4,889 research outputs found

    Subspaces of a para-quaternionic Hermitian vector space

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    Let (Q~,g)(\tilde Q,g) be a para-quaternionic Hermitian structure on the real vector space VV. By referring to the tensorial presentation (V,Q~,g)(H2E2n,sl(H),ωHωE)(V, \tilde{Q},g) \simeq (H^2 \otimes E^{2n}, \mathfrak{sl}(H),\omega^H \otimes \omega^E), we give an explicit description, from an affine and metric point of view, of main classes of subspaces of VV which are invariantly defined with respect to the structure group of Q~\tilde{Q} and (Q~,g)(\tilde{Q},g) respectively

    Quantum transitions and quantum entanglement from Dirac-like dynamics simulated by trapped ions

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    Quantum transition probabilities and quantum entanglement for two-qubit states of a four level trapped ion quantum system are computed for time-evolving ionic states driven by Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonians with interactions mapped onto a \mbox{SU}(2)\otimes \mbox{SU}(2) group structure. Using the correspondence of the method of simulating a 3+13+1 dimensional Dirac-like Hamiltonian for bi-spinor particles into a single trapped ion, one preliminarily obtains the analytical tools for describing ionic state transition probabilities as a typical quantum oscillation feature. For Dirac-like structures driven by generalized Poincar\'e classes of coupling potentials, one also identifies the \mbox{SU}(2)\otimes \mbox{SU}(2) internal degrees of freedom corresponding to intrinsic parity and spin polarization as an adaptive platform for computing the quantum entanglement between the internal quantum subsystems which define two-qubit ionic states. The obtained quantum correlational content is then translated into the quantum entanglement of two-qubit ionic states with quantum numbers related to the total angular momentum and to its projection onto the direction of the trapping magnetic field. Experimentally, the controllable parameters simulated by ion traps can be mapped into a Dirac-like system in the presence of an electrostatic field which, in this case, is associated to ionic carrier interactions. Besides exhibiting a complete analytical profile for ionic quantum transitions and quantum entanglement, our results indicate that carrier interactions actively drive an overall suppression of the quantum entanglement.Comment: 27 pags, 5 fig

    Gravitating multidefects from higher dimensions

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    Warped configurations admitting pairs of gravitating defects are analyzed. After devising a general method for the construction of multidefects, specific examples are presented in the case of higher-dimensional Einstein-Hilbert gravity. The obtained profiles describe diverse physical situations such as (topological) kink-antikink systems, pairs of non-topological solitons and bound configurations of a kink and of a non-topological soliton. In all the mentioned cases the geometry is always well behaved (all relevant curvature invariants are regular) and tends to five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time for large asymptotic values of the bulk coordinate. Particular classes of solutions can be generalized to the framework where the gravity part of the action includes, as a correction, the Euler-Gauss-Bonnet combination. After scrutinizing the structure of the zero modes, the obtained results are compared with conventional gravitating configurations containing a single topological defect.Comment: 27 pages, 5 included figure

    The Growth of Business Firms: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidence

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    We introduce a model of proportional growth to explain the distribution of business firm growth rates. The model predicts that the distribution is exponential in the central part and depicts an asymptotic power-law behavior in the tails with an exponent 3. Because of data limitations, previous studies in this field have been focusing exclusively on the Laplace shape of the body of the distribution. In this article, we test the model at different levels of aggregation in the economy, from products to firms to countries, and we find that the model's predictions agree with empirical growth distributions and size-variance relationships.Comment: 22 pages, 5 Postscript figures, uses revtex4. to be published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (2005

    A Generalized Preferential Attachment Model for Business Firms Growth Rates: I. Empirical Evidence

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    We introduce a model of proportional growth to explain the distribution P(g)P(g) of business firm growth rates. The model predicts that P(g)P(g) is Laplace in the central part and depicts an asymptotic power-law behavior in the tails with an exponent ζ=3\zeta=3. Because of data limitations, previous studies in this field have been focusing exclusively on the Laplace shape of the body of the distribution. We test the model at different levels of aggregation in the economy, from products, to firms, to countries, and we find that the its predictions are in good agreement with empirical evidence on both growth distributions and size-variance relationships.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Optimizing the Earth-LISA "rendez-vous"

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    We present a general survey of heliocentric LISA orbits, hoping it might help in the exercise of rescoping the mission. We try to semi-analytically optimize the orbital parameters in order to minimize the disturbances coming from the Earth-LISA interaction. In a set of numerical simulations we include nonautonomous perturbations and provide an estimate of Doppler shift and breathing as a function of the trailing angle.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Submitted on CQ

    Deriving relativistic momentum and energy. II. Three-dimensional case

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    We generalise a recent derivation of the relativistic expressions for momentum and kinetic energy from the one-dimensional to the three-dimensional case.Comment: 7 page

    On aspects of self-consistency in the Dyson-Schwinger approach to QED and \lambda (\phi^\star \phi)^2 theories

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    We investigate some aspects of the self-consistency in the Dyson-Schwinger approach to both the QED and the self-interacting scalar field theories. We prove that the set of the Dyson-Schwinger equations, together with the Green-Ward-Takahashi identity, is equivalent to the analogous set of integral equations studied in condensed matter, namely many-body perturbation theory, where it is solved self-consistently and iteratively. In this framework, we compute the non-perturbative solution of the gap equation for the self-interacting scalar field theory.Comment: 9 pages, to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Noise Measurement of Interacting Ferromagnetic Particles with High Resolution Hall Microprobes

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    We present our first experimental determination of the magnetic noise of a superspinglass made of < 1 pico-liter frozen ferrofluid. The measurements were performed with a local magnetic field sensor based on Hall microprobes operated with the spinning current technique. The results obtained, though preliminary, qualitatively agree with the theoretical predictions of Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem (FDT) violation [1].Comment: 4pages, 2 figure

    Supersymmetric Sum Rules for Electromagnetic Multipoles

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    We derive model independent, non-perturbative supersymmetric sum rules for the magnetic and electric multipole moments of any theory with N=1 supersymmetry. We find that in any irreducible N=1 supermultiplet the diagonal matrix elements of the l-multipole moments are completely fixed in terms of their off-diagonal matrix elements and the diagonal (l-1)-multipole moments.Comment: 10 pages, plain Te