767 research outputs found

    BKM Lie superalgebra for the Z_5 orbifolded CHL string

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    We study the Z_5-orbifolding of the CHL string theory by explicitly constructing the modular form tilde{Phi}_2 generating the degeneracies of the 1/4-BPS states in the theory. Since the additive seed for the sum form is a weak Jacobi form in this case, a mismatch is found between the modular forms generated from the additive lift and the product form derived from threshold corrections. We also construct the BKM Lie superalgebra, tilde{G}_5, corresponding to the modular form tilde{Delta}_1 (Z) = tilde{Phi}_2 (Z)^{1/2} which happens to be a hyperbolic algebra. This is the first occurrence of a hyperbolic BKM Lie superalgebra. We also study the walls of marginal stability of this theory in detail, and extend the arithmetic structure found by Cheng and Dabholkar for the N=1,2,3 orbifoldings to the N=4,5 and 6 models, all of which have an infinite number of walls in the fundamental domain. We find that analogous to the Stern-Brocot tree, which generated the intercepts of the walls on the real line, the intercepts for the N >3 cases are generated by linear recurrence relations. Using the correspondence between the walls of marginal stability and the walls of the Weyl chamber of the corresponding BKM Lie superalgebra, we propose the Cartan matrices for the BKM Lie superalgebras corresponding to the N=5 and 6 models.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Conservation laws and tachyon potentials in the sliver frame

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    Conservation laws have provided an elegant and efficient tool to evaluate the open string field theory interaction vertex, they have been originally implemented in the case where the string field is expanded in the Virasoro basis. In this work we derive conservation laws in the case where the string field is expanded in the so-called sliver L0\mathcal{L}_0-basis. As an application of these conservation laws derived in the sliver frame, we compute the open string field action relevant to the tachyon condensation and in order to present not only an illustration but also an additional information, we evaluate the action without imposing a gauge choice.Comment: 26 pages, some typos fixed, comments added, references adde

    The Bulk Channel in Thermal Gauge Theories

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    We investigate the thermal correlator of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. Our goal is to constrain the spectral function in that channel, whose low-frequency part determines the bulk viscosity. We focus on the thermal modification of the spectral function, ρ(ω,T)ρ(ω,0)\rho(\omega,T)-\rho(\omega,0). Using the operator-product expansion we give the high-frequency behavior of this difference in terms of thermodynamic potentials. We take into account the presence of an exact delta function located at the origin, which had been missed in previous analyses. We then combine the bulk sum rule and a Monte-Carlo evaluation of the Euclidean correlator to determine the intervals of frequency where the spectral density is enhanced or depleted by thermal effects. We find evidence that the thermal spectral density is non-zero for frequencies below the scalar glueball mass mm and is significantly depleted for mω3mm\lesssim\omega\lesssim 3m.Comment: (1+25) pages, 6 figure

    Volumetry of the dominant intraprostatic tumour lesion: intersequence and interobserver differences on multiparametric MRI.

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    Objective To establish the interobserver reproducibility of tumour volumetry on individual multiparametric (mp) prostate MRI sequences, validate measurements with histology and determine whether functional to morphological volume ratios reflect Gleason score.Methods 41 males with prostate cancer treated with prostatectomy (Cohort 1) or radical radiotherapy (Cohort 2), who had pre-treatment mpMRI [T2 weighted (T2W) MRI, diffusion-weighted (DW)-MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI], were studied retrospectively. Dominant intraprostatic lesions (DIPLs) were manually delineated on each sequence and volumes were compared between observers (n = 40 analyzable) and with radical prostatectomy (n = 20). Volume ratios of DW-MRI and DCE-MRI to T2W MRI were documented and compared between Gleason grade 3 + 3, 3 + 4 and 4 + 3 or greater categories.Results Limits of agreement of DIPL volumes between observers were: T2W MRI 0.9, -1.1 cm3, DW-MRI 1.3, -1.7 cm3 and DCE-MRI 0.74, -0.89 cm3. In Cohort 1, T2W volumes overestimated fixed specimen histological volumes (+33% Observer 1, +16% Observer 2); DW- and DCE-MRI underestimated histological volume, the latter markedly so (-32% Observer 1, -79% Observer 2). Differences between T2W, DW- and DCE-MRI volumes were significant (p -8). The ratio of DW-MRI volume (73.9 ± 18.1% Observer 1, 72.5 ± 21.9% Observer 2) and DCE-MRI volume (42.6 ± 24.6% Observer 1, 34.3 ± 24.9% Observer 2) to T2W volume was significantly different (p -8), but these volume ratios did not differ between the Gleason grades.Conclusion The low variability of the DIPL volume on T2W MRI between Observers and agreement with histology indicates its suitability for delineation of gross tumour volume for radiotherapy planning. The volume of cellular tumour represented by DW-MRI is greater than the vascular (DCE) abnormality; ratios of both to T2W volume are independent of Gleason score. Advances in knowledge: (1) Manual volume measurement of tumour is reproducible within 1 cm3 between observers on all sequences, confirming suitability across observers for radiotherapy planning. (2) Volumes derived on T2W MRI most accurately represent in vivo lesion volumes. (3) The proportion of cellular (DW-MRI) or vascular (DCE-MRI) volume to morphological (T2W MRI) volume is not affected by Gleason score

    Crossings, Motzkin paths and Moments

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    Kasraoui, Stanton and Zeng, and Kim, Stanton and Zeng introduced certain qq-analogues of Laguerre and Charlier polynomials. The moments of these orthogonal polynomials have combinatorial models in terms of crossings in permutations and set partitions. The aim of this article is to prove simple formulas for the moments of the qq-Laguerre and the qq-Charlier polynomials, in the style of the Touchard-Riordan formula (which gives the moments of some qq-Hermite polynomials, and also the distribution of crossings in matchings). Our method mainly consists in the enumeration of weighted Motzkin paths, which are naturally associated with the moments. Some steps are bijective, in particular we describe a decomposition of paths which generalises a previous construction of Penaud for the case of the Touchard-Riordan formula. There are also some non-bijective steps using basic hypergeometric series, and continued fractions or, alternatively, functional equations.Comment: 21 page

    New Solution for Neutrino Masses and Leptogenesis in Adjoint SU(5)

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    We investigate baryogenesis via leptogenesis and generation of neutrino masses and mixings through the Type I plus Type III seesaw plus an one-loop mechanism in the context of Renormalizable Adjoint SU(5) theory. One light neutrino remains massless, because the contributions of three heavy Majorana fermions \rho_0, \rho_3 and \rho_8 to the neutrino mass matrix are not linearly independent. However none of these heavy fermions is decoupled from the generation of neutrino masses. This opens a new range in parameter space for successful leptogenesis, in particular, allows for inverted hierarchy of the neutrino masses.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures; references added and typos fixe

    Aidnogenesis via Leptogenesis and Dark Sphalerons

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    We discuss aidnogenesis, the generation of a dark matter asymmetry via new sphaleron processes associated to an extra non-abelian gauge symmetry common to both the visible and the dark sectors. Such a theory can naturally produce an abundance of asymmetric dark matter which is of the same size as the lepton and baryon asymmetries, as suggested by the similar sizes of the observed baryonic and dark matter energy content, and provide a definite prediction for the mass of the dark matter particle. We discuss in detail a minimal realization in which the Standard Model is only extended by dark matter fermions which form "dark baryons" through an SU(3) interaction, and a (broken) horizontal symmetry that induces the new sphalerons. The dark matter mass is predicted to be approximately 6 GeV, close to the region favored by DAMA and CoGeNT. Furthermore, a remnant of the horizontal symmetry should be broken at a lower scale and can also explain the Tevatron dimuon anomaly.Comment: Minor changes, discussion of present constraints expanded. 16 pages, 2 eps figures, REVTeX

    Implications of Flavor Dynamics for Fermion Triplet Leptogenesis

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    We analyze the importance of flavor effects in models in which leptogenesis proceeds via the decay of Majorana electroweak triplets. We find that depending on the relative strengths of gauge and Yukawa reactions the BLB-L asymmetry can be sizably enhanced, exceeding in some cases an order of magnitude level. We also discuss the impact that such effects can have for TeV-scale triplets showing that as long as the BLB-L asymmetry is produced by the dynamics of the lightest such triplet they are negligible, but open the possibility for scenarios in which the asymmetry is generated above the TeV scale by heavier states, possibly surviving the TeV triplet related washouts. We investigate these cases and show how they can be disentangled at the LHC by using Majorana triplet collider observables and, in the case of minimal type III see-saw models even through lepton flavor violation observables.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, extended discussion on collider phenomenology, references added. Version matches publication in JHE

    The assertive cardiac care trial: A randomised controlled trial of a coproduced assertive cardiac care intervention to reduce absolute cardiovascular disease risk in people with severe mental illness in the primary care setting

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for 40% of the excess mortality identified in people with severe mental illness (SMI). Modifiable CVD risk factors are higher and can be exacerbated by the cardiometabolic impact of psychotropic medications. People with SMI frequently attend primary care presenting a valuable opportunity for early identification, prevention and management of cardiovascular health. The ACCT Healthy Hearts Study will test a coproduced, nurse-led intervention delivered with general practitioners to reduce absolute CVD risk (ACVDR) at 12 months compared with an active control group. METHODS/DESIGN: ACCT is a two group (intervention/active control) individually randomised (1:1) controlled trial (RCT). Assessments will be completed baseline (pre-randomisation), 6 months, and 12 months. The primary outcome is 5-year ACVDR measured at 12 months. Secondary outcomes include 6-month ACVDR; and blood pressure, lipids, HbA1c, BMI, quality of life, physical activity, motivation to change health behaviour, medication adherence, alcohol use and hospitalisation at 6 and 12 months. Linear mixed-effects regression will estimate mean difference between groups for primary and secondary continuous outcomes. Economic cost-consequences analysis will be conducted using quality of life and health resource use information and routinely collected government health service use and medication data. A parallel process evaluation will investigate implementation of the intervention, uptake and outcomes. DISCUSSION: ACCT will deliver a coproduced and person-centred, guideline level cardiovascular primary care intervention to a high need population with SMI. If successful, the intervention could lead to the reduction of the mortality gap and increase opportunities for meaningful social and economic participation. Trial registration ANZCTR Trial number: ACTRN12619001112156