30 research outputs found

    Accumulation of cadmium and zinc in barley regenerants on a provocative soil background with cadmium

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    Background. An effective way to obtain barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes stress-tolerant to cadmium, with a low level of toxic ion accumulation in grain, is the selection of cells in selective in vitro systems, based on somaclonal variability, which promotes the formation of specific and nonspecific adaptive mechanisms.Materials and methods. The object of the study was cv. ‘999-93’, developed by selection from a hybrid combination of spring barley (Luly × Conrad) × 2867-80, and its regenerated forms in seed reproductions of the 3–5th generation, induced in the process of cell selection on media with cadmium, aluminum and polyethylene glycol. The plants were grown under normal soil conditions and against a provocative background for cadmium.Results. The contribution of the environment-forming activity in the roots of the studied genotypes to inactivation of toxic ions appeared insignificant. The total removal of cadmium by plants against a provocative background increased 22.5 times, reaching 5.8–10.3 mg/kg of dry phytomass when distributed among organs: roots (91.9–93.4%) > stems (5.9–7.8%) > grain (0.5–0.8%). The amount of toxic metal in grain increased 11 times in the original form and 2.8–6.8 times in regenerants. The negative effect of excess cadmium in the soil on the accumulation of zinc in barley was shown. There was no gradation in the importance of organs for zinc accumulation or any presence of functional barriers preventing this. Regenerants induced on selective media with cadmium had the greatest adaptive advantages to stress: pronounced barrier functions of roots, minimal accumulation of toxic ions in aerial organs, and high seed productivity (they exceeded the original genotype by 35.5%). Adaptive reactions associated with the limitation of cadmium accumulation in plant tissues of regenerants, obtained by in vitro selections with aluminum and an osmotic, were shown to be weak

    Futurodesign – innovative specilization

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    The article reveals the importance of introducing futurodesign in the area of vocational pedagogy and outlines a new master degree program in futurodesignВ статье раскрывается актуальность внедрения футуродизайна в область профессиональной педагогики и предлагается новая магистерская образовательная программа «Футуродизайн

    The phenomenon of the home: Metaphysics of the innermost (as illustrated by the modern Russian culture)

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the influence of the expanding globalization processes that affect the view of life of a modern man: the internal balance is lost due to feeling of chaos, rhythm of life and constant changes. In these conditions there is a tendency to de-humanize the living environment, depersonalization of living space and desacralization of human dwelling which leads to re-thinking of the Home that ensures human existence in the world. The purpose of the article is to state the necessity of new understanding of the Home as the phenomenon of culture which would confront the absolute priority of the rational, pragmatic and utilitarian through the notion of “the innermost”, through studying the transformation of the innermost within the historical context and through revealing the dialectics of the innermost and the explicit in living space of the modern culture. The lead method for studying this problem is the interdisciplinary approach that provides the possibility of comprehensive consideration of the results of philosophical, cultural, architectural and other studies. The article reveals the essence and the main philosophical-cultural characteristics of the Home and the essence of the innermost as a special super-value, specifies the traditional image of the innermost in living space related to the Home as the centre of existence and reveals the attributes of transformation of the innermost in the Home resulting from the processes which are characteristic of the modern age. The materials of the article can be useful for developing the scientific-methodological support of general and special courses, for conducting lessons in philosophical-cultural disciplines and for usage for designing and modeling the living environment. © 2016 Shupletsova et al

    Risk factors of cerebral ischemia in infants born to mothers with gestational diabetes

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is carbohydrate intolerance that occurs during pregnancy. The present study was arranged to determine the risk of cerebral ischemia (CI) in infants born to mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus and MTHFR gene polymorphism

    Perinatal aspects of the diabetes

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    Disease of a diabetes last decades increases all over the world. Practice shows that the diabetes and pregnancy make negative impact against each other. Influence of a diabetes of mother on the prenatal development of a fetus leading to formation diabetic fetopathy is especially adverse. Despite distinction of clinical forms diabetic fetopathy, according to a number of authors, the leading part in a pathology of a fetus at patients with a diabetes plays hypoxy. Frequency perinatal diabetes complications remains enough high that dictates necessity of the further search of a complex of medical - diagnostic actions directed on optimisation perinatal of outcomes at the given category of patients.Заболеваемость сахарным диабетом (СД) в последние десятилетия увеличивается во всем мире. Практика показывает, что СД и беременность оказывают отрицательное влияние друг на друга. Особенно неблагоприятно влияние СД матери на внутриутробное развитие плода, приводящее к формированию симптомокомплекса диабетической фетопатии. Несмотря на различие клинических форм диабетической фетопатии, по данным ряда авторов, ведущую роль в патологии плода у пациенток с СД играет тканевая гипоксия. Частота перинатальных осложнений СД остается достаточно высокой, что диктует необходимость дальнейшего поиска комплекса лечебно-диагностических мероприятий, направленных на оптимизацию перинатальных исходов у данной категории больных


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    В статье предлагается опыт использования методики тематической иммерсии (как нововведения) в процессах формирования компетенций дизайнера. Данная методика была разработана и апробирована с положительным результатом на кафедре дизайна интерьера РГППУThe article offers the experience of using the thematic immersion technique (as innovations) in the processes of designer's competencies formation. This technique was developed and tested with a positive result at the Department of Interior Design, RSVP

    Food Design as a New Professional Profilization for the Russian Educational Space

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    Предлагается являющаяся новой для образовательных процессов подготовки дизайнеров в высших учебных заведениях профилизация «Фуд-дизайн». Определяется базовая тематика содержания процесса обучения фуд-дизайнеров для ее реализации на основе учебного плана, используемого при подготовке педагогов профессионального обучения (дизайн) в рамках элективных модулей. Обосновывается высокая степень необходимой актуализации нововведения, связанная с прагматико-эстетическим развитием системы продуктового жизнеобеспечения социума.Proposed is a new for the educational processes of training designers in higher educational institutions profiling "Food Design". The basic topic of the content of the food designers training process is determined for its implementation on the basis of the curriculum used in the preparation of vocational training teachers (design) within the framework of elective modules. A high degree of necessary updating of the innovation associated with the pragmatic and aesthetic development of the food life support system of society is substantiated


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    Radium has a high radioactivity; therefore, to track the behavior of this element in the environment is necessary. The essence of the work lies in the combination of the steps of radium separation from water sample and preparation of a thin alpha source. The manganese dioxide has a high adsorption capacity compared to radium. In this work, MnO2 was deposited onto the surface of non-porous polyethylene film