1,580 research outputs found

    Correction of the cytomorphological changes by the quercetin in the mucous membrane of the mouth cavity of rats under the action of systemic pathogenic factors

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    The purpose of this research was to study the correction by the quercetin of the structural and functional changes in the mucous membrane of the mouth cavity of rats caused by the action of the doxaglide prooxidant and chronic emotional and painful stress in conditions of nutritional deficiencies in plant components.The  research  was  conducted  on 21 rats 1.5 months. age. The duration of the experiment was 60 days. Intact group (1) consisted of 7 rats, which were kept on a standard ration of the vivarium. In the 2nd group (7 rats), after 1 month of their non-polifenol diet were subjected to the combined effects of the delagil oral injections (5 mg / kg) and chronic emotional and pain stress. The protective effects of the quercetin have been studied with the combined effects of delagil, chronic stress and non-polifenol diet. Rats of the 3 group  (7 animals), aftewr one month from the beginning diet were orally receiving quercetin (50 mg / kg) five times per week for 30 days.The combined effect of the epitheliotropic toxicant delagil, a chronic emotional pain syndrome with alimentary polyphenolic insufficiency, caused pronounced dystrophic changes in the epithelium and the intrinsic plate of the oral mucosa. Quercetin was the best corrector of inflammatory-destructive changes. The nature of the compensatory-regenerative processes in the cells of the epithelial layer acquired features inherent in the intact group. Quercetin prevented the oppression of proliferative activity of the epithelium

    Summary of updates to the 2021 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure

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    The article provides a summary of the 2021 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure (CHF). The most significant changes for general practitioners, internists and primary care cardiologists, from our point of view, regards etiology, terminology, as well as algorithms for diagnosing and treating CHF in accordance with phenotypes, new indications to a number of drugs, in particular sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors (dapagliflozin and empagliflozin) with assignment of class I recommended therapy and vericiguat. The article discusses the diagnostic criteria for different heart failure phenotypes, the potential of treating patients with heart failure mildly reduced and preserved ejection fraction

    Superembedding methods for 4d N=1 SCFTs

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    We extend SO(4,2) covariant lightcone embedding methods of four-dimensional CFTs to N=1 superconformal field theory (SCFT). Manifest superconformal SU(2,2|1) invariance is achieved by realizing 4D superconformal space as a surface embedded in the projective superspace spanned by certain complex chiral supermatrices. Because SU(2,2|1) acts linearly on the ambient space, the constraints on correlators implied by superconformal Ward identities are automatically solved in this formalism. Applications include new, compact expressions for correlation functions containing one anti-chiral superfield and arbitrary chiral superfield insertions, and manifestly invariant expressions for the superconformal cross-ratios that parametrize the four-point function of two chiral and two anti-chiral fields. Superconformal expressions for the leading singularities in the OPE of chiral and anti-chiral operators are also given. Because of covariance, our expressions are valid in any superconformally flat background, e.g., AdS_4 or R times S^3.Comment: 33 pages, clarification of constraints, version to appear in PR

    Heart failure and atrial fibrillation: updates and perspectives

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    The article discusses modern approaches and features of management, as well as predicting the risk of complications in patients with cardiac arrhythmias, in particular, atrial fibrillation, and the potential of using conservative and interventional treatment methods for heart failure (HF), taking into account updates and achievements in clinical practice. Epidemiological data, algorithms for managing patients with HF and atrial fibrillation, prevention of thromboembolic events, results of studies comparing the effectiveness of different strategies for atrial fibrillation treatment, catheter ablation compared with drug therapy in patients with HF are presented

    Інноваційні технології в хірургічному лікуванні злукової непрохідності кишечника на тлі хвороби очеревини

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    The aim of the work: to improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with postoperative adhesive bowel obstruction on the background of adhesive disease of the peritoneum, using various methods of adhesiolysis. The analysis of surgical treatment of 314 patients with postoperative peritoneal commissures was performed in the Clinical Surgical Departments of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 (Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 1).Цель работы: улучшить результаты хирургического лечения пациентов с послеоперационной спаечной непроходимостью кишечника на фоне спаечной болезни брюшины с помощью различных методов адгезиолизиса. В клинических хирургических отделениях кафедры хирургических болезней № 1 (КГКБ № 1) проведен анализ хирургического лечения 314 пациентов с послеоперационной спаечной болезнью.Мета роботи: покращити результати хірургічного лікування пацієнтів із післяопераційною злуковою непрохідністю кишечника на тлі спайкової хвороби  очеревини за допомогою різних методів адгезеолізису. У клінічних хірургічних відділеннях кафедри хірургічних хвороб № 1 (КМКЛ №1) проведено аналіз хірургічного лікування 314 пацієнтів з післяопераційною злуковою хворобою

    Overhauser effect in individual InP/GaInP dots

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    Sizable nuclear spin polarization is pumped in individual InP/GaInP dots in a wide range of external magnetic fields B_ext=0-5T by circularly polarized optical excitation. We observe nuclear polarization of up to ~40% at Bext=1.5T and corresponding to an Overhauser field of ~1.2T. We find a strong feedback of the nuclear spin on the spin pumping efficiency. This feedback, produced by the Overhauser field, leads to nuclear spin bi-stability at low magnetic fields of Bext=0.5-1.5T. We find that the exciton Zeeman energy increases markedly, when the Overhauser field cancels the external field. This counter-intuitive result is shown to arise from the opposite contribution of the electron and hole Zeeman splittings to the total exciton Zeeman energy


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    The aim of the work is to improve the results of rehabilitation of patients with false joints of the distal parts of the leg. The task was to find out the effectiveness of the phonophoresis of the Fastum gel® and the Lyoton® in the complex rehabilitation of patients with false joints of the distal legs. The work outlines the experience of performing phonophoresis in patients with false joints of the distal tibia. The theoretical necessity is substantiated, good safety and portability are determined. The high efficiency of the proposed method of treatment is confirmed by the dynamics ofVAS, the difference between the circumference of the patient and the healthy leg, the asymmetry of the diastolic index at the lower legs. The stabilization period began with 4 weeks. The need for a re-course arose after 5-7 months.Целью работы является улучшение результатов реабилитации больных с ложными суставами дистальных отделов голени. Задачей было выяснить эффективность фонофореза Фастум гелю® и Лиотона® в комплексной реабилитации больных с ложными суставами дистальных отделов голени. В работе изложен опыт проведения фонофорореза у больных с ложными суставами дистального отдела костей голени. Обоснована теоретическая необходимость, определенная хорошая безопасность и переносимость. Высокая эффективность предложенного метода лечения подтверждена динамикой ВАШ, разницы окружности больной и здоровой голени, коэффициента асимметрии диастолического индекса на уровне голеней. Период стабилизации начинался с 4 недели. Необходимость повторного курса возникала через 5 - 7 месяцев.Метою роботи є поліпшення результатів реабілітації хворих з несправжніми суглобами дистальних відділів гомілки. Завданням було з'ясувати ефективність фонофореза Фастум гелю® і Ліотона® в комплексній реабілітації хворих з несправжніми суглобами дистальних відділів гомілки. У роботі викладено досвід проведення фонофорореза у хворих з несправжніми суглобами дистального відділу кісток гомілки. Обґрунтовано теоретичну необхідність, визначена хороша безпека і переносимість. Висока ефективність запропонованого методу лікування підтверджена динамікою ВАШ, різниці окружності хворий і здорової гомілки, коефіцієнта асиметрії діастолічного індексу на рівні гомілок. Період стабілізації починався з 4 тижні. Необхідність повторного курсу виникала через 5 - 7 місяців .