141 research outputs found

    Hibernation of Myocardium in the Case of Neuroleptic Cardiomyopathy: A Statistical Analysis

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    Aim: The purpose of the present study is to summarize and interpret the data, which has been received earlier, in order to prove the development of the hibernation of myocardium (HM) in cases of the neuroleptic cardiomyopathy (NCMP).Methods: Morphometric methods of research were used which meets modern requirements of the evidence based medicine. The studied micromorphometric parameters describe the condition of three structural components of myocardium (vasculature, intercellular matrix, and parenchyma). Such parameters as zone of pericapillary diffusion (ZPD), Kernogan index (KI), Stromal-parenchymatous ratio (SPR), rate of interstitial edema (RIE) were calculated. Karyometry and cytometry of cardiomyocytes (CMCs) were performed, the specific volumes of hypertrophied CMCs (SVHC), of atrophied CMCs (SVAC) and – by the method of polarization microscopy – the specific volume of dystrophic CMCs (SDVC) were determined.Results: In the absence of NCMP, the changes, which have an acute character, develop in the case of sudden cardiac death (SCD) and malignant neuroleptic syndrome (NMS) and reflect the statistically significant (p<0.05) shifts of the respective quantitative parameters. When NCMP is present, the only parameter, which is significantly changed in connection with SCD and NMS, is SVDC (p<0.05).Conclusion: NCMP causes irreversible damages in myocardium, it leads to its insensitivity, practically almost fully prevents it from reacting to any influences, particularly in the presence of SCD and/or development of NMS. The morphofunctional state of cardiac muscle in the case of NCMP is an independent proof of state of hibernation of myocardium which appears during the process of morphogenesis of NCMP

    To a Problem of a Neuroleptic Cardiomyopathy: Brief Review of a Literature and of Own Researches

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    Introduction: Neuroleptic cardiomyopathy (NCMP) belongs to secondary specific metabolic dilated cardiomyopathies. It is caused by side cardiotoxic effect of antipsychotic drugs. Many aspects of epidemiology, pathogenesis, morphology, clinical picture and diagnostics of NCMP still remain insufficiently explored.Results: NCMP passes through 3 stages in its development: 1) a latent one, 2) a full-scale one, and 3) a terminal one. Each stage has clinical features, electrocardiograph signs and certain morphology.Lethal termination in a latent and in a full-scale stage either takes place because of intercurrent diseases or it is a sudden cardiac death of arrythmogenic genesis. In the terminal stage, the direct cause of death is, as a rule, a progressive congestive chronic cardiac failure.On the macroscopic level, NCMP is characterized by a moderate cardiomegaly; by a noticeable dilatation of heart ventricles; by absence of evident coronary atherosclerosis.On the microscopic level, all structural components of myocardium (microvasculature, intercellular matrix, cardiomyocytes) are deeply damaged. These pathologic changes are a physical basis of a contractile myocardial dysfunction.Conclusion: On the basis of the summarizing of the data, which were received in a series of studies, we singled out and proved clinical and morphological criteria of diagnostics of NCMP.Taking the described clinical and morphologic peculiarities of NCMP into account, it is advisable and quite logic to single-out this pathology into an independent nosologic unit

    Morphogenesis of a Neuroleptic Cardiomyopathy:A Morphometric Study

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    Aim: A comparative morphometric study of heart condition on various organizational levels (organ, tissue, and cellular one) in each clinical stage of neuroleptic cardiomyopathy.Methods and results: Morphometric methods of research were used which meet modern requirements of the evidence-based medicine. For analysis of data from organometry of heart an own original method was used. For this analysis the outer volume of heart without atria (V) was determined and two relative parameters (both in percent) were calculated: 1) Cv - coefficient of volume, this coefficient shows a part of the total volume of heart (without atria), and this part falls on the volume of cavities of ventricles; and 2) Cl - coefficient of the left ventricle, this coefficient shows the volume size of the left ventricle with respect to the total volume of both ventricles. In addition, two other parameters were calculated which use a gravimetric characteristic of the heart (m): mass-volume ratio (MVR) and index of density of myocardium (IDM).It was found that on the organ level the process of cardiac remodeling ends during the latent stage of the disease. Progression of myocardial dysfunction is connected with changes of myocardium microstructure.The studied micromorphometric parameters describe the condition of three structural components of myocardium (vasculature, intercellular matrix, and parenchyma). Such parameters as zone of pericapillary diffusion (ZPD), Kernogan index (KI), SPR, RIE were calculated. Karyometry and cytometry of cardiomyocytes (CMCs) were performed, the specific volumes of hypertrophied CMCs (SVHC), of atrophied ones (SVAC), and – by the method of polarization microscopy – the specific volume of dystrophic ones (SVDC) were determined.In the latent stage the microcirculatory disorders prevail. In the full-scale stage the damages of intercellular matrix come to the forefront. For the terminal stage the atrophic and dystrophic-degenerative changes of cardiomyocytes are characteristic.Conclusion: In the course of morphogenesis of a neuroleptic cardiomyopathy a certain staging of clinical manifestations of the disease is observed; this staging corresponds to an observed cardiac remodeling on the organ level and to an observed chain of interconnected pathologic shifts in all microstructures of myocardium

    Signal Enhancement in Disperse Solutions for the Analysis of Biomedical Samples by Photothermal Spectroscopy

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    Photothermal lens spectrometry not only shows high sensitivity of colored heme protein determination, but also provides a change in the sensitivity compared to the theoretical values due to changes in the heat transfer in dispersed media. This can be used for estimating the size of disperse particles exemplified by hemoglobin cyanide, photothermal examination of the state of existence of hemoglobin in highly saline solutions by changes in photothermal properties upon dissociation of hemoglobin tetramers into dimers and monomers. The example of determination of contrast agents (dyes) in blood as the versification of the platform of photoacoustic/photothermal measurement of circulating blood volume is shown

    Application of Photothermal and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for the Monitoring of Aqueous Dispersions of Carbon Nanomaterials

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    Photothermal  and  optoacoustic  spectroscopy  in their  state-of-the-art  techniques—multiwavelength, scanning  and  transient—are  used  for  complex investigation  and analysis  (chemical  analysis  and the  estimation  of  physicochemical  properties and size)  of  novel  carbon  materials—fullerenes  and nanodiamonds—and  their aqueous  dispersions  as promising biomedical nanosystems. The estimation of the cluster size and the possibilities to determine subnanogram  amounts  of  both nanodiamonds  and fullerenes  by  these  techniques  are  shown.  The comparison  of fullerene  solutions  in  various solvents,  toluene, N-methylpyrrolydone and  water, is made.  The  advantages  of  the  photothermal  and optoacoustic  techniques  over conventional spectroscopies  and  the  current  limitation  are discussed. The necessity to develop robust  models for  transient  and  imaging  photothermal  techniques is outlined

    On the equivalence between real and superfield 5d formalisms

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    We explicitly prove the equivalence and construct a dictionary between two different supersymmetric formalisms for five-dimensional theories commonly used in the literature. One is the real formalism, which consists in doubling the number of degrees of freedom and then imposing reality constraints and the other is the usual superfield formalism.Comment: 19 page

    On the Electromagnetic Interactions of Anyons

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    Using the appropriate representation of the Poincare group and a definition of minimal coupling, we discuss some aspects of the electromagnetic interactions of charged anyons. In a nonrelativistic expansion, we derive a Schrodinger-type equation for the anyon wave function which includes spin-magnetic field and spin-orbit couplings. In particular, the gyromagnetic ratio for charged anyons is shown to be 2; this last result is essentially a reflection of the fact that the spin is parallel to the momentum in (2+1) dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, RU-92-17-B,CU-TP-584, CERN-TH6768/9

    Faraday rotation in graphene

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    We study magneto--optical properties of monolayer graphene by means of quantum field theory methods in the framework of the Dirac model. We reveal a good agreement between the Dirac model and a recent experiment on giant Faraday rotation in cyclotron resonance. We also predict other regimes when the effects are well pronounced. The general dependence of the Faraday rotation and absorption on various parameters of samples is revealed both for suspended and epitaxial graphene.Comment: 10 pp; v2: typos corrected and references added, v3, v4: small changes and more reference

    Deformed Oscillator Algebras and Higher-Spin Gauge Interactions of Matter Fields in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We formulate a non-linear system of equations which describe higher-spin gauge interactions of massive matter fields in 2+1 dimensional space-time and explain some properties of the deformed oscillator algebra which underlies this formulation. In particular we show that the parameter of mass MM of matter fields is related to the deformation parameter in this algebra.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, no figures; Invited talk at the International Seminar Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory dedicated to the memory of Dmitrij V. Volkov; Kharkov, January 1997; to appear in the proceeding