410 research outputs found

    Using of multimedia technologies of training in the formation of profile-specialized competences of bachelors of vocational training

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    Обосновывается необходимость применения мультимедийных технологий при обучении дисциплинам профильно-специализированной подготовки бакалавров профессионального образования и раскрывается подход к их проектированиюThe article explains the necessity of application of multimedia technologies of training in the subjects of profile-specialized training of the bachelor of vocational education and reveals the approach to their desig

    Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи з курсу "Організація комп'ютерних мереж"

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    Students are required to produce a term project building upon and complementing the material covered in class. The topic of the project should be related to making Ethernet cable, Network design, network security. A set of suggested projects is attached below. Each of you is required to pair up with another student to form a team of two members for the project. The final result of the project will be a technical report and a presentation. Students participate in computer networking courses during third course. Computer networking projects give students hands-on experience to learn and digest the course materials being taught. These course project also give students practical experience, especially for those who plan to continue their careers within the field

    Criterion-based selection of the content of profile-specialized training of bachelors of vocational education

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    The article reveals the experience of selecting the content of profile-specialized training of the bachelor of vocational education on the basis of modern productionРаскрывается опыт отбора содержания профильно-специализированной подготовки бакалавров профессионального образования на основе требований современного производств

    Ways of solving the problems of personnel training of machine-building enterprises in a vocational pedagogical University

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    The features and capabilities of vocational pedagogical education in terms of the decision of the problem of personnel training of machine-building enterprises to operate machines with CNC, to solve the problems of standardization, certification and metrology are considered in the article. Two ways of solving this problem in the framework of primary and secondary education are researched in the article. The experience and possibilities of the Chair of Machine-Building Technology and Certification of RSVPU are describedАнализируются особенности и возможности профессионально-педагогического образования при решении проблемы подготовки персонала машиностроительных предприятий к эксплуатации оборудования с ЧПУ, к решению вопросов стандартизации, сертификации и метрологии. Рассмотрены два направления решения этой проблемы – в рамках основного и дополнительного образования. Представлен опыт и охаракетеризованы возможности кафедры технологии машиностроения и сертификации РГПП

    The possibility of modular technologies of training in addressing the challenges of corporate training centre

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    This article discusses the features and the appointment of a corporate training centres, systematized circle problems with taking into account the experience of the educational centre group Chelyabinsk tube factories. Disclosed the possibility of modular technology training in the educational activities of corporate training centresВ статье рассматриваются особенности и назначение корпоративных учебных центров, систематизируется круг решаемых проблем с учётом опыта образовательного центра группы Челябинских трубопрокатных заводов. Раскрываются возможности модульной технологии обучения в образовательной деятельности корпоративных учебных центро

    Horse Theft in the Urals in the 1730s

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    The article is devoted to the problem of horse theft in the Urals in the 1730s. The main reason for this situation should be called the paucity of information about horse thieves, presented in the documents of the court and the investigation, which allow reconstructing the criminal world of early modern Russia. The author drew attention to the peculiarities of the region under study, which was a transit zone between the European and Asian parts of the Russian Empire and a major industrial center of the country. These features determined the special importance of horses not only in agriculture, but also in industrial production as a means of transporting goods and maintaining communication between the capital and the periphery. Analysis of the books of minutes of the Yekaterinburg Office of Judicial and Executive Affairs for the second half of the 1730s led to the conclusion that horse theft was widespread in the region. Most of those accused of stealing horses were residents who sought to escape from the difficult conditions of life in the Ural factories. At the same time, these sources allow us to conclude that there existed groups of horse thieves in the first third of the 18th c. in Russia, engaged in this business on a regular basis. Their thieving practices were similar to the activities of the organized groups of horse thieves in Russia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries

    “Accidental Victims” of Trial and Investigation: Problem of Keeping Suspects and Defendants in Russian Empire in 1725—1741

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    The article is devoted to the problem of the arrest of suspects in Russia in 1725—1741. As a result of the analysis of historiography and historical sources, the author came to the conclusion that the history of the court in Russia in the early modern period is inextricably linked with the history of places of detention, since Russian prisons of the 18th century were intended primarily to hold defendants, and not to punish criminals. The study of normative legal acts of the middle of the 17th century — 1741 showed that the arrest as a measure necessary for the timely presentation of litigants to the court was officially stipulated for the first time in the decree “On the form of the court” of November 5, 1723. A comparison of the norms of laws and the actual practice of legal proceedings of central and regional institutions revealed that the institution of arrest of suspects and defendants was not properly regulated. It was a “blind spot” in legislation that led to prison overcrowding. The rule on the arrest of suspects was aggravated by the introduction in the reign of Peter the Great of a revision-decisive procedure for approving sentences and reviewing court cases, which concerned serious crimes, and a significant extent of the territory of Russia

    Problems of internal training of personnel in the conditions of machine-building enterprise

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    The article analyzes the features and purpose of internal training of personnel. The problems of organization of training, content design, choice of pedagogical technology in the conditions of internal training of personnel in machine building enterprises are consideredВ статье анализируются особенности и назначение внутрифирменной подготовки персонала. Рассматриваются проблемы организации обучения, проектирования содержания, выбора педагогической технологии в условиях внутрифирменной подготовки персонала машиностроительных предприяти

    Inclusive education foreign experience and Russian realities

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    The article analyses social processes, effecting inclusive education development in countries with liberal welfare model and problems of integrated education development in Russia