305 research outputs found

    Cluster analysis for validated climatology stations using precipitation in Mexico

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    Annual average of daily precipitation was used to group climatological stations into clusters using the k-means procedure and principal component analysis with varimax rotation. After a careful selection of the stations deployed in Mexico since 1950, we selected 349 characterized by having 35 to 40 complete years of observations. The clustering of stations was performed three times: firstly according to the amount of precipitation; secondly according to their anomalies from the mean, resulting in their standard deviations grouping; and thirdly using the standardized anomalies, which resulted in a clustering according to the features of the trend and the structural changes of the series over the observing period. We identified two clusters that occupy northwestern and north-central Mexico; another at the center of the territory, between Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental; the following over the Sierra Madre Oriental; and a last one in the southeast of the territory, the southern coast of the Pacific Ocean and the Yucatán Peninsula, that overlaps with Sierra Madre Oriental group. Some stations of Yucatán Peninsula show similar characteristics to the northwestern cluster. The groupings were compared with the results of previous studies. The comparison indicates that regions are invariant in time and space and independent of the method of agregation and the stations sampled

    Norm reasoning services

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    Norms are used in open Multi-Agent Systems as a formal specification of deontic statements aimed at regulating the actions of agents and the interactions among them. In this paper, we propose a set of services facilitating the development of both non-normative and normative agents for norm-governed MAS. Specifically, we propose to provide agents with norm reasoning services. These services will help agent designers/developers to programme agents that consider norm reasoning without having to implement the needed mechanisms to reason about norms by themselves. This article shows how these services perform as well as the results of the experiments that we conducted to evaluate their performance

    Detecting the footprint of selection on the genomes of Murciano-Granadina goats

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    Artificial selection is one of the major forces modifying the genetic composition of livestock populations. Identifying genes under selection could be useful to elucidate their impact on phenotypic variation. We aimed to identify genomic regions targeted by selection for dairy and pigmentation traits in Murciano-Granadina goats. Performance of a selection scan based on the integrated haplotype score test in a population of 1183 Murciano-Granadina goats resulted in the identification of 77 candidate genomic regions/SNPs. The most significant selective sweeps mapped to chromosomes 1 (69.86 Mb), 4 (41.80–49.95 Mb), 11 (65.74 Mb), 12 (31.24 and 52.51 Mb), 17 (34.76–37.67 Mb), 22 (31.75 Mb), and 26 (26.69–31.05 Mb). By using previously generated RNA-Seq data, we built a catalogue of 6414 genes that are differentially expressed across goat lactation (i.e. 78 days post-partum, early lactation; 216 days post-partum, late lactation; 285 days post-partum, dry period). Interestingly, 183 of these genes mapped to selective sweeps and several of them display functions related with lipid, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism, insulin signaling, cell proliferation, as well as mammary development and involution. Of particular interest are the CSN3 and CSN1S2 genes, which encode two major milk proteins. Additionally, we found three pigmentation genes (GLI3, MC1R, and MITF) co-localizing with selective sweeps. Performance of a genome-wide association study and Sanger sequencing and TaqMan genotyping experiments revealed that the c.801C>G (p.Cys267Trp) polymorphism in the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene is the main determinant of the black (GG or GC genotypes) and brown (CC genotypes) colorations of Murciano-Granadina goats

    A genome-wide association analysis for body, udder, and leg conformation traits recorded in Murciano-Granadina goats

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    Morphological traits are of great importance to dairy goat production given their effect on phenotypes of economic interest. However, their underlying genomic architecture has not yet been extensively characterized. Herein, we aimed to identify genomic regions associated with body, udder, and leg conformation traits recorded in 825 Murciano-Granadina goats. We genotyped this resource population using the GoatSNP50 BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA) and performed genome-wide association analyses using the GEMMA software. We found 2 genome-wide significant associations between markers rs268273468 [Capra hircus (CHI) 16:69617700] and rs268249346 (CHI 28:18321523) and medial suspensory ligament. In contrast, we did not detect any genome-wide significant associations for body and leg traits. Moreover, we found 12, 19, and 7 chromosome-wide significant associations for udder, body, and leg traits, respectively. Comparison of our data with previous studies revealed a low level of positional concordance between regions associated with morphological traits. In addition to technical factors, this lack of concordance could be due to a substantial level of genetic heterogeneity among breeds or to the strong polygenic background of morphological traits, which makes it difficult to detect genetic factors that have small phenotypic effects

    A Scalable Multiagent Platform for Large Systems

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    [EN] A new generation of open and dynamic systems requires execution frameworks that are capable of being efficient and scalable when large populations of agents are launched. These frameworks must provide efficient support for systems of this kind, by means of an efficient messaging service, agent group management, security issues, etc. To cope with these requirements, in this paper, we present a novel Multiagent Platform that has been developed at the Operating System level. This feature provides high efficiency rates and scalability compared to other high-performance middleware-based Multiagent Platforms.This work has been partially supported by CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 under grant CSD2007-00022, and projects TIN2011-27652-C03-01 and TIN2008-04446. Juan M. Alberola has received a grant from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion de Espana (AP2007-00289).Alberola Oltra, JM.; Such Aparicio, JM.; Botti, V.; Espinosa Minguet, AR.; García-Fornes, A. (2013). A Scalable Multiagent Platform for Large Systems. Computer Science and Information Systems. 10(1):51-77. doi:10.2298/CSIS111029039AS517710

    Advances in infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems

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    In the last few years, information system technologies have focused on solving challenges in order to develop distributed applications. Distributed systems can be viewed as collections of service-provider and ser vice-consumer components interlinked by dynamically defined workflows (Luck and McBurney 2008).Alberola Oltra, JM.; Botti Navarro, VJ.; Such Aparicio, JM. (2014). Advances in infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems. Information Systems Frontiers. 16:163-167. doi:10.1007/s10796-014-9493-6S16316716Alberola, J. M., Búrdalo, L., Julián, V., Terrasa, A., & García-Fornes, A. (2014). An adaptive framework for monitoring agent organizations. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9478-x .Alfonso, B., Botti, V., Garrido, A., & Giret, A. (2014). A MAS-based infrastructure for negotiation and its application to a water-right market. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9443-8 .Andrighetto, G., Castelfranchi, C., Mayor, E., McBreen, J., López-Sánchez, M., & Parsons, S. (2013). (Social) norm dynamics. In G. Andrighetto, G. Governatori, P. Noriega, & L. W. van der Torre (Eds.), Normative multi-agent systems (pp. 135–170). Dagstuhl: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.Baarslag, T., Fujita, K., Gerding, E. H., Hindriks, K., Ito, T., Jennings, N. R., et al. (2013). Evaluating practical negotiating agents: results and analysis of the 2011 international competition. Artificial Intelligence, 198, 73–103.Boissier, O., Bordini, R. H., Hübner, J. F., Ricci, A., & Santi, A. (2013). Multi-agent oriented programming with JaCaMo. Science of Computer Programming, 78(6), 747–761.Campos, J., Esteva, M., López-Sánchez, M., Morales, J., & Salamó, M. (2011). Organisational adaptation of multi-agent systems in a peer-to-peer scenario. Computing, 91(2), 169–215.Carrera, A., Iglesias, C. A., & Garijo, M. (2014). Beast methodology: an agile testing methodology for multi-agent systems based on behaviour driven development. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9438-5 .Criado, N., Such, J. M., & Botti, V. (2014). Norm reasoning services. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9444-7 .Del Val, E., Rebollo, M., & Botti, V. (2014). Enhancing decentralized service discovery in open service-oriented multi-agent systems. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 28(1), 1–30.Denti, E., Omicini, A., & Ricci, A. (2002). Coordination tools for MAS development and deployment. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 16(9–10), 721–752.Dignum, V., & Dignum, F. (2012). A logic of agent organizations. Logic Journal of IGPL, 20(1), 283–316.Ferber, J., & Gutknecht, O. (1998). A meta-model for the analysis and design of organizations in multi-agent systems. In Multi agent systems. Proceedings. International Conference on (pp. 128–135). IEEE.Fogués, R. L., Such, J. M., Espinosa, A., & Garcia-Fornes, A. (2014). BFF: a tool for eliciting tie strength and user communities in social networking services. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9453-6 .Garcia, E., Giret, A., & Botti, V. (2011). Evaluating software engineering techniques for developing complex systems with multiagent approaches. Information and Software Technology, 53(5), 494–506.Garcia-Fornes, A., Hübner, J., Omicini, A., Rodriguez-Aguilar, J., & Botti, V. (2011). Infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems for the new generation of distributed systems. Engineering Applications of Articial Intelligence, 24(7), 1095–1097.Jennings, N., Faratin, P., Lomuscio, A., Parsons, S., Sierra, C., & Wooldridge, M. (2001). Automated negotiation: prospects, methods and challenges. International Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation, 10(2), 199–215.Jung, Y., Kim, M., Masoumzadeh, A., & Joshi, J. B. (2012). A survey of security issue in multi-agent systems. Artificial Intelligence Review, 37(3), 239–260.Kota, R., Gibbins, N., & Jennings, N. R. (2012). Decentralized approaches for self-adaptation in agent organizations. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), 7(1), 1.Kraus, S. (1997). Negotiation and cooperation in multi-agent environments. Artificial Intelligence, 94(1), 79–97.Lin, Y. I., Chou, Y. W., Shiau, J. Y., & Chu, C. H. (2013). Multi-agent negotiation based on price schedules algorithm for distributed collaborative design. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24(3), 545–557.Luck, M., & McBurney, P. (2008). Computing as interaction: agent and agreement technologies.Luck, M., McBurney, P., Shehory, O., & Willmott, S. (2005). Agent technology: Computing as interaction (A roadmap for agent based computing). AgentLink.Ossowski, S., & Menezes, R. (2006). On coordination and its significance to distributed and multiagent systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 18(4), 359–370.Ossowski, S., Sierra, C., & Botti. (2013). Agreement technologies: A computing perspective. In Agreement Technologies (pp. 3–16). Springer Netherlands.Pinyol, I., & Sabater-Mir, J. (2013). Computational trust and reputation models for open multi-agent systems: a review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 40(1), 1–25.Ricci, A., Piunti, M., & Viroli, M. (2011). Environment programming in multi-agent systems: an artifact-based perspective. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 23(2), 158–192.Sierra, C., & Debenham, J. (2006). Trust and honour in information-based agency. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on autonomous agents and multi agent systems, (p. 1225–1232). New York: ACM.Sierra, C., Botti, V., & Ossowski, S. (2011). Agreement computing. KI-Knstliche Intelligenz, 25(1), 57–61.Vasconcelos, W., García-Camino, A., Gaertner, D., Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A., & Noriega, P. (2012). Distributed norm management for multi-agent systems. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(5), 5990–5999.Wooldridge, M. (2002). An introduction to multiagent systems. New York: Wiley.Wooldridge, M., & Jennings, N. R. (1995). Intelligent agents: theory and practice. Knowledge Engineering Review, 10(2), 115–152

    Application for correction fitogeli inflammatory processes oral mucosa under the bases of removable dentures direct

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    In this article the technique ot inflammatory reduction processes under the prosthetic bases including immediate-denture is offered. The technique of phytogel application for the correction of mucous membrane inflammatory processes is fulfilled. The results demonstrating the effectiveness use of phytogel are received.В статье предложена методика снижения воспалительных процессов под базисами съемных протезов, в том числе и иммедиат. Отработана методика применения фитогеля для коррекции воспалительных процессов слизистой оболочки полости рта. Получены результаты, свидетельствующие об эффективности использования

    Revisiting Family Leisure Research and Critical Reflections on the Future of Family-Centered Scholarship

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    In this special issue of Leisure Sciences, we examine the progress made and challenges ahead in research on leisure and families—20 years revisited. We consider what advancements have been made in family leisure research and potential new directions that family-centered scholars can look towards. We also consider the dominance of particular theoretical perspectives and methodological designs, and the limitations and consequences of such perspectives, to understand the complexities, diversity, and richness of the lived family experience. Emphasis is placed on the need for scholarship that explores diverse constructions of family and to provide a call to action for family-centered scholars to engage with broader global social issues