34 research outputs found

    Enhanced relativistic-electron beam collimation using two consecutive laser pulses

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    The double laser pulse approach to relativistic electron beam (REB) collimation has been investigated at the LULI-ELFIE facility. In this scheme, the magnetic field generated by the first laser-driven REB is used to guide a second delayed REB. We show how electron beam collimation can be controlled by properly adjusting laser parameters. By changing the ratio of focus size and the delay time between the two pulses we found a maximum of electron beam collimation clearly dependent on the focal spot size ratio of the two laser pulses and related to the magnetic field dynamics. Cu-K alpha and CTR imaging diagnostics were implemented to evaluate the collimation effects on the respectively low energy ( MeV) components of the REB

    Proton stopping measurements at low velocity in warm dense carbon

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    : Ion stopping in warm dense matter is a process of fundamental importance for the understanding of the properties of dense plasmas, the realization and the interpretation of experiments involving ion-beam-heated warm dense matter samples, and for inertial confinement fusion research. The theoretical description of the ion stopping power in warm dense matter is difficult notably due to electron coupling and degeneracy, and measurements are still largely missing. In particular, the low-velocity stopping range, that features the largest modelling uncertainties, remains virtually unexplored. Here, we report proton energy-loss measurements in warm dense plasma at unprecedented low projectile velocities. Our energy-loss data, combined with a precise target characterization based on plasma-emission measurements using two independent spectroscopy diagnostics, demonstrate a significant deviation of the stopping power from classical models in this regime. In particular, we show that our results are in closest agreement with recent first-principles simulations based on time-dependent density functional theory

    Guiding of relativistic electron beams in dense matter by laser-driven magnetostatic fields

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    Intense lasers interacting with dense targets accelerate relativistic electron beams, whichtransport part of the laser energy into the target depth. However, the overall laser-to-targetenergy coupling efficiency is impaired by the large divergence of the electron beam, intrinsicto the laser-plasma interaction. Here we demonstrate that an efficient guiding ofMeV electrons with about 30MA current in solid matter is obtained by imposing a laserdrivenlongitudinal magnetostatic field of 600 T. In the magnetized conditions the transportedenergy density and the peak background electron temperature at the 60-μm-thicktarget's rear surface rise by about a factor of five, as unfolded from benchmarked simulations.Such an improvement of energy-density flux through dense matter paves the ground foradvances in laser-driven intense sources of energetic particles and radiation, driving matter toextreme temperatures, reaching states relevant for planetary or stellar science as yet inaccessibleat the laboratory scale and achieving high-gain laser-driven thermonuclear fusion

    Laser-driven quasi-static B-fields for magnetized high-energy-density experiments

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    We present measurements of magnetic fields generated in laser-driven coil targets irradiated by laser pulses of nanosecond duration, 1.053 μm wavelength, 500 J energy, and ∼ 10 15 W / cm 2 intensity, at the LULI2000 facility. Using two perpendicular probing axes, proton deflectometry is used to characterize the coil current and static charge at different times. Results reveal various deflection features that can be unambiguously linked to a looping quasi-steady current of well-understood polarity or to a static charging of the coil surface. Measured currents are broadly consistent with predictions from a laser-driven diode-current source and lumped circuit model, supporting the quasi-steady assessment of the discharges. Peak magnetic fields of ∼ 50 T at the center of 500-μm-diameter coils, obtained at the moderate laser intensity, open up the use of such laser-driven coil targets at facilities worldwide to study numerous phenomena in magnetized high-energy-density plasmas, and its potential applications

    Unraveling resistive versus collisional contributions to relativistic electron beam stopping power in cold-solid and in warm-dense plasmas

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    We present results on laser-driven relativistic electron beam propagation through aluminum samples, which are either solid and cold or compressed and heated by laser-induced shock. A full numerical description of fast electron generation and transport is found to reproduce the experimental absolute Kα yield and spot size measurements for varying target thicknesses, and to sequentially quantify the collisional and resistive electron stopping powers. The results demonstrate that both stopping mechanisms are enhanced in compressed Al samples and are attributed to the increase in the medium density and resistivity, respectively. For the achieved time- and space-averaged electronic current density, ⟨jh⟩∼8×1010 A/cm2 in the samples, the collisional and resistive stopping powers in warm and compressed Al are estimated to be 1.5 keV/μm and 0.8 keV/μm , respectively. By contrast, for cold and solid Al, the corresponding estimated values are 1.1 keV/μm and 0.6 keV/μm . Prospective numerical simulations involving higher jh show that the resistive stopping power can reach the same level as the collisional one. In addition to the effects of compression, the effect of the transient behavior of the resistivity of Al during relativistic electron beam transport becomes progressively more dominant, and for a significantly high current density, jh∼1012 A/cm2 , cancels the difference in the electron resistive stopping power (or the total stopping power in units of areal density) between solid and compressed samples. Analytical calculations extend the analysis up to jh=1014 A/cm2 (representative of the full-scale fast ignition scenario of inertial confinement fusion), where a very rapid transition to the Spitzer resistivity regime saturates the resistive stopping power, averaged over the electron beam duration, to values of ∼1 keV/μm

    Enhanced ion acceleration using the high-energy petawatt PETAL laser

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    The high-energy petawatt PETAL laser system was commissioned at CEA’s Laser Mégajoule facility during the 2017–2018 period. This paper reports in detail on the first experimental results obtained at PETAL on energetic particle and photon generation from solid foil targets, with special emphasis on proton acceleration. Despite a moderately relativistic (<1019 W/cm2) laser intensity, proton energies as high as 51 MeV have been measured significantly above those expected from preliminary numerical simulations using idealized interaction conditions. Multidimensional hydrodynamic and kinetic simulations, taking into account the actual laser parameters, show the importance of the energetic electron production in the extended low-density preplasma created by the laser pedestal. This hot-electron generation occurs through two main pathways: (i) stimulated backscattering of the incoming laser light, triggering stochastic electron heating in the resulting counterpropagating laser beams; (ii) laser filamentation, leading to local intensifications of the laser field and plasma channeling, both of which tend to boost the electron acceleration. Moreover, owing to the large (∼100 μm) waist and picosecond duration of the PETAL beam, the hot electrons can sustain a high electrostatic field at the target rear side for an extended period, thus enabling efficient target normal sheath acceleration of the rear-side protons. The particle distributions predicted by our numerical simulations are consistent with the measurements