136 research outputs found

    Influence a Healthy Lifestyle of the Youth on the Russian Economy

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    One of the main and most important components of a country's wealth is the health of the citizens. Established fact that in the process of protecting and promoting the health of the population consumes a significant portion of gross domestic product, and as such health is a special economic resource, which largely determines the high efficiency of socio-economic development of the country and its regions. Today, more and more researchers in Economics have come to believe that the commitment of the population to a healthy lifestyle, avoiding harmful habits, leads to a positive effect of the growth of the national economy. Based on the results of these studies, it was found that in our modern time, the health becomes a social property of a successful person that ensures the person in the conditions of market economy competitiveness, security in the financial sector, professional longevity and a comfortable old age. We conclude that health in modern society takes on a special priority, and becomes an important issue for theoretical research and practical testing. Keywords: healthy lifestyle, health, gross domestic product, economic development, market economy JEL Classifications: O12, O15, O44, O4

    Holographic recording in a photopolymer by optically induced detachment of chromophores

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    We demonstrate holographic recording in a new photopolymer system. The recording material is created by copolymerization of an optically inert monomer, methyl methacrylate, and a second monomer that is optically sensitive. On exposure of the recording material to light, a portion of the optically sensitive component detaches from the polymer matrix and causes hologram amplification through diffusion of the free molecules. We measured postrecording grating amplifications as high as 170% by this process. The recorded holograms are persistent at room temperature under continuous illumination at the recording wavelength. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America

    Doctoral Studies in the Context of Global Trends: Problems and Key Factors of Development

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    The article focuses on the analysis of the current state, problems and key factors in the development of Russian doctoral education in connection with its transition from 2022/2023 academic year to the implementation of a new model in the context of global trends. As a result of analyzing and evaluating statistical data for 2010-2021 and summarizing numerous publications of researchers, the authors conclude that the trend of steady decline in the efficiency of doctoral education over the past decade is a systemic problem. It is proved that the transition to a new model of implementation of doctoral training programs for scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff aimed at improving its effectiveness, strengthening the scientific component and the quality of PhD dissertations is an important and necessary condition, but not sufficient to solve the existing problem. This study is an attempt to systematize the factors affecting the development of doctoral education in Russia, which determine the possibility of creating necessary and sufficient conditions for the effective functioning of the system of training highly qualified personnel. The authors identify three groups of key factors: dynamic changes in the development of the state policy aimed at improving management in the field of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel; developed ecosystem of educational and scientific organizations that provide doctoral education, including infrastructure, information, financial, organizational resources and scientific potential; doctoral students with interest and abilities in research activities, possessing a set of competencies necessary for the development of doctoral education. At the same time, such prospective tasks are considered as increasing reputational responsibility of organizations, which offer programs for training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel; forming effective system of targeted training in doctoral education; developing mechanisms for integration of science, higher education and industry by means of creating consortiums, the incentives for which are laid down in the “Priority 2030” university state support program

    Compliance of the Directions and Programs of Training in Postgraduate Studies: The Transition Period

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    The new classification of scientific majors for which academic degrees are awarded and the amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on September 1, 2021, have significantly changed the list of scientific majors and the status of postgraduate studies. There is a need to establish the correspondence between scientific and pedagogical personnel training directions in postgraduate studies and scientific majors of the Classification 2021, in which academic degrees are awarded. The article presents an analysis of the adapting document “Fields of training in the postgraduate studies of OKSO 2016 – Scientific majors/branches of science of the Classification 2021” and considers measures on the way to reorganize the system of training and certification of academic degree holders

    Chronic diseases of adults programmed in childhood

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    The conditions of human development during the stages of early ontogenesis are of great importance for human health throughout the rest of his life. The period of intrauterine development and childhood are vulnerable stages of organism formation, when metabolic processes have the greatest plasticity and can be subject to deformation. Exposure to a number of external factors during this period of time can have a significant impact on the functional activity of genes controlling neurotransmission, immune response, endocrine functions and, thus, program the spectrum of metabolic disorders that can lead later to the formation of chronic diseases: obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and diseases of cardiovascular system. Negative programming influence on the metabolic profile and cardiovascular risk is caused by such factors as maternal obesity, complicated pregnancy and childbirth, prematurity, early separation from the mother, violation of child feeding in the 1st year of life. The risk of early development of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes mellitus is significantly increased in individuals who have experienced traumatic stressors during childhood associated with economic disadvantage of the family, parental divorce, neglect, abuse, parental neglect, sexual violence, death of parents, family members, close friends, bullying in the children's community. An in-depth study of this problem, along with the development and organization of measures for monitoring and prevention, in the long term can reduce the burden of chronic non-infectious diseases, improve quality of life, reduce disability, incapacitation and mortality in the adult population.

    Antipyretic drugs: benefits and undesirable consequences

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    Fever is a defensive and adaptive reaction of the body that develops in response to the action of pathogenic stimuli. It often accompanies various infectious, autoimmune, oncohematological and other diseases. Due to the frequent significant deterioration of children's general health, the occurrence of fever in children gives rise to concern not only in parents, but also in pediatricians. According to temperature level, fever can be classified into different categories: subfebrile - 37.1 to 37.9 °C, moderate -38 to 39 °C, febrile - 39.1 to 41 °C and hyperthermic - above 41 °C. By clinical manifestation distinguish benign, or rose, and malignant, or white, fever. The need to use antipyretic drugs depends not only on the hight of the body temperature elevation, but also on the patient's general health. The clinical guidelines state that the use of acetylsalicylic acid, nimesulide and met-amizole to lower the body temperature in children is not recommended, due to high risk of adverse reactions. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are the drugs of choice to lower body temperature in children both in Russia and abroad. Over 120 comparative studies of these two drug formulations have shown their close efficacy, but ibuprofen is most preferred for the treatment of fever and pain. In order to lower body temperature, parents can uncontrollably use antipyretic drugs in various combinations and incorrect dosages, which leads to severe toxic effects. The article presents a clinical case of Reye's syndrome in a 10-year-old girl, which is most likely associated with the use of aspirin as an antipyretic

    Catalytic sulfation of betulin with sulfamic acid : experiment and DFT calculation

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    Betulin is an important triterpenoid substance isolated from birch bark, which, together with its sulfates, exhibits important bioactive properties. We report on a newly developed method of betulin sulfation with sulfamic acid in pyridine in the presence of an Amberlyst(®)15 solid acid catalyst. It has been shown that this catalyst remains stable when being repeatedly (up to four cycles) used and ensures obtaining of sulfated betulin with a sulfur content of ~10%. The introduction of the sulfate group into the betulin molecule has been proven by Fourier-transform infrared, ultraviolet-visible, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra contain absorption bands at 1249 and 835–841 cm(−1); in the UV spectra, the peak intensity decreases; and, in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, of betulin disulfate, carbons С3 and С28 are completely shifted to the weak-field region (to 88.21 and 67.32 ppm, respectively) with respect to betulin. Using the potentiometric titration method, the product of acidity constants K(1) and K(2) of a solution of the betulin disulfate H(+) form has been found to be 3.86 × 10(–6) ± 0.004. It has been demonstrated by the thermal analysis that betulin and the betulin disulfate sodium salt are stable at temperatures of up to 240 and 220 °C, respectively. The density functional theory method has been used to obtain data on the most stable conformations, molecular electrostatic potential, frontier molecular orbitals, and mulliken atomic charges of betulin and betulin disulfate and to calculate the spectral characteristics of initial and sulfated betulin, which agree well with the experimental data

    П'ята міжнародна наукова-практична конференція «Комп’ютерне моделювання в хімії і технологіях та системах сталого розвитку»

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    Виконано моделювання процесу ущільнення пористої структури вуглецевих композиційних матеріалів у робочому об’ємі плоского реактора. Запропонована методика розрахунку передбачає визначення розподілу концентрації реакційного газу за довжиною реактора з урахуванням його доставляння до нагрітих поверхонь і подальшої дифузії в пористу структуру ущільнюваних композиційних матеріалів.Modeling of compaction process of porous structure of carbon composite materials in the working volume of flat reactor is made. Proposed calculation methodology involves determination of distribution of reaction gas concentration along reactor length taking into account its delivery to heated surfaces and subsequent diffusion in porous structure of sealed composite materials.Выполнено моделирование процесса уплотнения пористой структуры углеродных композиционных материалов в рабочем объеме плоского реактора. Предложенная методика расчета предусматривает определение распределения концентрации реакционного газа по длине реактора с учетом его доставки к нагретым поверхностям и последующей диффузии в пористую структуру уплотняемых композиционных материалов