determine the coarsest sampling interval that may be used, minimizing effects of spatial autocorrelation. The coarsest sampling interval that minimizes spatial dependence was about 22 m. The area-weighted fractional tree cover for the study area was 1.85 %, corrected for a slight bias associated with the coarser sampling resolution. The pastures sampled for fractional tree cover were divided between ?high? and ?low? tree cover, which may be the result of intentional incorporation of arboreal species in pasture. Further research involving those ranchers that have a higher fractional tree cover may indicate ways to promote the practice on a broader scale in the region

    Transferência de tecnologia: desafios e oportunidades para Adoção de ILPF na Amazônia brasileira legal.

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    Este capítulo discute a importância dos sistemas integrados de lavoura-pecuária-floresta (ILPF) como um mecanismo para alcançar os objetivos brasileiros de redução de GEE, assim como analisa as políticas de incentivo para adoção dos sistemas iLPF na Amazônia brasileira. Diversos desafios que impedem a adoção de sistemas ILPF em grande escala também são identificados com base em pesquisa prévia dos autores, incluindo entrevistas com agricultores em diferentes regiões. Esses desafios incluem fatores econômicos e culturais que desmotivam os produtores, deficiências da cadeia de suprimentos e barreiras institucionais. O capítulo conclui com recomendações voltadas à pesquisa e a políticas de apoio à adoção em larga escala de sistemas ILPF

    Tradeoffs in the quest for climate smart agricultural intensification in Mato Grosso, Brazil.

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    Low productivity cattle ranching, with its linkages to rural poverty, deforestation and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, remains one of the largest sustainability challenges in Brazil and has impacts worldwide. There is a nearly universal call to intensify extensive beef cattle production systems to spare land for crop production and nature and to meet Brazil?s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to reducing global climate change. However, different interventions aimed at the intensification of livestock systems in Brazil may involve substantial social and environmental tradeoffs. Here we examine these tradeoffs using a whole-farm model calibrated for the Brazilian agricultural frontier state ofMato Grosso, one of the largest soybean and beef cattle production regions in the world. Specifically, we compare the costs and benefits of a typical extensive, continuously grazed cattle system relative to a specialized soybean production system and two improved cattle management strategies (rotational grazing and integrated soybean-cattle) under different climate scenarios.We found clear tradeoffs in GHG and nitrogen emissions, climate resilience, and water and energy use across these systems. Relative to continuously grazed or rotationally grazed cattle systems, the integreated soybean-cattle system showed higher food production and lower GHG emissions per unit of human digestible protein, as well as increased resilience under climate change (both in terms of productivity and financial returns). All systems suffered productivity and profitability losses under severe climate change, highlighting the need for climate smart agricultural development strategies in the region. By underscoring the economic feasibility of improving the performance of cattle systems, and by quantifying the tradeoffs of each option, our results are useful for directing agricultural and climate policy