284 research outputs found

    The Study of Anisotropy and Domain Condition of Permalloy Thin Films

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    Hysteretic Loops, 1,5; 3,0; 4,5; 6 and 10 nm in thickness, obtained by magnetron sputtering of Ni81Fe19 alloy, were measured by means of vibration magnetometer. It has been detected that by increasing the film thickness from 3 to 10 nm coercive force (HC) increases as well. In the direction perpendicular to the axis of easy magnetization the loop form considerably differs from the right-angled one, which is caused by amplitude dispersion of anisotropy. The films, derived in scattered magnetic field of the Earth, are by magnetic parameter isotropic. The results of atomic force microscope investigation indicate to the granular structure of films and confirms the presence of non-magnetized areas among the examined films. The critical thickness at which permalloy films pass from multi-domain to single-domain state was 10 nm. Estimation of the critical thickness of the transition from single-domain state to superparamagnetic led to the values of 1.5-2 nm. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3362

    A local optimization technique for the solution of the problem of nonlinear seismic tomography

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    AbstractA new method for the solution of the inverse kinematic problem of seismics which is based on the local optimization approach is presented. The method has higher stability and performance in comparison to the known methods and can be well adapted to the real data

    Agroecological prospects of using corn hybrids for biogas production

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    Ukraine is an agricultural country with great agricultural potential for biogas production, which is the key to fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions for energy crops, including corn. The article analyzes the experience of using biogas in Ukraine and the world, its mechanism of production. The leader in biogas production in the world is the European Union in general and Germany in particular. The total number of biogas plants in Europe exceeds 11 thousand, of which 7.2 thousand in Germany. Іnstalled biogas, which is released in the process of complex fermentation of organic waste, consists of a mixture of gases: methane – 55–75%, carbon dioxide – 23–33%, hydrogen sulfide – 7%. An important sector of renewable energy sources in biogas production is presented and the prospects for its use are determined. The energy dependence of our country on the volumes of imported natural gas is analyzed. The main aspects of biogas production are explored using renewable energy sources that are inexhaustible in our crane and the phased operation of the biogas plant is investigated. The real advantages of the need for biogas production and use in our country are outlined. Problems aimed at the development of alternative energy have been proved in order to detect environmental pollution. It has been established that in Ukraine the use of corn silage to improve the efficiency of biogas production at existing biogas stations has not been used so far. The problems of increasing the yield of corn plants have been proved not only by breeding and genetic methods, but also by cultivation technology

    Некоторые вопросы правового регулирования приватизации муниципальной собственности отдельного субъекта федерации (на примере Москвы)

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    Clause mentions are one of the most complex legal questions of last time - legal regulation of process of transition of the property right in a modern Russian transitive society. The detailed analysis of process and conditions of privatization is lead. Features and specificity of the mechanism of privatization of the municipal property, characteristic federations for separately taken subject are considered.Статья затрагивает один из наиболее сложных правовых вопросов последнего времени - правовое регулирование процесса перехода права собственности в современном российском обществе. Проведен подробный анализ процесса и условий приватизации. Рассмотрены особенности и специфика механизма приватизации муниципальной собственности, характерные для отдельно взятого субъекта федерации

    Measurements of spin rotation parameter A in pion-proton elastic scattering at 1.62 GeV/c

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    The ITEP-PNPI collaboration presents the results of the measurements of the spin rotation parameter A in the elastic scattering of positive and negative pions on protons at P_beam = 1.62 GeV/c. The setup included a longitudinally-polarized proton target with superconductive magnet, multiwire spark chambers and a carbon polarimeter with thick filter. Results are compared to the predictions of partial wave analyses. The experiment was performed at the ITEP proton synchrotron, Moscow.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Phys. Lett.

    Electrophysical properties of meso-porous silicon free standing films modified with palladium

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    Resistivity and complex impedance voltage dependences for thick mesoporous silicon free layers were studied in this work. The asymmetrical by the sign of applied voltage experimental curves at low frequencies have been obtained. Modification of electrophysical properties due to introduction of palladium particles into the porous matrix is observed. Impedance change regularities during oxidation of the samples have been measured. The explanation of experimental results by asymmetrical distribution of charge carrier traps in the bulk of porous silicon has been suggested. Energy band diagrams and charge transfer mechanisms of these heterostructures are discussed

    Some problems in the study of the chronology of the ancient nomadic cultures in Eurasia (9th - 3rd centuries BC)

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    This research is focused on the chronological investigations of ancient nomads belonging to the Scythian cultures which occupied the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia during the 9th-3rd centuries BC. The 14C dates for the pre-scythian and early scythian time in both Europe and Asia are presented and compared to their chronological position based on archaeological evidence. The first 14C dates have been produced for the Scythian time monuments located in the Lower Volga River basin, Urals and Transurals regions. Their chronological positions are compared with the position of the monuments of Southern Siberia and Central Asia. It was shown that the nomadic cultures belonging to the Scythian culture began to exist over the wide territory of Eurasia from the 9th-8th centuries cal BC and there are some monuments which may be synchronous to the Arzhan royal barrow (the oldest monument known). A list of new 14C dates and a map of the monuments are presented

    A chronology of the Scythian antiquities of Eurasia based on new archaeological and C-14 data

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    The paper is compares the chronology of the monuments of the Scythian epoch located in the east and west of the Eurasian steppe zone on the basis of both archaeological and radiocarbon data. The lists of C-14 dates for the monuments located in different parts of Eurasia are presented according to the periods of their existence. Generally, the C-14 dates are confirmed the archaeological point of view and allow us to compare the chronological position of the European and Asian Scythian monuments on the united C-14 time scale

    Radon and ionosphere monitoring as a means for strong earthquakes forecast

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    The relation between radon emanation in seismically active regions and variations of the ionosphere parameters is considered. The quasistationary anomalous electric field generated in the near-ground layer of the atmosphere due to radon and metallic aerosols emanation is proposed as the main agent of the seismo-ionospheric coupling mechanism. The effects of the quasistationary electric field penetrated into the ionosphere are considered theoretically and compared with the experimental results. The comparison confirms the proposed conception of the seismo-ionospheric coupling

    On the Static Dielectric Permittivity for Coulomb System in the Long Wavelength Limit

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    On the basis of the exact relations the general formula for the static dielectric permittivity for Coulomb system is found in the region of small wave vectors. The obtained formula describes the dielectric function of the Coulomb system in both limits: in the "metallic" state and in the "dielectric" one. On this basis the determinations of the "apparent" dielectric and the "apparent" radius of screening are introduced. In the random phase approximation (RPA) the exact relations for the function dielectric function of the electron gas in the long-wavelength region of the wave vectors are found for an arbitrary degeneration of the particles.Comment: 5 pages, no figure