18 research outputs found

    Effect of antigibberellins on morphogenesis, photosynthetic apparatus, productivity and their residual content in tomato fruits

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    The application of growth and development regulators on crops in order to optimize their production process is one of the leading tasks of modern plant physiology. Retardants – gibberellin inhibitors are widely used for this purpose. We investigated the effect of foliar treatment with EW-250, ССС-750 and 2-СEPA on morphogenesis, leaf apparatus, content of photosynthetic pigments, indices of chlorophyll fluorescence induction, CO2 gas exchange, and residual amounts of drugs in the fruits of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Bobcat hybrid. The field experiment was laid on plots with an area of 33 m2. The treatment of the plants was carried out at the budding stage. Morphometric indices were determined at the stages of flowering and fruit formation. The chlorophylls content was determined in the raw material by the spectrophotometric method. Indices of photosystem II (PSII) photochemical activity were determined according to the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence induction after a half-hour exposure of plants in the dark using a portable single-beam fluorimeter "Floratest". The determination of the residual content of retardants in the fruits was carried out on a Shimadzu GC gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometric detector – GCMS- QP2020 EI. All gibberellin inhibitors reduced linear plant size. The number of leaves on the plants decreased under 2-CEPA treatment, and increased after the application of EW-250. Treatment with 2-CEPA decreased, EW-250 significantly increased, and CCC-750 practically did not change the leaves’ fresh and dry weight. Leaf area and leaf index decreased under 2-CEPA treatment, but practically did not change when EW-250 and ССС-750 were applied. All antigibberellin drugs increased the leaf specific leaf weight and thickened the leaf lamina due to the growth of chlorenchyma cells. At the same time, growth inhibitors increased the volume of columnar parenchyma cells and practically did not change the size of spongy parenchyma cells. Retardants increased the chlorophylls content in leaves, while the ethylene producer 2-CEPA did not change this index. The plants’ chlorophyll index after treatment with drugs increased significantly. The whole plant dry weight increased under EW-250 treatment, decreased after 2-CEPA application, and did not change under CCC-750. It was established that the photosynthetic rate increased under the EW-250 treatment, both in the flowering stage and in the stage of fruit formation, while when using 2-CEPA and CCC-750, it occurred only at the stage of fruit formation. The most significant positive changes of PSII photochemical activity indices were observed under the use of EW-250. Under the action of the drug, the maximum and actual quantum efficiency of PSII increased, the linear electron transport accelerated, and the fraction of reaction centers that did not transfer electrons from the primary acceptor QA to QB decreased, at the same time the chlorophyll fluorescence decay coefficient significantly increased, which indicates an increase in the CO2 assimilation intensity. Retardants increased the proportion of the fruit in the whole plant dry weight. All growth regulators increased net photosynthetic efficiency. A significant increase in fruit yield occurred under EW-250 treatment. When using CCC-750, the index tended to increase, while under the influence of 2-CEPA the yield decreased. The residual amounts of EW-250 and CCC-750 in the fruits did not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations

    Sketching as a Communication Part Project Competence of the Designer Clothing

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    В статье рассматривается коммуникативный аспект проектной компетенции дизайнера одежды - эскизирование. Выявляется значимость педагогического общения в процессе ее формирования.The article deals with the communicative aspect of the design competence of a fashion designer-sketching. The significance of pedagogical communication in the process of its formation is revealed

    Creative Educational Technologies for Forming Project Competences of a Clothing Designer

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    В статье рассматриваются современные подходы к формированию проектных компетенций дизайнеров одежды с использованием креативных образовательных технологий.The article discusses modern approaches to the formation of design competencies of clothing designers using creative educational technologies

    Use of Internet Resources in Developing the Creative Abilities of Clothing Designers

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    В статье рассматриваются информационные возможности современных интернет-ресурсов в образовательных технологиях, как средство развития творческих способностей, креативных качеств личности художника по костюму, дизайнера одежды.The article discusses the information capabilities of modern Internet resources in educational technologies as a means of developing creative abilities, creative qualities of the personality of a costume designer, a fashion designer


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    The polymer material (РА/РЕ/Eva) with a width of 55 μm was studied. Sterilization was carried out on the unit GU–200 at doses from 3 to 18 kGy in the Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation, Rosatom, Moscow, Russia. The structure of the polymermaterial samples was studied by IR spectroscopy before and after irradiation in a range of 400–5000 сm–1. According to the results of the analysis of the IR spectrum structure, the changes in the structure were insignificant upon irradiation at doses up to 6 kGy. Upon irradiation at doses from 9 kGy and higher, an increase in quantity of ester groups (2340 сm–1) and insignificant increase in other functional groups were observed, which can suggest a simultaneous process of intra-molecular cross-linking with the intermediatestage of cross-linking occurring with formation of vinylene groups. This causes destruction of a polymer material and radiation oxidation. These disorders can lead to changes in physico-mechanical and barrier parameters of a polymer material, which can be notably reflected in the shelf life of agricultural products

    Two-stage surgical treatment of patients with superobesity

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    Двоетапне хірургічне лікування хворих із суперожиріннямTwo-stage surgical treatment of patients with superobesit


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    The polymer material (РА/РЕ/Eva) with a width of 55 μm was studied. Sterilization was carried out on the unit GU–200 at doses from 3 to 18 kGy in the Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation, Rosatom, Moscow, Russia. The structure of the polymermaterial samples was studied by IR spectroscopy before and after irradiation in a range of 400–5000 сm–1. According to the results of the analysis of the IR spectrum structure, the changes in the structure were insignificant upon irradiation at doses up to 6 kGy. Upon irradiation at doses from 9 kGy and higher, an increase in quantity of ester groups (2340 сm–1) and insignificant increase in other functional groups were observed, which can suggest a simultaneous process of intra-molecular cross-linking with the intermediatestage of cross-linking occurring with formation of vinylene groups. This causes destruction of a polymer material and radiation oxidation. These disorders can lead to changes in physico-mechanical and barrier parameters of a polymer material, which can be notably reflected in the shelf life of agricultural products.Исследовали полимерный материал состава РА/РЕ/Eva толщиной 55 мкм. Стерилизацию проводили на установке ГУ–200 дозами от 3 до 18 кГр в Научно-исследовательском институте технической физики и автоматизации. Структуру образцов полимерного материала изучали методом ИК-спектроскопии до и после облучения в интервале 400–5000 см–1. По результатам исследования структуры ИК-спектров облучение дозами до 6 кГр изменения в структуре незначительные. При облучении дозами от 9 кГр и выше увеличивается количество сложных эфирных групп (2340 см–1), незначительное увеличение в других функциональных группах, что может говорить об одновременном процессе внутримолекулярной сшивки с промежуточной стадией сшивания протекающей с образованием виниленовых групп. Это вызывает деструкцию полимерного материала, а также радиационное окисление. Данные нарушения могут повлечь измененияфизико-механических и барьерных параметров полимерного материала, что может существенно отразиться на сроках хранения сельскохозяйственной продукции


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    Radiation effect on the PA/PE/Eva film material with a thickness of 55 μm was investigated at theBurnazyanCenterusing radiation processing plant (RPP) with the UELR‑10–10–40 accelerator at 10 MeV. Polymer films were irradiated with doses of 0 to 18 kGy. The study of IR spectra showed that when processing the PA/PE/Eva film with fast electrons with a dose of up to 18 kGy using the UELR10–10–40 plant with a power of 10 MeV the number of functional -CH3 and -NHgroups in the IR spectra changes to 0.0060 relative units with radiation doses of 12 to 18 kGy, which leads to degradation of the sample and its crosslinking simultaneously. Using confocal laser microscopy, it was demonstrated that after irradiation of PA/PE/Eva sample with doses of 18 kGy, the surface of the film becomes smooth in РА layer and in Eva layer, and a spot thinning of the sample occurs. These characteristics may cause a change in the barrier properties of the film material and affect the shelf life of food in a packaging.Исследовали радиационное воздействие на пленочный материал PA/РЕ/Eva толщиной 55 мкм на радиационно-технологической установке (РТУ) с ускорителем УЭЛР‑10–10–40 на 10 МэВ в ФМБЦ им. Бурназяна. Полимерные пленки облучали дозами от 0 до 18 кГр. Изучение ИК спектров показало, что пленка РА/РЕ/ Eva при обработке быстрыми электронами с дозой до 18 кГр УЭЛР 10–10–40 с мощностью 10 МэВ на установке происходит изменение количества функциональных -СН3 и -NHгрупп до 0,0060 отн. ед. в ИК-спектрах при дозах облучения от 12 до 18 кГр, что приводит к деградации образца и его сшивки одновременно. Методом конфокальной лазерной микроскопии продемонстрировано, что после облучения в образце РА/ РЕ/Eva дозами 18 кГр поверхность пленки становится гладкой в РА-слое и в Еva-слое, и отмечается точечное истощение образца. Данные характеристики могут повлечь за собой изменение барьерных свойств пленочного материала и в свою очередь повлиять на сроки хранения продуктов питания в упаковочном образце


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    The field experiment data show that application of phosphorus-solubilizing inoculant increases spring wheat and winter wheat yields at different slope elements – watershed, medium and severely eroded soils. The yield increase is caused by multifunctionality of phosphorus-solubilizing inoculant which possesses the properties of plant growth promoter, biofertilizer and biopesticide as well. Quantitative parameters of the influence of phosphorus-solubilizing inoculant on the yield and phytopathological state of crops are presented.В полевом эксперименте на дерново-подзолистых почвах на моренных суглинках установлено, что применение фосфатмобилизующего инокулянта повышало урожайность яровой и озимой пшеницы на разных элементах склона: водоразделе, средне- и сильноэродированных почвах. Повышение урожайности обусловлено полифункциональностью микробного инокулянта, сочетающего свойства регулятора роста, биоудобрения и биопестицида. Установлены количественные показатели влияния фосфатмобилизующего инокулянта на урожайность и фитопатологическое состояние посевов

    Фармакокинетика дипептидного миметика BDNF ГСБ-106 у крыс

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    Pharmacokinetics of the GSB-106 in variety of administration ways in rats was studied. After single oral administration the test substance was determined for 4 h in the blood plasma. Half-life was 0.65 h. The GSB-106 tissue availability in high-vascularized organs (liver, kidney, spleen) was over then skeletal muscle. In brain (target-organ) that parameter was 0.05. In the 24-hour urine the parent compound was not detected and in the feces were determined of 0.0001 % GSB-106 after oral administration in dose 150 mg/kg. The absolute bioavailability of GSB-106 was 5.6 %.На крысах изучена фармакокинетика соединения ГСБ-106 после различных способов введения. После однократного перорального введения исследуемое вещество в организме крыс определяется на протяжении 4 ч. Период полуэлиминации составил 0,65 ч. Показано, что тканевая доступность ГСБ-106 в хорошо васкуляризированных органах (печень, почки, селезёнка) выше, чем в скелетной мускулатуре крыс. В органе-мишени - мозге данный показатель составил 0,05. После однократного перорального введения ГСБ-106 крысам в дозе 150,0 мг/кг в суточной моче исходное соединение не обнаружено, а в кале обнаружено 0,0001 % ГСБ-106 от введённой дозы. Абсолютная биодоступность соединения ГСБ-106 у крыс составила 5,6 %