63 research outputs found

    Porous silicon & titanium dioxide coatings prepared by atmospheric pressure plasma jet chemical vapour deposition technique-a novel coating technology for photovoltaic modules

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    Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (APPJ) is an alternative for wet processes used to make anti reflection coatings and smooth substrate surface for the PV module. It is also an attractive technique because of it’s high growth rate, low power consumption, lower cost and absence of high cost vacuum systems. This work deals with the deposition of silicon oxide from hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) thin films and titanium dioxide from tetraisopropyl ortho titanate using an atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) system in open air conditions. A sinusoidal high voltage with a frequency between 19-23 kHz at power up to 1000 W was applied between two tubular electrodes separated by a dielectric material. The jet, characterized by Tg ~ 600-800 K, was mostly laminar (Re ~ 1200) at the nozzle exit and became partially turbulent along the jet axis (Re ~ 3300). The spatially resolved emission spectra showed OH, N2, N2+ and CN molecular bands and O, H, N, Cu and Cr lines as well as the NO2 chemiluminescence continuum (450-800 nm). Thin films with good uniformity on the substrate were obtained at high deposition rate, between 800 -1000 nm.s-1, and AFM results revealed that coatings are relatively smooth (Ra ~ 2 nm). The FTIR and SEM analyses were better used to monitor the chemical composition and the morphology of the films in function of the different experimental conditions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2790

    Effect of Plasma Treatment on Corrosion Layers of Bronze

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    Plasma chemical process for conservation of metallic objects is a relatively new way of effective and fast treatment of corroded objects. Removal of corrosion products is based on plasma chemical reduction of corrosion layers by radio-frequency (RF) low pressure hydrogen plasma. Model corrosion layers on bronze were studied. SEM/EDX analyses on corroded and treated samples were performed

    GC-MS and GC-FID Analysis of Products from Glow Discharge in N2 + CH4 Mixture

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    This work extends our previous investigation of nitrogen-methane atmospheric glow discharge for the simulation of chemical processes in prebiotic atmospheres. Also reactions on surfaces of solid state bodies can be important. So in presented experiments the electrodes with different shapes and different surface areas were used. Exhaust products of discharge in this gas mixture were analyzed by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Gas Chromatography - Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). The major products identified in chromatograms were hydrogen cyanide and acetylene

    The Influence of CO2 Admixtures on Process in Titan's Atmospheric Chemistry

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    The exploration of planetary atmosphere is being advanced by the exciting results of the Cassin-Huygens mission to Titan. The complex chemistry revealed in such atmospheres leading to the synthesis of bigger molecules is providing new insights into our understanding of how life on Earth developed. In our experiments Titan's atmosphere is simulated in a glow discharge formed from a mixture of N2:CH4:CO2 gas. Samples of the discharge gas were analysed by GC-MS and FTIR. The major products identified in spectra were: hydrogen cyanide, acetylene and acetonitrile. The same compounds were detected in the FTIR: hydrogen cyanide, acetylene and ammonia. Whilst many of these compounds have been predicted and/or observed in the Titan atmosphere, the present plasma experiments provide evidence of both the chemical complexity of Titan atmospheric processes and the mechanisms by which larger species grow prior to form the dust that should cover much of the Titan's surface

    The influence of admixtures on the composition of products by nitrogen-methane atmospheric glow discharge

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    This work extends our experimentally studies with simulation of Titan's atmosphere by atmospheric glow discharge. This work is devoted to estimate the influence of CO2 and/or CO on reactivity in the Titan's atmosphere. The exploration of planetary atmosphere is being advanced by the exciting results of the Cassin-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan, its most famous moon. Most of the studies were mainly interested in the reactivity of the N2-CH4 gaseous mixture and with the primary products of reactions, but the atmosphere of Titan also contains oxygenated volatile species

    Atmospheric pressure glow discharge generated in nitrogen-methane gas mixture: PTR-MS analyzes of the exhaust gas

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    This paper reports the results of an extensive study of with the in situ mass spectrometry analysis of gaseous phase species produced by an atmospheric plasma glow discharge in N2-CH4 gas mixtures (with methane concentrations ranging from 1% to 4%). The products are studied using proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). HCN and CH3CN are identified as the main gaseous products. Hydrazine, methanimine, methyldiazene, ethylamine, cyclohexadiene, pyrazineacetylene, ethylene, propyne and propene are identified as minor compounds. All the detected compounds and their relative abundances are determined with respect to the experimental conditions (gas composition and applied power). The same molecules were observed by the Cassini-Huygens probe in Titan's atmosphere (which has same N2-CH4 gas mixtures). Such, experiments show that the formation of such complex organics in atmospheres containing C, N and H, like that of Titan, could be a source of prebiotic molecules

    C. difficile-инфекция у новорожденных: решенные и нерешенные вопросы

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    The article presents an analytical review of the works of domestic and foreign authors on the problem of studying the peculiarities of the formation of the intestinal microbiota and risk factors for the development of microdysbiosis in newborns with the activation of opportunistic bacteria, including C. difficile. Special attention is paid to the effect of antibiotics on the state of the intestinal microbiota and the activation of toxigenic strains of C. difficile. Divergent views on the role of toxigenic strains of C. difficile in the development of infectious pathology of newborns are presented.В статье представлен аналитический обзор работ отечественных и зарубежных авторов по проблеме изучения особенностей формирования микробиоты кишечника и факторов риска развития микродисбиоза у новорожденных с активацией условно патогенных бактерий (УПБ), в том числе Clostridioides difficile. Особое внимание уделено влиянию антибиотиков на состояние микробиоты кишечника и активацию токсигенных штаммов C. difficile. Приведены разнонаправленные взгляды на роль токсигенных штаммов C. difficile в развитии инфекционной патологии новорожденных


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    The article demonstrates that the basis for pathogenesis of acute respiratory infection (ARI ) is a deficiency in a number of factors of virus protection. This deficiency manifests itself through low concentration of interferon and secretory IgA in the nasal mucosa at higher levels of IL-8, alongside with low serum antiviral activity and significant inhibition of interferon production and reduction of the compensatory mechanisms of adaptive immunity. These disorders require prescription of alpha-interferon preparations. For infants and children with a burdened pre-morbid background, regardless of age, such preparations can be administered with all clinical forms of ARI; in older children — with severe forms, including complications. Alpha-interferon preparations can be introduced at in any stage of the disease. Combination therapy with alpha-interferon drugs (VIFERON® suppositories and VIFERON® ointment) allows for enhanced clinical and immunological effects of therapy.Показано, что в основе патогенеза острых респираторных инфекций (ОРИ) лежит дефицит комплекса факторов противовирусной защиты, представленный низкой концентрацией интерферонов и секреторного IgA на слизистой оболочке носоглотки при повышении уровня ИЛ-8, низкой противовирусной активностью сыворотки крови и значимым угнетением интерфероногенеза, снижением компенсаторных механизмов адаптивного иммунитета. Указанные нарушения требуют коррекции с включением на любой стадии заболевания препаратов альфа-интерферона, у детей младшего возраста и детей с отягощенным преморбидным фоном независимо от возраста при всех клинических формах ОРИ, у старших детей — при тяжелых формах, в том числе осложненных. Комбинированная терапия с использованием препаратов альфа-интерферона (ВИФЕРОН® суппозитории и ВИФЕРОН® мазь) позволяет усилить клинико-иммунологические эффекты терапии


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    A clinical and laboratory surveillance of 59 children with purulent bacterial meningitis (PBM) of various etiologies was carried out. Of them 29 children received Viferon® at dosages according to the age. Viferon was prescribed in addition to basic antibiotic therapy. It was detected that introduction of Viferon® in the treatment strategy for patients with PBM of Hib-and pneumococcal etiology leads to a significant reduction in the duration of the major clinical symptoms, shortened time of sanitation of liquor and it promotes correction of immune disorders displayed by significant reduction in the level of IFN-γi proinflammatory cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid.Проведено клинико-лабораторное наблюдение за 59 детьми с бактериальными гнойными менингитами (БГМ) различной этиологии, из них 29 детей на фоне базисной терапии антибиотиком получали Виферон® в возрастных дозировках. Установлено, что включение препарата Виферон® в тактику лечения больных с БГМ Hib- и пневмококковой этиологии приводит к достоверному снижению длительности основных клинических симптомов, сроков санации ликвора и способствует коррекции иммунных нарушений в виде достоверного снижения уровня ИФН-γ и провоспалительных цитокинов в ликворе

    Современный взгляд на проблему врожденной цитомегаловирусной инфекции

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    Congenital cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) ranks first among congenital infections, making contribution significantly to the variety of congenital defects formation. The review describes in details the pathogenic mechanisms of the virus effects on the fetus and newborn. Congenital CMVI develops as a result of infection of the mother with the virus or its reactivation, causing an active infection. CMV is pantropic. Infected cells acquire the characteristic appearance of an «owl’s eye» due to a 3—4-fold increase in size, and the cytoplasm is visualized only in the form of a thin strip due to the large diameter of the nucleus. With a congenital CMV infection, the virus itself, its DNA or antigens is detected in biological media up to 14—21 days of life. The manifest and asymptomatic form of infection is distinguished.Attention is drawn to the various clinical findings and long-term outcomes of the infection. When the fetus is infected in the early stages of pregnancy, various malformations of the central nervous system, cardiovascular, kidneys, etc. are formed. When infected in the late stages of pregnancy, a variety of diseases and pathological conditions are revealed in newborns. In 40—90% of newborns with manifest CMVI, there are long-term neurological consequences and hearing loss, as well as damage to the organ of vision.Цитомегаловирусная инфекция занимает первое место среди врожденных инфекций, внося большой вклад в формирование разнообразных пороков развития. В обзоре литературы описываются патогенетические механизмы воздействия вируса на организм плода и новорожденного. Врожденная ЦМВИ развивается вследствие заражения матери вирусом или его реактивации, обуславливая активную инфекцию. ЦМВ обладает пантропностью. Инфицированные клетки приобретают характерный вид «совиного глаза» вследствие увеличения в размерах в 3—4 раза, цитоплазма из-за большого диаметра ядра визуализируется лишь в виде тонкой полоски. При врожденной ЦМВ-инфекции выявляют сам вирус, его ДНК или антигены в биологических средах до 14—21 дня жизни. Выделяют манифестную и бессимптомную форму инфекции.Особое внимание уделено разнообразию клинической картины инфекции и ее отдаленным последствиям. При инфицировании плода на ранних сроках беременности формируются разнообразные пороки развития ЦНС, сердечно-сосудистой, почек и др. При заражении в поздние сроки беременности у новорожденных выявляют разнообразные заболевания и патологические состояния. У 40—90% новорожденных при манифестной ЦМВИ имеют место отдаленные неврологические последствия и снижение слуха, а также поражения органа зрения