9 research outputs found

    “A Desora Desperto y vio una Grand Claridat”: The Role of Dreams and Light in the Construction of a Multi-Confessional Audience of the Miracles of the Virgin of Guadalupe

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    This paper examines the religious proselytizing agenda of the order of Saint Jerome that ruled the Extremaduran sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe since 1389. To this end, I analyze how the Hieronymite’s used literary motifs such as dreams and light in the codex of the Miracles of the Virgin of Guadalupe to create a multi-confessional audience for their collection of miracles. I contend that these motifs were chosen because they were key elements in the construction of a particular image of the Virgin that could appeal to pilgrims of different faiths. Through them, the Hieronymites evoked in the minds of Muslim pilgrims and Christian captives beyond the sea the imagery and rhetoric of Sufi devotional literature and Islamic hagiography, in order to create a vision of the Virgin that was able to compete with the more important Islamic devotional figures: the Prophet, Sufi masters and charismatic saints. Finally, I explore how the possible influence of North African devotional models, such as the Shadhiliyya order or the hagiography of the Tunisian saint, Aisha al-Manubiyya, suggests that the aims of the monastic authors of this Marian miracles collection went far beyond the conversion of Castilian Muslims, aiming at the transformation of the Extremaduran Marian sanctuary of Guadalupe into a Mediterranean devotional center

    The Granadan mission of Maryam: the construction of a form of Marian imagery for the Moriscos of Granada and Hernando de Talavera’s version of the Vita Christi by Francesc Eiximenis

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    En este artículo presento una nueva interpretación de las imágenes de molde de la Virgen encargadas al escultor Huberto Alemán por parte de Isabel la Católica y el arzobispo Fray Hernando de Talavera para las parroquias responsables de la instrucción religiosa de los moriscos recién convertidos en la Granada de 1500; explorando cómo la visión “islamizada” de la Virgen presente en la Vita Christi de Eiximenis, traducida al castellano e impresa años antes por Talavera como parte de su proyecto misional, pudo ser utilizada por el arzobispo para promover una interpretación de estas imágenes marianas como elementos clave en la educación espiritual de los moriscos granadinos del Albaicín.This paper presents a new interpretation of the cast sculptures of the Virgin commissioned from the sculptor Huberto Alemán by Queen Isabella the Catholic and Archbishop Hernando de Talavera for the parishes responsible for the religious instruction of recently converted Moriscos in early sixteenth-century Granada. I will explore how the “islamicate” vision of the Virgin of Eiximenis’ Vita Christi, previously translated and printed by Talavera as part of his missionary project, could have been used by the archbishop in order to disseminate an interpretation of these Marian images as a key element in the spiritual education of the Moriscos of the Albaicín quarter in Granada.El proyecto que ha dado lugar a estos resultados ha contado con el apoyo de una beca de la Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa” (ID 100010434), cuyo código es LCF/BQ/DE17/1160002

    “A desora desperto y vio una grand claridat”: the role of dreams and light in the construction of a multi-confessional audience of the miracles of the Virgin of Guadalupe

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    This paper examines the religious proselytizing agenda of the order of Saint Jerome that ruled the Extremaduran sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe since 1389. To this end, I analyze how the Hieronymite’s used literary motifs such as dreams and light in the codex of the Miracles of the Virgin of Guadalupe to create a multi-confessional audience for their collection of miracles. I contend that these motifs were chosen because they were key elements in the construction of a particular image of the Virgin that could appeal to pilgrims of different faiths. Through them, the Hieronymites evoked in the minds of Muslim pilgrims and Christian captives beyond the sea the imagery and rhetoric of Sufi devotional literature and Islamic hagiography, in order to create a vision of the Virgin that was able to compete with the more important Islamic devotional figures: the Prophet, Sufi masters and charismatic saints. Finally, I explore how the possible influence of North African devotional models, such as the Shadhiliyya order or the hagiography of the Tunisian saint, Aisha al-Manubiyya, suggests that the aims of the monastic authors of this Marian miracles collection went far beyond the conversion of Castilian Muslims, aiming at the transformation of the Extremaduran Marian sanctuary of Guadalupe into a Mediterranean devotional center.This paper is the result of my PhD research funded by the Fellowship Program of “La Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434), with code LCF/BQ/DE17/11600020

    Adenocarcinoma duodenal. Reporte de un caso

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    La tasa de incidencia de cáncer de intestino delgado representa del 1-3 % de todos los tumores gastrointestinales, entre ellos adenocarcinoma es el subtipo histopatológico más común. Se planteó como objetivo describir un caso de adenocarcinoma duodenal. Se presentó el caso de un paciente que acudió por presentar vómitos incontables causados por un tumor de tercera y cuarta porción del duodeno, para lo cual se le realizó proceder quirúrgico paliativo debido a las características avanzadas. Los tumores de intestino delgado son infrecuentes y la mayoría se originan en el duodeno. Para su diagnóstico la prueba de oro es la panendoscopia, a la vez que el tratamiento quirúrgico es curativo o paliativo. La sobrevida es baja debido al diagnóstico tardío, ya en fases avanzadas de la enfermedad

    Construction of a Novel Chimeric Dextransucrase Fused to the Carbohydrate-Binding Module CBM2a

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have the potential to produce homoexopolysaccharides (HoPS). Their health benefits and physicochemical properties have been the subject of extensive research. The HoPS functional properties are determined by molecular weight, the type of glycosidic linkages, degrees of branching and chemical composition. The dextransucrases (DSases) produce a kind of HoPS (dextrans), which are among the first biopolymers produced at industrial scale with applications in medicine and biotechnology. The glycodiversification opens additional applications for DSases. Therefore, the design and characterization of new DSases is of prime importance. Previously, we described the isolation and characterization of a novel extracellular dextransucrase (DSR-F) encoding gene. In this study, from DSR-F, we design a novel chimeric dextransucrase DSR-F-∆SP-∆GBD-CBM2a, where DSR-F-∆SP-∆GBD (APY repeats and a CW repeat deleted) was fused to the carbohydrate-binding module (CBM2a) of the β-1-4 exoglucanase/xylanase Cex (Xyn10A) of Cellulomonas fimi ATCC 484. This dextransucrase variant is active and the specificity is not altered. The DSR-F-∆SP-∆GBD-CBM2a was purified by cellulose affinity chromatography for the first time. This research showed that hybrids and chimeric biocatalyst DSases with novel binding capacity to cellulose can be designed to purify and immobilize using renewable lignocellulosic materials as supports

    Currículo Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y relaciones entre sus elementos

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    Se recoge el articulado del Decreto 43/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenación y se establece el currículo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en el Principado de Asturias, publicado en el BOPA (Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 30 de junio de 2015. La publicación incluye además la metodología didáctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuación y estándares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, específicas y de aquéllas de libre configuración autonómica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas de los ciclos educativos de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.ES

    Currículo Bachillerato y relaciones entre sus elementos

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    Contiene el Decreto 42/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenación y se establece el currículo del Bachillerato en el Principado de Asturias. Publicado en el BOPA (Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 29 de junio de 2015. Incluye además, la metodología didáctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuación y estándares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, específicas y de aquéllas de libre configuración autonómica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas del Bachillerato.ES