330 research outputs found

    Evaluation of hypolipidemic effect of Tinospora cordifolia in cholesterol diet induced hyperlipidemia in rats

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    Background: There is always a need for developing novel drugs with higher efficacy and fewer side effects. Though statins are generally well-tolerated drugs for hyperlipidemia with high efficacy they are not free from adverse effects. Herbal drugs are well known for their cost-effectiveness and minimal side effects. Tinospora cordifolia (T. cordifolia) is one such plant with known hypolipidemic activity and wide availability in India. Hence this study is an attempt to verify and evaluate the extent of efficacy of T. cordifolia as a hypolipidemic agent. The objective of the study is to compare the hypolipidemic activity of aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia with that of Rosuvastatin in cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats.Methods: Hyperlipidemia was induced in male albino rats of wistar strain in the first 30 days of feeding period and continued in the next 30 days of treatment period. Aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia (2.5 and 5g/kg, per oral) was administered as test drug in the treatment period. Rosuvastatin (10 mg/kg,      per oral) was used as the standard drug. Serum lipid profile, atherogenic index and body weights were estimated for all rats on the day before the start of the feeding period and on day 0, 15 and 30 of the treatment period. The results were analyzed statistically using student’s unpaired and paired t-test wherever applicable.Results: Serum lipid levels showed significant reduction (p <0.001) in TC,TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C with significant elevation (p <0.001) of HDL-C in both the rosuvastatin and test groups, but the percentage reduction in lipid levels, percentage elevation of HDL-C and percentage protection from atherosclerosis was higher in rosuvastatin group than in test groups.Conclusions: T.cordifolia has a definite hypolipidemic potential. Although its effectiveness is lesser than rosuvastatin its beneficial role as hypolipidemic agent may be tested in clinical studies

    Evaluation of hypolipidemic effect of Tinospora cordifolia in cholesterol diet induced hyperlipidemia in rats

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    Background: There is always a need for developing novel drugs with higher efficacy and fewer side effects. Though statins are generally well-tolerated drugs for hyperlipidemia with high efficacy they are not free from adverse effects. Herbal drugs are well known for their cost-effectiveness and minimal side effects. Tinospora cordifolia (T. cordifolia) is one such plant with known hypolipidemic activity and wide availability in India. Hence this study is an attempt to verify and evaluate the extent of efficacy of T. cordifolia as a hypolipidemic agent. The objective of the study is to compare the hypolipidemic activity of aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia with that of Rosuvastatin in cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats.Methods: Hyperlipidemia was induced in male albino rats of wistar strain in the first 30 days of feeding period and continued in the next 30 days of treatment period. Aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia (2.5 and 5g/kg, per oral) was administered as test drug in the treatment period. Rosuvastatin (10 mg/kg,      per oral) was used as the standard drug. Serum lipid profile, atherogenic index and body weights were estimated for all rats on the day before the start of the feeding period and on day 0, 15 and 30 of the treatment period. The results were analyzed statistically using student’s unpaired and paired t-test wherever applicable.Results: Serum lipid levels showed significant reduction (p <0.001) in TC,TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C with significant elevation (p <0.001) of HDL-C in both the rosuvastatin and test groups, but the percentage reduction in lipid levels, percentage elevation of HDL-C and percentage protection from atherosclerosis was higher in rosuvastatin group than in test groups.Conclusions: T.cordifolia has a definite hypolipidemic potential. Although its effectiveness is lesser than rosuvastatin its beneficial role as hypolipidemic agent may be tested in clinical studies

    Quality of life of alcohol dependent patients attending a deaddiction centre in Kannur district

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    Background: Quality of life (QOL) is individuals' perceptions of their position in life. QOL of alcohol dependent patients is an area that has received relatively less attention compared to other alcohol related problems.Methods: A deaddiction centre based cross sectional study was done on 370 individuals using a predesigned questionnaire during the period of 2012-2013. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 17. Spearman’s rank correlation test was used to find association between the study variables.Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 38.08±8.46 years. The mean duration of drinking was 12.62±7.47 years. The overall score of the QOL and the perceived health in alcohol dependent patients was 3.19±0.89 and 3.01±0.98 respectively. The mean of the transformed scores of physical, psychological, social and environmental domains are 69.12±12.82, 57.84±12.81, 58.52±17.05, 68.62±10.23 respectively. Statistical analysis of age with physical, environmental and social domains showed a significant negative correlation; literacy status with QOL, perceived health, physical, psychological, social and environmental domains showed a significant positive correlation; socio economic status with QOL and psychological domain showed a significant positive correlation; duration of drinking with QOL, perceived health, physical and psychological domain showed a significant negative correlation.Conclusions: Harm from alcohol use is a major public health problem. Reducing the level of social and health harms from alcohol requires preparation and planning

    Pournami - A high yielding black pepper selection tolerant to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)

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    A high yielding selection (CoIl. 812) from the germplasm, named Pournami, was tolerant to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita), damaging roots of black pepper and causing yellowing of leaves and significant yield decline. This selection when tested for its comparative yield performance, was on par with Karimunda and Panniyur-I and was recommended for release. &nbsp

    Pournami - A high yielding black pepper selection tolerant to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)

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    A high yielding selection (CoIl. 812) from the germplasm, named Pournami, was tolerant to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita), damaging roots of black pepper and causing yellowing of leaves and significant yield decline. This selection when tested for its comparative yield performance, was on par with Karimunda and Panniyur-I and was recommended for release. &nbsp

    Fluctuation spectrum of fluid membranes coupled to an elastic meshwork: jump of the effective surface tension at the mesh size

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    We identify a class of composite membranes: fluid bilayers coupled to an elastic meshwork, that are such that the meshwork's energy is a function Fel[Aξ]F_\mathrm{el}[A_\xi] \textit{not} of the real microscopic membrane area AA, but of a \textit{smoothed} membrane's area AξA_\xi, which corresponds to the area of the membrane coarse-grained at the mesh size ξ\xi. We show that the meshwork modifies the membrane tension σ\sigma both below and above the scale ξ\xi, inducing a tension-jump Δσ=dFel/dAξ\Delta\sigma=dF_\mathrm{el}/dA_\xi. The predictions of our model account for the fluctuation spectrum of red blood cells membranes coupled to their cytoskeleton. Our results indicate that the cytoskeleton might be under extensional stress, which would provide a means to regulate available membrane area. We also predict an observable tension jump for membranes decorated with polymer "brushes"

    Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics -- a Particle-Based Mesoscale Simulation Approach to the Hydrodynamics of Complex Fluids

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    In this review, we describe and analyze a mesoscale simulation method for fluid flow, which was introduced by Malevanets and Kapral in 1999, and is now called multi-particle collision dynamics (MPC) or stochastic rotation dynamics (SRD). The method consists of alternating streaming and collision steps in an ensemble of point particles. The multi-particle collisions are performed by grouping particles in collision cells, and mass, momentum, and energy are locally conserved. This simulation technique captures both full hydrodynamic interactions and thermal fluctuations. The first part of the review begins with a description of several widely used MPC algorithms and then discusses important features of the original SRD algorithm and frequently used variations. Two complementary approaches for deriving the hydrodynamic equations and evaluating the transport coefficients are reviewed. It is then shown how MPC algorithms can be generalized to model non-ideal fluids, and binary mixtures with a consolute point. The importance of angular-momentum conservation for systems like phase-separated liquids with different viscosities is discussed. The second part of the review describes a number of recent applications of MPC algorithms to study colloid and polymer dynamics, the behavior of vesicles and cells in hydrodynamic flows, and the dynamics of viscoelastic fluids

    Combined Simulation and Experimental Study of Large Deformation of Red Blood Cells in Microfluidic Systems

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    Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 March 1.We investigate the biophysical characteristics of healthy human red blood cells (RBCs) traversing microfluidic channels with cross-sectional areas as small as 2.7 × 3 μm. We combine single RBC optical tweezers and flow experiments with corresponding simulations based on dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), and upon validation of the DPD model, predictive simulations and companion experiments are performed in order to quantify cell deformation and pressure–velocity relationships for different channel sizes and physiologically relevant temperatures. We discuss conditions associated with the shape transitions of RBCs along with the relative effects of membrane and cytosol viscosity, plasma environments, and geometry on flow through microfluidic systems at physiological temperatures. In particular, we identify a cross-sectional area threshold below which the RBC membrane properties begin to dominate its flow behavior at room temperature; at physiological temperatures this effect is less profound.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and TechnologyUnited States. National Institutes of Health (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Award R01HL094270

    Advancing ecological assessment of the Arabian Gulf through eDNA metabarcoding: opportunities, prospects, and challenges

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    The Arabian Gulf (hereafter ‘the Gulf’) is renowned for its unique ecological characteristics and distinct marine life. It offers a diverse range of ecosystems that have adapted to the impacts posed by natural stress and human activities. Regular biomonitoring and diversity assessments are necessary to document the health of the Gulf ecosystem and to implement appropriate measures for effective conservation and management. Recently, environmental DNA (eDNA), a total pool of DNA isolated from environmental samples, has emerged as a highly effective tool for ecological studies. This review explores the opportunities, prospects, and challenges associated with employing eDNA metabarcoding in the ecological assessment and biomonitoring of the Gulf. It provides an overview of the status of the Gulf ecosystem and discusses the potential applications of eDNA metabarcoding in assessing biodiversity, monitoring invasive species, and evaluating ecosystem health. Additionally, the investigation addresses the challenges inherent in implementing this technique, considering environmental complexities, methodological intricacies, and data interpretation. Overall, this review emphasizes the immense potential of eDNA metabarcoding in advancing ecological assessment in the Gulf and calls for further research and collaboration to harness its benefits in this unique marine ecosystem
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