179 research outputs found

    Classical integrability in the BTZ black hole

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    Using the fact the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS_3 we show that classical string propagation in the BTZ background is integrable. We construct the flat connection and its monodromy matrix which generates the non-local charges. From examining the general behaviour of the eigen values of the monodromy matrix we determine the set of integral equations which constrain them. These equations imply that each classical solution is characterized by a density function in the complex plane. For classical solutions which correspond to geodesics and winding strings we solve for the eigen values of the monodromy matrix explicitly and show that geodesics correspond to zero density in the complex plane. We solve the integral equations for BMN and magnon like solutions and obtain their dispersion relation. Finally we show that the set of integral equations which constrain the eigen values of the monodromy matrix can be identified with the continuum limit of the Bethe equations of a twisted SL(2, R) spin chain at one loop.Comment: 45 pages, Reference added, typos corrected, discussion on geodesics improved to include all geodesic

    Quark-antiquark potential in AdS at one loop

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    We derive an exact analytical expression for the one-loop partition function of a string in AdS_5xS^5 background with world-surface ending on two anti-parallel lines. All quantum fluctuations are shown to be governed by integrable, single-gap Lame' operators. The first strong coupling correction to the quark-antiquark potential, as defined in N=4 SYM, is derived as the sum of known mathematical constants and a one-dimensional integral representation. Its full numerical value can be given with arbitrary precision and confirms a previous result.Comment: 16 pages. Typos corrected, minor change

    Imaging spontaneous currents in superconducting arrays of pi-junctions

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    Superconductors separated by a thin tunneling barrier exhibit the Josephson effect that allows charge transport at zero voltage, typically with no phase shift between the superconductors in the lowest energy state. Recently, Josephson junctions with ground state phase shifts of pi proposed by theory three decades ago have been demonstrated. In superconducting loops, pi-junctions cause spontaneous circulation of persistent currents in zero magnetic field, analogous to spin-1/2 systems. Here we image the spontaneous zero-field currents in superconducting networks of temperature-controlled pi-junctions with weakly ferromagnetic barriers using a scanning SQUID microscope. We find an onset of spontaneous supercurrents at the 0-pi transition temperature of the junctions Tpi = 3 K. We image the currents in non-uniformly frustrated arrays consisting of cells with even and odd numbers of pi-junctions. Such arrays are attractive model systems for studying the exotic phases of the 2D XY-model and achieving scalable adiabatic quantum computers.Comment: Pre-referee version. Accepted to Nature Physic

    The dual string sigma-model of the SU_q(3) sector

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    In four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) the SU(3) sub-sector spanned by purely holomorphic fields is isomorphic to the corresponding mixed one spanned by both holomorphic and antiholomorphic fields. This is no longer the case when one considers the marginally deformed N=4 SYM. The mixed SU(3) sector marginally deformed by a complex parameter beta, i.e. SU_q(3) with q=e^{2 i\pi\beta}, has been shown to be integrable at one-loop hep-th/0703150, while it is not the case for the corresponding purely holomorphic one. Moreover, the marginally deformed N=4 SYM also has a gravity dual constructed by Lunin and Maldacena in hep-th/0502086. However, the mixed SU_q(3) sector has not been studied from the supergravity point of view. Hence in this note, for the case of purely imaginary marginal β\beta-deformations, we compute the superstring SU_q(3) \sigma-model in the fast spinning string limit and show that, for rational spinning strings, it reproduces the energy computed via Bethe equations.Comment: 20 page

    Generalized scaling function from light-cone gauge AdS_5 x S^5 superstring

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    We revisit the computation of the 2-loop correction to the energy of a folded spinning string in AdS_5 with an angular momentum J in S^5 in the scaling limit log S, J >>1 with J / log S fixed. This correction gives the third term in the strong-coupling expansion of the generalized scaling function. The computation, using the AdS light-cone gauge approach developed in our previous paper, is done by expanding the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring partition function near the generalized null cusp world surface associated to the spinning string solution. The result corrects and extends the previous conformal gauge result of arXiv:0712.2479 and is found to be in complete agreement with the corresponding terms in the generalized scaling function as obtained from the asymptotic Bethe ansatz in arXiv:0805.4615 (and also partially from the quantum O(6) model and the Bethe ansatz data in arXiv:0809.4952). This provides a highly nontrivial strong coupling comparison of the Bethe ansatz proposal with the quantum AdS_5 x S^5 superstring theory, which goes beyond the leading semiclassical term effectively controlled by the underlying algebraic curve. The 2-loop computation we perform involves all the structures in the AdS light-cone gauge superstring action of hep-th/0009171 and thus tests its ultraviolet finiteness and, through the agreement with the Bethe ansatz, its quantum integrability. We do most of the computations for a generalized spinning string solution or the corresponding null cusp surface that involves both the orbital momentum and the winding in a large circle of S^5.Comment: 50 pages, late

    Spinning strings and integrable spin chains in the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    In this introductory review we discuss dynamical tests of the AdS_5 x S^5 string/N=4 super Yang-Mills duality. After a brief introduction to AdS/CFT we argue that semiclassical string energies yield information on the quantum spectrum of the string in the limit of large angular momenta on the S^5. The energies of the folded and circular spinning string solutions rotating on a S^3 within the S^5 are derived, which yield all loop predictions for the dual gauge theory scaling dimensions. These follow from the eigenvalues of the dilatation operator of N=4 super Yang-Mills in a minimal SU(2) subsector and we display its reformulation in terms of a Heisenberg s=1/2 spin chain along with the coordinate Bethe ansatz for its explicit diagonalization. In order to make contact to the spinning string energies we then study the thermodynamic limit of the one-loop gauge theory Bethe equations and demonstrate the matching with the folded and closed string result at this loop order. Finally the known gauge theory results at higher-loop orders are reviewed and the associated long-range spin chain Bethe ansatz is introduced, leading to an asymptotic all-loop conjecture for the gauge theory Bethe equations. This uncovers discrepancies at the three-loop order between gauge theory scaling dimensions and string theory energies and the implications of this are discussed. Along the way we comment on further developments and generalizations of the subject and point to the relevant literature.Comment: 40 pages, invited contribution to Living Reviews in Relativity. v2: improvements in the text and references adde

    Holographic three-point functions of semiclassical states

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    We calculate the holographic three-point functions in N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory in the case when two of the operators are semiclassical and one is dual to a supergravity mode. We further discuss the transition to the regime when all three operators are semiclassical.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; v2: refs. added, discussion in sec. 2.1 expanded; v3: misprint in (2.28) corrected, published versio

    Search for Axionlike and Scalar Particles with the NA64 Experiment

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    We carried out a model-independent search for light scalar (s) and pseudoscalar axionlike (a) particles that couple to two photons by using the high-energy CERN SPS H4 electron beam. The new particles, if they exist, could be produced through the Primakoff effect in interactions of hard bremsstrahlung photons generated by 100 GeV electrons in the NA64 active dump with virtual photons provided by the nuclei of the dump. The a(s) would penetrate the downstream HCAL module, serving as shielding, and would be observed either through their a(s)γγa(s)\to\gamma \gamma decay in the rest of the HCAL detector or as events with large missing energy if the a(s) decays downstream of the HCAL. This method allows for the probing the a(s) parameter space, including those from generic axion models, inaccessible to previous experiments. No evidence of such processes has been found from the analysis of the data corresponding to 2.84×10112.84\times10^{11} electrons on target allowing to set new limits on the a(s)γγa(s)\gamma\gamma-coupling strength for a(s) masses below 55 MeV.Comment: This publication is dedicated to the memory of our colleague Danila Tlisov. 7 pages, 5 figures, revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum folded string and integrability: from finite size effects to Konishi dimension

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    Using the algebraic curve approach we one-loop quantize the folded string solution for the type IIB superstring in AdS(5)xS(5). We obtain an explicit result valid for arbitrary values of its Lorentz spin S and R-charge J in terms of integrals of elliptic functions. Then we consider the limit S ~ J ~ 1 and derive the leading three coefficients of strong coupling expansion of short operators. Notably, our result evaluated for the anomalous dimension of the Konishi state gives 2\lambda^{1/4}-4+2/\lambda^{1/4}. This reproduces correctly the values predicted numerically in arXiv:0906.4240. Furthermore we compare our result using some new numerical data from the Y-system for another similar state. We also revisited some of the large S computations using our methods. In particular, we derive finite--size corrections to the anomalous dimension of operators with small J in this limit.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added, typos corrected; v3: major improvement of the references; v4: Discussion of short operators is restricted to the case n=1. This restriction does not affect the main results of the pape

    On correlation functions of operators dual to classical spinning string states

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    We explore how to compute, classically at strong coupling, correlation functions of local operators corresponding to classical spinning string states. The picture we obtain is of `fattened' Witten diagrams, the evaluation of which turns out to be surprisingly subtle and requires a modification of the naive classical action due to a necessary projection onto appropriate wave functions. We examine string solutions which compute the simplest case of a two-point function and reproduce the right scaling with the anomalous dimensions corresponding to the energies of the associated spinning string solutions. We also describe, under some simplifying assumptions, how the spacetime dependence of a conformal three-point correlation function arises in this setup.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures; v2: references and comments added