516 research outputs found

    Криміналістичні наукові дослідження Національної академії внутрішніх справ: доробок наукових шкіл (оглядова стаття)

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    The Article purpose is to disclose the process of the formation of forensic scientific schools in the National Academy of Internal Affairs on the basis of the study of its historical development; to emphasize the role of heads of departments and leading professors of the National Academy of Internal Affairs in formation of forensic scientific schools, identify the main research directions of forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, highlight their contribution in training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff; to emphasize achievements of forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs and their significance for advancement of legal science and education in Ukraine. When covering the article content, historical, historiographic, terminological, systemic-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal and statistical methods have been applied.  It is substantiated that the center for the development of forensic scientific schools in the National Academy of Internal Affairs is the Department of Criminalistics. Main directions of research of forensic scientific schools in the National Academy of Internal Affairs have been systematized and shown. It has been proved that forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs are developing according to two scientific directions: innovative research of non-traditional traces of crime (the school of Professor M. V. Saltevskij); advancement of investigative activities and methods of investigating criminal offenses based on studying tactics applied by criminals, current achievements in science and technology (school of Professor V. P. Bahin). Scientific links between forensic schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs and other forensic schools and centers of research institutions, higher educational institutions, law enforcement agencies have been demonstrated. Forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs play a crucial role in the development of legal science and education, contribute to the formation of the high level of professionalism in law enforcement agencies and lawyers, ensure the unity of law enforcement practice and educational-scientific activity in higher education institutions.Проаналізовано розвиток криміналістичних досліджень наукових шкіл Національної академії внутрішніх справ (далі — НАВС). Показано роль керівників кафедр і провідних професорів НАВС у розвитку наукових досліджень; розкрито напрями криміналістичних досліджень наукових шкіл НАВС. Криміналістичні дослідження НАВС розвиваються за двома векторами — інноваційні дослідження нетрадиційних слідів злочину (школа професора М. В. Салтевського) і вдосконалення слідчої діяльності й ме-тодик розслідування злочинів (школа професора В. П. Бахіна)


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    Currently transformation of criminalistics subject is determined due to reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, courts and other bodies of criminal justice authorities of Ukraine, change of status, powers of operational units, bodies of pre-trial investigation , expert institutions, and their organizational and structural reformations. Concepts regarding the initial stage of development criminalistics subject has been improved. This stage defined the period 1893–1914 years, when the data on the criminalistics subject reflected in writings, mainly Western European criminalists (H. Gross, R. Reiss, A. Nicheforo, etc.).  Five stages of development approaches to the criminalistics subject are proposed: first (1893–1914) – physical evidence research, the behavior of criminals and the activities of participants in criminal process; second (1915 – until the 1930s) – technical support for crime investigation; third (1930s to 1967) – disclosure, investigation and prevention of crimes; fourth (1967 to the end of the 20th century) – research on patterns of information emergence about the crime and those based on cognition of these patterns, forensic means and methods of disclosure, investigation and prevention of crimes; fifth (beginning of the 19th century until the present) – criminalistics is defined as a science studying criminal activity patterns, genesis of information about a crime or any phenomenon in society and which is used in a number of types of legal proceedings and related social relations. The author has proved that in such new approach to the definition of criminalistics subject it is necessary to take into account the scope of criminalistic knowledge application, conceptual approaches to crime investigation provided by criminal procedural law, modern legal terminology.Установлено трансформацию предмета криминалистики на современном этапе, обусловленную реформой Министерства внутренних дел, органов прокуратуры, судов и иных органов уголовной юстиции, сменой статуса, полномочий оперативных подразделений, органов досудебного расследования, экспертных учреждений, их организационно-структурными преобразованиями. Усовершенствованы представления о начальном этапе развития подходов к предмету криминалистики. Им определен период 1893–1914 гг., когда данные о предмете криминалистики отображались в работах, преимущественно, западноевропейских криминалистов (Г. Гросс, Р. Рейсс, А. Ничефоро и др.). Предложено пять этапов развития подходов к предмету криминалистики: первый (1893–1914 гг.) – изучение вещественных доказательств, поведения преступников и деятельность участников уголовного процесса; второй (с 1915 г. – 1930-е гг.) – техническое обеспечение расследования преступлений; третий (с 1930-х гг. до 1967 г.) – раскрытие, расследование и предупреждение преступлений; четвертый – (с 1967 г. до конца ХХ века) – изучение закономерностей возникновения информации о преступлении и основанных на познании этих закономерностей криминалистических средств и методов раскрытия, расследования и предупреждения преступлений; пятый (с начала ХХІ века до теперешнего времени) – криминалистика определена как наука, которая изучает закономерности преступной деятельности, возникновение информации о преступлении или другом явлении в обществе и которую используют в ряде видов судопроизводства и связанных с ними общественных отношениях. Доказано, что при таком новом подходе к определению предмета криминалистики необходимо учитывать сферы применения криминалистических знаний, концептуальные подходы к расследованию преступлений, предусмотренные уголовным процессуальным законодательством, современную юридическую терминологию.Досліджено ґенезу підходів науковців до визначення предмета криміналістики, запропоновано етапи розвитку уявлень про нього. Установлено трансформацію предмета криміналістики на сучасному етапі реформування органів кримінальної юстиції України. Зроблено висновок, що тлумачення криміналістичної науки і її предмета відображає стан криміналістики в конкретні періоди та найближчі перспективи її розвитку


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    The issue of development of forensic institutions of Ukraine in the ХХ century was studied. Until 1917, forensic medical examinations were conducted in the medical compartments of the provincial administrations, at the departments of forensic medicine of universities and in hospitals - by police doctors. The chairs of forensic medicine existed in the St. Vladimir Kyiv University, Kharkiv, Novorosiisk and Lviv Universities. Real organization of Ukrainian forensic medical institutions began in 1919 with the creation of the Medical Examination Department at the People’s Commissariat of Health. In 1923, the Main forensic medical inspection, headed by M. S. Bokarius, was founded. In the provinces the positions of forensic medical inspectors were created. In 1927 the sections of biological research were established in the Kharkiv, Kyiv and Odesa institutes of scientific andforensic expertise,where separate forensic examinations were conducted. In 1949 the institutions of forensic medical examination of the USSR were merged into the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination, in Ukraine it was held in 1951. It was proved that forensic medical institutions developed at the following chronological stages: 1) until 1917 - forensic medical service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs; 2) 1917-1941 - prewar formation of forensic medical institutions; 3) 1941-1949 -forensic medical institutions during the war and in the first post-war years; 4) 1949-1990s - period of development of the bureau of forensic medical examinations of the countries of the USSR; 5) since the 1990s - development of expert institutions in the public health care system in independent postSoviet states. It’s stressed that formation of the forensic institutions in Ukraine is closely related with the development of forensic medicine departments of higher educational establishments. Forensic medicine departments were the basisfor practicalforensic medicine, professors provided daily assistance to forensic medical experts.Досліджено питання розвитку судово-медичних закладів України у ХХ ст. та встановлено основні етапи їх розвитку. Визначено особливості становлення експертних закладів системи охорони здоров’я в Україні

    Personality regulation of students’ cognitive states during sports and educational activities

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    The article is devoted to the study of cognitive mental states and personality properties relationship during educational activities. In practical terms, the most important task in the field of educational psychology is to develop methods for updating and regulation of cognitive states. The study of cognitive states carried out in various forms of educational activity: in an ordinary situation (a lecture) and in a tense situation of training (an exam). N = 90, 1-st year students at the Kazan Federal University. During the research used different questionnaires to diagnose the personality traits and the intensity of students’ cognitive states, such as interest, reflection, concentration, mental stress etc. The data analysis included frequency analysis, the polar group method and the MANOVA method. Revealed that in an everyday situation of educational activity (lecture) the most often experienced states are thoughtfulness, interest and concentration, while in a tense situation of an exam - mental stress, doubt and concentration. In everyday situations, a state of thoughtfulness is observed in individuals with high Conscientiousness, and prevails in friendly, open-minded and emotionally stable students with a focus on the task. During the exam students with high activity, extraversion, and focus on the task experience the state of mental stress. Results of this research will find application in educational systems increasing the effectiveness of educational, scientific and creative activities, through the updating of students’ positive cognitive states. Cognitive states stimulate and regulate cognitive activity, performing the function of development of cognitive processes and intellectual abilities. The influence of personality properties on cognitive states is mediated by both the intensity of educational activity and the interaction of the personality traits.The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 19-013-00325

    Laser Printing of Gel Microdrops with Living Cells and Microorganisms

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    We report the results of experiments on laser printing (wavelength λ=1064 nm) with gel microdrops acting as carriers of living microbial and cellular objects. The dynamics of transport processes with the help of high-speed optical video was studied, which allows to determine characteristics of the formed gel jets and to optimize the operating mode of the laser. It is shown that laser pulses of 4 to 20 ns duration and energy E ≤ 20 μJ should be used to minimize the negative effect on living systems. The results can be used to optimize the technologies of cellular printing and laser engineering of microbial systems (LEMS). LEMS technology is used to isolate hard-cultivated and non-cultivated by classical methods of microorganisms that can act as producers of new biologically active substances and antibiotics. Keywords: laser printing, gel, microdrop, living cell, microbia

    On the Question of Development of the CSTO Model Law «On the State Secret»

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    Urgent aspects of a state and development of the legislation on the state secret in the context of search of approaches to its harmonization within the CSTO are discussed