31 research outputs found


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    Commercial activity has always been influenced by the competitive environment and its spread to the online space is the next stage of development and a defining trend for the nearest time horizon. The changes in the business landscape influenced by COVID19 pose new challenges for marketers and entrepreneurs. It is necessary to use the forced sharp increase in online interaction with consumers. The course towards the digital economy determines the use of scientific, mathematical methods to optimize the target indicators of economic activity. These global shifts in business interactions are generating innovative tools for measuring business results and transforming old practices to meet new market realities. This is the basic condition for the sustainability of doing business in any industry. This study is devoted to the development of a theoretical description of the process of multi-stage interaction with a consumer pool. To solve this problem, a mathematical model has been developed, the basis of which is digital information interaction, starting from the stage of determining the target audience and ending with the complete completion of a commercial transaction. This article presents the results of modeling sales funnel, as the basis for the software of a modern market analyst, using a cross-system approach. In contrast to the classical sales funnel, the presented algorithms allow using the multidimensional conversion funnel not only for assessing business results for the reporting period. Thanks to the flow of model arguments in real time, it becomes possible to optimize the business process by moving to the concept of leading economic indicators.In practice, this means the ability to implement effective business planning on digital platforms. The arguments of the mathematical model are Internet statistics, the dynamics of consumer preferences, the history of the business process accumulated in the big data system. At the same time, the means of queuing theory, differential calculus, economic and mathematical modeling are involved, based on indicators such as KPI (Key Performance Indicators), CTR (click-through rate), CR (Conversion rate). This made it possible to formulate the concept of a digital twin of a commercial process and its transformation, convenient for practical applications, into a conversion funnel for embedding into algorithms implemented on a computer


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    Commercial activity has always been influenced by the competitive environment and its spread to the online space is the next stage of development and a defining trend for the nearest time horizon. The changes in the business landscape influenced by COVID19 pose new challenges for marketers and entrepreneurs. It is necessary to use the forced sharp increase in online interaction with consumers. The course towards the digital economy determines the use of scientific, mathematical methods to optimize the target indicators of economic activity. These global shifts in business interactions are generating innovative tools for measuring business results and transforming old practices to meet new market realities. This is the basic condition for the sustainability of doing business in any industry. This study is devoted to the development of a theoretical description of the process of multi-stage interaction with a consumer pool. To solve this problem, a mathematical model has been developed, the basis of which is digital information interaction, starting from the stage of determining the target audience and ending with the complete completion of a commercial transaction. This article presents the results of modeling sales funnel, as the basis for the software of a modern market analyst, using a cross-system approach. In contrast to the classical sales funnel, the presented algorithms allow using the multidimensional conversion funnel not only for assessing business results for the reporting period. Thanks to the flow of model arguments in real time, it becomes possible to optimize the business process by moving to the concept of leading economic indicators.In practice, this means the ability to implement effective business planning on digital platforms. The arguments of the mathematical model are Internet statistics, the dynamics of consumer preferences, the history of the business process accumulated in the big data system. At the same time, the means of queuing theory, differential calculus, economic and mathematical modeling are involved, based on indicators such as KPI (Key Performance Indicators), CTR (click-through rate), CR (Conversion rate). This made it possible to formulate the concept of a digital twin of a commercial process and its transformation, convenient for practical applications, into a conversion funnel for embedding into algorithms implemented on a computer.Коммерческая деятельность всегда испытывала воздействие конкурентной среды, и онлайн-торговля является следующей ступенью развития и определяющим трендом на ближайшее время. Произошедшие под влиянием COVID-19 изменения в бизнес-ландшафте ставят перед маркетологами и предпринимателями новые задачи. Необходимо использовать вынужденный резкий рост онлайн-взаимодействия с потребителями. Курс на цифровую экономику обуславливает применение научных, математических методов для оптимизации целевых показателей экономической деятельности. Такие глобальные перемены в бизнес-взаимодействии порождают инновационные инструменты для оценки результатов коммерции и трансформируют прежние методики для соответствия новым реалиям рынка. Это является базовым условием устойчивости ведения бизнеса в любой отрасли. Настоящее исследование посвящено разработке теоретического описания процесса многоступенчатого взаимодействия с потребительским пулом. Для решения задачи формализации данного процесса разработана математическая модель, основу которой составляет информационное цифровое взаимодействие от этапа определения целевой аудитории до полного завершения коммерческой сделки.В предлагаемой статье изложены результаты работы по моделированию sales funnel как основы программного обеспечения современного аналитика рынка с применением кросс-системного подхода. В отличие от классической sales funnel, представленные алгоритмы позволяют использовать многомерную conversion funnel не только для оценки результатов работы бизнеса за отчетный период: благодаря потоку аргументов модели в режиме реального времени становится возможным оптимизировать коммерческий процесс за счет перехода к концепции опережающих экономических показателей.На практике это означает возможность реализации на цифровых платформах эффективного планирования коммерческой деятельности. Аргументами математической модели служат интернет-статистика, динамика потребительских предпочтений, история бизнес-процесса, аккумулированная в системе больших данных. При этом задействованы средства queuing theory, дифференциального исчисления, экономико-математического моделирования с опорой на такие показатели, как KPI (Key Performance Indicators), CTR (click-through rate), CR (Conversion rate). Это позволило сформулировать концепцию цифрового двойника коммерческого процесса. Нами разработаны математические формализмы, удобные для практических приложений. Это позволяет обеспечить приемлемую для программирования на ЭВМ реализацию алгоритмов, описывающих conversion funnel

    Overview of T and D-T results in JET with ITER-like wall

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    In 2021 JET exploited its unique capabilities to operate with T and D–T fuel with an ITER-like Be/W wall (JET-ILW). This second major JET D–T campaign (DTE2), after DTE1 in 1997, represented the culmination of a series of JET enhancements—new fusion diagnostics, new T injection capabilities, refurbishment of the T plant, increased auxiliary heating, in-vessel calibration of 14 MeV neutron yield monitors—as well as significant advances in plasma theory and modelling in the fusion community. DTE2 was complemented by a sequence of isotope physics campaigns encompassing operation in pure tritium at high T-NBI power. Carefully conducted for safe operation with tritium, the new T and D–T experiments used 1 kg of T (vs 100 g in DTE1), yielding the most fusion reactor relevant D–T plasmas to date and expanding our understanding of isotopes and D–T mixture physics. Furthermore, since the JET T and DTE2 campaigns occurred almost 25 years after the last major D–T tokamak experiment, it was also a strategic goal of the European fusion programme to refresh operational experience of a nuclear tokamak to prepare staff for ITER operation. The key physics results of the JET T and DTE2 experiments, carried out within the EUROfusion JET1 work package, are reported in this paper. Progress in the technological exploitation of JET D–T operations, development and validation of nuclear codes, neutronic tools and techniques for ITER operations carried out by EUROfusion (started within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and continuing under the Horizon Europe FP) are reported in (Litaudon et al Nucl. Fusion accepted), while JET experience on T and D–T operations is presented in (King et al Nucl. Fusion submitted)

    Overview of T and D–T results in JET with ITER-like wall

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    Real-time plasma state monitoring and supervisory control on TCV

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    In ITER and DEMO, various control objectives related to plasma control must be simultaneously achieved by the plasma control system (PCS), in both normal operation as well as off-normal conditions. The PCS must act on off-normal events and deviations from the target scenario, since certain sequences (chains) of events can precede disruptions. It is important that these decisions are made while maintaining a coherent prioritization between the real-time control tasks to ensure high-performance operation. In this paper, a generic architecture for task-based integrated plasma control is proposed. The architecture is characterized by the separation of state estimation, event detection, decisions and task execution among different algorithms, with standardized signal interfaces. Central to the architecture are a plasma state monitor and supervisory controller. In the plasma state monitor, discrete events in the continuous-valued plasma state are modeled using finite state machines. This provides a high-level representation of the plasma state. The supervisory controller coordinates the execution of multiple plasma control tasks by assigning task priorities, based on the finite states of the plasma and the pulse schedule. These algorithms were implemented on the TCV digital control system and integrated with actuator resource management and existing state estimation algorithms and controllers. The plasma state monitor on TCV can track a multitude of plasma events, related to plasma current, rotating and locked neoclassical tearing modes, and position displacements. In TCV experiments on simultaneous control of plasma pressure, safety factor profile and NTMs using electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive (ECCD), the supervisory controller assigns priorities to the relevant control tasks. The tasks are then executed by feedback controllers and actuator allocation management. This work forms a significant step forward in the ongoing integration of control capabilities in experiments on TCV, in support of tokamak reactor operation

    EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications

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    International audienceRecent developments and achievements of the EUROfusion Code Development for Integrated Modelling project (WPCD), which aim is to provide a validated integrated modelling suite for the simulation and prediction of complete plasma discharges in any tokamak, are presented. WPCD develops generic complex integrated simulations, workflows, for physics applications, using the standardized European Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) framework. Selected physics applications of EU-IM workflows are illustrated in this paper

    EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications

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    International audienceRecent developments and achievements of the EUROfusion Code Development for Integrated Modelling project (WPCD), which aim is to provide a validated integrated modelling suite for the simulation and prediction of complete plasma discharges in any tokamak, are presented. WPCD develops generic complex integrated simulations, workflows, for physics applications, using the standardized European Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) framework. Selected physics applications of EU-IM workflows are illustrated in this paper