658 research outputs found

    Feasibility study of the application of existing techniques to remotely monitor hydrochloric acid in the atmosphere

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    A critical evaluation of existing optical remote sensors for HCl vapor detection in solid propellant rocket plumes is presented. The P branch of the fundamental vibration-rotation band was selected as the most promising spectral feature to sense. A computation of transmittance for HCl vapor, an estimation of interferent spectra, the application of these spectra to computer modelled remote sensors, and a trade-off study for instrument recommendation are also included

    Combining All Pairs Shortest Paths and All Pairs Bottleneck Paths Problems

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    We introduce a new problem that combines the well known All Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) problem and the All Pairs Bottleneck Paths (APBP) problem to compute the shortest paths for all pairs of vertices for all possible flow amounts. We call this new problem the All Pairs Shortest Paths for All Flows (APSP-AF) problem. We firstly solve the APSP-AF problem on directed graphs with unit edge costs and real edge capacities in O~(tn(ω+9)/4)=O~(tn2.843)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}n^{(\omega+9)/4}) = \tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}n^{2.843}) time, where nn is the number of vertices, tt is the number of distinct edge capacities (flow amounts) and O(nω)<O(n2.373)O(n^{\omega}) < O(n^{2.373}) is the time taken to multiply two nn-by-nn matrices over a ring. Secondly we extend the problem to graphs with positive integer edge costs and present an algorithm with O~(tc(ω+5)/4n(ω+9)/4)=O~(tc1.843n2.843)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}c^{(\omega+5)/4}n^{(\omega+9)/4}) = \tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}c^{1.843}n^{2.843}) worst case time complexity, where cc is the upper bound on edge costs

    Enhanced precision of low-temperature quantum thermometry via dynamical control

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    Precise probing of quantum systems is one of the keys to progress in diverse quantum technologies, includingquantum metrology, quantum information processing and quantum many-body manipulations. We consider athermometer modelled by a dynamically-controlled multilevel quantum system in contact with a thermal bath.As opposed to the diverging relative error near absolute zero of previously suggested thermometers, dynamicalcontrol of the probe enables high-precision thermometry close to the absolute zero, with a constant (temperature-independent) relative error bound, by maximizing its quantum Fisher information. The proposed approach may finddiverse applications related to precise probing of the temperatures of many-body quantum systems in condensedmatter and ultracold gases, as well as in different branches of quantum metrology beyond thermometry, forexample in precise probing of different Hamiltonian parameters in many-body quantum critical systems.Fil: Zwick, Analía Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología - Nodo Bariloche | Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología - Nodo Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Mukherjee, V.. Weizmann Institute of Science; IsraelFil: Ghosh, A.. Weizmann Institute of Science; IsraelFil: Kurizki, G.. Weizmann Institute of Science; Israel103a Reunión de la Asociación Física ArgentinaBuenos AiresArgentinaAsociación Física Argentin

    50GBit/s PAM-4 Driver Circuit Based on Variable Gain Distributed Power Combiner

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    Randomness for Free

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    We consider two-player zero-sum games on graphs. These games can be classified on the basis of the information of the players and on the mode of interaction between them. On the basis of information the classification is as follows: (a) partial-observation (both players have partial view of the game); (b) one-sided complete-observation (one player has complete observation); and (c) complete-observation (both players have complete view of the game). On the basis of mode of interaction we have the following classification: (a) concurrent (both players interact simultaneously); and (b) turn-based (both players interact in turn). The two sources of randomness in these games are randomness in transition function and randomness in strategies. In general, randomized strategies are more powerful than deterministic strategies, and randomness in transitions gives more general classes of games. In this work we present a complete characterization for the classes of games where randomness is not helpful in: (a) the transition function probabilistic transition can be simulated by deterministic transition); and (b) strategies (pure strategies are as powerful as randomized strategies). As consequence of our characterization we obtain new undecidability results for these games

    Boundary effects on one-particle spectra of Luttinger liquids

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    We calculate one-particle spectra for a variety of models of Luttinger liquids with open boundary conditions. For the repulsive Hubbard model the spectral weight close to the boundary is enhanced in a large energy range around the chemical potential. A power law suppression, previously predicted by bosonization, only occurs after a crossover at energies very close to the chemical potential. Our comparison with exact spectra shows that the effects of boundaries can partly be understood within the Hartree-Fock approximation.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures, revised version, to be published in Phys. Rev. B, January 200

    Using Strategy Improvement to Stay Alive

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    We design a novel algorithm for solving Mean-Payoff Games (MPGs). Besides solving an MPG in the usual sense, our algorithm computes more information about the game, information that is important with respect to applications. The weights of the edges of an MPG can be thought of as a gained/consumed energy -- depending on the sign. For each vertex, our algorithm computes the minimum amount of initial energy that is sufficient for player Max to ensure that in a play starting from the vertex, the energy level never goes below zero. Our algorithm is not the first algorithm that computes the minimum sufficient initial energies, but according to our experimental study it is the fastest algorithm that computes them. The reason is that it utilizes the strategy improvement technique which is very efficient in practice

    Unconventional magnetism in the 4d4^{4} based (S=1S=1) honeycomb system Ag3_{3}LiRu2_{2}O6_{6}

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    We have investigated the thermodynamic and local magnetic properties of the Mott insulating system Ag3_{3}LiRu2_{2}O6_{6} containing Ru4+^{4+} (4dd4^{4}) for novel magnetism. The material crystallizes in a monoclinic C2/mC2/m structure with RuO6_{6} octahedra forming an edge-shared two-dimensional honeycomb lattice with limited stacking order along the cc-direction. The large negative Curie-Weiss temperature (θCW\theta_{CW} = -57 K) suggests antiferromagnetic interactions among Ru4+^{4+} ions though magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity show no indication of magnetic long-range order down to 1.8 K and 0.4 K, respectively. 7^{7}Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shift follows the bulk susceptibility between 120-300 K and levels off below 120 K. Together with a power-law behavior in the temperature dependent spin-lattice relaxation rate between 0.2 and 2 K, it suggest dynamic spin correlations with gapless excitations. Electronic structure calculations suggest an S=1S = 1 description of the Ru-moments and the possible importance of further neighbour interactions as also bi-quadratic and ring-exchange terms in determining the magnetic properties. Analysis of our μ\muSR data indicates spin freezing below 5 K but the spins remain on the borderline between static and dynamic magnetism even at 20 mK.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Structural, thermodynamic, and local probe investigations of a honeycomb material Ag3_{3}LiMn2_{2}O6_{6}

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    The system Ag[Li1/3_{1/3}Mn2/3_{2/3}]O2_{2} belongs to a quaternary 3R-delafossite family and crystallizes in a monoclinic symmetry with space group C2/mC\,2/m and the magnetic Mn4+^{4+}(S=3/2S=3/2) ions form a honeycomb network in the abab-plane. An anomaly around 50 K and the presence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) coupling (Curie-Weiss temperature θCW51\theta_{CW}\sim-51 K) were inferred from our magnetic susceptibility data. The magnetic specific heat clearly manifests the onset of magnetic ordering in the vicinity of 48\,K and the recovered magnetic entropy, above the ordering temperature, falls short of the expected value, implying the presence of short-range magnetic correlations. The (ESR) line broadening on approaching the ordering temperature TNT_{{\rm N}} could be described in terms of a Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) scenario with TKT=40(1)T_{{\rm KT}}=40(1) K. 7^{7}Li NMR line-shift probed as a function of temperature tracks the static susceptibility (Kiso_{iso}) of magnetically coupled Mn4+^{4+} ions. The 7^{7}Li spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/TT1_{1}) exhibits a sharp decrease below about 50 K. Combining our bulk and local probe measurements, we establish the presence of an ordered ground state for the honeycomb system Ag3_{3}LiMn2_{2}O6_{6}.Our ab-initio electronic structure calculations suggest that in the abab-plane, the nearest neighbor (NN) exchange interaction is strong and AFM, while the next NN and the third NN exchange interactions are FM and AFM respectively. In the absence of any frustration the system is expected to exhibit long-range, AFM order, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted in Phys Rev