269 research outputs found

    Assessment of the recreational potential of the forest territory of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The purpose of this study is to present our vision of assessing the recreational potential of the territory (RPT) for its effective management. We suggest using this territory assessment method, which consists of two main stages: assessment of the recreational component of the natural environment and assessment of the necessary amount of investment to use the recreational biodiversity of the territories.The article analyzes the approaches and presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the recreational potential of the forest lands of the Sverdlovsk region. Created a map ranking the Sverdlovsk region according to the results of research with application for developing a comprehensive assessment of RPT on the methods, developed on the basis of the theory of "games with nature": the method of structured comparison of RPT on the Hurwitz criterion, aspiring to the maximum and to identify the factors dominating the impact from the application of the Wald criterion. Based on the conducted research on the analysis of the influence of forests on the formation of recreational characteristics, the authors obtained weighted average generalized coefficients of recreational attractiveness of forests of different types in the forest management areas of the Sverdlovsk region and identified 10 forest-cadastre areas in the Sverdlovsk region. This paper also presents a developed and tested method for a comprehensive assessment of the recreational potential of forest lands in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region in order to attract investment. Preliminary investment volumes for the development of the Sverdlovsk region's RPT (based on the cost of forest biodiversity) are presented. We consider the proposed territory ranking to be a necessary indicator for effective management of the subject's territories. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Common

    Students Attitude to Time Management and their Satisfaction with the Distance Learning Process

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    Статья посвящена проблеме внедрения в педагогическую практику дистанционных форм обучения. В ней представлен анализ результатов эмпирического исследования корреляционной связи удовлетворенности студентов процессом дистанционного обучения с организацией ими времени. Полученные данные могут быть направлены на совершенствование дистанционного и онлайн-обучения в учреждениях среднего и высшего образования.The article is devoted to the problem of introducing distance learning into pedagogical practice. It presents an analysis of the results of an empirical study of the correlation between students ‘ satisfaction with the distance learning process and their organization of time. The data obtained can be used to improve distance and online learning in secondary and higher education institutions

    A model for the education of a student of a vocational pedagogical educational institution through the gaming simulation

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    The relevance of the problem subject to the research is conditioned by the discrepancy between (a) the orientation of the modern vocational-pedagogical education on the result of the future teacher training that is based on the subject matter and contents, and (b) the need to develop pedagogical skills. The application of the gaming simulation within the process of pedagogical skills development takes such skills to a completely new level. A study of the process of pedagogical skills development at students of a vocational-pedagogical education by way of the gaming simulation is the purpose of the article. Experiment and research activities were carried out during four years. A pedagogical experiment using the specially developed programme allowing discovering the level of pedagogical skills development at the trainees is the leading method for the research of this problem. Research results: The article provides for a model for the education of a student of a vocational-pedagogical educational institution through the gaming simulation; a scheme for this model implementation has been developed. Article contents may be useful for lecturers and students of pedagogical higher education institutions at the monitoring of the education quality. © 2016 Fominykh et al


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    After activation of synthesis processes by the radiation of powerful pulse xenon lamps (range of lengths of waves of 0,2-1,2 microns) on a surface of plates of silicon by method of chemical conversion has received thin films of β-SiC. Substructure of β-SiC films have been investigated by methods of the diffraction of high-velocity electrons (DHVE) and the translucent submicroscopy (TS)

    The Problem of Conscious Self-Regulation-Time Students of the University

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    Осознанная саморегуляция времени является важной компетенцией молодых специалистов. В статье описаны результаты нескольких эмпирических исследований, вскрывающих проблемы организации времени у студентов разных ВУЗов г. Екатеринбурга. Предложены направления работы по развитию саморегуляции времени у студентов в рамках учебного процесса.Conscious self-regulation of time is an important competence of young professionals. The article describes the results of several empirical studies that reveal the problems of time management in students of different universities of Yekaterinburg. Directions of work on development of self-regulation of time at students within educational process are offered

    Time Competence as a Condition for Regulating Internet Communications

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    В статье представлен анализ проблемы влияния компетентности во времени на интернет-коммуникацию. Предложена программа тренинга «Развитие временной компетентности в интернет-коммуникации», адресованная старшеклассникам и студентам. Описаны модули программы и даны рекомендации по их использованию на практике.The article presents an analysis of the problem of the influence of competence over time on Internet communication. The training program “Development of temporary competence in Internet communication”, addressed to high school students and students, is offered. The program modules are described and recommendations for their use in practice are given

    Discourse as the basis of pragmatic analysis

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    The article deals with the problems of discourse definition and its types. The authors analyse different views which concern the including of the term “dialogue” into “discourse” along with “monologue”. Special attention is paid to the description of a literary dialogue having its own features and special interest for pragmatic analysis as almost all utterances are performativeyesBelgorod State Universit