158 research outputs found

    Cold-seep carbonates of the Laptev Sea continental slope: Constraints from fluid sources and environment of formation

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    This study presents results of the petrographic, mineralogical, stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon, and trace element investigation of authigenic carbonates collected at newly discovered active cold seeps on the Laptev Sea continental slope at ∼300 m water depth. These carbonates are mainly represented by Mg-calcite with MgCO3 content from 9.1 mol% to 14.0 mol%. The low δ13C values of carbonates ranging from −50.6 ‰ to −32.4 ‰ (V-PDB) indicate that they were formed from anaerobic oxidation of biogenic methane and minor participation of other carbon sources. The difference between measured (from 4.7 ‰ to 5.5 ‰) and calculated (4.0 ‰) δ18Ocarb values might be inherited from fluids enriched in 18O due to dissociation of gas hydrates, which could be the source of methane. The carbonates exhibit weak enrichment in Co, moderate and strong enrichments in As, Mo, and Sb, and strong enrichment in U. Interestingly, As, Sb, and Co correlate with the pyrite content. This indicates that authigenic iron sulfides promote the immobilization of these redox-sensitive elements in seep sediments. The (Mo/U)EF values and anomalies of concentration of Mo and U probably indicate variations in the redox conditions during carbonate formation due to episodically seepage activity changes. Ascending methane-bearing fluids were the main contributor to the enrichment of cold-seep carbonates in As, Mo, Sb, and U at the Laptev Sea continental slope. However additional input from the particulate shuttle process can not be ruled out

    Spatial patterns and distributional controls of total and methylated mercury off the Lena River in the Laptev Sea sediments

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    A warmer climate is predicted to accelerate the export of mercury (Hg) from Siberian rivers to the Arctic Ocean, yet there is a dearth of process-oriented studies on the speciation and fate of Hg in the shelf sea system. Here, we present data on total Hg (HgT) and methylmercury (MeHg) in Laptev Sea surface sediments along a cross-shelf transect starting at the mouth of the Lena River. Concentrations of HgT along the 330 km cross-shelf transect ranged within a fairly narrow span from 480 to 150 pmol g−1 d.w., while concentrations of MeHg decreased one hundredfold from 13 pmol g−1 d.w. near the Lena river to 0.095 pmol g−1 d.w. in the more distall stations. The highest concentrations of HgT and MeHg were observed close to the river delta and were associated with a high supply of organic carbon (OC). Enrichment of the OC normalized HgT concentration (HgTOC) and depletion of the OC normalized MeHg concentration (MeHgOC) across the shelf suggests bulk OC content to not be the only driver of the HgT and MeHg spatial distributions. Based on correlations observed between HgTOC and MeHgOC and proxies for sediment physics and organic matter pools we suggest the spatial distribution of Hg and MeHg to also be influenced by hydrodynamic sorting of riverine-derived material. For MeHg, depletion of the MeHgOC across the shelf is likely driven by the trapping of terrestrial MeHg in sediments close to the river delta before it is degraded in the water column

    ‘Waiting impulsivity’ in isolation-reared and socially-reared rats: effects of amphetamine

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    Background Rats reared in social isolation exhibit various cognitive and behavioural abnormalities in adulthood. However, impulsivity following this treatment still remains unclear, especially in response to medications used in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as amphetamine. Methods Using an isolation-rearing (IR) manipulation, the present study examined the effects of IR on impulsive action and impulsive choice when also treated with doses of d-amphetamine, by employing the five-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT) and a temporal discounting of reward task (TDRT), respectively. Results IR rats showed similar acquisition of the 5-CSRTT. Amphetamine increased premature responding in both groups; however, IR rats showed less responding overall. For the TDRT, IR rats revealed a greater preference for the large but delayed reward during task acquisition (i.e. were less impulsive) with a higher rate of nose poking during the delay, and exhibited a compressed dose-response function (i.e. reduced dose sensitivity) for amphetamine. Discussion Impulsive action and impulsive choice were reduced in IR rats under certain conditions, and a blunted response to d-amphetamine was found on these measures. These reductions in impulsivity contrast with locomotor hyperactivity normally shown in IR rats and the findings have implications for the utility of IR as a model of psychopathology

    Dynamical scaling law in the development of drift wave turbulence

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    Destabilization and degradation of permafrost carbon in the Arctic regions could constitute a positive feedback to climate change. A better understanding of its fate upon discharge to the Arctic shelf is therefore needed. In this study, bulk carbon isotopes as well as terrigenous and marine biomarkers were used to construct two centennial records in the East Siberian Sea. Differences in topsoil and Pleistocene Ice Complex Deposit permafrost concentrations, modeled using δ13C and δ14C, were larger between inner and outer shelf than the changes over time. Similarly, lignin-derived phenol and cutin acid concentrations differed by a factor of ten between the two stations, but did not change significantly over time, consistent with the dual-carbon isotope model. High molecular weight (HMW) n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid concentrations displayed a smaller difference between the two stations (factor of 3-6). By contrast, the fraction for marine OC drastically decreased during burial with a half-life of 19-27 years. Vegetation and degradation proxies suggested supply of highly degraded gymnosperm wood tissues. Lipid Carbon Preference Index (CPI) values indicated more extensively degraded HMW n-alkanes on the outer shelf with no change over time, whereas n-alkanoic acids appeared to be less degraded toward the core top with no large differences between the stations. Taken together, our results show larger across-shelf changes than down-core trends. Further investigation is required to establish whether the observed spatial differences are due to different sources for the two depositional settings or, alternatively, a consequence of hydrodynamic sorting combined with selective degradation during cross-shelf transport

    Molecular and radiocarbon constraints on sources and degradation of terrestrial organic carbon along the Kolyma paleoriver transect, East Siberian Sea

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 7 (2010): 3153-3166, doi:10.5194/bg-7-3153-2010.Climate warming in northeastern Siberia may induce thaw-mobilization of the organic carbon (OC) now held in permafrost. This study investigated the composition of terrestrial OC exported to Arctic coastal waters to both obtain a natural integration of terrestrial permafrost OC release and to further understand the fate of released carbon in the extensive Siberian Shelf Seas. Application of a variety of elemental, molecular and isotopic (δ13C and Δ14C) analyses of both surface water suspended particulate matter and underlying surface sediments along a 500 km transect from Kolyma River mouth to the mid-shelf of the East Siberian Sea yielded information on the sources, degradation status and transport processes of thaw-mobilized soil OC. A three end-member dual-carbon-isotopic mixing model was applied to deduce the relative contributions from riverine, coastal erosion and marine sources. The mixing model was solved numerically using Monte Carlo simulations to obtain a fair representation of the uncertainties of both end-member composition and the end results. Riverine OC contributions to sediment OC decrease with increasing distance offshore (35±15 to 13±9%), whereas coastal erosion OC exhibits a constantly high contribution (51±11 to 60±12%) and marine OC increases offshore (9±7 to 36±10%). We attribute the remarkably strong imprint of OC from coastal erosion, extending up to ~500 km from the coast, to efficient offshoreward transport in these shallow waters presumably through both the benthic boundary layer and ice-rafting. There are also indications of simultaneous selective preservation of erosion OC compared to riverine OC. Molecular degradation proxies and radiocarbon contents indicated a degraded but young (Δ14C ca. −60‰ or ca. 500 14C years) terrestrial OC pool in surface water particulate matter, underlain by a less degraded but old (Δ14C ca. −500‰ or ca. 5500 14C years) terrestrial OC pool in bottom sediments. We suggest that the terrestrial OC fraction in surface water particulate matter is mainly derived from surface soil and recent vegetation fluvially released as buoyant organic-rich aggregates (e.g., humics), which are subjected to extensive processing during coastal transport. In contrast, terrestrial OC in the underlying sediments is postulated to originate predominantly from erosion of mineral-rich Pleistocene coasts (i.e., yedoma) and inland mineral soils. Sorptive association of this organic matter with mineral particles protects the OC from remineralization and also promotes rapid settling (ballasting) of the OC. Our findings corroborate recent studies by indicating that different Arctic surface soil OC pools exhibit distinguishing susceptibilities to degradation in coastal waters. Consequently, the general postulation of a positive feedback to global warming from degradation of permafrost carbon may be both attenuated (by reburial of one portion) and geographically displaced (degradation of released terrestrial permafrost OC far out over the Arctic shelf seas).The ISSS-08 program was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Headquarters of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Research Council (VR Contract No. 621-2004-4039 and 621-2007-4631), the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Siberian Shelf Study), the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (08-05-13572, 08-05-00191-a, and 07-05-00050a), the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, the Arctic Co-Op Program of the Nordic Council of Ministers (331080-70219) and the National Science Foundation (OPP ARC 0909546). O¨ . G. also acknowledges financial support as an Academy Research Fellow from the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, L. S. a Marie Curie grant (contract no. PIEF-GA-2008-220424), T. E. an NSF grant (ARC-0909377) and A. A. support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

    Исследование огнезащищенных фанерных плит на горючесть и токсичность

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    Ціль роботи порівняльне вивчення звичайних фанерних плит, а також просочених вогнебіозахистною сумішю, яка складається із суміши сольового антипирену та полімерного антисептика ДСА 2, а також гідрофобізуючого препарату «Силол» на горючість та токсичність. В ході роботы було показано, що фанерна плита, яку оброблено вогнебіозахистною сумішю, по показникам горючості та токсич ності значно превосходить не оброблену фанеру.The target of the work is comparative study of plywood — ordinary and pretreated by salt fire retardant and polymeric antiseptic ДСА 2 mixture with hydrophobying composition «Силол» — for the combustibility and the toxicity. It was shown that pretreated plywood is more toxic and less combustible

    Organic carbon in surface sediments of Chaunskaya Bay (East Siberian Sea): results of pyrolytic analysis using the Rock-Eval method

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    Relevance. Dictated by the need to assess functioning of the biogeochemical regime of the Arctic region by studying geochemical properties of organic matter of bottom sediments on the example of the Chaunskaya Bay (East-Siberian Sea). Aim. To study the spatial variability of geochemical parameters of organic matter of bottom sediments of the Chaunskaya Bay using the Rock-Eval method, as well as to identify a possible relationship between the parameter TOC and the pelite fraction. Objects. Samples of bottom sediments of the Chaunskaya Bay (East Siberian Sea). Sampling took place in stages from three horizons (upper 0–2 cm, intermediate 2–5 cm, lower 5–10 cm) during a comprehensive scientific expedition to the R/V "Academician Oparin" in September–October 2020. Methods. Granulometric composition of bottom sediments was determined using the Analysette 22 NanoTec particle analyzer (Fritsch, Germany). The analysis of hydrocarbon compounds of organic matter was performed using pyrolytic analysis on the device (Rock Eval 6 Turbo of Vinci Technologies, France). Results. The results of pyrolytic analysis considered by the authors have shown that such factors as the primary productivity of the waters of the studied water area and the processes of erosion of the coastal zone play a decisive role in the formation of the composition of the TOC in bottom sediments of the Chaunskaya Bay. We also do not exclude the contribution of river runoff to the composition of the TOC in bottom sediments; however, we consider it small due to the insignificant inflow of river sediments into the waters of the studied area. The pyrolytic data obtained by us indicate that both the marine component (primary productivity) and the terrigenous component (erosion of the coastal complex) are present in the composition of the TOC in bottom sediments of the studied area

    Elemental speciation of the sediments from cold methane seeps on the Laptev Sea shelf

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    Relevance. The lack of elemental speciation data in the bottom sediments of the Laptev Sea, as well as the absence of its quantitative changes in occurrence forms in response to methane emissions. Aim. To assess changes in the elemental speciation in areas where methane-containing fluids are discharged. Objects. Nine samples of bottom sediments taken from three horizons of one “cold seep” and two background stations of the outer shelf-continental slope of the Laptev Sea during the AMK-82 expedition aboard R/V “Academician M.V. Keldysh” in autumn 2020. Methods. Sequential extraction BCR (the European Community Bureau of Reference) was performed to determine the elemental speciation in surface sediments; the residual fraction was determined by dissolving in nitric acid. The obtained fraction solutions were analyzed by ICP-MS (NexIon 300D, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA), Pyrolysis (Rock-Eval 6 Turbo, Vinci Technologies). Results. The trend towards an increase in element mobility has been identified as a result of a shift in geochemical conditions that is presumably caused by the authigenic carbonate and sulfide formation. Moreover, the increase in the recoverable fraction (associated only with Fe oxides/hydroxides) is highlighted. We assume that the process of unloading methane-containing fluids plays a significant role in enrichment of authigenic carbonates U, Ni, Zn Co, oxides Fe – Sn and V, authigenic sulfides – Co, Mn and W. We also assume the potential formation of chalcopyrite as an authigenic sulfide in methane discharge areas

    Landscape, soil, lithology, climate and permafrost control on dissolved carbon, major and trace elements in the Ob River, Western Siberia

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    In order to foresee possible changes in the elementary composition of Arctic river waters, complex studies with extensive spatial coverage, including gradients in climate and landscape parameters, are needed. Here, we used the unique position of the Ob River, draining through the vast partially frozen peatlands of the western Siberia Lowland and encompassing a sizable gradient of climate, permafrost, vegetation, soils and Quaternary deposits, to assess a snap-shot (8–23 July 2016) concentration of all major and trace elements in the main stem (~3000 km transect from the Tom River confluence in the south to Salekhard in the north) and its 11 tributaries. During the studied period, corresponding to the end of the spring flood-summer baseflow, there was a systematic decrease, from the south to the north, of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), Specific Conductivity, Ca and some labile trace elements (Mo, W and U). In contrast, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), Fe, P, divalent metals (Mn, Ni, Cu, Co and Pb) and low mobile trace elements (Y, Nb, REEs, Ti, Zr, Hf and Th) sizably increased their concentration northward. The observed latitudinal pattern in element concentrations can be explained by progressive disconnection of groundwaters from the main river and its tributaries due to a northward increase in the permafrost coverage. A northward increase in bog versus forest coverage and an increase in DOC and Fe export enhanced the mobilization of insoluble, low mobile elements which were present in organo-ferric colloids (1 kDa—0.45 µm), as confirmed by an in-situ dialysis size fractionation procedure. The chemical composition of the sampled mainstream and tributaries demonstrated significant (p < 0.01) control of latitude of the sampling point; permafrost coverage; proportion of bogs, lakes and floodplain coverage and lacustrine and fluvio-glacial Quaternary deposits of the watershed. This impact was mostly pronounced on DOC, Fe, P, divalent metals (Mn, Co, Ni, Cu and Pb), Rb and low mobile lithogenic trace elements (Al, Ti, Cr, Y, Zr, Nb, REEs, Hf and Th). The pH and concentrations of soluble, highly mobile elements (DIC, SO4, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mo, Sb, W and U) positively correlated with the proportion of forest, loesses, eluvial, eolian, and fluvial Quaternary deposits on the watershed. Consistent with these correlations, a Principal Component Analysis demonstrated two main factors explaining the variability of major and trace element concentration in the Ob River main stem and tributaries. The DOC, Fe, divalent metals and trivalent and tetravalent trace elements were presumably controlled by a northward increase in permafrost, floodplain, bogs, lakes and lacustrine deposits on the watersheds. The DIC and labile alkaline-earth metals, oxyanions (Mo, Sb and W) and U were impacted by southward-dominating forest coverage, loesses and eluvial and fertile soils. Assuming that climate warming in the WSL will lead to a northward shift of the forest and permafrost boundaries, a “substituting space for time” approach predicts a future increase in the concentration of DIC and labile major and trace elements and a decrease of the transport of DOC and low soluble trace metals in the form of colloids in the main stem of the Ob River. Overall, seasonally-resolved transect studies of large riverine systems of western Siberia are needed to assess the hydrochemical response of this environmentally-important territory to on-going climate change