939 research outputs found

    The Kalderash Gypsies of Russia in Industrial Cooperation of the 1920s–1930s

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    At the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, in line with the state economic policy of the time, which was aimed at industrialisation and cooperativisation, and also as part of the implementation of measures to promote a settled way of life for nomadic Gypsies, the Kalderash Gypsies became actively involved within cooperatives and started establishing artels (Gypsy production cooperatives). This article analyses the issue of Gypsy artels, their manufacturing activities, the reasons why they flourished, their decline and their subsequent repression. The study is based on documents from the central and regional archives of the Russian Federation. The historical experience of that period was especially important for the Kalderash community—the establishing of artels helped them to adapt to the emerging economic reality of Soviet society. Indeed, during the following decades artel cooperative associations remained the main form of production and economic interaction with enterprises and organisations. As such, artels existed until the 1980s and then continued to exist within the new economic conditions of the post-Soviet period. Later on, the state never provided special support towards the creation of the Gypsy production associations and took more severe measures to implement its policy. The experience of these cooperatives has also remained a vibrant part of historic tales and been firmly instilled in family oral histories. The historical experience of that period is therefore important for understanding and building a modern policy towards the Gypsy population and solving their social and economic issues

    Creation of Column Flotation Cells of Large Volume Chambers and their Industrial Applications

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    The paper contains the information on the development and commercial use of a new generation of flotation pneumatic cells of large volume chambers. The description of a mechanism of a process technology, cells' design and some results of theoretical research are given

    On the possibility of refining by means of optical location some astronomical parameters of the system - Earth-Moon

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    Optical location of moon in Earth-Moon system using artificial light reflector, on lunar surfac

    Сonodonts from the boundary Artinskian-Kungurian deposits of Mechetlino section (Bashkortostan, the Southern Urals) Article I. Characteristic of the conodont associations

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    The description of the section of Artinskian-Kungurian boundary deposits on Yuryuzan River right coast near the village Mechetlino is given. The low systematic diversity and vare low frequency of conodonts in the Artinskian-Kungurian interval in the Uralian sections are noted, which is an order of magnitude inferior to the representativeness of conodonts in the Asselian and Sakmarian Stages. Nine informative levels with conodonts in the ten-meter section, revealed by Mechetlino quarry, give the possibility to trace the stratigraphic distribution of the species from the sweetognatid and neostreptognathodid chronoclines and to find out morphological trends in the development of these groups of conodonts. The basic morphotypes of conodonts are described. The phylogenetic tendencies in the evolutionary development of the representatives of genera Sweethognathus and Neostreptognathodus are shown, on the basis of which is built the zone conodont scale for this stratigra­phic interval and the lower boundary of Kungurian stage at the level of the appearance of the species Neostreptognathodus pnevi Kozur et Movschovitsch is established. The distribution of the conodont’ complexes in the section is shown, the dynamics and charakteristics of its change with time are analyzed. The Sarginskian horizon of Artinskian stage is identified well on the appearance of conodonts of the species-cosmopolite Neostreptognathodus pequopensis Behnken. This species loses teeth on the anterior part of the parapets and passes in N. pnevi Kozur et Movschovitsch. The species N. ruzhencevi Kozur appear together with N. pequopensis Behnken. N. ruzhencevi Kozur undergo in the Kungurian century the analogous metamorphosis, which led to the reduction of carinal tooth-edges on the anterior parts of the parapets. Such forms are isolated in the independent species N. lectulus Chern. The level of the appearance of the species N. pnevi and N. lectulus coincides with lower boundary of Kungurian stage

    Сonodonts from the boundary Artinskian-Kungurian deposits of Mechetlino section (Bashkortostan, the South Urals). Article II. Stratigrafic distribution of conodonts

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    The images of the species of conodonts from the section of boundary Artinskian-Kungurian deposits on by right to coast Yuryuzan River near the village Mechetlino are given and commented. The stratigraphic distribution of species in the section is shown, their changes are analyzed. Text is accompanied by ten tables with the images of conodonts. The forms from the upper part of Artinskian (Sarginskian horizon) of the section depicts in the table I. These species of conodonts Neostreptognathodus ruzhencevi Kozur and N. pequopensis Behnken are meeting the most frequently in the Sarginskian horizon. Quantity of pairs of nodules in the Sarginskian representatives of the species N. pequopensis Behnken rarely exceed 4-6, moreover the posterior pair of nodules frequently grows together. The species Sweetognathus somniculosus Chern. is found in the Sarginskian horizon too. The morphology of the specimens of this species varies from the morphotypes, which possess almost one-piece carina, hardly by noticeable narrowings at the posterior end, to the forms with the distinctly differentiated posterior end of carina. Conodonts, depicted in the Table II, occur from the bad 9, in upper part of which the forms N. pnevi Kozur et Movschovitsch and N. lectulus Chern. are found. These species are the indicators of lower boundary of Kungurian stage. Forms in the Table III of the bed 10 and majorities of the depicted forms relate to the species N. lectulus Chern. The species N. labialis Chern. with narrow platform, incomplete developed middle groove and with the outlined narrowing in the posterior part of the platform here for the first time appears. The typical N. ruzhencevi Kozur continue to be encountered in the bed 10. Forms on the Tables IV-VII relate to the most representative complex of conodonts from the upper part of the bed 12, where more than 60 the specimens of conodonts found. The large part of the specimens, placed in the Table IV, relates to the phyletic sequence of forms from Sweetognathus somniculosus Chern. to N. labialis Chern. The forms, which relate to the species Neostreptognathodus pnevi Kozur et Movschovitsch, N. lectulus Chern., N. pequopensis Behnken in the Tables V, VI are represented. The members of phyletic line Neostreptognathodus pseudoclinei Kozur et Movschovitsch - N. labialis Chern. presents in the Table VII. The composition of conodonts in the subsequent informative beds 13, 14, 16 of the Saraninskian horizon remains. Conodonts of the Philippovskian horizon found west of quarry Mechetlino. They are represented in the Table X: Neostreptognathodus aff. clinei Behnken, N. clinei Behnken, Sweetognathus nov. sp. 2 , Uralognathus cochleatus Chern. Section Mechetlino is recommended as limitotype of lower boundary (GSSP) of the Kungurian stage of the International stratigraphic scale