11 research outputs found

    Modelling of Epitaxial Growth of Diamond Crystals in High-Carbon Fe—Al Alloys

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    Standard enthalpies of formation of different K-phase unit cells are calculated and compared with formation enthalpy of modified unit cell of K-phase. Spin-polarized calculations are performed to compare electronic structure of carbon atoms in K-phase substrate, diamond, and graphite. An assumption is made on the epitaxial growth of the diamond crystals during the thermobaric treatment of high-carbon Fe—Al alloys.Розраховано стандартні ентальпії утворення різних елементарних комірок K-фази, виконано порівняння їх з ентальпією утворення модифікованої елементарної комірки. Порівняно електронні структури атомів вуглецю в K-фазі, алмазу та графіту, яких одержано спін-поляризованими розрахунками у пакеті Wien2k. Припущено епітаксіальний ріст кристалів алмазу при термобаричному обробленні високовуглецевих стопів Fe—AlРассчитаны стандартные энтальпии образования разных элементарных ячеек K-фазы, выполнено их сравнение с энтальпией образования модифицированной элементарной ячейки. Сравнены электронные структуры атомов углерода в K-фазе, алмаза и графита, полученные в результате спин-поляризованных расчётов в пакете Wien2k. Предположен эпитаксиальный рост кристаллов алмаза при термобарической обработке высокоуглеродистых сплавов Fe—Al

    Lifelong learning of gifted and talented students

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    Introduction. The research explores ways of increasing gifted and talented students' academic motivation and making their learning styles, inherently based on individual approach to self-education, less influenced by a frontal work focus existing in the majority of higher schools. Research Methods. Scientific literature on giftedness was analyzed. The authors also used the method of adaptation by proposing the adapted version of the Multidimensional Model of Learning Approaches by Dunn and Dunn. Besides, group-administered IQ tests were implemented. Research Results. The authors conclude that the educational community should elaborate the curriculum content for gifted and talented students taking into consideration that it is easier to learn, memorize and understand new information if the facts, ideas, concepts and skills are organized around the key concepts and impressive ideas. Discussion. Giftedness is conceptualized in terms of four cognitive categories, two of which are associated with intelligence (general intellectual ability and specific intellectual ability), while the other two (general original/creative thinking and specific creative talent) are linked with creativity. Conclusion. There should be a significant choice of versatile materials, methods and creative learning tasks which would promote the achievements and creativity of gifted and talented students with regard to their individual learning preferences. © 2017

    Effectiveness verification of the application of imitation methods of education in the training of a specialist [Verificación de la efectividad de la aplicación de métodos de imitación en la formación de un especialista en educación]

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    An educational institution should focus on a generalized model of a competitive specialist in order to meet the needs of a market economy in the provision of educational services. The technology of model development consists of the formation of the components of professional activity (the analysis of professional activity, the identification of basic labor functions and professional skills) and the training of a specialist (creating a set of tasks and tasks for mastering the necessary skills, introducing corrections into syllabus, improving the forms and methods of education, etc.). Results of the research. The theoretical professional training of students of two specialties was evaluated by testing their core competences using personal computer. As a basis in the assessment of the theoretical professional training of students was assumed the methodology proposed by A.A. Leonovich. According to the assessment of knowledge in five main academic disciplines, the generalized coefficient of theoretical professional training was calculated. The personal and business qualities necessary for a modern person in a market economy have been evaluated in a number of psychological tests. Discussion. During the process of the research, a number of indicators for assessing practical professional training was developed: the number of tasks performed for a certain time; the quality of the task; efficiency of the task. Conclusion. The data of the experimental part of the study confirmed the hypothesis, based on the assumption that the development and introduction of imitative teaching methods into the educational process of professional education institutions will facilitate the training of a highly qualified specialist. © 2018.Una institución educativa debe centrarse en un modelo generalizado de un especialista competitivo con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de una economía de mercado en la provisión de servicios educativos. La tecnología del desarrollo del modelo consiste en la formación de los componentes de la actividad profesional (el análisis de la actividad profesional, la identificación de las funciones laborales básicas y las habilidades profesionales) y la formación de un especialista (creando un conjunto de tareas y tareas para dominar el habilidades, introduciendo correcciones en el plan de estudios, mejorando las formas y métodos de educación, etc.). Resultados de la investigación. La formación profesional teórica de los estudiantes de dos especialidades se evaluó mediante la prueba de sus competencias básicas utilizando la computadora personal. Como base en la evaluación de la formación profesional teórica de los estudiantes se asumió la metodología propuesta por A.A. Leonovich. De acuerdo con la evaluación del conocimiento en cinco disciplinas académicas principales, se calculó el coeficiente generalizado de formación profesional teórica. Las cualidades personales y comerciales necesarias para una persona moderna en una economía de mercado han sido evaluadas en una serie de pruebas psicológicas. Discusión. Durante el proceso de la investigación, se desarrolló una serie de indicadores para evaluar la formación profesional práctica: el número de tareas realizadas durante un tiempo determinado; la calidad de la tarea; eficiencia de la tarea. Conclusión. Los datos de la parte experimental del estudio confirmaron la hipótesis, basada en la suposición de que el desarrollo y la introducción de métodos de enseñanza imitativos en el proceso educativo de las instituciones de educación profesional facilitarán la capacitación de un especialista altamente calificado. © 2018

    Lifelong learning of gifted and talented students

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    Introduction. The research explores ways of increasing gifted and talented students' academic motivation and making their learning styles, inherently based on individual approach to self-education, less influenced by a frontal work focus existing in the majority of higher schools. Research Methods. Scientific literature on giftedness was analyzed. The authors also used the method of adaptation by proposing the adapted version of the Multidimensional Model of Learning Approaches by Dunn and Dunn. Besides, group-administered IQ tests were implemented. Research Results. The authors conclude that the educational community should elaborate the curriculum content for gifted and talented students taking into consideration that it is easier to learn, memorize and understand new information if the facts, ideas, concepts and skills are organized around the key concepts and impressive ideas. Discussion. Giftedness is conceptualized in terms of four cognitive categories, two of which are associated with intelligence (general intellectual ability and specific intellectual ability), while the other two (general original/creative thinking and specific creative talent) are linked with creativity. Conclusion. There should be a significant choice of versatile materials, methods and creative learning tasks which would promote the achievements and creativity of gifted and talented students with regard to their individual learning preferences. © 2017

    Investigation of scintillation characteristics for CsI:TI and Nal:TI crystals under different surface treatment conditions

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    The influence of mechanical and chemical methods of CsI:TI and Nal:TI crystals surface treatment on their scintillation characteristics at registration of short-range ionizing radiation has been investigated. It is shown that application of ultrathin silicon dioxide powder obtained by sol-gel method and organosilicon liquids at the polishing stage provides the near-surface layer of CsI:TI and NaI:TI crystals with minimum light yield nonuniformity. After grinding of the crystal surface, the stability of scintillation characteristics can be achieved by the surface treatment with tetraethoxy silane and oligo-(siloxane hydride) liquid. Application of thin-film organosilicon coating on the CsI:TI crystal surface turned to the radiation source has improved the pulse-height resolution by 3-5 % in the absolute value at registration of X-ray radiation with E = 5.9 keV

    Effectiveness verification of the application of imitation methods of education in the training of a specialist [Verificación de la efectividad de la aplicación de métodos de imitación en la formación de un especialista en educación]

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    An educational institution should focus on a generalized model of a competitive specialist in order to meet the needs of a market economy in the provision of educational services. The technology of model development consists of the formation of the components of professional activity (the analysis of professional activity, the identification of basic labor functions and professional skills) and the training of a specialist (creating a set of tasks and tasks for mastering the necessary skills, introducing corrections into syllabus, improving the forms and methods of education, etc.). Results of the research. The theoretical professional training of students of two specialties was evaluated by testing their core competences using personal computer. As a basis in the assessment of the theoretical professional training of students was assumed the methodology proposed by A.A. Leonovich. According to the assessment of knowledge in five main academic disciplines, the generalized coefficient of theoretical professional training was calculated. The personal and business qualities necessary for a modern person in a market economy have been evaluated in a number of psychological tests. Discussion. During the process of the research, a number of indicators for assessing practical professional training was developed: the number of tasks performed for a certain time; the quality of the task; efficiency of the task. Conclusion. The data of the experimental part of the study confirmed the hypothesis, based on the assumption that the development and introduction of imitative teaching methods into the educational process of professional education institutions will facilitate the training of a highly qualified specialist. © 2018.Una institución educativa debe centrarse en un modelo generalizado de un especialista competitivo con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de una economía de mercado en la provisión de servicios educativos. La tecnología del desarrollo del modelo consiste en la formación de los componentes de la actividad profesional (el análisis de la actividad profesional, la identificación de las funciones laborales básicas y las habilidades profesionales) y la formación de un especialista (creando un conjunto de tareas y tareas para dominar el habilidades, introduciendo correcciones en el plan de estudios, mejorando las formas y métodos de educación, etc.). Resultados de la investigación. La formación profesional teórica de los estudiantes de dos especialidades se evaluó mediante la prueba de sus competencias básicas utilizando la computadora personal. Como base en la evaluación de la formación profesional teórica de los estudiantes se asumió la metodología propuesta por A.A. Leonovich. De acuerdo con la evaluación del conocimiento en cinco disciplinas académicas principales, se calculó el coeficiente generalizado de formación profesional teórica. Las cualidades personales y comerciales necesarias para una persona moderna en una economía de mercado han sido evaluadas en una serie de pruebas psicológicas. Discusión. Durante el proceso de la investigación, se desarrolló una serie de indicadores para evaluar la formación profesional práctica: el número de tareas realizadas durante un tiempo determinado; la calidad de la tarea; eficiencia de la tarea. Conclusión. Los datos de la parte experimental del estudio confirmaron la hipótesis, basada en la suposición de que el desarrollo y la introducción de métodos de enseñanza imitativos en el proceso educativo de las instituciones de educación profesional facilitarán la capacitación de un especialista altamente calificado. © 2018

    Light yield non-proportionality of organic and inorganic scintillators exposed to alpha rays of various energy

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    The influence of entrance surface for radiation state of Csl:TI, Csl:Na, stilbene and p-terphenyl scintillators on non-proportionality of light yield to the alpha-particle energy lias been studied. It has been shown that formation of disrupted near-surface layer results in increasing microheterogeneity of specific light yield over the crystal surface and depth. The organic and alkali-halide scintillator samples show considerable specific light output variations depending 011 alpha-particle energy. These samples have essential structural disruptions of entrance surface for radiation. A correlation is observed between the nonproportionality and pulse height resolution: the less non-proportionality is, the less is the pulse-height resolution value within the range of used alpha-particle energies.Исследовано влияние состояния входной для излучения поверхности сцинтилляторов Csl:TI, Csl:Na, стильбена и n-терфенила на непропорциональность светового выхода и энергии альфа-частиц. Показано, что образование приповерхностного нарушенного слоя приводит к увеличению микронеоднородностей удельного светового выхода по поверхности кристаллов и по глубине. Большими изменениями удельного светового выхода в зависимости от энергии альфа-частиц обладают образцы органических и щелочно-галоидных сцинтилляторов, имеющие существенные структурные нарушения входной для излучения поверхности. Между величиной непропорциональности и амплитудным разрешением наблюдается зависимость: чем меньше непропорциональность, тем меньше значение разрешения в диапазоне используемых энергий альфа-частиц.Проведено дослідження впливу стану вхідної для випромінювання поверхні сцинтиляторів Csl:TI, Csl:Na, стильбену і n-терфепілу на непропорційність світлового виходу і енергії альфа-часток. Показано, що утворення приповерхневого порушеного шару призводить до збільшення мікронеоднорідностей питомого світлового виходу вздовж поверхні кристалів і за глибиною. Великі зміни питомого світлового виходу, в залежності від енергії альфа-часток, характерні для зразків органічних і лужно-галоїдних сцинтиляторів, які мають істотні структурні порушення вхідної для випромінювання поверхні. Між величиною непропорційності і амплітудним розділенням спостерігається залежність: чим менше непропорційність, тим менше значення розділення у діапазоні енергій альфа-часток, що використовуються