290 research outputs found

    Professional development efficiency monitoring in the college

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    The article describes personnel professional development efficiency monitoring for decorative artВ статье рассматривается мониторинг переподготовки кадров в сфере художественного образовани

    Cyclic nucleotides in tissues during long-term hypokinesia

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    Male Wistar rates were kept hypokinetic by placing them in small containers for 22 days. Blood plasma cAMP content was subsequently found increased, and cGMP content decreased, in the experimental animals. Liver and thymus cAMP content was similar in the control and experimental animals. There was a 20 and 38% decrease of cAMP content in the kidneys and spleen, respectively. Hypokinesia's reduction of cyclic nucleotides seems to inhibit RNA and protein synthesis

    Photoaging of methyl methacrylate-methacrylic acid copolymer doped by laser dyes and diphenylthiourea

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    For methyl methacrylate-methacrylic acid copolymer colored by laser dyes (Rhodamine 6G and Coumarin 7), the mutual effect of polymeric matrix and dyes on the kinetics of their photochemical aging was studied. Diphenylthiourea was introduced into the copolymer as a modifying additive. It was established that, upon irradiation with a mercury lamp, both the dyes and diphenylthiourea exert photostabilizing effects on the copolymer. It was found that there exists a correlation between the photofading of the dyes and the processes related to the photoaging of the copolymer, such as the degradation of macrochains, the accumulation of free radicals, and a reduction in the transmission coefficient. Introduction of diphenylthiourea causes a tenfold increase in the generation photostability of the copolymer samples colored by Rhodamine 6G, and consequently, their operating life as the laser-active elements

    «Фонды библиотек в цифровую эпоху: традиционные и электронные ресурсы, комплектование, использование»

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    On the All-Russian Research and Practical Conference “Library Stock in the Digital Age: Traditional and Electronic Resources, Acquisition, Utilization”, held on 26-29 March, 2013 at the Russian National Library.О Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Фонды библиотек в цифровую эпоху: традиционные и электронные ресурсы, комплектование, использование», которая прошла 26-29 марта 2013 г. в Российской национальной библиотек

    New Year Semantics in Anna Akhmatova’s Poetry

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    Поступила в редакцию 12.06.2019. Принята к печати 17.07.2019.Submitted on 12 June, 2019. Accepted on 17 July, 2019.В статье рассматривается семантика Нового года в общем контексте лирики Ахматовой. Автор задается целью уточнить значение этого события в свете осмысления автором не только личной судьбы, которую поэт связывает с влиянием на нее календарного цикла. Лирическая героиня поэзии Ахматовой чувствительно воспринимает календарный «сдвиг», результатом которого стало появление в России особого праздника — «Старый Новый год», что расширило период святочного карнавала, соединив при этом два Сочельника, отличавших Рождество Христово от Богоявления. В сознании лирической героини это наложило отпечаток на восприятие всей русской «праздничной» жизни. Этот психологический сюжет сопровождается трагическим эмоциональным фоном, где воспроизводятся события любого праздника, особенно Нового года как обещания «нового горя» — новой череды человеческих жизней, приносимых в жертву Танатосу в разных его ипостасях. Героиня Ахматовой постоянно ощущает себя в страшном для нее святочном хронотопе, в центре которого располагается Новый год. В славянской традиции святочный ритуал предполагал обряд «игры в покойника». Эта фольклорная традиция отразилась в ранней лирике Н. Гумилева, предопределив сюжет праздника мертвых в «Новогодней балладе», и первой части «Поэмы без героя» А. Ахматовой. Новогодняя семантика пропитана в этой художественной системе эсхатологическим смыслом в понимании динамики как личного существования, так и всей истории «некалендарного ХХ века». В исследовании представлена тематическая подборка текстов, не привлекавшая ахматоведов в этой связи (в том числе и тексты, не вошедшие в основные сборники). Сделанный отбор с сопровождающей его интерпретацией позволяет глубже проникнуть в сложную символическую структуру психологии личности Серебряного века, которой пришлось пережить глобальные исторические катаклизмы и искать им если не рационально-логическое, то иррационально-мистическое объяснение. Ахматова, всегда чувствительная к датам, на этом уровне пыталась мучительно понять трагический «ребус бытия».This article examines New Year semantics in the context of Anna Akhmatova’s lyrical poetry. The author aims to define the meaning of this event in the context of the author’s conceptualisation going beyond Akhmatova’s personal destiny which she regards as affected by the calendar cycle. Akhmatova’s lyrical heroine is sensitive to the calendar shift which resulted in the emergence of a peculiar Russian holiday, the so-called “Old New Year”. It extended the period of Christmas carnival, thus combining two Christmas Eves which had distinguished Christmas from Epiphany. This affected the poet’s lyrical heroine’s perception of all Russian festive life. This psychological plot is accompanied by a tragical emotional background reproducing any holiday events, especially those of the New Year perceived as an omen of “new grief” and new human lives sacrificed to Thanatos in his different guises. Akhmatova’s heroine constantly perceives herself as being in Christmas Eve chronotope scary for her with the New Year in its centre. In the Slavic tradition, there existed a Christmas Eve ritual of “playing dead”. This folklore tradition was reflected in Nikolay Gumilyov’s early poetry, having predetermined the “feast day of the dead” plot in the New Year’s Ballad and the first part of the Poem without a Hero by Akhmatova. New Year semantics is permeated in this artistic system with eschatological sense in understanding dynamics both as personal existence and the entire history of the “split twentieth century”. The article considers a thematic selection of Akhmatova’s texts which have not been studied by researchers in this connection (including texts not to be found in her major collections). This selection accompanied by its interpretation makes it possible to look deeper into the complex symbolic structure of the psychology of a representative of the Silver Age who had to live through a number of global historical cataclysms searching for irrational and mystical explanations if not rational and logical ones. On this level, Akhmatova, who had always been sensitive to dates, painfully tried to solve the tragic riddle of being

    Experiment K-6-16. Morphological examination of rat testes. The effect of Cosmos 1887 flight on spermatogonial population and testosterone level in rat testes

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    Testes from rats flown on Cosmos 1887 for twelve and a half days were compared to basal control, synchronous control and vivarium maintained rats. When the mean weights of flight testes, normalized for weight/100 gms, were compared to the vivarium controls they were 6.7 percent lighter. Although the flight testes were lighter than the synchronous, the difference is not significant. Counts of spermatogonial cells from 5 animals in each group revealed a 4 percent decrease in flight compared to vivarium controls. In both cases the t-Test significance was less than 0.02. The serum testosterone levels of all animals (flight, synchronous and vivarium) were significantly below the basal controls

    Manipulations with early mouse embryos for generation of genetically modified animals

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    Recently, genome-editing technologies have  become more efficient and accessible. The discovery of nucleases for directional genome editing (CRISPR/Cas9, TALEN, ZFNs) significantly accelerated and simplified the production of mice with targeted gene editing in the genome. Until last time, the CRISPR/Cas9 system noticeably simplified the preparation of knockout or transgenic mice. CRISPR/Cas9 technology was successfully applied for gene knockout and knock-in, generation of large deletions or directed insertions in targeted genome regions in embryonic stem cells (ESCs).When injected into blastocysts, such  modified ESCs are able to generate chimeras producing gametes with an identical genotype with ESC. Thus, it can identify animals with modified genomes. More recently, CRISPR/Cas9 technology was successfully applied to mouse zygotes and the birth of genetic modified mice was observed, i. e., the time required for generating genome-modified animals decreased significantly. The CRISPR/Cas9 system allows making gene knockout, large deletions or directed insertions into the target region of the genome by cytoplasm or pronuclear microinjection into zygotes. In addition, this is faster and simpler than similar work with mouse ESCs. Meanwhile, methods of manipulation with early embryos and their transplantation to surrogate mothers may be somewhat tricky. Therefore, it is important to use modern technologies for directional genome editing and perfect mastery in the embryological technics. In this article, we describe the protocols of microinjection into the pronucleus or cytoplasm of zygotes and injection of embryonic stem cells into the blastocyst cavity. We also describe embryological methods, such as superovulation, preparation of early stage  embryos,  surgical operation, production of foster mice. In addition, we describe the assembly and necessary components for the isoflurane anesthetic apparatus and isoflurane anesthesia

    Features of Adaptation of Students with Disabilities at the University

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    Admission to the first year entails significant changes in the life of a freshman her adaptation of a student takes on average one year, adaptation of a student with disabilities can take up to three years. In this article we will consider the factors to which it is necessary to adapt the student in the process of studying at the University.Поступление на первый курс влечет за собой значительные изменения в жизни студента, его адаптация занимает в среднем один год, адаптация студента с ограниченными возможностями может затянуться до трех лет. В данной статье мы рассмотрим факторы, к которым необходимо адаптироваться студенту в процессе обучения в вузе