600 research outputs found

    SU Aur: A deep fading event in Visible and near-infrared bands

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    In three seasons of 2015-2018 we carried out a series of visible and near infrared (NIR) photometry of SU Aur. In course of this photometric monitoring we detected an event of a deep fading of the star in spring of 2018. In this paper we present preliminary analysis of our photometry.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pharmacoeconomic efficiency of the exhaled nitric oxide monitoring for the purpose of personalized basic therapy for children with atopic asthma

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    effectiveness of basic therapy for atopic asthma in children. Material and Methods. A 24-week, prospective, comparative, randomized, open-label study in parallel groups was performed. There were included 70 children with uncontrolled atopic asthma with high FeNO (FeNO>50ppb). There were evaluated the comparative efficacy of selection of basic therapy by using monthly monitoring of FeNO and criteria of asthma control in accordance with the recommendations of GINA (2011). Results. The cost / effective ratio (CER) for achievement of one permanent 12 week-control after 24 weeks of therapy in group of monitoring FeNO was 11433,26 rubles, which was 40% lower, than the CER in the comparison group (18382,99 rubles). Conclusion. The using of FeNO monitoring for a personalized correction of basic therapy in children with uncontrolled atopic asthma can reduce the cost of treatment and is also economically viable


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    In the presented review the data on searching for new drugs for diabetes mellitus treatment are analyzed. These drugs are used for metabolic disorder correction leading to hyperglycemia: β-cells dysfunction, peripheral insulin resistance, increased hepatic glucose output.В обзоре проанализированы литературные данные о поиске новых препаратов для лечения сахарного диабета, направленных на коррекцию трех основных метаболических нарушений, приводящих к гипергликемии: дисфункции β-клеток, периферической инсулинорезистентности, избыточной продукции глюкозы печенью.

    Neutral particle analysis on ITER

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    Universally Coupled Massive Gravity, II: Densitized Tetrad and Cotetrad Theories

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    Einstein's equations in a tetrad formulation are derived from a linear theory in flat spacetime with an asymmetric potential using free field gauge invariance, local Lorentz invariance and universal coupling. The gravitational potential can be either covariant or contravariant and of almost any density weight. These results are adapted to produce universally coupled massive variants of Einstein's equations, yielding two one-parameter families of distinct theories with spin 2 and spin 0. The theories derived, upon fixing the local Lorentz gauge freedom, are seen to be a subset of those found by Ogievetsky and Polubarinov some time ago using a spin limitation principle. In view of the stability question for massive gravities, the proven non-necessity of positive energy for stability in applied mathematics in some contexts is recalled. Massive tetrad gravities permit the mass of the spin 0 to be heavier than that of the spin 2, as well as lighter than or equal to it, and so provide phenomenological flexibility that might be of astrophysical or cosmological use.Comment: 2 figures. Forthcoming in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Emission Spectrum of a Dipole in a Semi-infinite Periodic Dielectric Structure: Effect of the Boundary

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    The emission spectrum of a dipole embedded in a semi-infinite photonic crystal is calculated. For simplicity we study the case in which the dielectric function is sinusoidally modulated only along the direction perpendicular to the boundary surface plane. In addition to oscillations of the emission rate with the distance of the dipole from the interface we also observed that the shape of the emission spectrum srongly depends on the \em initial \em phase of the dielectric modulation. When the direction of light propagation inside the periodic structure is not normal to the boundary surface plane we observed aditional singularities in the emission spectrum, which arise due to different angle-dependence of the Bragg stop-band for TETE and TMTM polarizations.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys Rev

    On the Number of Zeros of Abelian Integrals: A Constructive Solution of the Infinitesimal Hilbert Sixteenth Problem

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    We prove that the number of limit cycles generated by a small non-conservative perturbation of a Hamiltonian polynomial vector field on the plane, is bounded by a double exponential of the degree of the fields. This solves the long-standing tangential Hilbert 16th problem. The proof uses only the fact that Abelian integrals of a given degree are horizontal sections of a regular flat meromorphic connection (Gauss-Manin connection) with a quasiunipotent monodromy group.Comment: Final revisio

    Progress in 433 MHz RFQ technology at NPK LUTS NIIEFA

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    The paper is a survey of progress in 433 MHz RFQ technology at Production Complex of Linacs and Cyclotrons of D.V. Efremov Institute Sci. over past three years. RFQs and APF-cavities are designed as bases for ion accelerators for different applications. The use of 433 MHz frequency determines high requirements for RFQ manufacture facilities, which are discussed herein. The test experimental results of RFQ full-scale stands and high power rf testing data under beam load of 1 MeV on a deuteron RFQ made of chromium copper are presented.Приведен обзор работ по созданию ПОКФ на 433 МГц в НПК ЛУЦ НИИЭФА им. Д.В. Ефремова за последние три года. ПОКФ и ПФФ-резонаторы планируется использовать в качестве основных резонаторов ускорителей ионов для различных применений. Использование частоты 433 МГц определяет высокие требования для изготовления ПОКФ, которые обсуждены в статье. Представлены экспериментальные результаты тестирования полномасштабных стендов ПОКФ и данные испытаний резонатора из хромистой меди для ускорения дейтронов до энергии 1 МэВ при высоком уровне ВЧ-мощности и нагрузке пучком.Наведено огляд робіт зі створення ПОКФ на 433 МГц у НПК ЛУЦ НІІЕФА ім. Д.В. Єфремова за останні три роки. ПОКФ і ЗФФ-резонатори планується використати як основні резонатори прискорювачів іонів для різних застосувань. Використання частоти 433 МГц визначає високі вимоги для виготовлення ПОКФ, які обговорені в статті. Представлено експериментальні результати тестування повномасштабних стендів ПОКФ і дані випробувань резонатора із хромистої міді для прискорення дейтронів до енергії 1 МеВ при високому рівні ВЧ-потужності і навантаженню пучком

    Amphibole: A major carrier of helium isotopes in crustal rocks

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    The first evidence for a specific role of amphiboles in He isotope balance of crustal rocks was presented in early contributions by Gerling et al. (1971, 1976). Since then it was shown that 4He and 3He concentrations in amphiboles generally exceed those in the host rock samples. Recently amphibole was considered as an important carrier of noble gases and other volatiles components in the course of their subduction into the mantle. This paper presents new data on the balance and mobility of noble gas isotopes and major gas constituents in amphibole separates in order to understand sources and evolution of volatile components of 2666 Ma old alkaline granites from Ponoy massif (Kola Peninsula), which underwent metamorphism 1802 Ma ago.In the amphiboles 3He, 4He and 40Ar* were dominantly produced in situ due to radioactive decay of the parent isotopes and associated nuclear reactions. A small fraction of He (≈ 3% of the total) is liberated by crushing and shows 3He/4He ratio indistinguishable from that found by total extraction. The fraction of trapped 40Ar* amounts to ≈ 40%; both these fractions presumably occupy fluid inclusions and show rather low 4He/40Ar* ≈ 0.1, a factor of ≈ 150 below the production ratio (calculated assuming no loss / gain of the species has happened since the time of metamorphism).3He has been better preserved in amphiboles compared with 4He: the retention parameter (measured amount of He / totally produced amount) for 3He (≈ 0.4) exceeds that for 4He (≈ 0.15).He extraction by fast and slow linear heating of amphiboles resulted in different release patterns. The fast heating (within 12 to 40 °C min− 1) revealed a superposition of two peaks. When heating with slower heating rate (below 8 °C min− 1) was applied, the high-temperature peak disappeared (the “disappearing site”). Extractions of He atoms from grain and powder samples at different heating rates have shown that: (1) the “disappearing site” is revealed by the fast heating analyses of different amphibole samples but not only those from the Ponoy massif; (2) amount of He liberated from the “disappearing site” is variable and generally much less than the total amount of He in the sample; (3) analysis of the powder produced in the crushing experiments never reveals the “disappearing site”; the temperature of He release from the powder is lower than that from the mm grain size sample by ≈ 50 °C. Possible explanations of the nature of the “disappearing site” are discussed. However, independently on nature of this effect, repeated gas extractions by heating at different rates would give additional information about structure and its transformation during heating of amphiboles.The simplest explanation of the observed abundances of noble gas isotopes in the amphibole separates from Ponoy granites suggests local production, redistribution and partial loss of noble gases during evolution of the massif

    Compression zone formation in magnetoplasma compressor operating with heavy gases

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    Present work is devoted to experimental investigations of the plasma compression zone dynamics and its influence on radiation characteristics. The construction of magneto-plasma compressor (MPC) of compact geometry with conical copper electrodes is described. Comprehensive information about dynamics of compression zone formation, it position, plasma parameters and geometric dimensions was obtained using spectral diagnostics. Plasma stream density ~ 10^18cm^-3 was measured by Stark broadening of Xe spectral lines. Electron temperature 5...7 eV was estimated using the ratio of Xe lines intensities. EUV radiation intensity was detected by registration system consisting on absolutely calibrated AXUV diodes with integrated thin-films filter for different wavelength ranges and multi-layered MoSi mirrors. Spatial distributions of electrical currents has been performed also.В центре внимания экспериментальные исследования динамики формирования плазменного пинча и его влияния на излучательные характеристики плазмы. Обсуждается конструкция магнито-плазменного компрессора (МПК) компактной геометрии с коническими медными электродами. Исчерпывающая информация о динамике формирования зоны сжатия, ее локализации, плазменных параметрах и геометрических размерах получена с помощью спектральной диагностики. Электронная плотность плазмы (~10^18 см^-3) измерена по штарковскому уширению спектральных линий Xe. Электронная температура (5...7 эВ) оценивалась по отношению интенсивностей спектральных линий Xe. Регистрирующая система, состоящая из абсолютно калиброванных AXUV диодов с покрытием для различных диапазонов длин волн и многослойного MoSi-зеркала, использовалась для регистрации ВУФ-излучения плазмы. Также представлены пространственные распределения электрических токов выноса.В центрі уваги експериментальні дослідження динаміки формування плазмового пінча і його впливу на випромінювальні характеристики плазми. Обговорюється конструкція магніто-плазмового компресора (МПК) компактної геометрії з конічними мідними електродами. Вичерпна інформація про динаміку формування компресійної зони, її локалізацію, плазмові параметри та геометричні розміри отримана за допомогою спектральної діагностики. Електронна густина плазми (~10^18 см^-3) виміряна із штарківського розширення спектральних ліній Xe. Електронна температура (5...7 еВ) визначалась по відношенню інтенсивностей спектральних ліній Xe. Реєструюча система, яка складається із абсолютно каліброваних AXUV діодів з покриттям для різних діапазонів довжин хвиль та багатошарового MoSi-дзеркала, використовувалась для реєстрації ВУФ-випромінювання плазми. Також представлено просторові розподіли електричних струмів