57 research outputs found

    The Will of Space and the Flow of Verse. On Akhmadulina’s Poetics of the 1980s (Based on Her Books “The Mystery” and “The Garden”)

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    The paper analyzes Bella Akhmadulina’s poetry of the late 1970s–80s, published in her books “The Mystery” (1983) and “The Garden” (1987). Researchers identify these books as the beginning of her literary maturity. In his review of “The Mystery”, Yu. Kublanovsky stated that the book had singled the poet out of the context of values dominating Soviet culture. Poetics of space is the subject matter of this paper. In contrast to the previous works that addressed this topic, the paper does not analyze the individual topoi, such as “the garden”, “the house” or “the road”, but focuses on space itself as a category of poetic vision, expressed by the semantics of the lexeme “space”, its perception by the poet and the specificity of its prosody. In the poems of the studied period, “space” became the focal point of Akhmadulina’s poetic reflection. It was manifested in the generalization of its semantics and the recurrence of the word in her texts. Space became both the object of reflection and the subject of action. Akhmadulina’s appeal to space expressed her turn to the ontological foundations of values. Analysis of the semantics of the category of space shows that at this stage, it had become a metonymy of the highest principle of Being, which is later identified in the framework of Christianity. Developing the idea of the role of space in Akhmadulina’s poetry, the paper poses a hypothesis that the experience of “space” determines such a prosodic feature of her poems as their relative redundancy, frequently criticized by literary critics. Akhmadulina’s poems of the period develop the motif of the verse and space isomorphism. The duration of verse echoes an endless approach to the mystery of space. An additional foundation for the aesthetic conditioning of verse duration may be found in the phatic function, which is enabled in the structure of poetic communication. It is determined by the specificity of the addressee – the incomprehensible space itself. Keeping in contact with it, i. e. continuing to speak, becomes an intrinsically valuable concern of the speaker. In terms of literary history, Akhmadulina’s concept of space is deeply connected with B. Pasternak’s poetry.В статье анализируются стихи Беллы Ахмадулиной конца 1970‑х – 1980‑х гг., объединенные книгами «Тайна» (1983) и «Сад» (1987). Они рассматриваются исследователями как начало зрелого этапа творчества Ахмадулиной. Как констатировал Ю. Кублановский в рецензии на «Тайну», книга выделила поэта из контекста доминирующих ценностей советской культуры. Предмет анализа в статье – поэтика пространства. В отличие от работ, ранее касавшихся этой темы, в статье анализируются не отдельные топосы, такие как «сад», «дом» или «дорога», а пространство как категория поэтического видения, выраженная семантикой лексемы «пространство», ее переживание поэтом и связь с особенностями просодии. В стихах изучаемого периода «пространство» попало в фокус поэтической рефлексии Ахмадуллиной, что проявилось в повышении частотности слова и генерализации его семантики, в том, что пространство стало и объектом рефлексии, и субъектом действия. Обращение к пространству выразило поворот Ахмадулиной к онтологическим основаниям ценностей. Анализ семантики категории пространства показывает, что на этом этапе оно стало для поэта метонимией высшего бытийного начала, которое в дальнейшем идентифицируется в русле христианства. В развитие идеи о роли пространства у Ахмадуллиной в статье обосновывается гипотеза, что переживание «пространства» обусловило такую просодическую особенность ее стихов, как их сравнительная избыточность, служившая предметом порицаний литературных критиков. В стихах Ахмадулиной этого времени развивается мотив изоморфности стиха пространству. Стих длится, вторя бесконечному приближению к тайне пространства. Дополнительное основание эстетической мотивированности длительности стиха полагается в активизации фатической функции в структуре поэтической коммуникации. Она вызвана особенностями адресата – непостижимого пространства, поддержание контакта с которым, то есть дление речи, становится самоценным предметом заботы говорящего. В историко-литературном аспекте концепция пространства Ахмадулиной глубоко связана с поэзией Б. Пастернака


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    The article represents an analysis of Boris Pasternak’s poem “Vesna, ty syrost` rudnika v viskah” (1915). The author reveals the latent plan of the text by comparing it to Pasternak’s reflections on art in “Okhrannaya gramota”. Pasternak turns the traditional motive of spring awakening into a new semantic plan – the origin of art. The spring in this poem becomes a metaphor to creative work, which is based on the idea of art’s mission as of salvation, transfiguration of the whole reality. Mythological motives are revealed in the text, a connection between the myth about Hyacinth’s death and Christian sacrifice

    ‘The Closer You Look, the Stranger it Gets’: Perm in Ivan Kozlov’s Literary Journalistic Walks

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    Поступила в редакцию 28.03.2019. Принята к печати 18.04.2019.Submitted on 28 March, 2019. Accepted on 18 April, 2019.Настоящая статья тематически принадлежит к направлению литературных городских исследований (Urban Literary Studies). В ней анализируется цикл прогулок по городу пермского поэта и журналиста Ивана Козлова, публикующийся, начиная с 2016 г., в пермской интернет-газете «Звезда». Прогулки Козлова представляют собой мультимодальные тексты, объединяющие фоторепортаж и рассказ. Вербальный и визуальный ряды тесно переплетаются, и фотографии функционально выступают как эквиваленты описаний. Анализ обширного, но содержательно целостного массива текстов, позволил выявить актуальные тенденции в литературной и журналистской репрезентации темы города в 2010-е гг. Предметом анализа стало видение или взгляд на город, реализующийся в цикле прогулок. Рассматривая вслед за Д. Урри и Й. Ларсеном взгляд (видение) как социально-культурный конструкт, мы выделяем культурные коды, определяющие как избирательность взгляда, так и порядок интерпретации увиденного в прогулках Козлова. Ассоциативные поля, к которым апеллирует (отсылает) автор в прогулках, связаны преимущественно с мотивами фантастического в массовой культуре и визуальной эстетикой urban exploration. Ключевая семантическая категория видения города в прогулках И. Козлова определяется в статье как «странность» городского. Категория странного у Козлова связана с ощущением зловещего или жуткого (uncanny), она акцентирует иррациональные аспекты городского пространства. Поэтический взгляд автора на город открывает реальную сложность городского пространства, его гетерогенность, о которой писали такие теоретики города, как Мишель Серто, Анри Лефевр, Мишель Фуко. Используя понятийный аппарат Лефевра, можно сказать, что город в прогулках Ивана Козлова открывается прежде всего в аспекте пространства репрезентаций, как источник художественных инспираций и стихийного самодвижения.This article belongs to the field of Urban Literary Studies. It examines the cycle of city walks by Ivan Kozlov, a poet and journalist from Perm, which has been published since 2016 in online magazine Zvezda. Kozlov’s walks represent multimodal texts combining a photo report and a story. The verbal and visual narratives are closely intertwined, and photographs functionally act as equivalents to descriptions. Analysis of an extensive but comprehensive array of texts makes it possible to identify current trends in the literary and journalistic representation of the city theme in the 2010s. The subject of the analysis is a vision of or a look at the city realised in a cycle of walks. Relying on John Urry and Jonas Larsen’s interpretation of the gaze (vision) as a social and cultural construct, the author singles out cultural codes that determine both the selectivity of the look, and the order of interpretation of the seen in Kozlov’s walks. The associative fields which the author refers to during his walks are mainly connected with the motifs of the fantastic in popular culture and the visual aesthetics of urban exploration. The key semantic category of the vision of the city in I. Kozlov’s walks is defined in the article as the ‘strangeness’ of the city. Kozlov’s category of ‘strange’ is associated with the feeling of the ominous or uncanny, which emphasises the irrational aspects of urban space. The author’s poetic vision of the city reveals the actual complexity of urban space and its heterogeneity, which was described by such city theorists as Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, and Michel Foucault. Using the conceptual apparatus of Lefebvre, the author argues that the city in Ivan Kozlov’s walks is revealed primarily in the aspect of space of representations, as a source of artistic inspiration, and spontaneous self-movement.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке проекта РФФИ № 18-412-590008 р_а «Новые городские медиа в локальном коммуникативном пространстве».The article is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 18-412-590008 р_а “New Urban Media in Local Communicative Space”

    Diagnostic testing of student’s physical condition as a motive for the sports activity

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    © 2016 Bolgov and Abashev.The relevance of the study of students’ motivations for engaging in systematic physical activity is conditioned by recession of student’s physical activity and health deterioration. Formation of demands in systematic physical activity is the overriding priority in the field of non-professional sports education in higher school. This article considers the possibilities of usage the diagnostic testing of the student’s physical condition along with a specially designed educational content as a motive for the sports activity. A modern theory of activity serves as a concept, which defines a leading role in the student’s motivation for physical activity. Methods of quantitative determination of the level of health and practical realization of health problems by means of physical culture are used in the research. The research allowed us to identify the causes of the lack of student’s physical activity, to analyze the subjective self-evaluation of their health and physical fitness. The research also allowed us to evaluate the effectiveness of approach to the extramural students’ physical education in higher school with the leading role of motivation of sports activity. This article will be useful for professionals working with students of extramural or distance mode of study in the field of non-professional physical education

    Optically stimulated luminescence in strongly irradiated anion-deficient corundum and associated phototransfer effects

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    Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), its mechanisms and the role of phototransfer effects in it have been comprehensively studied for strongly irradiated anion-deficient corundum with a high-temperature thermoluminescence (TL) peak at 830 K and without it. The fast component of the OSL kinetics in the samples was found to be due to the emptying of the main trap. The slow component was observed only in samples with the 830 K TL peak and was caused by the depletion of deep traps responsible for TL peaks in the range of 500 K<T<740 K. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    ABSTRACT Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an enveloped RNA virus. Certain biological activities of the NDV are determined by two surface glycoproteins -haemaglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and fusion-protein (F). These proteins play an active role in the viru

    Programming Tools for Messenger-Based Chatbot System Organization: Implication for Outpatient and Translational Medicines

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.The implementation of translational medicine is associated with considerable costs of equipment, staff competence, and doctor-patient (DP) and clinic-patient (CP) communication. The application of DP and CP systems evolved from e-mail letters to website assistance chat and smartphone apps in the context of the m-health paradigm. The rapid development of mobile messengers and chatbot systems has opened a new niche for DP and CP communication, providing a high population penetration rate with perfect capabilities for personalization. This article provides a model of chatbot system organization as well as programming tools for its implementation. The integration of machine conversation systems supplemented by natural spoken language together with m-health devices and mobile apps is a good solution for a variety of tasks in translational and outpatient medicine. The usage of chatbot systems as a communication device for the purposes of translational medicine is going to reduce costs and time on routine operations

    Towards effective indirect radioisotope energy converters with bright and radiation hard scintillators of (Gd,Y)3Al2Ga3O12 family

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    Ceramics of quaternary garnets (Gd,Y)3Al2Ga3O12 doped with Ce, Tb have been fabricated and evaluated as prospective materials for indirect energy converters of α-and β-voltaic. Samples were characterized at excitation with an X-ray source and an intense 150 keV electron beam and showed good temperature stability of their emission and tolerance to irradiation. The role of X-rays accompanied the α-particle emitting in the increase of the conversion efficiency is clarified. The garnet-type structure of the matrix in the developed materials allows the production of quality crystalline mass with a light yield exceeding that of the commonly used YAG: Ce scintillator by a factor of two times. © 2022 Korean Nuclear SocietyMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-1353, FEUZ-2020-0060; Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki, MNiSW: 075-11-2021-070; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian FederationAuthors with affiliations b, d, e and f acknowledge support from Russian Ministry of Science and Education grant No. 075-15-2021-1353 . The scientific equipment provided by shared research facilities “Scientific Research Analytical Center of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” – IREA” was used, with financial support of Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement No. 075-11-2021-070 dated August 19, 2021. The work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (through the basic part of the government mandate, project No. FEUZ-2020-0060 ) (authors with affiliation “c”).Authors with affiliations b, d, e and f acknowledge support from Russian Ministry of Science and Education grant No. 075-15-2021-1353. The scientific equipment provided by shared research facilities “Scientific Research Analytical Center of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” – IREA” was used, with financial support of Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement No. 075-11-2021-070 dated August 19, 2021. The work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (through the basic part of the government mandate, project No. FEUZ-2020-0060) (authors with affiliation “c”)

    Synthesis, optical and electrochemical properties of new thieno[2,3-b]indole-based dyes

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    Three new push-pull dyes consisting of a thieno[2,3-b]indole ring system as an electron donor, thiophene spacer as a π-bridge, and electron-withdrawing moieties such as 2-methylene malonitrile, 2-methylene-1Hindene- 1,3(2H)-dione, and 2-(2-methylene-3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-1-ylidene)malononitrile, have been synthesized and studied for their application in organic electronics devices. Investigation of their optical and electrochemical properties reveal that these compounds possess narrow band gaps (1.7-2 eV) and an effective absorption in the visible spectral range (440-740 nm). Therefore, these chromophores can be regarded as promising light-harvesting materials. © 2018 ARKAT USA, Inc.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 16-13-10435This research study was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 16-13-10435)