2,179 research outputs found

    On Flux Rope Stability and Atmospheric Stratification in Models of Coronal Mass Ejections Triggered by Flux Emergence

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    Flux emergence is widely recognized to play an important role in the initiation of coronal mass ejections. The Chen-Shibata (2000) model, which addresses the connection between emerging flux and flux rope eruptions, can be implemented numerically to study how emerging flux through the photosphere can impact the eruption of a pre-existing coronal flux rope. The model's sensitivity to the initial conditions and reconnection micro-physics is investigated with a parameter study. In particular, we aim to understand the stability of the coronal flux rope in the context of X-point collapse and the effects of boundary driving in both unstratified and stratified atmospheres. In the absence of driving, we assess the behavior of waves in the vicinity of the X-point. With boundary driving applied, we study the effects of reconnection micro-physics and atmospheric stratification on the eruption. We find that the Chen-Shibata equilibrium can be unstable to an X-point collapse even in the absence of driving due to wave accumulation at the X-point. However, the equilibrium can be stabilized by reducing the compressibility of the plasma, which allows small-amplitude waves to pass through the X-point without accumulation. Simulations with the photospheric boundary driving evaluate the impact of reconnection micro-physics and atmospheric stratification on the resulting dynamics: we show the evolution of the system to be determined primarily by the structure of the global magnetic fields with little sensitivity to the micro-physics of magnetic reconnection; and in a stratified atmosphere, we identify a novel mechanism for producing quasi-periodic behavior at the reconnection site behind a rising flux rope as a possible explanation of similar phenomena observed in solar and stellar flares.Comment: Submitted Feb 28, 2014 to, accepted Aug 14, 2014 by Astronomy & Astrophysics. 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 table


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    Porous medium are products of processing in food, agricultural, chemical and many other industries. Calculations of processes with wet porous medium are based on capillary properties of the liquid in a pore space. The capillary properties of liquids in porous media are established in pore models in the form of thin tubes of circular or slit transverse sections. The intensity of the processes occurring in it depends on the nature of the filling of the pore space with liquid. Filling with liquid and the formation of a capillary layer is possible only in small pores. However, there is no analytical justification for the transverse pore size, more than which it cannot be filled with liquid by capillary forces. With this in mind, the concept of the limiting transverse size of a capillary for a liquid under conditions of complete wetting is introduced. The limiting size calculation is based on two conditions: the shape of the axial section of the meniscus surface has the appearance of a semicircle and its extremum point is located at the level of the free surface of the fluid supplying the capillary. A capillary column cannot form in larger pores. The absence of formulas for calculating capillaries of the limiting sizes can introduce a significant error into the analytical calculation of the moisture content in the capillary layer of a liquid in porous media and moisture transfer processes. The aim of the study was to obtain formulas for calculating the limiting (largest) sizes of capillaries of a circular, flat slit section and annular transverse sections with complete wetting of their walls. For the conditions above, it was identified that the limiting distance between the walls was independent from annular capillary diameter. The formulas for the limiting transverse sizes of the flat slit and annular capillaries turned out to be the same under the assumptions above. This indicates a weak dependence of the limiting size of a slit capillary on the curvature of its transverse section. Examples of calculations of capillaries of the limiting sizes are performed.Porous medium are products of processing in food, agricultural, chemical and many other industries. Calculations of processes with wet porous medium are based on capillary properties of the liquid in a pore space. The capillary properties of liquids in porous media are established in pore models in the form of thin tubes of circular or slit transverse sections. The intensity of the processes occurring in it depends on the nature of the filling of the pore space with liquid. Filling with liquid and the formation of a capillary layer is possible only in small pores. However, there is no analytical justification for the transverse pore size, more than which it cannot be filled with liquid by capillary forces. With this in mind, the concept of the limiting transverse size of a capillary for a liquid under conditions of complete wetting is introduced. The limiting size calculation is based on two conditions: the shape of the axial section of the meniscus surface has the appearance of a semicircle and its extremum point is located at the level of the free surface of the fluid supplying the capillary. A capillary column cannot form in larger pores. The absence of formulas for calculating capillaries of the limiting sizes can introduce a significant error into the analytical calculation of the moisture content in the capillary layer of a liquid in porous media and moisture transfer processes. The aim of the study was to obtain formulas for calculating the limiting (largest) sizes of capillaries of a circular, flat slit section and annular transverse sections with complete wetting of their walls. For the conditions above, it was identified that the limiting distance between the walls was independent from annular capillary diameter. The formulas for the limiting transverse sizes of the flat slit and annular capillaries turned out to be the same under the assumptions above. This indicates a weak dependence of the limiting size of a slit capillary on the curvature of its transverse section. Examples of calculations of capillaries of the limiting sizes are performed

    Temporal and Spatial Turbulent Spectra of MHD Plasma and an Observation of Variance Anisotropy

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    The nature of MHD turbulence is analyzed through both temporal and spatial magnetic fluctuation spectra. A magnetically turbulent plasma is produced in the MHD wind-tunnel configuration of the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment (SSX). The power of magnetic fluctuations is projected into directions perpendicular and parallel to a local mean field; the ratio of these quantities shows the presence of variance anisotropy which varies as a function of frequency. Comparison amongst magnetic, velocity, and density spectra are also made, demonstrating that the energy of the turbulence observed is primarily seeded by magnetic fields created during plasma production. Direct spatial spectra are constructed using multi-channel diagnostics and are used to compare to frequency spectra converted to spatial scales using the Taylor Hypothesis. Evidence for the observation of dissipation due to ion inertial length scale physics is also discussed as well as the role laboratory experiment can play in understanding turbulence typically studied in space settings such as the solar wind. Finally, all turbulence results are shown to compare fairly well to a Hall-MHD simulation of the experiment.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, Submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Iterative Method for Blind Evaluation of Mixed Noise Characteristics on Images

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    A new method for blind estimation of mixed noise parameters is proposed. The method is based on line fitting into a set of cluster centers obtained from scatter-plot of local variance and mean estimates. Improved estimation of cluster centers is performed on basis of fourth-order statistical moment analysis. The estimation results for the proposed method are compared to the results for other known methods using images from TID2008 database. It is shown that the proposed method provides estimation accuracy comparable to the estimation accuracy of the method based on maximum likelihood estimation of image and noise characteristics (which is considered the best among the existing methods). An advantage of our method is that it is considerably faster

    An improved prediction of DCT-based image filters efficiency using regression analysis

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    Efficiency of DCT-based filters for a wide-class of images is investigated. The study is carried out for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) case with several intensity levels. Local DCT-based filter is used as basic denoising technique. Nonlocal BM3D filter known as the state-of-the-art technique for AWGN removal is also exploited. A precise prediction method of denoising efficiency for several quality metrics is proposed. It is shown that statistics of DCT coefficients provides useful information. Regression models for analyzed filters and metrics are presented. The obtained dependence approximations of quality metrics on DCT statistics have high goodness of fit. One-parameter and multi-parameter fitting cases are considered. The most valuable DCT statistics are found

    Photon-Photon Interactions via Rydberg Blockade

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    We develop the theory of light propagation under the conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency in systems involving strongly interacting Rydberg states. Taking into account the quantum nature and the spatial propagation of light, we analyze interactions involving few-photon pulses. We show that this system can be used for the generation of nonclassical states of light including trains of single photons with an avoided volume between them, for implementing photon-photon gates, as well as for studying many-body phenomena with strongly correlated photons


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    The methods of work on professional information distribution, professional enlightenment, professional selection, professional education, professional social adaptation are revealed. Within the conditions of worldwide transition to digital economy the reevaluation of socio-economic situations occurs which has an eect on education sector, its relation to society, labour market, culture, a human being and, as a result, economic, moral, spiritual potential of society and civilization as a whole. The value system of the choice of the place of work and study by individuals, the motives for the choice of professional activity are specied

    Variational optimization of tensor-network states with the honeycomb-lattice corner transfer matrix

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    We develop a method of variational optimization of the infinite projected entangled pair states on the honeycomb lattice. The method is based on the automatic differentiation of the honeycomb lattice corner transfer matrix renormalization group. We apply the approach to the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin-1/2 model on the honeycomb lattice. The developed formalism gives quantitatively accurate results for the main physical observables and has a necessary potential for further extensions

    Preparation and detection of magnetic quantum phases in optical superlattices

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    We describe a novel approach to prepare, detect and characterize magnetic quantum phases in ultra-cold spinor atoms loaded in optical superlattices. Our technique makes use of singlet-triplet spin manipulations in an array of isolated double well potentials in analogy to recently demonstrated quantum control in semiconductor quantum dots. We also discuss the many-body singlet-triplet spin dynamics arising from coherent coupling between nearest neighbor double wells and derive an effective description for such system. We use it to study the generation of complex magnetic states by adiabatic and non-equilibrium dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 Figures, reference adde
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