131 research outputs found

    Particular solutions to the Tzitzeica curve equation

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    The aim of this paper is to study a particular reduction case of the nonlinear ordinary differential equation that defines a Tzitzeica curve. It is shown that the Tzitzeica curve equation can be reduced to an auxiliary third order linear homogeneous ordinary differential equation with constant coeficients for the defining functions of the curve and a linear equation for the equation\u27s constant. Consequently, it can be proven that any three linearly independent solutions of the auxiliary ordinary differential equation define a Tzitzeica curve

    Forming leadership skills at masters of nursing

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    Sensory indicators of suluguni cheese when using enzyme preparations of different origins in the technology of soft cheeses

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    Cheeses are food products obtained by concentration and biotransformation of the main components of milk under the influence of physicochemical factors of rennet enzyme preparations and microorganisms. Suluguni occupies an important place among cheeses in Ukraine. Suluguni cheese has been known for a long time, it was first mentioned in the book of the Pope's personal chef Bartolomeo Scipri. Industrial production of the product was established at the end of the 18th century. The main operation in the production of rennet cheese is the enzymatic coagulation of milk under the action of chymosin, resulting in the formation of a milk clot with a large part of casein and whey. In the body of animals, chymosin, similar to cheese-making technology, coagulates milk at the beginning of its digestion. Thus, the processing of milk in the process of cheese production corresponds to natural physiological processes. III groups of milk samples (n = 5) were formed to conduct the experiment. In the control group of samples, rennet enzyme of microbial origin was used for curdling milk. In the 1st experimental group of samples, an enzyme preparation from the rennet of dairy calves, extracted according to the method of Yu. Ya. Svyridenko, was used. In the II experimental group, an enzyme preparation was used, which was extracted from the rennet of dairy calves according to the method of S. V. Merzlova. The duration of protein coagulation during the production of “Suluguni” cheese using a microbial enzyme preparation is 23 min., when using enzymes of the first research group – 27 min. and when using rennet enzymes of the II research group – 33 min. In view of the output of ready-made Suluguni cheese with a commercial purpose to obtain more profit, it is advisable to use an enzyme of microbial origin. According to sensory analysis, samples using calf rennet enzyme extracted according to the method of S. V. Merzlova (I research group of samples) were characterized by pronounced cheesy, sour-milk, without extraneous tastes and smells, taste and smell characteristic of soft fresh cheese; the surface is clean without mechanical damage, elastic; the consistency of the smear is gentle, moderately dense; the color is white, uniform throughout the mass. Samples of the II experimental group were characterized by the worst organoleptic indicators

    PT-symmetric supersymmetry in a solvable short-range model

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    The simplest purely imaginary and piecewise constant PT\cal PT-symmetric potential located inside a larger box is studied. Unless its strength exceeds a certain critical value, all the spectrum of its bound states remains real and discrete. We interpret such a model as an initial element of the generalized non-Hermitian Witten's hierarchy of solvable Hamiltonians and construct its first supersymmetric (SUSY) partner in closed form.Comment: 3 figures, 1 tabl

    The influence of antibiotics in milk on the action of sourdough using cheese technology

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    Brynza occupies an important place among cheeses in Ukraine. Brynza is a highly concentrated polydisperse system, the features of which are determined by the size of the particles of the dispersed phase. It has a white (close to white) color, uniform throughout the mass. The taste and smell of cottage cheese are sour-milk, moderately salty. Physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological processes in cheese and their intensity depend on the concentration and quality of rennet enzymes. Renal enzymes during cheese ripening inhibit the vital activity of putrefactive bacteria in cheese, while in certain concentrations they contribute to the development of lactic acid microflora of leavening preparations and their production of amino acids. Studies show that cheese contains a wide range of microflora such as Lactococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Leuconostoc spp., Enterococcus spp. and contaminating bacterial cells. Pasteurization of raw milk not only has a positive effect on the yield of cheese, but also protects the consumer from pathogenic microflora. Milk after pasteurization was used for the experiment. The mass fraction of fat in milk was 3.2 %, the acidity was at the level of 18.5 °T. For the experiment, 5 groups of milk samples of 100.0 cm³ each were formed. Fermentation of milk was carried out with the help of sourdough starter for cheese and rennet enzyme. The antimicrobial drug streptomycin was used to inactivate cells of yeast microorganisms and active centers of rennet enzymes. Weighed 1.0 g was dissolved in 1500 ml of distilled water. Milk with an antibiotic content of 2.0 to 4.0 U/cm3 after fermentation with sourdough and rennet enzyme had 2.6–2.9 times lower titrated acidity than in the control. A regularity was revealed that with the increase in the content of streptomycin sulfate in milk, the titrated acidity of the final product decreases. When the largest amount of antibiotic was added to milk (IV and V experimental groups of samples), the effect of leaven and enzyme preparation was not manifested, as a result of which the final product of fermentation did not differ much from fresh milk in terms of titrated acidity

    Нормативні акти публічної адміністрації: питання класифікації

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    The author has attempted to group public administration’s normative acts. The advantages of classification as the method of cognition of state and legal phenomena and rules of its conduction have been outlined. The criteria for classification of public administration’s regulatory acts have been clarified. That made it possible to specify the content of the components identified as a result of the classification. The author has emphasized the necessity of forming theoretical system of regulatory acts as forms of public administration, establishing their clear hierarchy and competent independence. Based on the competence of the public administration entity, it has been offered to distinguish general, departmental, interagency and local regulatory acts. The author has offered to improve the competence of public administration agencies with regard to normative and legal regulation of public administration relations. The author has indicated on the need to rethink the scope of the concept of local regulatory acts and has offered to include exclusively the acts of professional self-government agencies of socially important professions. The author has emphasized on the necessity to set general requirements for local rule-making in order to avoid procedural violations. According to the functional purpose, the author has offered to distinguish program, regulatory, law enforcement, competence, statutory and structural acts, as well as planning acts. Competent acts define the sphere of responsibility, main tasks and powers, managerial relations within the agency of public administration and its organizational and legal form; structural acts – the territorial and functional structure of public administration agencies, distribution of powers, etc., statutory acts – the procedure of management and functioning of public institution. Program and planning acts do not cause the immediate effects of legal consequences such as the emergence, change or termination of subjective rights and legal obligations and related legal relations, which, however, does not mean that they do not lose the features of normativity. The legal force of such acts will depend on the entity that approved the act: the higher its place in the hierarchy of executive authorities, the higher its legal power.Презентовано авторську спробу групування нормативних актів публічної адміністрації. Уточнено критерії класифікації нормативно-правових актів публічної адміністрації. Запропоновано підхід до розмежування компетенції органів публічної адміністрації стосовно ухвалення нормативно-правових актів. Доведено доцільність поділу нормативно-правових актів публічної адміністрації за ознакою функціонального призначення на програмні, регламентаційні, правонаділяючі, компетенційні, статутні та структурні акти й акти планування. Виділено змістовні характеристики кожного із зазначених класів нормативно-правових актів

    Адміністративний договір як правова форма публічного адміністрування: оновлення доктринальних підходів

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    The analysis of the features of administrative contracts, formed by the theory of administrative law, has been made for the purpose of their compliance with the current legislation. The perspectives of improving both the doctrinal understanding and the normative construction of the concept of administrative contracts have been clarified. It has been stated that administrative contracts are only one of the possible contractual forms of regulating the relations of public administration. Contractual regulators can be both formalized in the form of administrative contracts or unformalized, when the agreement between the authorities is fixed at the level of legal acts or when laws provide the possibility of reaching a consensus in vertical and horizontal administrative legal relations. The author has established the correlation between administrative contracts and other types of legal forms, including with administrative acts, the common legal acts. The perspectives for improving the list of types of administrative contracts have been stated. In particular, the author has substantiated that the list of cases of concluding administrative contracts, under the Code of Administrative Judiciary of Ukraine, focuses solely on the determination of the substantive jurisdiction of administrative courts and is only a basis for forming the scope of the concept of “administrative contracts”, which is much more wider than the legal definition. It has been pointed out that some of the statements made in the most recent writings on administrative contracts are falsified, including that administrative contracts and administrative acts are comparable incompatible concepts, and the initiative in concluding administrative contracts can come from an authorized subject, as well as from legal entities and individuals. The author has concluded about the significant influence of the normative construction of the concept of administrative contracts on its doctrinal understanding and the need to update the established ideas about its function as a legal form of public administration, which directs the study of those types of economic contracts, which in their essence are administrative contracts.Проанализированы признаки административного договора, сформированные теорией административного права, на предмет их соответствия действующему законодательству. Выяснены перспективы совершенствования доктринального понимания и нормативной конструкции понятия административного договора. Указано, что административный договор является одной из возможных договорных форм регулирования отношений публичного администрирования. Доказано, что административный договор и административный акт – это сравнимые несовместимые понятия. Сделан вывод о значительном влиянии нормативной конструкции понятия административного договора на его доктринальное понимание и необходимость обновления устоявшихся представлений о его функции как правовой формы публичного администрирования.Проаналізовано ознаки адміністративного договору, сформовані теорією адміністративного права, на предмет їх відповідності чинному законодавству. З’ясовано перспективи вдосконалення як доктринального розуміння, так і нормативної конструкції поняття адміністративного договору. Вказано, що адміністративний договір є лише однією з можливих договірних форм регулювання відносин публічного адміністрування. Доведено, що адміністративний договір та адміністративний акт – це порівнянні несумісні поняття. Зроблено висновок про значний вплив нормативної конструкції поняття адміністративного договору на його доктринальне розуміння та необхідність оновлення усталених уявлень про його функції як правової форми публічного адміністрування

    PT-supersymmetric partner of a short-range square well

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    In a box of size LL, a spatially antisymmetric square-well potential of a purely imaginary strength ig{\rm i}g and size l<Ll < L is interpreted as an initial element of the SUSY hierarchy of solvable Hamiltonians, the energies of which are all real for g<gc(l)g < g_c(l). The first partner potential is constructed in closed form and discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, presented at PHHQP3, Istanbul, June 20-22, 2005, to be published in Czech. J. Phy

    Loss of correlation between HIV viral load and CD4+ T-cell counts in HIV/HTLV-1 co-infection in treatment naive Mozambican patients

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    Seven hundred and four HIV-1/2-positive, antiretroviral therapy (ART) naïve patients were screened for HTLV-1 infection. Antibodies to HTLV-1 were found in 32/704 (4.5%) of the patients. Each co-infected individual was matched with two HIV mono-infected patients according to World Health Organization clinical stage, age +/-5 years and gender. Key clinical and laboratory characteristics were compared between the two groups. Mono-infected and co-infected patients displayed similar clinical characteristics. However, co-infected patients had higher absolute CD4+ T-cell counts (P = 0.001), higher percentage CD4+ T-cell counts (P < 0.001) and higher CD4/CD8 ratios (P < 0.001). Although HIV plasma RNA viral loads were inversely correlated with CD4+ T-cell-counts in mono-infected patients (P < 0.0001), a correlation was not found in co-infected individuals (P = 0.11). Patients with untreated HIV and HTLV-1 co-infection show a dissociation between immunological and HIV virological markers. Current recommendations for initiating ART and chemoprophylaxis against opportunistic infections in resource-poor settings rely on more readily available CD4+ T-cell counts without viral load parameters. These guidelines are not appropriate for co-infected individuals in whom high CD4+ T-cell counts persist despite high HIV viral load states. Thus, for co-infected patients, even in resource-poor settings, HIV viral loads are likely to contribute information crucial for the appropriate timing of ART introduction