15 research outputs found

    Hsa-miR-210-3p expression in breast cancer and its putative association with worse outcome in patients treated with Docetaxel

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    MicroRNA-210-3p is the most prominent hypoxia regulated microRNA, and it has been found significantly overexpressed in different human cancers. We performed the expression analysis of miR-210-3p in a retrospective cohort of breast cancer patients with a median follow-up of 76 months (n = 283). An association between higher levels of miR-210-3p and risk of disease progression (HR: 2.13, 95%CI: 1.33-3.39, P = 0.002) was found in the subgroup of patients treated with Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide followed by Docetaxel. Moreover, a cut off value of 20.966 established by ROC curve analyses allowed to discriminate patients who developed distant metastases with an accuracy of 85% at 3- (AUC: 0.870, 95%CI: 0.690-1.000) and 83% at 5-years follow up (AUC: 0.832, 95%CI: 0.656-1.000). Whereas the accuracy in discriminating patients who died for the disease was of 79.6% at both 5- (AUC: 0.804, 95%CI: 0.517-1.000) and 10-years (AUC: 0.804. 95%CI: 0.517-1.000) follow-up. In silico analysis of miR-210-3p and Docetaxel targets provided evidence for a putative molecular cross-talk involving microtubule regulation, drug efflux metabolism and oxidative stress response. Overall, our data point to the miR-210-3p involvement in the response to therapeutic regimens including Docetaxel in sequential therapy with anthracyclines, suggesting it may represent a predictive biomarker in breast cancer patients

    Hsa-miR-155-5p Up-Regulation in Breast Cancer and Its Relevance for Treatment With Poly[ADP-Ribose] Polymerase 1 (PARP-1) Inhibitors

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    miR-155-5p is a well-known oncogenic microRNA, showing frequent overexpression in human malignancies, including breast cancer. Here, we show that high miR-155-5p levels are associated with unfavorable prognostic factors in two independent breast cancer cohorts (CSS cohort, n = 283; and TCGA-BRCA dataset, n = 1,095). Consistently, miR-155-5p results as differentially expressed in the breast cancer subgroups identified by the surrogate molecular classification in the CSS cohort and the PAM50 classifier in TCGA-BRCA dataset, with the TNBC and HER2-amplified tumors carrying the highest levels. Since the analysis of TCGA-BC dataset also demonstrated a significant association between miR-155-5p levels and the presence of mutations in homologous recombination (HR) genes, we hypothesized that miR-155-5p might affect cell response to the PARP-1 inhibitor Olaparib. As expected, miR-155-5p ectopic overexpression followed by Olaparib administration resulted in a greater reduction of cell viability as compared to Olaparib administration alone, suggesting that miR-155-5p might induce a synthetic lethal effect in cancer cells when coupled with PARP-1-inhibition. Overall, our data point to a role of miR-155-5p in homologous recombination deficiency and suggest miR-155-5p might be useful in predicting response to PARP1 inhibitors in the clinical setting


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    Anggit Margaret, C9407031 2011. Profil Wisatawan Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Program Studi Diploma III Usaha Perjalanan Wisata Fakultas Sastra Dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian tugas akhir ini mengkaji tentang Profil Wisatawan di Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dari daerah mana saja wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka, bagaimana ciri-ciri wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka serta harapan-harapan yang diinginkan wisatawan terhadap Museum Radya Pustaka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan narasumber wisatawan yang berkujung di Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta tempat penulis melakukan penelitian, serta studi pustaka dan studi dokumen guna menambah sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Sebagian besar wisatawan yang datang berasal dari Semarang sebesar 32%. (2) Mayoritas wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka berusia antara 17-25 tahun dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah pelajar atau mahasiswa dengan prosentase 52%. (3) Sebagian besar wisatawan yang datang ke Museum Radya Pustaka adalah bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian yaitu sebesar 34%. (4) Harapan wisatawan yang berkunjung terhadap kelangsungan Museum Radya Pustaka sebagian besar adalah agar ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan keamanan museum, agar kejadian hilangnya benda-benda koleksi museum tidak terulang lagi dikemudian hari. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa wisatawan yang berkujung ke Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta mayoritas berasal dari Semarang, mayoritas berusia 17-25 tahun dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah berprofesi sebagai pelajar dan mahasiswa. Kebanyakan wisatawan yang datang bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian, serta harapan wisatawan terhadap Museum Radya Pustaka adalah supaya lebih ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan keamanan museum

    Hsa-miR-210-3p expression in breast cancer and its putative association with worse outcome in patients treated with Docetaxel

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    MicroRNA-210-3p is the most prominent hypoxia regulated microRNA, and it has been found significantly overexpressed in different human cancers. We performed the expression analysis of miR-210-3p in a retrospective cohort of breast cancer patients with a median follow-up of 76 months (n = 283). An association between higher levels of miR-210-3p and risk of disease progression (HR: 2.13, 95%CI: 1.33-3.39, P = 0.002) was found in the subgroup of patients treated with Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide followed by Docetaxel. Moreover, a cut off value of 20.966 established by ROC curve analyses allowed to discriminate patients who developed distant metastases with an accuracy of 85% at 3- (AUC: 0.870, 95%CI: 0.690-1.000) and 83% at 5-years follow up (AUC: 0.832, 95%CI: 0.656-1.000). Whereas the accuracy in discriminating patients who died for the disease was of 79.6% at both 5- (AUC: 0.804, 95%CI: 0.517-1.000) and 10-years (AUC: 0.804. 95%CI: 0.517-1.000) follow-up. In silico analysis of miR-210-3p and Docetaxel targets provided evidence for a putative molecular cross-talk involving microtubule regulation, drug efflux metabolism and oxidative stress response. Overall, our data point to the miR-210-3p involvement in the response to therapeutic regimens including Docetaxel in sequential therapy with anthracyclines, suggesting it may represent a predictive biomarker in breast cancer patients