49 research outputs found

    Interaction of the single-particle and collective degrees of freedom in non-magic nuclei: the role of phonon tadpole terms

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    A method of a consistent consideration of the phonon contributions to mass and gap operators in non-magic nuclei is developed in the so-called g^2 approximation, where g is the low-lying phonon creation amplitude. It includes simultaneous accounting for both the usual non-local terms and the phonon tadpole ones. The relations which allow the tadpoles to be calculated without any new parameters are derived. As an application of the results, the role of the phonon tadpoles in the single-particle strength distribution and in the single-particle energies and gap values has been considered. Relation to the problem of the surface nature of pairing is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Stochastic resonance in an RF SQUID with shunted ScS junction

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    Using a point (superconductor–constriction–superconductor, ScS) contact in a single-Josephson-junction superconducting quantum interference device (RF SQUID) provides stochastic resonance conditions at any arbitrary small value of loop inductance and contact critical current, unlike SQUIDs with more traditional tunnel (superconductor–insulator–superconductor, SIS) junctions. This is due to the unusual potential energy of the ScS RF SQUID which always has a barrier between two wells, thus making the device bistable. This paper presents the results of a numerical simulation of the stochastic dynamics of the magnetic flux in an ScS RF SQUID loop affected by band-limited white Gaussian noise and low-frequency sine signals of small and moderate amplitudes. The difference in stochastic amplification of RF SQUID loops incorporating ScS and SIS junctions is discussed

    Modeling of scenarios for the underground construction planning based on the foresight and cognitive modeling methodologies

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    The modeling of scenarios for the underground construction planning is based on the mathematical support of fore sight methodology aimed at the creation of alternative scenarios and the cognitive modeling to build scenarios for the development of a desired future and ways of their implementation. We propose to use these methodologies together: the results obtained at the stage of the foresight methodology should be used as initial data for the cognitive modeling. Using the foresight process at the first stage of modeling allows us, with the help of expert assessment procedures, to identify critical technologies and to construct the alternatives of scenarios with quantitative characteristics. For the justified implementation of a particular scenario, the cognitive modeling allows one to build causal relationships with the consideration of a large number of interconnections and interdependences. The developed strategy is applied to the study of underground construction objects in order to select reasonable scenarios for their future development.Моделювання сценаріїв для планування розвитку підземного будівництва базується на математичному забезпеченні методології передбачення з метою створення альтернатив сценаріїв та когнітивного моделювання для побудови сценаріїв розвитку бажаного майбутнього та шляхів їх реалізації. Ці методології пропонується використовувати разом: отримані результати на етапі методології передбачення використовують як вихідні дані для когнітивного моделювання. Використання процесу передбачення на першому етапі моделювання дозволяє за допомогою процедур експертної оцінки виявити критичні технології та побудувати альтернативні сценарії з кількісними характеристиками. Для обґрунтованої реалізації певно го сценарію використовується когнітивне моделювання, яке дозволяє будувати причинно-наслідкові зв’язки з урахуванням великої кількості взаємозв’язків та взаємозалежностей. Розроблена стратегія застосовується для вивчення об’єктів підземного будівництва з метою вибору обґрунтованих сценаріїв їх подальшого розвитку

    The compatibility test of measurement data, produced by different magnetometers onboard an Earth artificial satellite

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    Abstract: Complicated mathematical models are usually used for processing measurements of the Earth magnetic field carried out onboard an Earth artificial satellite. It is desirable to verify the measurement data by humble tools before such processing. If a few onboard magnetometers made their measurements at the same instants, then one ought to check a simple geometrical compatibility of the measurement data. One can estimate constant shifts in the data and transition matrices between proper coordinate systems for each pair of magnetometers in case the check proved to be successful. Bellow, we described the method for checking the compatibility of the measurement data produced by two magnetometers. We illustrate the method by checking the compatibility of the magnetic measurements produced by the equipment Mirage onboard Foton M-2.Note: Research direction:Theoretical and applied problems of mechanic