152 research outputs found

    Dimension on Discrete Spaces

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    In this paper we develop some combinatorial models for continuous spaces. In this spirit we study the approximations of continuous spaces by graphs, molecular spaces and coordinate matrices. We define the dimension on a discrete space by means of axioms, and the axioms are based on an obvious geometrical background. This work presents some discrete models of n-dimensional Euclidean spaces, n-dimensional spheres, a torus and a projective plane. It explains how to construct new discrete spaces and describes in this connection several three-dimensional closed surfaces with some topological singularities It also analyzes the topology of (3+1)-spacetime. We are also discussing the question by R. Sorkin [19] about how to derive the system of simplicial complexes from a system of open covering of a topological space S.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, Latex. Figures are not included, available from the author upon request. Preprint SU-GP-93/1-1. To appear in "International Journal of Theoretical Physics

    Cosmological scalar fields that mimic the ΛCDM\Lambda CDM cosmological model

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    We look for cosmologies with a scalar field (dark energy without cosmological constant), which mimic the standard ΛCDM\Lambda CDM cosmological model yielding exactly the same large-scale geometry described by the evolution of the Hubble parameter (i.e. photometric distance and angular diameter distance as functions on zz). Asymptotic behavior of the field solutions is studied in the case of spatially flat Universe with pressureless matter and separable scalar field Lagrangians (power-law kinetic term + power-law potential). Exact analytic solutions are found in some special cases. A number of models have the field solutions with infinite behavior in the past or even singular behavior at finite redshifts. We point out that introduction of the cosmological scalar field involves some degeneracy leading to lower precision in determination of Ωm\Omega_m. To remove this degeneracy additional information is needed beyond the data on large-scale geometry.Comment: VIII International Conference "Relativistic Astrophysics, Gravitation and Cosmology": May 21-23, 2008, Kyiv, Ukrain

    The Peculiarities of Using The Elements of Mixed learning in the Process of Teaching Academic Disciplines in Higher Education Institutions

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    В умовах формування когнітивного суспільства особливого значення набуває створення оптимальних умов для пізнавальної діяльності особистості шляхом реалізації концепції освіти протягом усього життя головними перевагами якої є гнучкість, різноманітність, доступність у часі й просторі. Аналіз психолого-педагогічних досліджень засвідчив достатню розробленість методологічних, психологічних та управлінських питань упровадження освіти протягом усього життя, проблеми вдосконалення організації навчально-пізнавальної діяльності, особливостей використання змішаного навчання як принципово нової освітньої моделі навчання. Проте поза увагою залишилася проблема інтеграції елементів змішаного навчання в процес викладання дисциплін у вищій школі з метою активізації пізнавальної діяльності студентів. Алгоритм упровадження елементів змішаного навчання в процес викладання навчальних дисциплін у закладах вищої освіти реалізується шляхом поєднання традиційної моделі навчання (читання лекцій, проведення практичних, лабораторних, семінарських занять, складання заліків та іспитів) та інноваційної моделі електронного навчання (дистанційного доповнененого елементами мобільного навчання). Використання елементів змішаного навчання (групове навчання, перевернутий клас, мікронавчання, ситуативні вправи, гейміфікація, інфографіка) в процесі викладання навчальних дисциплін надає можливість, тим хто навчається, засвоювати матеріал у зручний час, навчитись творчо використовувати і демонструвати результати навчання у середовищі дистанційного курсу або під час традиційних очних занять. Інструментарієм для реалізації елементів змішаного навчання є сучасні засоби інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій: соціальні сервіси, засоби он-лайн (синхронне) та оф-лайн (асинхронне) спілкування, засоби створення різноманітної електронної наочності, засоби діагностики та оцінювання, системи управління навчальним контентом. Для використання елементів змішаного навчання від викладачів вимагається опанування інноваційних активних педагогічних методів, технік та технологій, достатній рівень інформаційної компетентності, а від студентів таке навчання потребує комп’ютерної грамотності та неабиякої активності.In the conditions of forming a cognitive society, the creation of optimal conditions for the cognitive activity of the individual through the implementation of the concept of education throughout life is of particular importance, the main advantages of which are flexibility, diversity, accessibility in time and space. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical researches has shown the sufficient development of methodological, psychological and managerial issues of implementation of education throughout life, problems of improving the organization of educational and cognitive activity, the features of the use of mixed learning as a fundamentally new educational model of education. However, the problem of integrating elements of mixed learning in the process of teaching subjects in higher education institutions with the purpose of activating students' cognitive activity is not paid sufficient attention. The algorithm for the introduction of elements of mixed learning in the process of teaching subjects in higher education institutions is realized by combining the traditional model of learning (lecturing, conducting practical, laboratory and seminar classes, tests and examinations) and an innovative model of e-learning (distance learning, enhanced by the elements of mobile learning). Using of elements of mixed learning (group studying, inverted class, micro studying, situational exercises, gameplay, infographics) in the process of teaching gives the possibility for those who are studying to get the information in a suitable time, to get to know to use creatively and demonstrate the results of studying in the environment of distance course or during the ordinary classroom lessons. The toolkit for the implementation of elements of mixed learning is the modern means of information and communication technologies: social services, online tools (synchronous) and offline (asynchronous) communication, means of creating a variety of electronic visualization, diagnostic and evaluation tools, and educational content management systems. Using of elements of mixed learning by teachers requires the mastering of innovative and active pedagogical methods, techniques and technologies, sufficient level of information competence, from students such training requires computer literacy and extraordinary activity


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    The article to focus on external and internal factors that impacted the ability of universities to transfer technologies from the public to the private market inRussia. External university factors include national and regional commercialization policy and environment. Internal university factors focus on policy, culture, and organization of technology transfer within the university.В статье проведен анализ опыта передачи технологий (инноваций) в предпринимательских университетах России. Основными критериями анализа являются внешние и внутренние факторы, которые повлияли на способность университетов в вопросе передачи технологий из государственного сектора в частный рынок. Внешние факторы включают региональную и национальную политику коммерциализации. Внутренние факторы включают культурный аспект в организациях передачи технологий в рамках университетов

    Gravitational Ionization: A Chaotic Net in the Kepler System

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    The long term nonlinear dynamics of a Keplerian binary system under the combined influences of gravitational radiation damping and external tidal perturbations is analyzed. Gravitational radiation reaction leads the binary system towards eventual collapse, while the external periodic perturbations could lead to the ionization of the system via Arnold diffusion. When these two opposing tendencies nearly balance each other, interesting chaotic behavior occurs that is briefly studied in this paper. It is possible to show that periodic orbits can exist in this system for sufficiently small damping. Moreover, we employ the method of averaging to investigate the phenomenon of capture into resonance.Comment: REVTEX Style, Submitte

    Antiviral susceptibility of clade highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses isolated from birds and mammals in the United States, 2022

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    Clade highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) viruses that are responsible for devastating outbreaks in birds and mammals pose a potential threat to public health. Here, we evaluated their susceptibility to influenza antivirals. Of 1,015 sequences of HPAI A(H5N1) viruses collected in the United States during 2022, eight viruses (∼0.8%) had a molecular marker of drug resistance to an FDA-approved antiviral: three adamantane-resistant (M2-V27A), four oseltamivir-resistant (NA-H275Y), and one baloxavir-resistant (PA-I38T). Additionally, 31 viruses contained mutations that may reduce susceptibility to inhibitors of neuraminidase (NA) (n = 20) or cap-dependent endonuclease (CEN) (n = 11). A panel of 22 representative viruses was tested phenotypically. Overall, clade A(H5N1) viruses lacking recognized resistance mutations were susceptible to FDA-approved antivirals. Oseltamivir was least potent at inhibiting NA activity, while the investigational NA inhibitor AV5080 was most potent, including against NA mutants. A novel NA substitution T438N conferred 12-fold reduced inhibition by zanamivir, and in combination with the known marker N295S, synergistically affected susceptibility to all five NA inhibitors. In cell culture-based assays HINT and IRINA, the PA-I38T virus displayed 75- to 108-fold and 37- to 78-fold reduced susceptibility to CEN inhibitors, baloxavir and the investigational AV5116, respectively. Viruses with PA-I38M or PA-A37T showed 5- to 10-fold reduced susceptibilities. As HPAI A(H5N1) viruses continue to circulate and evolve, close monitoring of drug susceptibility is needed for risk assessment and to inform decisions regarding antiviral stockpiling


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    The paper suggests characteristics of the disease course in 193 adult acute diarrhea (AD) severe cases hospitalized in 2002-2004. Following the pathomorphological study records, the structures of AD cases hospitalized in 2002 - 2004 and in 2008-2010 has been compared. It is shown that adult AD severe cases are rather more than likely to have lethal outcome in case of comorbidity and hospital admission later than on the 3rd disease day. In the period of dysentery high-incidence level in structure of AD with lethal outcome, shigellosis (including that diagnosed morphologically) dominates, as compared to the period of dysentery low-incidence level when the burden of salmonellosis and AD of unknown etiology has been seen to grow.Охарактеризовано течение тяжелой формы ОКИ у 193 госпитализированных в 2002-2004 г. взрослых пациентов. По протоколам патоморфологических исследований сопоставлена структура острых диарей с летальным исходом, диагностированных в стационаре за периоды 2002-2004 и 2008-2010 гг. Показано, что у взрослых больных тяжелое течение острой диареи значительно чаще заканчивается летальным исходом при наличии сопутствующей патологии и поступлении в стационар позднее 3-го дня заболевания. В структуре ОКИ с летальным исходом в период эпидемиологического неблагополучия по дизентерии преобладает шигеллез, в том числе диагностированный гистоморфологически, а в период эпидемиологического благополучия существенной становится доля сальмонеллеза и ОКИНЭ, что диктует необходимость совершенствования тактики выявления этиопатогенов с целью своевременной и адекватной терапии

    Orbital effects of a monochromatic plane gravitational wave with ultra-low frequency incident on a gravitationally bound two-body system

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    We analytically compute the long-term orbital variations of a test particle orbiting a central body acted upon by an incident monochromatic plane gravitational wave. We assume that the characteristic size of the perturbed two-body system is much smaller than the wavelength of the wave. Moreover, we also suppose that the wave's frequency is much smaller than the particle's orbital one. We make neither a priori assumptions about the direction of the wavevector nor on the orbital geometry of the planet. We find that, while the semi-major axis is left unaffected, the eccentricity, the inclination, the longitude of the ascending node, the longitude of pericenter and the mean anomaly undergo non-vanishing long-term changes. They are not secular trends because of the slow modulation introduced by the tidal matrix coefficients and by the orbital elements themselves. They could be useful to indepenedently constrain the ultra-low frequency waves which may have been indirectly detected in the BICEP2 experiment. Our calculation holds, in general, for any gravitationally bound two-body system whose characteristic frequency is much larger than the frequency of the external wave. It is also valid for a generic perturbation of tidal type with constant coefficients over timescales of the order of the orbital period of the perturbed particle.Comment: LaTex2e, 24 pages, no figures, no tables. Changes suggested by the referees include

    Падения у коморбидных пациентов старческого возраста при сочетанном применении психотропных и кардиологических лекарственных средств

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    The article discusses aspects of drug-induced falls in elderly comorbid patients against the background of polypragmasy and also assesses the role of drug interactions that are highly dangerous according to the risk of falling. A drug audit of the obtained pharmacotherapy database was performed in patients with comorbid pathology older than 75 years, in order to identify fall-risk-increasing drugs, ranked according to the degree of risk of falling, their significant interactions and with using the traffic light classification. The data on the analysis of the contribution of psychotropic, cardiological drugs and their combination on the risk of developing a fall in the hospital in comorbid patients of old age against polypragmasy are presented. В статье рассмотрены аспекты лекарственно-индуцированных падений у коморбидных пациентов старческого возраста на фоне полипрагмазии, а также оценена роль сочетанного применения лекарственных средств, отнесенных к высокоопасным по риску падения. Проведен лекарственный аудит базы данных получаемой фармакотерапии у пациентов старше 75 лет с коморбидной патологией на предмет выявления лекарственных средств, отнесенных к высокоопасным по риску падения, ранжированных по степени этого риска согласно светофорной классификации, и их значимых взаимодействий. Представлены данные по анализу исследования вклада психотропных, кардиологических лекарственных средств и их сочетания на риск развития падения в стационаре у коморбидных пациентов старческого возраста на фоне полипрагмазии

    Posters display III clinical outcome and PET

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