24 research outputs found

    Risk of disease as a criterion of medical-environmental conditions of the quality of life

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    Evaluation of features forming a local variant of population health, depending on local conditions is one of the urgent tasks for the study of preventive measures to improve the level of health and quality of life in specific areas. The aim of the work was the formation of local type of population health and environmental health components of quality of life in the industrialized areas of the Irkutsk region with use of indicators of the risk of disease. To solve this purpose the data of the prevalence of certain diseases and all classes of primary uptake of children and teenagers in the industrial cities of Irkutsk region with high levels of air pollution was used. Changes in environmental load assessed by the dynamics of total emissions of harmful substances and by terms of air pollution. Prevalence of environmentally caused diseases of children and teenagers in the research area and the degree of intensity of medical and environmental situation of the different areas with the definition of the category of its distress was assessed in terms of the relative risks of morbidity diseases of individual classes and all classes in the dynamics of the data and five-year periods. The local type of health of the industrial city in terms of ecological-depended morbidity was ranked by the number of classes of diseases and they determine the category of tension health and environmental situation. The possible impact of air pollution on the health of the population was analyzed with the possible evolution of the state of nonspecific increased resistance of children and teenagersfrom exposure to pollutants and other environmental factors. The presented results of the evaluation of the dynamics of health and environmental situation in the industrialized cities of Irkutsk region suggest that the relative risks of morbidity allows to define a local version of population health and to assess the environmental health component of quality of life in industrialized areas

    Estimation of the Medico-Ecological Component of Life Quality at the Level of Risk of Morbidity with Mass Non-Infectious Diseases

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    For an objective assessment of the quality of life (QOL) in areas with different environmental pressures and the development of recommendations for improving medical care, population studies of children are used. The purpose of this study is to assess the risk of a general incidence of mass noncommunicable diseases (МND) of the child population of industrial cities with various environmental pressures as an indicator of QOL. To assess the anthropogenic load in industrial cities, atmospheric air pollution with harmful substances was analyzed. The assessment of the influence of local factors of cities was determined by relative and attributable risks of morbidity using synchronous annual and corresponding to the studied time interval values of background and estimated morbidity, and the influence of common background factors by the value of initial background morbidity at the beginning of the long-term observation period. To assess and rank changes in QOL in areas with different environmental loads, we used the results of the analysis of the long-term risk dynamics of the minority disease of children’s population with long-term exposure to a complex of general and local environmental factors of industrial cities of the Irkutsk region. To do this, we used the criteria developed by the authors for assessing the degree of tension of the medico-ecological situation and the strength of the impact of environmental factors on them by the relative risk levels of the minimum level and the corresponding QOL levels for the specified component.QOL in terms of the minimum number of children’s diseases in the period under review decreases as a whole due to the increasing influence of general background (regional) factors throughout the region, and in the studied cities in addition from the influence of local adverse factors, including anthropogenic pollution of atmospheric air.A significant decrease in the local anthropogenic load is accompanied by a decrease in the associated additional МND and the severity of the additional to the background decrease in QOL in the industrial cities of the region, especially in Angarsk

    Phosphorescent self-assembled PtII tetranuclear metallocycles

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    A series of rigid Pt(ii) diimine diacetylide complexes and their corresponding metallocyclic derivatives were synthesized through coordination-driven self-assembly. The photophysical properties of these complexes have been studied in detail, revealing exceptionally high RT phosphorescence quantum yields and lifetimes when the excited state becomes localized on the [small pi]-conjugated bridging-ligand following intramolecular charge-transfer sensitization

    Estimation of tungsten and ODS tungsten damages after dense plasma exposure in PF-12 and PF-1000

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    The paper presents experimental investigations of damages in pure tungsten and ODS (oxide dispersed strengthened) tungsten under dense plasma shots. The experiments were performed with plasma focus devices PF-12 and PF-1000 with a power flux density of 10⁶…10¹² W/cm² using deuterium. The surface morphology of the targets exposed to plasma streams is analyzed using electron and optical microscopy. Due to the plasma effect, different surface structures, such as wave-like structures, a melted layer, a mesh of microcracks, droplets, craters, crevices and holes appear. Both the original and irradiated samples were investigated by local X-ray spectroscopic analysis and by X-ray phase-shift analysis.Представлены результаты исследований повреждений в чистом вольфраме и вольфраме, легированном дисперсными, оксидами под воздействием плотной плазмы. Эксперименты были проведены на установках плазменный фокус ПФ-12 и ПФ-1000 в дейтериевой плазме с плотностью мощности 10⁶…10¹² W/cm². Морфология поверхностей мишеней, облученных плазменными потоками, была исследована с помощью сканирующего электронного микроскопа и оптического микроскопа. На поверхности материала были обнаружены различные дефекты, такие как расплавленный слой, волнообразные структуры, сеть микротрещин, брызги, кратеры, наплывы и поры. Оба материала до и после облучения также исследовались с помощью рентгеноспектрального и рентгеновского фазового анализов.Представлені результати досліджень пошкоджень у чистому вольфрамі та вольфрамі, легованому дисперсними, оксидами під впливом густої плазми. Експерименти були проведені на установках плазмовий фокус ПФ-12 та ПФ-1000 на дейтерієвій плазмі з густиною потужності 10⁶…10¹² W/cm². Морфологія поверхонь мішеней, опромінених плазмовими потоками, була досліджена за допомогою скануючого електронного мікроскопа та оптичного мікроскопа. На поверхні матеріалу були виявлені різні дефекти, такі як розплавлений шар, хвилеподібні структури, сітка мікротріщин, бризки, кратери, напливи і пори. Обидва матеріали до і після опромінення також досліджувалися за допомогою рентгеноспектрального й рентгенівського фазового аналізів

    Clinical manifestations of the onset and diagnostic problems in children with moyamoya disease

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    Moyamoya disease in children is a rarely diagnosed entity. Frequent headache is the first symptom of the disease. Headache associated with moya-moya disease (HAMD) is a separated entity reported in the literature. Variants of onset, a spectrum of primary diagnoses and diagnosis verification rate of moyamoya disease in 7 children are presented. A clinical case of moya-moya disease in a 9-year boy, who was primarily diagnosed with migraine with aura, is reported. The results presented by the authors as well as literature data indicate the necessity of using magnetic-resonance angiography in children with headache attacks and focal neurologic symptoms to identify this progressive vascular pathology and timely recommend a surgical treatment. © 2016, Media Sphera. All rights reserved

    The category of time in Taffy’s poetics: experience in analysis of the short story “And there was no more time”

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    Статья посвящена изучению художественного времени как основополагающего компонента композиции в рассказе Тэффи «И времени не стало». В частности, проводится анализ анахроний – временных сдвигов в повествовании. На контрасте с линейным нарративом, который характеризуется постоянством как нарративного уровня, так и временной позиции, производится анализ случаев временного несоответствия элементов в рамках одного текста – с ретардацией или, наоборот, антиципацией описываемых событий. Последним пунктом в анализе является проверка гипотезы о присутствии нарративной ахронии – вневременного события или состояния.The article addresses the problem of art time as a basic component of composition in the short story by Nadezhda Teffi «And Time Was No More». In particular, the cases of the temporal shifts are examined. In contrast to a linear narrative characterised by constancy of the narrative level as well as unchangeable tem-poral position, the cases of the temporal inconsistency of a text elements are analysed – with a retardation or, vice versa, with anticipation of the events described being observed. The last but not the least point of the analysis is the testing of a hypothesis about the existence of the narrative achrony – a state or event beyond any time

    On the Translation of Nadezhda Teffi’s Prose into the Hungarian Language: Two Eras — Two Points of View

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    Submitted: 25.09.2019. Accepted: 09.01.2020.Поступила в редакцию 25.09.2019. Принята к печати 09.01.2020.В настоящей работе рассматривается проблема переводов произведений Надежды Тэффи на венгерский язык. Обрисовывая исторический контекст, автор обращает внимание на интерес венгерской прессы 1910–1930-х гг. к жизни русской эмиграции в целом и представителей русского литературного зарубежья в частности. В статье дается обзор венгерских источников, в которых упоминается имя Надежды Тэффи, — книги, статьи, заметки в прессе; приводится список ее прижизненных публикаций: рассказы «Черный ирис», «Продавщица», «Демоническая женщина», «Маляр», «Летчик» (на немецком), «Рассказ очевидца» (на венгерском). Автор перечисляет основные особенности перевода с индоевропейских языков на венгерский язык и дает общий обзор особенностей перевода с русского языка на венгерский (уровень грамматики, стилистики, перевод культурных реалий) с конкретными примерами. Материалом для анализа послужили два произведения Надежды Тэффи: «Рассказ очевидца», напечатанный в венгерской периодике вскоре после его первой публикации на русском языке (1933–1934), и рассказ «Смешное в печальном», вошедший в состав современного сборника малой прозы литературы русской эмиграции (2014). Оба рассказа объединяет проблема разного восприятия людьми одного и того же события, а также различий в передаче этого события в газетном репортаже и устном пересказе. Последовательно анализируются разные уровни текстов переводов: уровень сюжета, лексики и грамматики, семантический, стилистический и прагматический уровни; отмечаются достоинства и недостатки переводов; делается вывод о разной степени эквивалентности переводов указанных произведений.This article addresses the issue of translation of Nadezhda Teffi’s translation into the Hungarian language. First, the author describes the historical context demonstrating the interest of the Hungarian media of the 1910s–1930s towards Russian émigré life in general and the writers of the Russian literary abroad in particular. The article reviews Hungarian sources mentioning Teffi’s name, e.g. books, scholarly articles, media articles, i.e. short stories by Teffi published in the Hungarian media in her lifetime, such as The Black Iris, The Shop Assistant, The Demonic Woman, The House Painter, The Flyer (in German); The Story of an Eyewitness (in Hungarian). After making general theoretical observations on the translation from Indo-European languages into Hungarian, the author offers a review of major aspects of translation from Russian into Hungarian providing examples on different levels (grammar, stylistics, and cultural realia). The author refers to two pieces of Teffi’s fiction: The Story of an Eyewitness published in a Hungarian periodical soon after its publication in Russian (1933–1934), and The Funny in the Sad published in a modern collection of Russian émigré short stories (2014). Both stories focus on the problem of contrasting perception of the same event by different people and the ways of conveying the event in a newspaper or in a personal conversation. The author examines various levels of the translated texts, i.e. levels of the plot, lexis and grammar, semantic, stylistic, and pragmatic levels pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of both translations. The conclusion of the research concerns different degrees of translation equivalence of the abovementioned pieces

    The Author`s Voice in the Prose by N. Teffi: to the Question of the Typology of Narrator

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    Статья посвящена проблеме присутствия авторского голоса в нарративе. Анализируются личностные характеристики нарратора, степень выраженности в них фиктивного автора. Уделено внимание переходам на различные нарративные уровни, выделены особенности рамок для вставных историй, рассмотрена проблема металепсиса. Материалом для анализа служат рассказы Н. Тэффи.The article addresses the problem of the presence of the author`s voice in narrative. Personal characteristics of a narrator and the extend of display of a fictive author are analysed. Particular attention is paid to the different narrative levels shifts. Particularities of the frames for the inner stories are defined, the question of metalepsis is observed. The research is based on the short stories by Nadezhda Teffi