979 research outputs found

    Shallow Neural Network for Biometrics from the ECG-WATCH

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    Applications such as surveillance, banking and healthcare deal with sensitive data whose confidentiality and integrity depends on accurate human recognition. In this sense, the crucial mechanism for performing an effective access control is authentication, which unequivocally yields user identity. In 2018, just in North America, around 445K identity thefts have been denounced. The most adopted strategy for automatic identity recognition uses a secret for encrypting and decrypting the authentication information. This approach works very well until the secret is kept safe. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) can be exploited for biometric purposes because both the physiological and geometrical differences in each human heart correspond to uniqueness in the ECG morphology. Compared with classical biometric techniques, e.g. fingerprints, ECG-based methods can definitely be considered a more reliable and safer way for user authentication due to ECG inherent robustness to circumvention, obfuscation and replay attacks. In this paper, the ECG WATCH, a non-expensive wristwatch for recording ECGs anytime, anywhere, in just 10 s, is proposed for user authentication. The ECG WATCH acquisitions have been used to train a shallow neural network, which has reached a 99% classification accuracy and 100% intruder recognition rate

    Double Channel Neural Non Invasive Blood Pressure Prediction

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    Cardiovascular Diseases represent the leading cause of deaths in the world. Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP) is an important physiological parameter that should be properly monitored for the purposes of prevention. This work applies the neural network output-error (NNOE) model to ABP forecasting. Three input configurations are proposed based on ECG and PPG for estimating both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. The double channel configuration is the best performing one by means of the mean absolute error w.r.t the corresponding invasive blood pressure signal (IBP); indeed, it is also proven to be compliant with the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2013 regulation for non invasive ABP techniques. Both ECG and PPG correlations to IBP signal are further analyzed using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Despite it suggests PPG is more closely related to ABP, its regression performance is worse than ECG input configuration one. However, this behavior can be explained looking to human biology and ABP computation, which is based on peaks (systoles) and valleys (diastoles) extraction

    Smart Analogue Sampler for the Optical Module of a Cherenkov Neutrino Detector

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    A transient waveform sampler/recorder IC has been developed and realized in AMS C35B4 technology. This chip has been designed to fit the needs of a proposal for a front-end architecture for the readout of the anode signal of the photomultipliers in an underwater neutrino telescope. The design is based around a 3 channels x 32 cells switched capacitor array unit sampling its voltage inputs at 200MHz external clock rate and transferring the stored analogue voltage samples to its single analogue output at 1/10th of the sampling rate. This unit is replicated inside the ASIC providing 4 independent analogue sampling queues for signal transients up to 32 x 5 ns and a fifth unit storing transients up to 128 x 5 ns. A micro-pipelined unit, based on Muller C-gates, controls the 5 independent samplers. This paper briefly summarizes the complete front-end architecture and discusses in more detail the internal structure of the ASIC and its first functional tests

    Tracking Evolution of Stator-based Fault in Induction Machines using the Growing Curvilinear Component Analysis Neural Network

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    Stator-based faults are one of the most common faults among induction motors (IMs). The conventional approach to IM control and protection employs current sensors installed on the motor. Recently, most studies have focused on fault detection by means of stator current. This paper presents an application of the Growing Curvilinear Component Analysis (GCCA) neural network aided by the Extended Park Vector Approach (EPVA) for the purpose of transforming the three-phase current signals. The GCCA is a growing neural based technique specifically designed to detect and follow changes in the input distribution, e.g. stator faults. In particular, the GCCA has proven its capability of correctly identifying and tracking stator inter-turn fault in IMs. To this purpose, the three-phase stator currents have been acquired from IMs, which start at healthy operating state and, evolve to different fault severities (up to 10%) under different loading conditions. Data has been transformed using the EPVA and pre-processed to extract statistical time domain features. To calibrate the GCCA neural network, a topological manifold analysis has been carried out to study the input features. The efficacy of the proposed method has been verified experimentally using IM with l.lkW rating and has potential for IMs with different manufacturing conditions

    A Comparison of Deep Learning Techniques for Arterial Blood Pressure Prediction

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    Continuous vital signal monitoring is becoming more relevant in preventing diseases that afflict a large part of the world’s population; for this reason, healthcare equipment should be easy to wear and simple to use. Non-intrusive and non-invasive detection methods are a basic requirement for wearable medical devices, especially when these are used in sports applications or by the elderly for self-monitoring. Arterial blood pressure (ABP) is an essential physiological parameter for health monitoring. Most blood pressure measurement devices determine the systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure through the inflation and the deflation of a cuff. This technique is uncomfortable for the user and may result in anxiety, and consequently affect the blood pressure and its measurement. The purpose of this paper is the continuous measurement of the ABP through a cuffless, non-intrusive approach. The approach of this paper is based on deep learning techniques where several neural networks are used to infer ABP, starting from photoplethysmogram (PPG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The ABP was predicted first by utilizing only PPG and then by using both PPG and ECG. Convolutional neural networks (ResNet and WaveNet) and recurrent neural networks (LSTM) were compared and analyzed for the regression task. Results show that the use of the ECG has resulted in improved performance for every proposed configuration. The best performing configuration was obtained with a ResNet followed by three LSTM layers: this led to a mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.118 mmHg on and 2.228 mmHg on systolic and diastolic blood pressures, respectively. The results comply with the American National Standards of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. ECG, PPG, and ABP measurements were extracted from the MIMIC database, which contains clinical signal data reflecting real measurements. The results were validated on a custom dataset created at Neuronica Lab, Politecnico di Torino

    Development and Validation of an Algorithm for the Digitization of ECG Paper Images

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    The electrocardiogram (ECG) signal describes the heart’s electrical activity, allowing it to detect several health conditions, including cardiac system abnormalities and dysfunctions. Nowadays, most patient medical records are still paper-based, especially those made in past decades. The importance of collecting digitized ECGs is twofold: firstly, all medical applications can be easily implemented with an engineering approach if the ECGs are treated as signals; secondly, paper ECGs can deteriorate over time, therefore a correct evaluation of the patient’s clinical evolution is not always guaranteed. The goal of this paper is the realization of an automatic conversion algorithm from paper-based ECGs (images) to digital ECG signals. The algorithm involves a digitization process tested on an image set of 16 subjects, also with pathologies. The quantitative analysis of the digitization method is carried out by evaluating the repeatability and reproducibility of the algorithm. The digitization accuracy is evaluated both on the entire signal and on six ECG time parameters (R-R peak distance, QRS complex duration, QT interval, PQ interval, P-wave duration, and heart rate). Results demonstrate the algorithm efficiency has an average Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.94 and measurement errors of the ECG time parameters are always less than 1 mm. Due to the promising experimental results, the algorithm could be embedded into a graphical interface, becoming a measurement and collection tool for cardiologists

    Towards Uncovering Feature Extraction from Temporal Signals in Deep CNN: The ECG Case Study

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    Despite all the progress made in biomedical field, the Electrocardiogram (ECG) is still one of the most commonly used signal in medical examinations. Over the years, the problem of ECG classification has been approached in many different ways, most of which rely on the extraction of features from the signal in the form of temporal or morphological characteristics. Although feature engineering can led to adequately good results, it mostly relies on human ability and experience in selecting the correct feature set. In the last decade, a growing class of techniques based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been proposed in opposition to feature engineering. The efficiency and accuracy of CNN-based approaches is indisputable, however their ability in extracting and using temporal features from raw signal is poorly understood. The main objective of this work was to uncover the differences and the relationships between CNN feature maps and human-curated temporal features, towards a deeper understanding of neural-based approaches for ECG. In fact, the proposed study succeeded in finding a similarity between the output stage of the first layers of a deep 1D-CNN with several temporal features, demonstrating that not only that the engineered features effectively works in ECG classification tasks, but also that CNN can improve those features by elaborating them towards an higher level of abstraction

    Note minime sulla illegittimità del quesito referendario

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    A survey on data integration for multi-omics sample clustering

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    Due to the current high availability of omics, data-driven biology has greatly expanded, and several papers have reviewed state-of-the-art technologies. Nowadays, two main types of investigation are available for a multi-omics dataset: extraction of relevant features for a meaningful biological interpretation and clustering of the samples. In the latter case, a few reviews refer to some outdated or no longer available methods, whereas others lack the description of relevant clustering metrics to compare the main approaches. This work provides a general overview of the major techniques in this area, divided into four groups: graph, dimensionality reduction, statistical and neural-based. Besides, eight tools have been tested both on a synthetic and a real biological dataset. An extensive performance comparison has been provided using four clustering evaluation scores: Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Davies-Bouldin(DB) index, Silhouette value and the harmonic mean of cluster purity and efficiency. The best results were obtained by using the dimensionality reduction, either explicitly or implicitly, as in the neural architecture

    Evidenza di un caso di epatite infettiva del cane in Sicilia

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    L’Adenovirus Canino di tipo 1 (CAV-1), appartenente al genere Mastadenovirus, famiglia Adenoviridae, è l’agente causale dell’epatite infettiva del cane (ICH). Il virus replica negli endoteli vascolari e negli epatociti, causando epatite necrotico emorragica acuta. I sintomi neurologici sono rari e sono causati da una vasculite del SNC. Negli ultimi anni, la diffusa vaccinazione ha ridotto la circolazione di CAV-1 ed i casi clinici segnalati sono diventati rari ed isolati. In questo lavoro, gli Autori descrivono un caso clinico in un cucciolo di 2 mesi, non vaccinato, con febbre, prostrazione, convulsioni, vomito, diarrea ed esito infausto in una settimana. A seguito dell’esame autoptico, sono stati prelevati campioni di vari organi (cuore, milza, polmone, rene, encefalo, fegato, intestino). Questi sono stati analizzati mediante PCR ed isolamento su colture cellulari sensibili, per la ricerca dei principali agenti virali causa di malattia nel cane: parvovirus, cimurro, CAV-1 e CAV-2, coronavirus, rotavirus. Tutti gli organi esaminati sono risultati positivi sia in PCR che all’isolamento su MDCK solo per CAV-1. Il genoma estratto è stato amplificato secondo la metodica descritta da Hu et al. (2001), in grado di discriminare CAV-1 da CAV-2. L’isolamento su MDCK ha prodotto effetto citopatico al secondo passaggio ed il virus isolato è stato identificato mediante immunofluorescenza diretta e PCR. Il presente lavoro costituisce un contributo alla esigua disponibilità bibliografica sulle infezioni da CAV-1. La vaccinazione sistematica condotta nell’ultimo decennio ha sensibilmente ridotto i casi di malattia. Infatti, gli ultimi casi risalgono al 2001 in Basilicata e Puglia dove sono stati descritti rispettivamente un caso di CAV-1 con sintomatologia classica ed un altro caratterizzato anche da sintomi neurologici. La presente indagine dimostra l’attuale circolazione di CAV-1 e la sporadica comparsa di casi clinici. La vaccinazione sistematica con CAV-2 rimane il mezzo più efficace di protezione della popolazione canina e costituisce l’unico metodo di controllo della malattia
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