49 research outputs found

    Acquisition of pneumococci specific effector and regulatory Cd4+ T cells localising within human upper respiratory-tract mucosal lymphoid tissue

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    The upper respiratory tract mucosa is the location for commensal Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae colonization and therefore represents a major site of contact between host and bacteria. The CD4(+) T cell response to pneumococcus is increasingly recognised as an important mediator of immunity that protects against invasive disease, with data suggesting a critical role for Th17 cells in mucosal clearance. By assessing CD4 T cell proliferative responses we demonstrate age-related sequestration of Th1 and Th17 CD4(+) T cells reactive to pneumococcal protein antigens within mucosal lymphoid tissue. CD25(hi) T cell depletion and utilisation of pneumococcal specific MHCII tetramers revealed the presence of antigen specific Tregs that utilised CTLA-4 and PDL-1 surface molecules to suppress these responses. The balance between mucosal effector and regulatory CD4(+) T cell immunity is likely to be critical to pneumococcal commensalism and the prevention of unwanted pathology associated with carriage. However, if dysregulated, such responses may render the host more susceptible to invasive pneumococcal infection and adversely affect the successful implementation of both polysaccharide-conjugate and novel protein-based pneumococcal vaccines

    Capturing the systemic immune signature of a norovirus infection: an n-of-1 case study within a clinical trial.

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    BACKGROUND: The infection of a participant with norovirus during the adaptive study of interleukin-2 dose on regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes (DILT1D) allowed a detailed insight into the cellular and cytokine immune responses to this prevalent gastrointestinal pathogen. METHODS: Serial blood, serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples were collected pre-, and post-development of the infection. To differentiate between the immune response to norovirus and to control for the administration of a single dose of aldesleukin (recombinant interleukin-2, rIL-2) alone, samples from five non-infected participants administered similar doses were analysed in parallel. RESULTS: Norovirus infection was self-limited and resolved within 24 hours, with the subsequent development of anti-norovirus antibodies. Serum pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels, including IL-10, peaked during the symptomatic period of infection, coincident with increased frequencies of monocytes and neutrophils. At the same time, the frequency of regulatory CD4 + T cell (Treg), effector T cell (Teff) CD4 + and CD8 + subsets were dynamically reduced, rebounding to baseline levels or above at the next sampling point 24 hours later.  NK cells and NKT cells transiently increased CD69 expression and classical monocytes expressed increased levels of CD40, HLA-DR and SIGLEC-1, biomarkers of an interferon response. We also observed activation and mobilisation of Teffs, where increased frequencies of CD69 + and Ki-67 + effector memory Teffs were followed by the emergence of memory CD8 + Teff expressing the mucosal tissue homing markers CD103 and β7 integrin. Treg responses were coincident with the innate cell, Teff and cytokine response. Key Treg molecules FOXP3, CTLA-4, and CD25 were upregulated following infection, alongside an increase in frequency of Tregs with the capacity to home to tissues. CONCLUSIONS: The results illustrate the innate, adaptive and counter-regulatory immune responses to norovirus infection. Low-dose IL-2 administration induces many of the Treg responses observed during infection

    Why Functional Pre-Erythrocytic and Bloodstage Malaria Vaccines Fail: A Meta-Analysis of Fully Protective Immunizations and Novel Immunological Model

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    Background: Clinically protective malaria vaccines consistently fail to protect adults and children in endemic settings, and at best only partially protect infants. Methodology/Principal Findings: We identify and evaluate 1916 immunization studies between 1965-February 2010, and exclude partially or nonprotective results to find 177 completely protective immunization experiments. Detailed reexamination reveals an unexpectedly mundane basis for selective vaccine failure: live malaria parasites in the skin inhibit vaccine function. We next show published molecular and cellular data support a testable, novel model where parasite-host interactions in the skin induce malaria-specific regulatory T cells, and subvert early antigen-specific immunity to parasite-specific immunotolerance. This ensures infection and tolerance to reinfection. Exposure to Plasmodium-infected mosquito bites therefore systematically triggers immunosuppression of endemic vaccine-elicited responses. The extensive vaccine trial data solidly substantiate this model experimentally. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude skinstage-initiated immunosuppression, unassociated with bloodstage parasites, systematically blocks vaccine function in the field. Our model exposes novel molecular and procedural strategies to significantly and quickly increase protective efficacy in both pipeline and currently ineffective malaria vaccines, and forces fundamental reassessment of central precepts determining vaccine development. This has major implications fo

    Novel Foxo1-dependent transcriptional programs control Treg cell function

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    Regulatory T (T(reg)) cells, characterized by expression of the transcription factor forkhead box P3 (Foxp3), maintain immune homeostasis by suppressing self-destructive immune responses. Foxp3 operates as a late-acting differentiation factor controlling T(reg) cell homeostasis and function, whereas the early T(reg)-cell-lineage commitment is regulated by the Akt kinase and the forkhead box O (Foxo) family of transcription factors. However, whether Foxo proteins act beyond the T(reg)-cell-commitment stage to control T(reg) cell homeostasis and function remains largely unexplored. Here we show that Foxo1 is a pivotal regulator of T(reg )cell function. T(reg) cells express high amounts of Foxo1 and display reduced T-cell-receptor-induced Akt activation, Foxo1 phosphorylation and Foxo1 nuclear exclusion. Mice with T(reg)-cell-specific deletion of Foxo1 develop a fatal inflammatory disorder similar in severity to that seen in Foxp3-deficient mice, but without the loss of T(reg) cells. Genome-wide analysis of Foxo1 binding sites reveals ~300 Foxo1-bound target genes, including the pro-inflammatory cytokine Ifng, that do not seem to be directly regulated by Foxp3. These findings show that the evolutionarily ancient Akt-Foxo1 signalling module controls a novel genetic program indispensable for T(reg) cell function

    Les progrès techniques dans le secteur porcin belge (1950-1970)

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    [eng] The technical progress in the Belgian pig sector, 1950-70 - This paper analyses the nature and impacts of technology on the Belgian pig sector for the last twenty years, so as the improvements which have resulted from it. . Two types of progress are studied : (a) biological progress (genetics, nutrition, health...) which have an impact on physiology of animals and which have been materialized mainly by an higher rate of growth, a better meat quality on slaughter pigs and a higher rate of fertility of the breeding sows ; (b) mechanical progress, consisting in the repTa- cement of handwork by mechanical processes, have considerably increased the productivity of labor. . In conclusions, the Government has financed a growing part of research expenses, which have been highly profitable. [fre] Cet article analyse la nature et l'importance des progrès techniques réalisés dans le secteur porcin belge au cours de ces dernières années, ainsi que leurs manifestations. . Deux formes de progrès y sont étudiées : (a) les progrès biologiques (génétique, 'alimentation, hygiène, lutte contre les maladies...) ont un effet sur la physiologie des animaux et se sont concrétisés principalement dans une vitesse de croissance plus élevée, une meilleure qualité de la viande des porcs de boucherie et une augmentation de la fertilité des truies reproductrices ; (b) les progrès mécaniques, consistant dans le remplacement progressif du travail manuel ipar des processus mécanisés, ont considérablement augmenté la productivité de la main-d'œuvre. . En conclusion, l'Etat est intervenu de plus en plus dans 'le financement de la recherche, laquelle s'est révélée extrêmement rentable.

    IL-27 receptor signalling restricts the formation of pathogenic, terminally differentiated Th1 cells during malaria infection by repressing IL-12 dependent signals.

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    The IL-27R, WSX-1, is required to limit IFN-γ production by effector CD4⁺ T cells in a number of different inflammatory conditions but the molecular basis of WSX-1-mediated regulation of Th1 responses in vivo during infection has not been investigated in detail. In this study we demonstrate that WSX-1 signalling suppresses the development of pathogenic, terminally differentiated (KLRG-1⁺) Th1 cells during malaria infection and establishes a restrictive threshold to constrain the emergent Th1 response. Importantly, we show that WSX-1 regulates cell-intrinsic responsiveness to IL-12 and IL-2, but the fate of the effector CD4⁺ T cell pool during malaria infection is controlled primarily through IL-12 dependent signals. Finally, we show that WSX-1 regulates Th1 cell terminal differentiation during malaria infection through IL-10 and Foxp3 independent mechanisms; the kinetics and magnitude of the Th1 response, and the degree of Th1 cell terminal differentiation, were comparable in WT, IL-10R1⁻/⁻ and IL-10⁻/⁻ mice and the numbers and phenotype of Foxp3⁺ cells were largely unaltered in WSX-1⁻/⁻ mice during infection. As expected, depletion of Foxp3⁺ cells did not enhance Th1 cell polarisation or terminal differentiation during malaria infection. Our results significantly expand our understanding of how IL-27 regulates Th1 responses in vivo during inflammatory conditions and establishes WSX-1 as a critical and non-redundant regulator of the emergent Th1 effector response during malaria infection

    Th1-driven immune reconstitution disease in Mycobacterium avium–infected mice

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    Following antiretroviral therapy, a significant proportion of HIV+ patients with mycobacterial coinfections develop a paradoxical, poorly understood inflammatory disease termed immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). Here, we show that Mycobacterium avium–infected T cell–deficient mice injected with CD4 T cells also develop an immune reconstitution disease (IRD) manifesting as weight loss, impaired lung function, and rapid mortality. This form of IRD requires Ag recognition and interferonγ production by the donor CD4 T cells and correlates with marked alterations in blood and tissue CD11b+ myeloid cells. Interestingly, disease is associated with impaired, rather than augmented, T-cell expansion and function and is not strictly dependent on lymphopenia-induced T-cell proliferation. Instead, our findings suggest that mycobacterial-associated IRIS results from a heightened sensitivity of infected lymphopenic hosts to the detrimental effects of Ag-driven CD4 T-cell responses

    Depletion of CD25+ cells during acute toxoplasmosis does not significantly increase mortality in Swiss OF1 mice

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    The interleukin (IL)-2R alpha chain (CD25) is expressed on regulatory T cells (Treg), which constitute more than 85% of the CD25+ T cell population in a naïve mouse. CD25 is also expressed on effector T cells in mice suffering from an acute infection by the obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. Lethal toxoplasmosis is accompanied by a significant loss of Treg in mice naturally susceptible to toxoplasmosis. The present study was done to explore the role of Treg cells using an anti-CD25 antibody-mediated depletion in mice naturally resistant to toxoplasmosis. Although a significant decrease in the percentage of Treg cells was observed following anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody injections, the depletion of CD25+ cells during acute toxoplasmosis did not significantly increase the mortality of Swiss OF1 mice and no significant difference was observed in the brain parasitic load between the mice in the depleted-infected and isotype-infected groups. We found no significant difference between the titres of total IgG in the sera of the mice from the two groups in the chronic phase. However, CD25+ cells depletion was followed by significantly higher levels of IL-12 in the serum of depleted mice than in that of mice injected with the isotype control antibody