228 research outputs found

    TheoryGuru: A Mathematica Package to Apply Quantifier Elimination Technology to Economics

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    We consider the use of Quantifier Elimination (QE) technology for automated reasoning in economics. There is a great body of work considering QE applications in science and engineering but we demonstrate here that it also has use in the social sciences. We explain how many suggested theorems in economics could either be proven, or even have their hypotheses shown to be inconsistent, automatically via QE. However, economists who this technology could benefit are usually unfamiliar with QE, and the use of mathematical software generally. This motivated the development of a Mathematica Package TheoryGuru, whose purpose is to lower the costs of applying QE to economics. We describe the package's functionality and give examples of its use.Comment: To appear in Proc ICMS 201

    1Identification of genes differentially expressed in the embryonic pig cerebral cortex before and after appearance of gyration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mammalian evolution is characterized by a progressive expansion of the surface area of the cerebral cortex, an increase that is accompanied by gyration of the cortical surface. The mechanisms controlling this gyration process are not well characterized but mutational analyses indicate that genes involved in neuronal migration play an important function. Due to the lack of gyration of the rodent brain it is important to establish alternative models to examine brain development during the gyration process. The pig brain is gyrated and accordingly is a candidate alternative model.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>In this study we have identified genes differentially expressed in the pig cerebral cortex before and after appearance of gyration. Pig cortical tissue from two time points in development representing a non-folded, lissencephalic, brain (embryonic day 60) and primary-folded, gyrencephalic, brain (embryonic day 80) were examined by whole genome expression microarray studies. 91 differentially expressed transcripts (fold change >3) were identified. 84 transcripts were annotated and encoding proteins involved in for example neuronal migration, calcium binding, and cytoskeletal structuring. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to confirm the regulation of a subset of the identified genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides identification of genes which are differentially expressed in the pig cerebral cortex before and after appearance of brain gyration. The identified genes include novel candidate genes which could have functional importance for brain development.</p

    A Novel Function of DELTA-NOTCH Signalling Mediates the Transition from Proliferation to Neurogenesis in Neural Progenitor Cells

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    A complete account of the whole developmental process of neurogenesis involves understanding a number of complex underlying molecular processes. Among them, those that govern the crucial transition from proliferative (self-replicating) to neurogenic neural progenitor (NP) cells remain largely unknown. Due to its sequential rostro-caudal gradients of proliferation and neurogenesis, the prospective spinal cord of the chick embryo is a good experimental system to study this issue. We report that the NOTCH ligand DELTA-1 is expressed in scattered cycling NP cells in the prospective chick spinal cord preceding the onset of neurogenesis. These Delta-1-expressing progenitors are placed in between the proliferating caudal neural plate (stem zone) and the rostral neurogenic zone (NZ) where neurons are born. Thus, these Delta-1-expressing progenitors define a proliferation to neurogenesis transition zone (PNTZ). Gain and loss of function experiments carried by electroporation demonstrate that the expression of Delta-1 in individual progenitors of the PNTZ is necessary and sufficient to induce neuronal generation. The activation of NOTCH signalling by DELTA-1 in the adjacent progenitors inhibits neurogenesis and is required to maintain proliferation. However, rather than inducing cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation by a typical lateral inhibition mechanism as in the NZ, DELTA-1/NOTCH signalling functions in a distinct manner in the PNTZ. Thus, the inhibition of NOTCH signalling arrests proliferation but it is not sufficient to elicit neuronal differentiation. Moreover, after the expression of Delta-1 PNTZ NP continue cycling and induce the expression of Tis21, a gene that is upregulated in neurogenic progenitors, before generating neurons. Together, these experiments unravel a novel function of DELTA–NOTCH signalling that regulates the transition from proliferation to neurogenesis in NP cells. We hypothesize that this novel function is evolutionary conserved

    Executive Functions of Six-Year-Old Boys with Normal Birth Weight and Gestational Age

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    Impaired fetal development, reflected by low birth weight or prematurity, predicts an increased risk for psychopathology, especially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Such effects cut across the normal range of birth weight and gestation. Despite the strength of existing epidemiological data, cognitive pathways that link fetal development to mental health are largely unknown. In this study we examined the relation of birth weight (>2500 g) and gestational age (37–41 weeks) within the normal range with specific executive functions in 195 Singaporean six-year-old boys of Chinese ethnicity. Birth weight adjusted for gestational age was used as indicator of fetal growth while gestational age was indicative of fetal maturity. Linear regression revealed that increased fetal growth within the normal range is associated with an improved ability to learn rules during the intra/extra-dimensional shift task and to retain visual information for short period of time during the delayed matching to sample task. Moreover, faster and consistent reaction times during the stop-signal task were observed among boys born at term, but with higher gestational age. Hence, even among boys born at term with normal birth weight, variations in fetal growth and maturity showed distinct effects on specific executive functions

    Glucocorticoids induce long-lasting effects in neural stem cells resulting in senescence-related alterations

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    Alterations in intrauterine programming occurring during critical periods of development have adverse consequences for whole-organ systems or individual tissue functions in later life. In this paper, we show that rat embryonic neural stem cells (NSCs) exposed to the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (Dex) undergo heritable alterations, possibly through epigenetic mechanisms. Exposure to Dex results in decreased NSC proliferation, with no effects on survival or differentiation, and changes in the expression of genes associated with cellular senescence and mitochondrial functions. Dex upregulates cell cycle-related genes p16 and p21 in a glucocorticoid receptor(GR)-dependent manner. The senescence-associated markers high mobility group (Hmg) A1 and heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) are also upregulated in Dex-exposed NSCs, whereas Bmi1 (polycomb ring finger oncogene) and mitochondrial genes Nd3 (NADH dehydrogenase 3) and Cytb (cytochrome b) are downregulated. The concomitant decrease in global DNA methylation and DNA methyltransferases (Dnmts) suggests the occurrence of epigenetic changes. All these features are retained in daughter NSCs (never directly exposed to Dex) and are associated with a higher susceptibility to oxidative stress, as shown by the increased occurrence of apoptotic cell death on exposure to the redox-cycling reactive oxygen species (ROS) generator 2,3-dimethoxy-1-naphthoquinone (DMNQ). Our study provides novel evidence for programming effects induced by glucocorticoids (GCs) on NSCs and supports the idea that fetal exposure to endogenous or exogenous GCs is likely to result in long-term consequences that may predispose to neurodevelopmental and/or neurodegenerative disorders

    Neural correlates of evidence accumulation during value-based decisions revealed via simultaneous EEG-fMRI

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    Current computational accounts posit that, in simple binary choices, humans accumulate evidence in favour of the different alternatives before committing to a decision. Neural correlates of this accumulating activity have been found during perceptual decisions in parietal and prefrontal cortex; however the source of such activity in value-based choices remains unknown. Here we use simultaneous EEG–fMRI and computational modelling to identify EEG signals reflecting an accumulation process and demonstrate that the within- and across-trial variability in these signals explains fMRI responses in posterior-medial frontal cortex. Consistent with its role in integrating the evidence prior to reaching a decision, this region also exhibits task-dependent coupling with the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the striatum, brain areas known to encode the subjective value of the decision alternatives. These results further endorse the proposition of an evidence accumulation process during value-based decisions in humans and implicate the posterior-medial frontal cortex in this process

    Populations of Radial Glial Cells Respond Differently to Reelin and Neuregulin1 in a Ferret Model of Cortical Dysplasia

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    Radial glial cells play an essential role during corticogenesis through their function as neural precursors and guides of neuronal migration. Both reelin and neuregulin1 (NRG1) maintain the radial glial scaffold; they also induce expression of Brain Lipid Binding Protein (BLBP), a well known marker of radial glia. Although radial glia in normal ferrets express both vimentin and BLBP, this coexpression diverges at P3; vimentin is expressed in the radial glial processes, while BLBP appears in cells detached from the ventricular zone. Our lab developed a model of cortical dysplasia in the ferret, resulting in impaired migration of neurons into the cortical plate and disordered radial glia. This occurs after exposure to the antimitotic methylazoxymethanol (MAM) on the 24th day of development (E24). Ferrets treated with MAM on E24 result in an overall decrease of BLBP expression; radial glia that continue to express BLBP, however, show only mild disruption compared with the strongly disrupted vimentin expressing radial glia. When E24 MAM-treated organotypic slices are exposed to reelin or NRG1, the severely disrupted vimentin+ radial glial processes are repaired but the slightly disordered BLBP+ processes are not. The realignment of vimentin+ processes was linked with an increase of their BLBP expression. BLBP expressing radial glia are distinguished by being both less affected by MAM treatment and by attempts at repair. We further investigated the effects induced by reelin and found that signaling was mediated via VLDLR/Dab1/Pi3K activation while NRG1 signaling was mediated via erbB3/erbB4/Pi3K. We then tested whether radial glial repair correlated with improved neuronal migration. Repairing the radial glial scaffold is not sufficient to restore neuronal migration; although reelin improves migration of neurons toward the cortical plate signaling through ApoER2/Dab1/PI3K activation, NRG1 does not

    Toward allele-specific targeting therapy and pharmacodynamic marker for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the ataxin-3 gene (ATXN3), is characterized by neuronal polyglutamine (polyQ) ATXN3 protein aggregates. Although there is no cure for SCA3, gene-silencing approaches to reduce toxic polyQ ATXN3 showed promise in preclinical models. However, a major limitation in translating putative treatments for this rare disease to the clinic is the lack of pharmacodynamic markers for use in clinical trials. Here, we developed an immunoassay that readily detects polyQ ATXN3 proteins in human biological fluids and discriminates patients with SCA3 from healthy controls and individuals with other ataxias. We show that polyQ ATXN3 serves as a marker of target engagement in human fibroblasts, which may bode well for its use in clinical trials. Last, we identified a single-nucleotide polymorphism that strongly associates with the expanded allele, thus providing an exciting drug target to abrogate detrimental events initiated by mutant ATXN3. Gene-silencing strategies for several repeat diseases are well under way, and our results are expected to improve clinical trial preparedness for SCA3 therapies

    MiR-34a Represses Numbl in Murine Neural Progenitor Cells and Antagonizes Neuronal Differentiation

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) function is required for normal animal development, in particular in differentiation pathways from stem cell and precursor populations. In neurogenesis, it is becoming increasingly appreciated that miRNAs act at many stages to ensure proper progression. In this study we examined the role of miR-34a in neural progenitor cells (NPC) derived from murine embryonic cortex. We found that over-expression of miR-34a in NPC significantly reduced the neuron yield upon in vitro induction of differentiation. MiR-34a has several predicted targets in the Notch pathway, which operates to balance progenitor self-renewal and differentiation during cortical neurogenesis. We tested several Notch pathway players for regulation by miR-34a in undifferentiated NPC, and found that mRNA and protein levels of Numbl, a negative regulator of Notch signaling, as well as two downstream pro-neural genes usually blocked by Notch signaling, NeuroD1 and Mash1, were diminished, while Notch1 and Cbf1 transcripts were enhanced by miR-34a over-expression. Using a luciferase reporter assay, we verified the Numbl 3′-UTR as a direct miR-34a target. Correspondingly, knock-down of endogenous miR-34a resulted in increased Numbl, NeuroD1 and Mash1, and reduced Notch1 transcript levels. Together these results implicate Numbl as a physiologically relevant target of miR-34a in NPC, allowing for enhanced Notch signaling and inhibition of neuronal differentiation. This work extends our understanding of miR-34a-mediated control of cell differentiation from cancer to mammalian nervous system development